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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. When judges of court barred law enforcement officers to search rally sites and disperse crowd that violated the rights of the public and clear illegal structures from the middle of the road, lawlessness prevails .

    Send from my Mobile

    Can you post supporting evidence for this allegation?

    icommunity - A jpg is not enough. Appreciate a link to the website please so I can see the jpg in its full context.

    The jpg says the defendant is the government (not the police) thus why I would appreciate the link to the website.

    I thought you are so resourceful??????


    Are you going to say this is the government website???? Go and take the information and ask the civil court or sue the government for disinformation.

    WOW! I hadn't actually seen that. The government and police are stymied, how can a court tell the police they are not allowed to search for weapons? That can not be legal, court or no court, they are stopping the police from upholding the law.

  2. ONHCR is full of crap.

    It is taking news bites from government controlled media obviously.

    Why are they not asking the question why there is no protection from terrorist attacks from government supporters and police?

    Why they expect people to be totally unprotected and at the mercy of over 50 armed attacks with several hundred injusred, and expect them NOT to protect themselves when everyone deserves to protect themselves against violence?

    Why there has not been a single investigation ordered or conducted into attacks on protesters (especially including the one they are commenting on)?

    Why the police in fact killed unarmed people who were just building fences or leaning against a wall trying to shield themselves from harm. Proving that police indiscriminately shot into unarmed people as a revenge?

    If they indeed are unbiased and interested in preserving HUMAN RIGHTS..... Why do they not ask these questions?

    So the UN is wrong and you're right? don't think so son.

    Your days are numbered.

    Democracy will win!

    • Like 1
  3. It's worth noting that the events on the 19th of May, 2010 happened atfer several violent crackdowns on the the protesters. Not excusing anyone, just saying that things might have looked a lot different this time around too had todays government used the same approach.

    And yes, the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.

    No, they didn't, the Red Shirts were cheering at the prospect of turning Bangkok into a sea of fire since before they moved into the city. Between then and the government crackdown there were many episodes of violence, including dozens of grenade and drive by shootings against targets in the "Not a Red Shirt Friend" list.

    Besides that there was the precedent of their riots the previous year when, among other things they threatened to blow up a gas tanker in a neighborhood and tried to kidnap Abhisit (only got his aide who ended up in hospital).

    So no, not the same thing at all.

    There were many episodes between the violent crackdown attempt on the 10th of April and the final round of crackdowns, yes. But the protests in 2010 started peacefully. I haven't said it's the same, I said things might have look a lot different this time too if the government hadn't shown a great deal of restraint.

    If the Democrats (funny name for a group of nepotists with no regard for democracy whatsoever) and their pals overthrow yet another elected government, we're probably in for even more trouble ahead than what happened in 2010.

    Anyone see any way out of this situation? Looks pretty hopeless to me.

    The gist of my post was in response to your last paragraph, where you stated that the Red Shirt "the protests back then startet out just as peacefully as the anti-govt protesters today.", which IMHO is not correct, Red Shirts had a history of previous violence and in the period before the 2010 crackdown were both promoting acts of violence and committing them too.

    For example this is from September 2009: The headline reads "Destroy the elite" over the seal of the Democrat party. Does it look like the sort of thing a non-violent group espouses?

    One starking difference between now and then is that in 2010 groups and organizations deemed against the Red Shirts were the victims of acts of violence (bombings and shootings) while today... groups and organizations deemed against the Red Shirts are the victims of acts of violence (bombings and shootings)... well, fancy that, there´s no difference after all!

    Yeah but slowly and surely the elites are losing their grip. Once was a time, not long past, that they just used the army, but now the army is divided and don't want to play their game any more. So now they have to resort to using a handful of "popcorn vendors".

    Slowly but Surely!

  4. One brother who strangles a colleague and another who is an expert chair thrower, this is the professionalism of the family of this nasty imp of a man. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following him. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following the Thaksin regime as well.

    The gullible Thai population can of course be forgiven for their childlike ignorance due to the culture they've been brought up in, with it's tragic education system, greng jai, biased media and general encourgement of mass-delusion as to its place in the world. No wonder they've been gulled into believing the removal of Thaksinism will really affect a corruption that has been rife on every level of this society for decades before the rise of the blood-sucking Shinawatras. But are they really that stupid to believe all this PDRC crap or are both sides simply refusing to face the truth about themselves and take responsibility for the first time in their history? For that is surely the real problem Thailand faces today, that there is nobody adult enough in this kindergarten of a country to make a proper, honest, stand for decency (and indeed, actual modernism) beyond a handful of ineffective, white t-shirt-wearing, candle-lighting (true) democrats who are being drowned out in the deafening roar of stupidity.

