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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Behind the silence is the unspoken "Oh shit" as BJT realizes they have overplayed their hand. Abhisit hasn't been PM for two years during the most amazing turmoil because of his good looks - he is also one of the most impressive politicians Thailand has ever seen.

    :lol: comedy gold

    sorry that deserves a few more :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    he is also one of the most impressive politicians Thailand has ever seen.............Yes,you tell that to the families from all the people who were killed last april.

    What has he done in the south??????Every days killing?You must be a top joker.

    I find it quite unbelievable that various commentators on this forum actually believe the sort of nonsense that they write.

    Anyone witn any intelligence knows what happened in April and May, and it wasn't a situation that was created by the government or Abhisit.

    Yes, please do speak to the families of those that were killed, and as we have seen on YouTube, there are many of these who now confirm that they were duped by a conniving individual whose only aim was to see his funds returned and get back into total control of the food trough by overthrowing a government which, despite cries of "foul" from various quarters, is actually the only government with any legitimacy that we have seen in decades.

    And if you prefer to see what we had before returning to power, then I am sure you are looking forward to several thousands of additional extra-juducual killings in the south.

    PM of the Thai people?

    I wonder how many times have he been to the North & North-East in the last 2 years?

    Once to Udon I believe. An unannounced visit, and yet he has to cut it short, and just managed to escape (his own people) is less then 2 hours after touch down.

  2. Workers in France have blocked access to the airports there. I wonder if they'll be charged with terrorism.

    I saw also a few tires burning in the streets and fights with the police. I wonder of they will gunned down international bangkok style.

    have the workers started shooting or throwing grenades at the police?

    And firecrackers, and use broom-stick as a fake machine gun.

  3. I thought ex-PM Khun Chuan say there was nothing wrong wit the leak clips, and nothing wrong for his MP to meet Khun Pasit.

    Question is:

    Why sack Khun Pasit?

    Why Khun Chut need to be responsible?

    Why Khun Chut needs to expressed regret?

    Why need a fact-finding committeeto investigate?

    Also Khun Pasit changed his name four times is his private business. Thai people like to change name after consulting monk or fortune teller. This is a normal everyday life thing.

  4. sorry not buying this seatbelt argument at all....this is just an attempt by the airlines to cover up pilot error combined with some political correctness and fear of lawsuits.....I suspect that the chances of hitting severe turbulence are .00000001%....blame the passnegers, it's cheaper!

    The pilot could be an ex soviet trained MiG pilot.

    "Let see what this American baby can do, ..."

  5. Abhisit OFFERED new elections if Veera Nutawhat and Justaprawn agreed. This was live on TV, but suddenly Jatuporn got as text message which he checked on camera and immediately canceled the deal. Gee I wonder what Kuhn T. sent that text?

    No agreement, no election.

    If they had accepted the election likely would have been held Nov 14th.

    And since they refused, Abhisit's offer on the table remained only that,

    an offer that wasn't accepted.

    Trying to rewrite history rarely really works, except for the gullible.

    har, har, har.

    So you believe there was a promise for election in november to be hold no ifs, no buts. 100% sure ...

    You are in the club of the gullible.

    But there was that one text message than changed everything. Har , har, har. more bullshit. Do you really believe that too?

    The Text message could be send by Newin, sign Thaksin. Hahaha.

  6. 'Framed' means :

    He had an opportunity to commit a crime and did NOT,

    but they arrest him for it anyway,

    and fabricate evidence to make the charge work.

    As 'Sting' on the other hand means:

    An opportunity is provided, real or not, for a person to actively commit

    or conspire in committing the crime,

    and that person DOES say or do what constitutes a crime,

    by their own actions.

    So he was not framed,

    but set up to make HIM make that choice,

    but walked through that portal willingly,

    not realizing those he was conspiring with were not

    who they purported to be.

    That makes no difference because


    And conspiracy to commit crimes IS a crime.

    OK; your American English is a lot better than mine will ever be.

    Let's stick to STING...

    Happy ? :rolleyes:


    Form Victor with love, should we use Russian English instead?

  7. Workers in France have blocked access to the airports there. I wonder if they'll be charged with terrorism.

    I saw also a few tires burning in the streets and fights with the police. I wonder of they will gunned down international bangkok style.

    Hahaha. Now the snail eaters are learning from the sticky-rice eaters. very funny indeed.

    There was no shooting when Thai seize the airport. I hope the French does not protect on Champs Elysees else 91 could possibly die when French tanks roll.

  8. My Best Bodyguard premier today at all cinema. From the trailer, I have a feeling that this is going to be a box office hit, not only in Thailand, but the whole asia, and might be a big hit in the whole world.

    The main actress is Thun Kramom Ying Ubolratana Rajakanya Sirivadhana Barnavadi, and her acting skill is well know to be brillent beyong word description. A good representation of a royal Thai women at her best.

    I am sure that you win win lots of award as as the best female actress in Thailand, across Asia, and might even win the Oscar.

    Don't miss this opportunity of a life time. Go to buy a ticket today.




  9. SMOKING WILL KILL You its written on the packet and you still light up :blink:

    what do you expect every pack is tainted not just the one you bought


    ummm - yes, I weighed the health risks/ enjoyment of the cigarettes and made my choice

    I do not currently know the ratio of packs that have similar affects so I have posted this to see if others have had any similar experiences

    It is a sign for you to quit. From GOD.

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