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Engineer charged with murder for shooting teen over car-park row in Chon Buri


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50 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

If you're going to bring a gun to a fight, be prepared to use it and deal with the consequences. I have zero use for a gun. If one day I decide that I should carry one in my car, I'd have to ask myself serious questions as to why I'm doing that. I would be able to calculate the risks and the reward.  


Gun's can exacerbate a complex. That's dangerous in itself. You can't go around shooting people for threatening you. I'm sure if he had pointed the gun at them, or even as a last resort, dangerously fired it in the air, it would have scared them off. 



again...this is thailand...so if the guy had an unregistered gun, why should he not assume that every punk in the gang had one too...no pointing...no shooting in the air...those actions only give the punks time to pull their weapon too...just defend yourself...again, his only real crime is carrying an unauthorized weapon.

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1 minute ago, hdkane said:

again...this is thailand...so if the guy had an unregistered gun, why should he not assume that every punk in the gang had one too...no pointing...no shooting in the air...those actions only give the punks time to pull their weapon too...just defend yourself...again, his only real crime is carrying an unauthorized weapon.

Well, if you wanna be the big man and carry a gun, be the big man and deal with the consequences. This isn't Mad Max. 

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Sad story, road rage is all too present in Thailand.  Not that it's not present anywhere else either but... In a society where you are shown in a bad light or caught wrong doing you can sue the person/s who expose you for being wrong, or in a bad status from your inappropriate actions, ie. losing face.  The outcome will very likely become ugly.   Even when you honk your horn to warn motorists from of causing an accident, there's a very good chance that that that motorist will see you in a very bad light, remember to stay calm, avoid eye contact, and carry on in a safe direction.  


My daughter and I have been cut off by a motorbike taxi driving off the side walk straight out into the road blocking the entire lane waiting for traffic to pass before going the opposite way.  He drove out from between cars from sidewalk from a road side noodle shop.  We hit the horn and slammed on the brakes and just barely managed to not drive over him. I got a nice road rash and some plastic bits broken and my daughter received her first motorbike tattoo because of him.  Luckily no one was too close behind us and we were all sprayed out in the road and motorbike tangled together.


Immediately after getting to the side of the road safe and checking my daughter for injuries and while attempting to calm her down.  The motorbike taxi driver was starting to yell at us and claim damages and waving my motorbike keys around making threats to us.   What a giant ass... I was mad but I was more worried about my daughter and if my leg was broken at the time so he was just back ground noise...Within a couple of minutes of his on going madness, Thai people who had witnessed the accident came to our help and quickly put him in his place, for a few moments.  He tried to demand money for he said it was our fault, and still had my keys waving them.  I went out to the road and picked up the motorbike and drug it off his and took his keys and pocketed them.  The bank security guard stood to watch and the noodle lady was cleaning up my daughter and the police showed up.  Lone behold the motorbike driver told a story to the police officer, and sure enough, the police officer wanted to see my license, insurance and then said i wasn't wearing a helmet and bunch of other nonsense and gave an appraisal of damages done to the motorbike taxi at 5000 baht.  I showed them my phone and told them they are on video now.  Got out my paper work showed my helmet and my daughter injuries and my own injuries.  The noodle lady came and spoke as did the security and another motorist who witnessed.    I ended up getting our motorbike repaired keeping the taxi motorbike driver's license until he paid and returned it at the police station,  he was not charged with anything and was not made to apologize and you could see the disgust of even having to pay to repair our motorbike.


If there weren't witnesses, good samaritans, and if my daughter was not with me, this wouldn't have gone down this way I can guarantee it.   Thank you to the good Samaritans with morals and the stomach to stand up to bullies.

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It looks to me the guy got beat up by the bully boys and fled to his car. The rowdy bunch surrounded his car to do what? I think he knew what was next; to be pulled from his car and booted in the head till dead or in a life long coma. After the initial beat down the man received, after he fled to his car, that is when the boy gang should have got into their van and called it a day.

I would fine him the usual 500 baht. He is being charged most likely because the dead ruffian has powerful relative or money has changed hands. 

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11 minutes ago, bsdthai said:

If i was being harassed by a mob i would probably feel more comfortable pulling a gun. I carry a gun for one reason. Self defense. I have a family to protect and know full well if its used my life will be over but my family is important and wouldnt hesitate in a bad situation. 

self defense against what may i ask? I too have a family but have never ever thought of carrying a gun.

Edited by james.d
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14 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

To Stay inside his car.. not swearing shouting and follow these boys with his car because they blocked his car for one minute...he and his wife felt so strong with that loaded gun no reasons to back down!

And if they attacked the car he should just sit there and do nothing? He had no idea what was going to happen next and did ge cobsidered to be the right thing to do. He made in my opinion the right decision although I am sure you will disagree with it

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Punks acting together becomes mob rule. Probably should have tried to drive off, backup if need be. But we are all great sofa quarterbacks after the event. We were not there, and who knows what we would have done in the same situation. I always remember Goetz in the New York Subway being ganged up by thugs and he pulled out his gun and shot them. That stopped them in their tracks etc. People questioned why he had a gun. It was because he was mugged once before. The mugger was out of the police station before Goetz was.....something wrong with this picture! 

He was found guilty by a jury of his peers for shooting them. In my opinion his peers should have been people who had also been mugged. Only they would know what the experience was like, and the fear involved. I admit if I had been mugged I would not allow myself to be in that situation again....I would have carried a gun to defend myself. We each make our own choices. The subway punks carried sharpened screwdrivers to intimidate and hurt people, and they got shot...Boo Hoo.

no sympathy from me...if you go out to do bad things, expect bad things to happen to you. Okay, rant over. Have a nice day.