    Even so, as this is posted here in Thaivisa by a foreigner to an audience of fellow foreigners, what pains me personally is just how much my fellow falang should bloody well know better than to be supporting either side of this pathetic performance by a (clearly) still developing country. Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support.

    ............................................................Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support...........................................................

    OK, fair enough, but what about me ? I don't support either of them, I just hate Thaksin and his whole rotten family and political regime with a passion. Have never really made any sort of comment about Suthep, don't have any interest in him but probably would if he ran the country in a devious manner a-la the Shinawatras.

    Then you may not be one of the falang I was describing, though I do wonder why you "hate" one bunch of allegedly corrupt, self-serving criminals yet "never really made any sort of comment" about the other bunch.

    To an extent, I do understand you being more vocal against one than another since I myself am finding one particular group to currently be more overtly obnoxious than the other one, however that doesn't mean I condone either of them, let alone actively support or defend them.

    That's what I was talking about in my previous post, the numerous, obnoxious and seemingly brain-dead westerners posting on Thaivisa in support or defence of either side of this utterly unprofessional, immature tragi-comedy of errors that is the political climate of Thailand.

    The fact these people are posting with the same immaturity and lack of decency as shown by all these Thai political figures is probably merely more evidence for the image of low class westerners being attracted to Thailand.

    You love yourself don't you? We're on here voicing our opinions cos we care, if you don't like it, get back to your knitting.

    • Like 1
  5. One brother who strangles a colleague and another who is an expert chair thrower, this is the professionalism of the family of this nasty imp of a man. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following him. Oh the poor fool Thais who are naively following the Thaksin regime as well.

    The gullible Thai population can of course be forgiven for their childlike ignorance due to the culture they've been brought up in, with it's tragic education system, greng jai, biased media and general encourgement of mass-delusion as to its place in the world. No wonder they've been gulled into believing the removal of Thaksinism will really affect a corruption that has been rife on every level of this society for decades before the rise of the blood-sucking Shinawatras. But are they really that stupid to believe all this PDRC crap or are both sides simply refusing to face the truth about themselves and take responsibility for the first time in their history? For that is surely the real problem Thailand faces today, that there is nobody adult enough in this kindergarten of a country to make a proper, honest, stand for decency (and indeed, actual modernism) beyond a handful of ineffective, white t-shirt-wearing, candle-lighting (true) democrats who are being drowned out in the deafening roar of stupidity.

    Even so, as this is posted here in Thaivisa by a foreigner to an audience of fellow foreigners, what pains me personally is just how much my fellow falang should bloody well know better than to be supporting either side of this pathetic performance by a (clearly) still developing country. Just because you have a wife, business or property here doesn't mean you shouldn't be ashamed of yourselves for giving dishourable buffoons like Suthep or Thaksin your support.

    Well Mr high and mighty, I support my girlfriend and her family and friends in their struggle for democracy, not Thaksin, democracy! and if you don't like it you know what you can do! jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

  6. I wonder if Tida and the rest of the Communists intend to return to the jungle and start a Khmer Rouge type insurrection like they did before.

    Your statement is a simplistic attempt to raise the bogeyman of "commies". It is 2014, not 1950 and Senator Joe McCarthy the master of manipulation drank himself to death long ago.

    Professor Thavornseth was an accomplished microbiologist and had a career on the rise until she made the sacrifice to join the pro-democracy uprising in 1973. It was that uprising that ended the brutal military dictatorship that had ruled Thailand with an iron fist. Subsequent to the 1976 massacre of students at Thammasat University and the reinstallation of the military dictatorship, her name was put on a target list for execution by the death squads that were roaming Thailand at the time killing the opponents of the military dictatorship. Yes, she fled to the jungle and the only group to offer her protection and support were the communists. She had no other option. It was flee or end up raped and dead in a field. She hid out for 6 years enduring hardship and suffering, all because she believed in democracy. She was non violent and it has never ever been alleged that she engaged in any acts of violence. She is the one UDD leader who has remained firm in her belief in non violence.

