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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Yea it's cheap because it runs android 2.3 (waaaaay old version from over 2 years ago)

    And the RAM is pretty low and there is no 2nd core.

    It would function, but

    1. I doubt you could run the newer version of android on it (or even 4.0) due to needing more resources

    2. if you end up putting a lot of apps on there (and you normally do if you like to use your phone for lots of cool stuff), it will be so slow you will want to throw it against the wall.

    But if you want moderate functionality (which is of course 100x more than the old throwaway phones), then its still cool.

    Might be ok if you can get it for 4k baht

    Having said that, the iphone is absurdly priced, and offers little more useful features than an android of half the price. Its beyond me why anyone would purchase it other than from the hype of the past.

    You also might be able to get an older phone much cheaper online.

    I got a HTC Sensation XE (its not waterproof or anything that you are looking for, just giving an online vs thai price example), and I paid $300 from ebay (now its $250), and in thailand its still around 15k baht ... just because older models here seem to take so long to go down in price compared to stuff online.

    I paid 3,300 on line in Thailand.

    It's fine.

    This thread is about waterproof / shock proof phones. The overpriced phone you mentioned is neither.

  2. In at 9AM for the 30,000km 'free' service at the Ford shop. They test drove it afterwards and it was ready to take away a little after 11AM. I declined the optional car wash as I was pressed for time, the truck was filthy and I would get a better job for 150 baht at the car wash anyway. They also declined to rotate the wheels which was a disappointment. I would rather they had rotated the wheels rather than hit it with a bucket and sponge!

    Anyway, it cost 4461.90 baht if anyone is interested.

    What did you get for 4461.90 baht?

    I will work on a translation...
    Apart from the 4 and-a-bit liters of lube, filter, the 30 baht 'seal' and the labour, the only difference between this one and the previous 15,000 km service was a bottle of DOT4 brake fluid (top up?) and they didn't run a can of engine cleaner through the engine before the old oil was flushed out like the did on the first service.

    Had my 15,000 km service last week. They had a price list for all service intervals on a wall chart. The 30,000 km service is priced higher than the first. Shame the chart doesn't list what they're supposed to be doing.

    Btw hope they put more than 4 and a bit litres of oil in.

  3. These places are all over the valley, where soil is excavated to provide fill for developments. The deep quarries are then abandoned & fill with water, with very steep sides. No attempt at fencing to keep kids out. If kids fall in, no way out. Can anyone translate the article on cm108.com that the OP is referring to? I presume there's been a drowning.

  4. Fray Bentos Pies, they start stocking them and next thing they are no longer available. If they are not serious about stocking 1st world quality merchandise

    Quality merchandise giggle.gif

  5. Another one who went to Rimping Rumchok and just got home empty handed. I agree with heybruce and don't really consider Sieraa Nevada a craft brew but still a good one that I'd love to be swilling right now!

    They have them today. For me, I think the large Erdinger @ 135 baht is a better deal.

  6. I know I'm going to be criticized for this, but I can't resist and it really is true--I was just watching the BBC covering the aftermath of the killer tornado in Oklahoma. It showed videos of people searching the reckage of their homes to salvage what they could, and a woman walking away from the rubble clutching a six-pack of Sierra Nevada to her chest. Yes, it's that good.

    She probably heard it's "liquid gold" over here in Thailand wink.png

  7. last week have farang 1 person who say after monday (yesterday) immigration give residency certificate again. please confirm can or not already?

    thank you krab.

    A pal of mine went in today for one at 9am, they said come back at 11am.

    He did and they then accepted his application, no charge.

    Come back in 3 days to collect.

    Isn't Friday a holiday?

  8. Aren't any of the after market suppliers selling these? The PJS is so common on the roads here.

    Well it's more of a privacy cover than anything else, and most people here have got enough of that already with their 60-80% tint wink.png

    What about the back shelf cuddly toys & toilet paper tissue boxes laugh.png

    It is a girlie car giggle.gif

  9. I like cycling, but after one trip into the city, never again. The traffic exhaust fumes were awful.

    When I go out on my bike, I truck it to the edge of the valley & enjoy quiet, traffic free cycling in rural environment. Don't even ride where I live in the ricefields - flat, hot & boring.

