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"Lovely woman" shot in the head by boyfriend she spurned because of booze


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4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

totally agree - clear cut, any doubt - never

Oh come on chaps, don't turn it into a 'death penalty debate' eh? One can only hope that this murderer will get caught and punished accordingly and not just a lenient sentence. My sympathies to the woman's family.

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7 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

Savages breed more savages...where do you think they learn this type of behaviour ?

Because they are not taught anything when they grow up and the young boys are treated like "gods" and can do no wrong, then they have very little in the way of a moral compass, this even more so if the family group consists of a few other wayward boys.


They are never scolded or taught right from wrong, or at least the ones I have come into contact with have never been raised this way, so they do as they please. 


This is further exacerbated if the father has been one of the local village boys who has gotten the girl pregnant and moved on, leaving her to fend for herself or to leave the child in the care of her parents while she goes to find work, and that in itself creates more problems, because in many cases the parents want to live their own village style life and really don't take as much care of the kids as they could/should.


You can't expect better parenting if the parents themselves have been brought up this way, so it becomes a bit of a Catch-22 situation.


I'm sure that there are folks who can think of solutions aplenty, so I'll throw a few in for good measure: –


– Make the father of any child responsible for the child's upbringing or at least change the law so that maintenance money has to be paid.
– Failure to pay that money will result in jail or two years in the Army.
– Educate the masses on the possible consequences of poor parenting, or at least teach them some parenting skills.
– Get the BIB or some such organisation more involved in village and town life, pointing the way forward and how a better education and staying on the right path can bring good results – – involve them in what their future will look like when the wrong path is taken versus when the right path is taken............


Thailand's youth will never change if parenting skills and education are not started at a very basic and village level.

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1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:

Seems like the lady wasn't even leaving this loser for someone else.  She just wanted him without his drink problem and probably would have still allowed him to have the odd one, if he cut out the binge drinking.  He didn't even have the guts to pull the trigger on himself after killing her for no reason.  He probably thinks a wai to her family at the crime reenactment and a B500 fine will sort it all out.  Then he can get back to his blackso.    

If it were my daughter I would welcome him to come and wai me, but would find it hard to get back up with a bullet in his skull. 

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3 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

I was thinking as I read the story 'I want to believe that this happens everywhere, I want to believe that it isn't some deeply ingrained problem in the Thai male physche.' I'm just not sure if I can though. ?


I remember I was sitting eating in a food court once when I saw two kids (a girl and a boy) messing about with a water fountain. The dad came up to the two kids and smacked the girl shouting at her to stop. He did nothing to the boy. Sad.

Same in the Indian culture, females are second class citizens

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52 minutes ago, SpicyMeatball said:

Like in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, he took it upon himself to do an "honor killing" to save face.

What a ***ked up mentality some cultures have. If she was my daughter, sister or cousin that SOB better hope the cops find him before I would.

I'd bring a posse with me to lynch the coward sihthead after enduring hours of pain & suffering! Douse him in pure alcohol & set him on fire.

Like, you would carry out an honor killing as well in revenge for an honor killing ?

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2 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Garbage......I regularly drink with Thai men and I've never seen one pull out a gun.


Don't fall off your bar stool.



"Thai men" ?  wooooooow 

Very impressive. 

Good for you. 





Edited by Foozool
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Oh do not kill this young man as he will say he was just temporary crazy when he

pulled the trigger 3 times, but is okay now, and will not do it again. In lots of countries

the Judge and court would believe this kind of a story.  Hope Thailand will find this

low life and throw him in prison for the rest of his worthless life.


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It is interesting to note the killer has a secure public sector job. It is unlikely that at the age of 34 this is his first foray into violent behaviour caused by a fit of pique. My point being how impossible it is to lose a public sector job here.

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20 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Savages breed more savages...where do you think they learn this type of behaviour ?

There are decent folks here ... it seems, however, they have given up on this generation = fatalistic

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