    So, after all the huffing and puffing in your post, you admit (can't well deny it, of course, because it is history), that these UDDers were part of a Communist insurrection to overthrow the form of Thai government. Yea, Khmer Rouge, just a bunch of "bogeymen" engaged in genocide.

    Last September when the body of Laud Chin Peng the former leader of the Communist Party of Malaysia, and a man who had fought against Thailand, was laid out in the prestigious Bangkok Wat That Thong, there were multiple dignitaries who came to pay their respects.

    Thai military generals praised the man, and the Pricess Chulabhorn Walailak sent a wreath of precious orchids. There is both a lesson to be learned, and a dose of reality to be gained from that event. The Thai people who understood the politics of the era, who lived it, have a different view than the McCarthy era black and white view that you espouse.

    The vilification of Thai "communists" was in large part caused by the USA. It started with the first payment of $10 million to Thailand following its recognition of the horrific Bao Dai government in French occupied Vietnam, and was sent on its way by the despot Phibun as Thailand was rewarded richly every time it did something "anti communist". Rather, than me giving you a lengthy history of Thailand and how U.S. money influenced Thai politics, why don't you study the subject yourself? In fairness to the USA, that is the way the world worked back then.

    Uncle Joe Stalin was the darling of the USA for several years. Josip Tito was quite popular with the west. Fidel Castro remains quite popular with many EU countries and Canada . Vietnam's communist leaders are now the new love interest of the USA. In every era, friends become enemies, and enemies friends when it is politically expedient. The salient take away point is that the politics of 1970's Thailand and its repressive military dictatorship, pushed many people into the welcoming arms of communism because the communists were the only group willing to take on the brutal military dictatorship.

    And btw, the Thai communists were not affiliated with the Khmer Rouge. It was the Thai government, which was ruled by the a military dictatorship, that made obscene profits by allowing the Khmer Rouge to resupply through Thailand. At the height of the Cambodian genocide, what was Thailand's response to the refugees from Cambodia? After the communist Vietnamese invaded Cambodia to end the genocide, where did the Khmer Rouge take refuge? Who were the Thai PM's during the decade that the Khmer Rouge fought their war against the freed Cambodians and the Vietnamese liberators? How did the Khmer Rouge manage to resupply from 1978 to 1995? Go and look at who was running Thailand during that period.

    Ha Ha Zydeco, stick that in your pipe and eat it!

    And you support those that would be quiet happy to see the army still behave like that.

    Suthep has behaved like that!

    • Like 1
  7. Your statement is a simplistic attempt to raise the bogeyman of "commies". It is 2014, not 1950 and Senator Joe McCarthy the master of manipulation drank himself to death long ago.

    Professor Thavornseth was an accomplished microbiologist and had a career on the rise until she made the sacrifice to join the pro-democracy uprising in 1973. It was that uprising that ended the brutal military dictatorship that had ruled Thailand with an iron fist. Subsequent to the 1976 massacre of students at Thammasat University and the reinstallation of the military dictatorship, her name was put on a target list for execution by the death squads that were roaming Thailand at the time killing the opponents of the military dictatorship. Yes, she fled to the jungle and the only group to offer her protection and support were the communists. She had no other option. It was flee or end up raped and dead in a field. She hid out for 6 years enduring hardship and suffering, all because she believed in democracy. She was non violent and it has never ever been alleged that she engaged in any acts of violence. She is the one UDD leader who has remained firm in her belief in non violence.

    Those very same peace loving communists that you describe kidnapped one of my Thai uncles in the mid 70's, and held him for ransom for four months in the jungle.

    When he was finally released after a hefty ransom being paid he was near death from malaria & infection from torture/maltreatment.

    He has never been able to father any children.

    Despite your assertions about Miss Thanvornseth, I think the traditions of violence to meet an end has clearly passed from the commies to the Reds.

    You're entitled to your opinion, but it's not the commies/reds who have repeatedly throughout Thai history sent the army in to slaughter it's citizens.

    Suthep has!

  8. We always get info like their names, aves, and in this case, the hospitals the injured were taken to. But what about details if the incident for craps sake.

    -*I typed this myself*-

    Because there are no investigations of attempted murders of protesters, the police are under orders not to classify these as incidents and so we get no other details than this.

