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Posts posted by sometime

  1. HAVE A BUILDING PROJECT ON THE WAY.Have spent hours trying to locate a supplier,of such a system, in Thailand.

    Have had no success in getting an email reply from any Hardware merchant.

    Product range includes spouting lengths, connectors, corners,hanging brackets, and downpipe systems.

    PROBABLY 90% of N.Z homes use this type of system

    I wonder often ,why it seems the majority of Thai homes, do not effectively,collect rain water,

    Guess Bangkok is the place to start but Isaan would be even better

    Any information would be appreciated Thank you Vince

    I obtained all my gutters, down spouts, brackets etc, from True Value Pattaya, they have a depot in Bangkok, might also have other depots around Thailand

    They are made from PVC, all the joints are glued with the usual pvc glue, they come in brown or white.

    Not cheap as they are imported from the USA,

    I put them up over 3 years ago and so far no problems, even the colour being brown has not faded, unlike the coloured rainwater systems in the UK.

    Recently I have seen rainwater systems in Home works & Homepro

  2. With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

    Are you close to throwing in the towel?

    No I am quite happy where I am.

  3. I have eventually got to the stage where i need to sort out the filtering and disinfecting of the water supply that I will be using which is from a lake (basically a big dug out hole filled with water from local paddies)

    I don't plan to drink this water just use it for washing showering flushing etc.

    The set up is as follows

    (1) water is pumped from a submersible hanging from a raft, about 1m below the water surface (10m deep so hopefully not too many big particles sucked in)

    (2)this goes into a 2000l storage tank

    (3)a automatic pump then pumps into the building.

    Crossy posted the following suggestion when I posed the question of pumping from the lake a while back.

    "Pump 60m to a coarse particulate filter (get one of the cotton ones that can be washed) to take out the really crunchy bits then into your tank. Pressure pump from the tank to the house via a finer particulate filter and probably a carbon filter too (to remove or at least reduce any chemical nasties in the water).

    I would add a very fine particulate filter to the bathroom / shower feed to keep out the bigger bugs as this is the point where the water may enter your body. :) "

    Can someone explain what a cotton filter is? also what other filter materials would you recommend, (don't have much clue of whats in the water .. anyone know where i can get a sample tested in bangkok? will be heading off to BKK soon)

    Any brands recommended, I checked out the Mazuma website but didnt find it very helpful. Where is a good place to get filtering equipment?

    Further I wish to continuously cholrinate /disinfect the water , does anyone have any experience of this?

    I have found a inline chlorine feeder which uses trichlor tabs and was thinking of placing this before the storage tank, maybe even dangling one inside the tank too...

    May even get a water purifier thing with RO or UV for the kitchen sink so can wash veggies etc...

    any good advice will be greatly appreciated

    Sent you a PM Gouda



    More than likely cavok is trying to make a few Baht off selling a system, seeing that he is a newbie.

  4. Hi,

    Anyone know what works best for sponging down painted walls - the paint is that silk type - half-way beween gloss and matt so it is washable. There are residues of sticky tape I have used for hanging posters as well as loads of dust. I have tried warm water with Vim, Mr Muscle for bathrooms and kitchen cleaner and although they remove the dust, don't work very well for the sticky residues. Anyone got any advice? In the UK we use 'sugar soap' but I have not been able to find any in Thailand.

    Try WD40 or sonax spray a little and rub in circle motion with your finger... dont have to use much elbow grease. Can even try peanut butter as it too is oil based.

    Thanks - just tried it and it does work well for the sticky residues - but you now got any suggestions for large areas covered in dust?

    I just tend to repaint, average size room only takes a couple of hours.

  5. A Compupool CPSC Chlorinator (Oz Brand) comes in at about 46,000 baht for a 60,000 litre model supplied in Phuket. Very easy to retrofit into a normal pool as previous poster says, an hour or two max.

    Just got the same make, model CPS 24 , 80,000 litres 29,000 baht, from a small pool shop just past Naklua near the flyover, tried the shops in Pattaya and found their prices way over the top.

    My last chlorinator got zapped by lightning hitting the ground, then it traveled up the grounding rod, 2nd time, this one will not be hard wired, just plugged in.

    This price seems a bit low for a self cleaning model & I recommend anyone buying a saltwater chlorinator to make sure it is self cleaning otherwise calcium deposits build up on the cells & have to cleaned off regularly with acid.

    I will also repeat from my previous post that when the manufacturer states it is for a particular sized pool they are assuming the use of pool stabilizer which in my mind detracts from the naturalness of having a saltwater pool.

