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Thaivisa exclusive: “Attempted murder" as "Australian" man punched by Thai in school says he is really British


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45 minutes ago, Artisi said:

isn't every Thai confrontation always from the blind side and a cheap shot, however  - the only thing in this guys favour is he didn't need 6 mates to back him up - so a few brownie points there.

Cut and Broke his cheek bone I gather. Wasn't there also a ring on his hand as well, or not? This is an increasing thing violent or easily eruptible Thais more and more seem to have nowadays. Yes, but luckily the old man did not get hit by 3-4-5-6 of them as is typical. 

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

You have no idea what provoked the falang in the first place, he claims the Thai tried to run him off the road, so maybe he was justified in his actions. Anyone who sucker punches an old man is certainly no hero though, I suppose tipping him out of a wheelchair or kicking his crutches away would be justified as well?

What justifies running down the road with a machete and running over a person in front of his daughter and your own?


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15 minutes ago, robblok said:

Come on someone tries to kill you twice..and you stay cool and not retaliate... I know that I am a pretty laid back person but if someone tries to kill me twice there is a good chance i go after him too. Its called a heat of the moment decision because of actions of someone else. Seriously I have not thrown a punch for most of my adult life.. but I am sure that this would get my blood boiling. 

So, if the punch to the head [while he is talking with a law enforcement officer] to the Brit was serious enough to kill the man, it would have been justifiable homicide under Dutch law?  In similar circumstances in your own country, the Thai man would not have been arrested on the spot?

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3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

You have no idea what provoked the falang in the first place, he claims the Thai tried to run him off the road, so maybe he was justified in his actions. Anyone who sucker punches an old man is certainly no hero though, I suppose tipping him out of a wheelchair or kicking his crutches away would be justified as well?

If he ran me over first and came after me with a knife.. who knows.. i mean he is the agressor. Do you feel old people or handicapped people should be allowed to attack others and then hide behind their age or handicap. 


I thought you were so against age discrimination.. but i guess you want it only to count if its in your favor. Your posts make that clear. If you really hated age discrimination then you would say the guy acted like a idiot and started it and his age should not give him protection for retaliation. But i guess that is too much for you.


If the old fool had not run over attacked the guy with a machete things would not have escalated like this. The guy can claim a lot but these things have been proven.. his claim is unproven. 

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1 minute ago, Thai Ron said:

What justifies running down the road with a machete and running over a person in front of his daughter and your own?


Pointless debating until all facts are known, like what caused the Brit to act the way he did.

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Just now, pookiki said:

So, if the punch to the head [while he is talking with a law enforcement officer] to the Brit was serious enough to kill the man, it would have been justifiable homicide under Dutch law?  In similar circumstances in your own country, the Thai man would not have been arrested on the spot?

No it would certainly not be justifiable, this assault is also not justifiable.. but certainly mitigating circumstances and given what happened to the guy he should receive no punishment at all. Just a punch after being run over by a car and threatened with a machete. 

This depends a bit of course on how long time has passed between the two incidents there is a difference between revenge (if the guy has had enough time to calm down its revenge and no longer that much mitigating circumstances)

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2 hours ago, BEVUP said:

well,well,well This is one for the books

So now that everyone has dragged the Assies over the coals, they can now have a crack at the Poms' 

& this Pom is now in it up to his neck

Yis mite, becorze befowa orl the Horstraylians were croyin ova a 'good blawk' now its a Pom its a different story in it Cobba!

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if the old fool had not run over attacked the guy with a machete things would not have escalated like this. The guy can claim a lot but these things have been proven.. his claim is unproven. 


As I said, you have no idea what the Thai did to cause the Brit to behave as he did, I doubt it was for nothing, so until all facts are known it just conjecture.

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45 minutes ago, pookiki said:

I am in no way condoning the violence perpetrated by the Aussie/Brit whatever he is BUT the fact remains that there was an assault on him in front of a Thai policeman - several in fact- followed by a threat from the Thai to kill the man. How does that not lead to an arrest on the spot when the police are witnesses?   And why is the Aussie/Brit the only one who has to post bail? 

He was arrested and is facing charges of assault.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

"Floored by a left hook".....that landed on his left jaw?



In martial art they have a chart that show the vital points all over the body. The point on the side of the face near the ear is one of them.

The Thai may have missed the point. He could have killed him.

Life is cheap in Thailand, you get killed for some small misunderstanding. Pathetic country.

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No it would certainly not be justifiable, this assault is also not justifiable.. but certainly mitigating circumstances and given what happened to the guy he should receive no punishment at all. Just a punch after being run over by a car and threatened with a machete.


Is it possible there were mitigating circumstances that caused the Brit to attack the Thai? You don't seem to want to entertain that possibility.

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The only thing going for the Brit from the dashcam footage is that his car was blocking out what he was doing with his 'garden tool' in front of the car.


That he actually deliberately ran the Thai down with his vehicle is damning enough.