    You have to be a red shirt target before the story is blown up with all sorts of details investigations and comments from the police. Such is the dreadful double standards that exist currently within Thailand.

    Maybe Surapong will mention all this situation during his round the world all expenses paid luxury trip to bullshit the world's super powers.

    But then again.


  9. UDD report card shows responsibility for over 90 dead during the brutal terrorist uprising and nothing achieved including not being able to overthrow an elected govt.

    They can't even adhere to their own principles.

    "To promote non-violence as our modus operandi for all activities"

    The rest of the principles of democracy will catch up with this bunch of terrorists.

    Time to listen to the will of the majority Tida.

    "UDD report card shows responsibility for over 90 dead during the brutal terrorist uprising and nothing achieved including not being able to overthrow an elected govt."

    I missed that, when was that then?

    • Like 1
  10. I wonder if Tida and the rest of the Communists intend to return to the jungle and start a Khmer Rouge type insurrection like they did before.

    Your statement is a simplistic attempt to raise the bogeyman of "commies". It is 2014, not 1950 and Senator Joe McCarthy the master of manipulation drank himself to death long ago.

    Professor Thavornseth was an accomplished microbiologist and had a career on the rise until she made the sacrifice to join the pro-democracy uprising in 1973. It was that uprising that ended the brutal military dictatorship that had ruled Thailand with an iron fist. Subsequent to the 1976 massacre of students at Thammasat University and the reinstallation of the military dictatorship, her name was put on a target list for execution by the death squads that were roaming Thailand at the time killing the opponents of the military dictatorship. Yes, she fled to the jungle and the only group to offer her protection and support were the communists. She had no other option. It was flee or end up raped and dead in a field. She hid out for 6 years enduring hardship and suffering, all because she believed in democracy. She was non violent and it has never ever been alleged that she engaged in any acts of violence. She is the one UDD leader who has remained firm in her belief in non violence.

    Well said, a real person of the people, but you'll never convince the yellow bellies on here.

  11. The people who try to turn the head on peopleand call this protesters peaceful. -Who are they think they can sheet? The world media have been full of pictures and videos of violent armed protestors.....A militant mob who brake law after law and a juridical biased system who let them free when the police have arrest them....

    Amazing Thailand!

    I am thinking about what this movement try to reach.....Take away an elected goverment, block fresh elections, try to make a coup (juridical or military) with the purpose to take away the majoritys popular party. -What are they earn? -CIVIL WAR?

    Yingluck? Is that you?


  12. "You seem to conveniently ignore the fact that more protestors have been shot dead as compared to policemen."

    I'm not ignoring anything, R.I.P. to all of them, poor innocents betrayed by those they trust, Suthep promised them there would be no armed protesters and uses them as cover for his nefarious shenanigans.

    You can say it was Suthep but I say they were killed by a government desperate to cling onto power.

    They don't have to cling on to power, it has been repeatedly given to them, by the electorate.

    • Like 2
  13. Tarit is now busy spinning the administration's narrative. Four civilians and one policeman were tragically killed in a push that was witnessed by reporters. They reported that the police went in using live ammunition and tear-gas. The Civil Court has banned any such intervention in the future, as they ruled that the administration has no right to use violence to disperse protesters. Tarit, Chalerm, and the CMPO have been effectively neutered by the Civil Court from perpetuating any more incidents that will result in loss of life or harm to Thai citizens. The Constitution Court and the Civil Court have affirmed that protests are a right of dissent in any free society. The people have a right to walk on the streets of their own country. They have a right to protest this administration. Tarit and company are in the business of stifling public dissent and are in the business of intimidating anyone who supports - or even is suspected of supporting - the protest movement.They are drunk with power, and are abusing it, to the detriment of the right to free expression.

    Pull the other one! beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

  14. Do you actually believe YL aNd Chalerm will follow any Cc ruling? They dont even follow their own constitution. They have been told many times and they gave speeches that they would not try to stop the protests. Yet each passing day they have proven that they do what they want and dont care about the peoples laws or care the people. They will do ANYTHING to make their position stronger and to make it appear they are in control.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I wonder about that too...and what this ruling will mean to this government, if anything.

    AFAIR, the day before the assault on protesters, Chalerm and Co. were claiming they would only employ "peaceful" means. Which, of course, ended up being rubber bullets, tear gas and live fire.