    Yes it's self cleaning, here is the web site http://www.compupool.com.au/product/salt_w...f_cleaning.html

    I could have choose the INTELLICHLOR SALT CHLORINATOR cell and power centre that was going for 30,000 baht

  6. Security grills either on the outside or the inside are areal pain when it comes to cleaning windows especially if you have the aluminum or plastic sliding ones and if you have out ward opening windows the security grill must be on the inside and you try getting your arm thru every day to close the windows....what a pain in the arse that is

    Apart from the front and back doors there is no escape in the event of a fire especially if you live in a two story house.

    If i get them installed i will be thinking about a hinge along the top of the security grill with some kind of bolt or locking system around the rest of the 3 sides haven't quite worked this out yet but at least if hinged it makes it a lot easier to clean the windows and getting out in case of fire.

    Just a thought

    If the grills are on the outside, the typical Thai sliding windows can be lifted out onto the grills then lifted inside then taken outside for a bloody good wash and polish, surprising the amount of crap that ends up in the box channel.

    If you are concerned about a making a quick exit, you could have one of the grills held on with wing nuts fitted on the inside.

  7. I have had a quote for installing window security bars using 1cm2 square steel bars. Would these be adequate to stop your 'average' burglar getting in?

    We have them fitted to all windows, and always leave the windows open 24/7 and sleep easy.

    Each of my security grills are fitted to the wall with 18 rawl bolts with a spot of weld on the nuts.

  8. Hi, I am after some building advice. We had a lot of heavy rain the other night. In the bedroom the top of the outside wall where the wall meets the ceiling were several wet patches. See photo's. Within a short period of time a lot of water was on the floor but with no obvious path from the damp at the top of the wall to the floor. The next day I check for missing roof tiles etc. but all appears OK on the roof side of things. Any ideas on how its getting in would be appreciated, Cheers Dunc! :)

    A few pictures of the outside wall and roof area would be helpful.

  9. A Compupool CPSC Chlorinator (Oz Brand) comes in at about 46,000 baht for a 60,000 litre model supplied in Phuket. Very easy to retrofit into a normal pool as previous poster says, an hour or two max.

    Just got the same make, model CPS 24 , 80,000 litres 29,000 baht, from a small pool shop just past Naklua near the flyover, tried the shops in Pattaya and found their prices way over the top.

    My last chlorinator got zapped by lightning hitting the ground, then it traveled up the grounding rod, 2nd time, this one will not be hard wired, just plugged in.

  10. If you live in an area that is prone to frequent power outages, power spikes and lightning storms it would be very wise to invest in the best UPS/surge protection you can afford or plan on unplugging your equipment any time a storm is near or whn you think a surge is coming. Oh if you can tell when a surge is coming let me know as I want you to tell us when the baht goes to 50 to the dollar.

    Any valuable piece of electrical equipment you own is prone to this problem and a someone said TV's, stereo's and any other stuff with electronics is subject to spikes. Also the phone lines coming in as well as the Sat TV and cable TV and the antennas. All should be earthed and protected with surge devices.

    All this is good stuff and good insurance. But if lightning hits the pole outside you're house you had better hope you're not home as nothing can protect the stuff.

    While I do agree with the need for surge protection, don’t get too complacent once you have fitted them, especially when there is a storm close by, I have now started to throw the main breaker at the first sound of a rumble,,” you may think that’s a bit over the top”

    But in the last lightning storm that happened in the early hours of the morning, I was a little slow to throw the main switch, it blew out two water heaters that were turned off before the main breaker tripped out.

    On the second strike it hit the ground continuing up the grounding rod for the pool pump house electrical system; there it wrecked anything that was earthed, ( this is the second time)

    We always unplug all electrical things at night or when we go out.

    Sometimes, lightning may strike the ground outside our buildings and the power surge can travel along the ground and then enter our homes through the building’s grounding wires. (see graphic Surge and destroy)

    When lightning strikes, it’s power is anything from one hundred million volts to one Billion volts


  11. When google collect info on you it becomes their info, freedom of information laws in the US can not get the info google collects about you released to you.

    Google and all the others don't collect this info for fun they sell it on to anybody willing to pay for it.

    As the movie points out, its not just police agency's investigating crime or company's interested in selling their products to you it's also divorce lawyers tracking your location via your cell phone's to prove an extramarital affair.

    One of the things I found incredible is the amount of info people post on twitter or facebook, including their criminal activities (drug use)

    I have set my browser not to accept 3rd party cookies.the bbc allows visualscience a.k.a. omniture to use thei cookies as a work around, any cookies put there to help the intended site is fine.

    But I don't want my system to be slowed down to a crawl, the bloody internet here is slow enough

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  12. Just seen the video "Privacy is Dead" by Steve Ramban, for those of you more PC savvy this will not come as a surprise, but its worth watching for those who only use PC for fun!

    Google the title if you're interested.

    Hi everyone.

