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Thais ask why hasn't Thailand got these - Fire Escape Chutes


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My method is not tostay higher than 3 floors from the ground, and If I was going to

rent for more than a couple months a year I would buy a metal fire escape system to hook outside

the window to toss over the balcomy to get to the ground in case the hallway was smoke filed

and fire was serious.


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Nice restaurant in Surin once. No hand soap in the Men's room...But "We have over here"...Why not put some in the Men's room...But we have over her. No need over there. 

BEAUTIFUL soap dispenser, bone dry/never been filled in the Men's room.


I asked WHY again. But...we have over here. Mamasan's dishwashing liquid & a tub of water...The sinks had running water?




Why ask why I guess? My wife told me to just shut up, so I did.

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This concept was displayed in France during the 1980s. The tubes were located indoor and were capable of controlling the descent speed of multiple evacuees ( think strings of sausage). They readily adapted to body shape and were safe for pregnant women to use. I guess that the transit space for multiple tubes required at the lower levels would make the system extremely cumbersome

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15 hours ago, marginline said:

There should be no need for training per se because the device is programmed to lower the person wearing the device gently.

It probably is "single-use" therefore ExpatOilWorker because of the limited 7-year warranty too.

After all, the odds of being involved in a high-rise, life-threatening fire twice in such a short period of time - must be astronomical; don't you think?


Just a couple of things to be aware of with devices like this, and yes, they do work well:


Anchor point: This is supplied with the device but where do you attach it? If you don't know, seek professional help, after all this is the only point holding you when you go out the window. Not so good if secured in skimmed plaster over a wooden base....................:thumbsup:


Once you start your descent, how would you brake if you needed to? Why would you need to brake? Even though the  harness and cable have high heat tolerances, you do not. So if your passage to the ground transits the floor the fire is on and the floor 'blows out' (during your descent) you have problems.


Oh, and to use these devices, the fire would be below you anyway, if not why would you not use the normal fire exits?

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On 9/23/2017 at 8:21 AM, scorecard said:


"It was far better at this stage for Thailand to ensure that existing fire regulations were actually adhered to rather than seek another
safety alternative."


A very good point, and always needed as a basic, plus there should be regular inspections and huge fines if the escape stairwells are blocked with shop stock, old furniture, etc.


However always looking at new developments is also a must.

Some things never change, in the Triangle shirt company fire in New York in 1911 most of the deaths were caused by boxes blocking the fire escapes. You would think we would have learned

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