    So if the authorities consider rubber bullets, tear gas and live fire as "peaceful" means, then they're probably thinking they're in compliance with a court order for no "violence" or "force". Not that they've ever concerned themselves too much with what the courts have ruled.

    "Which, of course, ended up being rubber bullets, tear gas and live fire."

    In response to live fire and grenades.

    What isn't violent about storming and occupying army HQ, police stations and government buildings, beating and shooting voters, murdering policemen and attacking police lines with live fire and grenades?

    What chance has democracy got? The old guard will not let go.

    In response to live fire and grenades? You're assuming the protestors fired first. If the police were the ones who started shooting and caused the gunfight then they have themselves to blame for the bloodshed. Murdering policemen? You seem to conveniently ignore the fact that more protestors have been shot dead as compared to policemen.

    "You seem to conveniently ignore the fact that more protestors have been shot dead as compared to policemen."

    I'm not ignoring anything, R.I.P. to all of them, poor innocents betrayed by those they trust, Suthep promised them there would be no armed protesters and uses them as cover for his nefarious shenanigans.

    • Like 1
  15. Do you actually believe YL aNd Chalerm will follow any Cc ruling? They dont even follow their own constitution. They have been told many times and they gave speeches that they would not try to stop the protests. Yet each passing day they have proven that they do what they want and dont care about the peoples laws or care the people. They will do ANYTHING to make their position stronger and to make it appear they are in control.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I wonder about that too...and what this ruling will mean to this government, if anything.

    AFAIR, the day before the assault on protesters, Chalerm and Co. were claiming they would only employ "peaceful" means. Which, of course, ended up being rubber bullets, tear gas and live fire.

    So if the authorities consider rubber bullets, tear gas and live fire as "peaceful" means, then they're probably thinking they're in compliance with a court order for no "violence" or "force". Not that they've ever concerned themselves too much with what the courts have ruled.

    "Which, of course, ended up being rubber bullets, tear gas and live fire."

    In response to live fire and grenades.

    What isn't violent about storming and occupying army HQ, police stations and government buildings, beating and shooting voters, murdering policemen and attacking police lines with live fire and grenades?

    What chance has democracy got? The old guard will not let go.

  16. Symbolic resignation only as Worawit is still there, he is said to be acting president for 30 days (according to law ?)

    Any bets he will be reinstated after 30 days ?

    Only took 2 posts before Suthep got slammed this time, the red loonies are improving, the boss will be pleased.

    "the red loonies" ( loony's), So Robby nz, you think the "peaceful protesters" that threw the bomb and blew the leg off a policeman is a loon? how about the one that shot and killed the policeman, is he a loon also?

    There is now way that some of these protesters are peaceful mate and who is leading them, The biggest loon of all using farmers as political pawns, first threatening banks if they give loans to the gov for farmers payments then after advice back-flipped and said banks should give loans,

    The protestors did not throw a grenade, it was reported by a police officer that the police threw it. It was later reported that the police had an accident and the grenade went off.

    Quit spreading lies! bah.gif The question should be why did or do the police have grenades? Aren't those weapons of war?

    <deleted> the video is pretty clear, when will you dumb fascists stop talking <deleted>?

    The question is, what are peaceful protesters doing with grenades?

  17. Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

    It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

    Why do you bother to post other than to stir the pot. This is full of contradictions. So of the 29 injured lets assume some were protesters then how were they injured?

    They were hurt by DISOBEYING the LAW. If the army were to come in do you realize how many people would be killed????????

    ould you
    blatent crly lieying outloud, PTP disobeying the law since 2010...and really ever since square face bought his way in to power. This is in no way comparable to a city under absolute siege in 2010. But some are brainwashed by their Isaan bird enough to think so...or to kiss it up, for whatever in law benefits they think they'll reap.

    "This is in no way comparable to a city under absolute siege in 2010."

    Why would you blatantly lie like that? How many government buildings were occupied in 2010? Your type really do think we working class are stupid don't you?

    Well I've got news for you, I'd rather support my "Isaan bird", her family and friends than a bunch of hi-so Chinese business types and their elitist buddies who wouldn't even acknowledge my existence. Democracy is the word son, the majority of people want it and the days of reactionary old crocks like Suthep are numbered.

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