    Do you find it hard balancing your bike along those narrow paths in the rice fields? biggrin.png

    My tyres are much narrower than the paths wink.png

  10. Thank you for your response. Yesterday my brother in law was in town and I got a chance to go some place I hadn't been in years. Can't remember the name of the Wat but it was high up on the hill overlooking Chiang Mai. Close to the Night Safari. As we were driving out there I was just marveling at the wide open road with a decent sidewalk. this was the kind of area where a bicycle lane would do well. Unfortunately it is not in a very populated area and getting there on bike would require the usual dangers of riding around town or the road to Hangdong. When I travel through such areas is the only time I regret not having a vehicle.

    That sounds like Doi Kham. Nice to cycle around that area, and accessible by riding south from CMU area avoiding the busy Canal road.
  11. In at 9AM for the 30,000km 'free' service at the Ford shop. They test drove it afterwards and it was ready to take away a little after 11AM. I declined the optional car wash as I was pressed for time, the truck was filthy and I would get a better job for 150 baht at the car wash anyway. They also declined to rotate the wheels which was a disappointment. I would rather they had rotated the wheels rather than hit it with a bucket and sponge!

    Anyway, it cost 4461.90 baht if anyone is interested.

    What did you get for 4461.90 baht?

  12. We were told that to get a business card you had to first deposit 10 000.-, presumably they get credit up to that limit and a bill every month.

    Whenever I'm in the queue behind business buyers they nearly always pay with fistfuls of folded 20 baht notes.

  13. Things may change soon anyway. From a few weeks ago:

    Billionaire Dhanin

    Chearavanont’s CP All

    (CPALL) Pcl, owner of Thailand’s 7-Eleven chain, offered to pay about $6.6 billion

    for discount retailer Siam Makro Pcl

    (MAKRO) in the biggest takeover announced in Asia this year.

    CP All, controlled by Dhanin’s Charoen Pokphand Group, agreed to pay 787 baht

    a share for the 64 percent of Siam Makro owned by SHV Holdings NV, the company

    said today. It will also make a tender offer to other shareholders at the same

    price, a 15 percent premium to Siam Makro’s share price of 682 baht before it

    was suspended from trading yesterday.


    If they start charging 7-11 prices they're finished

  14. It's coming down and windy in Mae Hia now. Cooling down nicely.

    Send it over SK way. All we've got is smoke from some nice rice farmer fella who's decided to have an evening burn off bah.gif

    Wow, rain arrived faster than the fire brigade could biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  15. Elevated Bicycle Lanes... There's a solution the politicians would embrace heartily... Let's ride..

    Hopefully, constructed to a better standard than the suspension bridge near Ayutthaya sad.png

    2 ideas for cycle routes here. One around the moat, with cycle bridges over the u-turns with maybe cycle lane in some places built out over the moat. Another route along either side of the river. Next time they dredge they could build up embankments where properties extend down to the river. This could be extended north & south of the city as far as possible.

    These are only ideas thrown into the mix. Not investigated how they could work out. Spent less than a minute on them so far wink.png

    • Like 1
  16. Park & Rides sound nice, but when you think about it there is really nothing stopping me from parking anywhere nearish to the superhighway ring road and grabbing a Songthaew (red or otherwise) into town. Ok they're not electric, but it's the same sort of burden on me. Parking is not hard to find anywhere (and especially not way out) so there really is nothing stopping me from starting to 'park & ride' tomorrow.

    Also, park & ride schemes cost more money (electric buses, and buying up land for parking), whereas bicycle lanes are relatively cheap and don't require much in the way of labor or maintenance once established.

    You might be willing to park & take a songteaw, but it's the folk that have just got their new car that are not willing to give it up in a hurry. Need to get them out of their cars & on to public transport. They wont travel by songteaw ever again, guaranteed. Doesn't bother me personally as I visit the city centre once a month at the most.

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