    Did you know??? if you use the BBC IPLAYER to listen to the BBC radio, or visit any BBC web site it monitors all the web sites that you visit, not to mention anything that you happen to download, videos, music etc are also noted, any cookies that the BBC put on your computer have been gifted to a company called visualscience a.k.a. omniture. This company is also allowed to use the guardian newspapers cookies to amass information.

    And once the cookies are installed it monitors your actions every time you turn on your pc, if you have the local weather on your desktop it knows your post code, and can even work out where you live.

    This information is being gathered by a behavioral targeting company in Washington, USA. None of which is mentioned in the site privacy policy, and none of which you'd reasonably expect from the BBC, particularly for domestic audiences.

    I discovered this by using a program called peerguardian to block unwanted SPIES, ADDS, P2P, HTTP download from here http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2

    How to setup and use the program, it can also be downloaded here http://www.gemini777.net/tutorials/pg.php

    PeerGuardian is an open source IP filter that is designed to block the IP addresses of certain organizations and corporations that may wish to invade a users privacy while using the Internet and peer-to-peer networks.

    While listening to the BBC from 9.40am to 1400 it blocked 140 intrusions

    8 from visualsciences

    2 from sun Microsystems

    3 imported objects

    1 double click

    2 from netiq

    124 from BBC

    And the best bit is my internet speed has improved

  13. I had the same pump with the same problem, also pumping from an underground tank.

    The pump was a quite a few years old so I decided buy a new pump, same make bigger model

    I decided after a little investigation the problem was not the pump but the none return valve in the underground tank sticking closed at times, not allowing the water flow to the pump, hence the pump became empty and kept running, I now have a spare pump.

  14. Has anyone downloaded and installed AVG 8.5 now that 7.5 is no longer supported?

    I just downloaded all 61mb of it this morning but am not sure if the old version be removed before installing the new version?

    I updated to the AVG 8.5 free, 59.8 mb, , I did not remove the old version no need to, if you do remember to empty the virus vault first.

    AVG 8.5 looks just like the old version.

    You can delete any unwanted tool bars after setup

  15. Hi, Have you ever laid on top of shiny tiles ? I hear it can be done as long as they're either sanded a little or have unibond or something like it painted on top 1st ?

    Too much work lifting them as large open plan living room, impatient missus, and trying to cut out (my) time & (my) labour, lol.

    If you use a good quality ready mix tile adhesive? (not cement). and use a notched trowel with a10mm groove you should have no problem.With the modern adhesives you can even tile directly onto timber floors

    No need to sand the floor, you will have to cut a slice out of the bottom of any architrave to allow the tile to slide under, nothing looks worse than badly cut joints filled with grout.

    You will also need a good quality flat bed tile cutter, or you could use an angle grinder with a diamond disc, not as good as a tile cutter and very dusty, but needed for any cutouts

  16. Checkout Jsat.tv they are based in BKK and may have a solution to your problem. I'm in Pattaya and haven't bothered with the true/ubc rip off for 3 yrs now...

    I used to have Jsat, had a problem with the receiver it took them 3 days to arrive to fix it, two weeks later same problem after5 days and numerous phone calls they still never arrived to fix it, so I gave the equipment away

  17. Hi Beardog, I live up the road towards Silverlake, after an electrical problem after a lightning strike our bore hole pump had to be removed and checked out. The guys helping me to pull it up couldn’t believe the depth 85metres plus.

    The guy we bought the house off told us that the contractors drilled down around 100 meters passing through various water layers, I didn’t believe him but it proved to be true that was about five years ago. And it always gives constant crystal clear water

    He moved back to Germany, I will email him to see if he can remember the contractors.

  18. Hello Folks

    Can anyone help i am looking for a person to come twicea month to cut my lawn & tidy the borders up. dont mind if its an individual or a contracotr just need to be done.

    anby help would be apreciated.

    i can not getting your point, can u give some details about what you want..

    i am looking for a person to come twice a month to cut my lawn & tidy the borders up in the garden.

    A PART TIME GARDENER or a contractor service lawn cutter

    It's hard for anybody to recommend a gardener for you unless you tell us where you live.


  19. Forgot to add-

    We had no problem with rats until I fitted gutters and down pipes, they climbed up the pipes until I fitted flaps on the bottom of the pipes, it let them out but stopped their return.

    Rats always use the same run, whether it is an overhanging tree or in my situation down pipes, a jump of three feet is easy for the little/big critters.


  20. Looks very much like a cicada chrysalis - do you hear them at dusk/night 'singing'? Each species has a unique song. They spend most of their life-cycle underground as nymphs before climbing a plant and emerging from the chrysalis you found.

    Hand on and I'll find a pic I took a couple of weeks ago...

    Here we are at SamPran temple:


    Unidentified Spp. There are many variations - YCMV (your cicadas may vary).

    Thank you Phaethon, what an amazing life cycle (17 years) http://www.pbase.com/knight_errant/cicada_central

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