Still, how lucky is the Thai guy that someone actually caught this 'pre-knockout punch' incident? What the Thai guy did was stupid no doubt, but if people were honest with themselves, considering what he had been through and listening to the BS spouting from this so called British person, how many would have the restraint to back off?


The true answer to the above needs honesty.....................:thumbsup: 

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9 minutes ago, madusa said:

In martial art they have a chart that show the vital points all over the body. The point on the side of the face near the ear is one of them.

The Thai may have missed the point. He could have killed him.

Life is cheap in Thailand, you get killed for some small misunderstanding. Pathetic country.

Almost every punch has the potential to kill if delivered hard enough.

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Mr Collin`s statement of events does not conform to his actions in the video. There is no way he`s going to bluff his way out of this one. 


The gold shop owner`s assault was wrong but I understand his loss of temper. Lucky for him he did not kill Mr Collins otherwise he could have been facing a murder charge. Have a gut feeling more is going to be exposed about this Australian/British guy, whatever he is.


200000 baht bail so far, this is really going to cost him, temper, temper, silly boy.

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Its the problem with living in Thailand for too long and picking up bad habits that thais see as good qualities. Youll never be classed as a thai. If you were this wouldnt be in the news. Your screwed old man! 

The guy was probably naturally fearful given the need for a knife and sometimes im guessing acting a lunatic could save your life given the right circumstances but thats a trait for thais only apparantely. Ive met farang that have been cut up by thais for even stupider reasons and nothing ever happened. Police dont do a thing for farang. Another publicity stunt to make thais happy about themselves and make life more difficult for the farang. 

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3 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

The only thing going for the Brit from the dashcam footage is that his car was blocking out what he was doing with his 'garden tool' in front of the car.


That he actually deliberately ran the Thai down with his vehicle is damning enough.


Still, how lucky is the Thai guy that someone actually caught this 'pre-knockout punch' incident? What the Thai guy did was stupid no doubt, but if people were honest with themselves, considering what he had been through and listening to the BS spouting from this so called British person, how many would have the restraint to back off?


The true answer to the above needs honesty.....................:thumbsup: 

If we all thought that we had the right to exact our own form of justice when we felt wronged, there wouldn't be any reason to have police, courts, or the rule of law.  I've been assaulted and physically injured.  Sure, I was mad but I didn't seek my own personal revenge. If you are attacked, you certainly have the right to defend yourself. The punch to the head came after the assault occurred and it could have easily killed the Brit given his age.  It's not always easy to control one's rage but if we can't, let's just go back to the law of the jungle or the survival of the fittest. 

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This is insane, he did use his left hook on purpose, he has stingray ring on his left hand.  Few years ago I got a punch by a tuk tuk driver too with this ring, and he ran away. It caused me serious injury with several stiches.


That thai man was arrested in 2011 for concealing a .38 gun and escaping a police checkpoint with a car that has no license plate.


Still, police doesn't give a shit lol.

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theres a lesson for Thais in here and that is that some Farangs can be dangerous if provoked and I am inclined to believe that this gold shop owning self entitled piece of trash ( only such an entity would sucker punch a 77 year old man in front of a cop) deliberately tried to run this old codger off the road endangering the life of his 8 year old daughter not to mention himself....you dont get to be a "big shot in fishing fleet circles" by being a pu55y

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Sumeth said he intends to push the matter to the fullest extent of the law."


I wonder what this means exactly? Does it mean that he will lobby the police and encourage them to be as hard as possible on the foreigner? In our Western countries the police are generally independent and make up their own mind regarding appropriate charges without outside influence but maybe here in Thailand the police can be influenced in various ways.

Or does it mean that Sumeth simultaneously intends to take out a private action and sue the foreigner for big money?

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This is easy; arrest him, jail him and then deport Mr Collins's sad, lying, road-raged ass back to Blighty.

Mr Collins remember - you are a guest here in Thailand as you have clearly been in Australia too. You deserve nothing more than contempt for what you have done and of course, a one-way ticket back to Walsall. 

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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

These are "garden tools"


garden tools.jpg

These are "machetes"


Clearly youve never done any gardening in Thailand , you need a machete.

if it was carrying it ,in his glove box or under his seat , like most lorry drivers  do here  , l think his intent would be obvious. 


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11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

The quality of the Farang population especially in Pattaya continues go down. 

Kee Nok Farangs.. 

Yes but the 'other' side of this coin Boon Mee could also be that many of "the Farang population" have an unreasonable sense of 'entitlement'. I'll admit that writing as someone who is not a particularly wealthy individual - yet! I do respect my hosts (thank you) and always remember that I am a guest here. :jap:

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40 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

Almost every punch has the potential to kill if delivered hard enough.

Well said , a punch to the side of the head like that ( a 77 year olds head ) should be considered attempting murder .

trouble with Thais is they watch to many movies , and drive like they're playing PS4 

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