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

the father of the slain schoolboy, said on Monday that had the public prosecutor not charged Suthep with murder, he would have filed a lawsuit with a court.

I guess he had proof of sufficient funds to satisfy the public prosecutor? I hope Suthep gets a great lawyer and sticks this right back up the arse of the dead punks family where it rightly belongs.


19 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

He had a loaded gun in his car then used it

What good is a gun if it isn't loaded?


18 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

People other than law enforcement officers that carry loaded guns around in there

car,  are not good citizens. when people understand that the rest kind of falls into place. 

What part of la-la land do you live in?

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36 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

And if they attacked the car he should just sit there and do nothing? He had no idea what was going to happen next and did ge cobsidered to be the right thing to do. He made in my opinion the right decision although I am sure you will disagree with it

Well we never know maybe scratch his car? U should listen to the audio how aggressive he talks with his wife asking her to get the gun out blabla. He to stupid to fire even in the air first that moron fake Clint Eastwood.

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Well we never know maybe scratch his car? U should listen to the audio how aggressive he talks with his wife asking her to get the gun out blabla. He to stupid to fire even in the air first that moron fake Clint Eastwood.

The gun empowered him helping to escalate the situation. Guns are a problem in my country we have only 150 murders a year because we don't allow people to own guns.

Its all nice and macho to have a gun but it makes some people do stupid things. This would probably never gotten this far without the gun. He did not even fire a warning shot. Just like you said listen to the audio the gun made him feel like a big man.

Im sure there are people who can have a gun and still act smart unfortunately i doubt they are a majority.
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5 hours ago, hdkane said:

i think your options are pretty limited if you are surrounded by a bunch of thai punks...his only option was to have his wife and family hurt/killed...possession of an unregistered weapon is the guy's only crime.

Wrong....he is a Murder no doubt. Stupid arguments. In this Situation lock the Doors and drive on. 

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2 hours ago, NanLaew said:


What part of la-la land do you live in?

What !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are only 4 types of people that carry loaded guns around in cars in Thailand

that I know of.

1 ) Law enforcement officers 

2 ) Military personnel

3)  Pussy's 

4)  Bad citizens / Punks

Possibly a few more categories , maybe you guys can think of them. 

i doubt many on TV fall into the  first two  :thumbsup: 

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20 hours ago, manarak said:

Thailand needs to find a way to improve the system so that impulsive and violent little shits are taken out of the system before they can get their hands on weapons.

This IS the way!  This little turd will never get his gang bang mentality on a weapon.  Darwinism works.

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3 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

What !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are only 4 types of people that carry loaded guns around in cars in Thailand

that I know of.

1 ) Law enforcement officers 

2 ) Military personnel

3)  Pussy's 

4)  Bad citizens / Punks

Possibly a few more categories , maybe you guys can think of them. 

i doubt many on TV fall into the  first two  :thumbsup: 

you definitely need to go out more

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On 9/4/2017 at 4:27 PM, Golden Triangle said:

Well, I'll divide social media a little bit more then, he should not have been charged with murder, I remember this incident and believe that at the time the poor guy and his wife were pretty well intimidated by the dead scrote and his bully boy mates.


Life is a difficult thing to learn and you learn by your mistakes, the dead kid ain't gonna intimidate anyone else and neither are his mates if they have an ounce of gumption.


I don't believe that the engineer should have had an unlicensed gun in his car either, so charge him with manslaughter and carrying an unlicensed firearm in public, fine him and send him on his way.


Unfortunately the mob mentality is alive and kicking in the Kingdom, and uncouth youths believe that they can do as they please because they think that the mob rules, Wrong, it does not.   


As my father taught me, If you are carrying a weapon it is because you intend to use it. Therefore, intention is what needs to be looked at. 


Every time I pass a Thai driver hogging the right lane I am afraid that one will eventually pull out a gun and shoot me or my wife. 


My plan in a case as the one judged here would be to use my car to ram into protagonists if ever someone tried to do harm to my family.


Then again... a car can be a weapon... do I intend to use it? Only in dire circumstances.


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On 9/4/2017 at 8:03 PM, Enoon said:

using his vehicle horn (that is very provocative in Thailand

So honking at an idiot driver is classed as an invite to thugs to beat you and your family up?

This is another reason Thailand will always be a third world country

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Unlike the US, their are two factors going against the shooter.

First, seems he was carrying a loaded firearm without the license to do so.  It's not illegal to carry the gun, say from you home to the range and back, but it is expected that you have the firearm locked in one location, the ammo in another location, and be carrying a minimum of the Por 4 for the firearm.

Seconded, it does not seem as though Thailand has laws on the books that allows an individual who is being attacked by a group to use deadly force if they feel as though their lives are in danger. In this case the teenages chased down the engineer, busted out his windows, and if they scene went any further, my guess is that he would have been seriously injured or killed.  Considering watching video of groups of Thais attacking individuals and either killing them or beating them so badly that they physically incapacitated for the rest of their lives seems to be Ok with the legal authorities in this country.  In countries with well-defined laws, the use of deadly force in the case of "Disparity of force" is an accepted defense.  What sane person should have to endure being attacked by multiple attackers?  It is so prevalent here in Thailand because victims are not legally allowed to defend themselves with anything other than their fists.  So when multiple attackers attack - the victim is going to get seriously hurt. And if the attack victim uses a weapon, they are more than likely to go to jail than those who attacked them with the intent of inflicting grave bodily harm.  
This is a very screwed up system.  You have two options if you're attacked and can't escape: Get beat to the point of possible being killed, or protect yourself with what is at hand and then expect to go to jail for doing so.  That is not much of a choice where group beat-downs on individuals are the norm.

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