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Video: Millions view shocking school violence as teacher appears to attack student


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4 hours ago, djayz said:

There are ALWAYS two sides to every story - unlike a lot of people here, I like to keep an open mind on these matters. 

Actually there are 3 sides, side A, opposing side B then there is the Truth Side C. Sides A & B in any argument/confrontation will with few exceptions consider their view as side C.. 

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My friend is a school teacher He has a wonderful nature but some of the things he tells me what students do in class is just disgusting Trouble is the headmaster will not back the teachers and lots feel they cannot deal with this anymore So bad here If teachers talk to the parents the parents abuse the teacher  Its a no win situation for some For this they get paid a pultry 20,000 per month No wonder so many leave I am not saying what the teacher did was right and if it was me i would of just walked out of the class to calm down. But think about it this way. Has anybody been backed into a corner and can see no way out because u have no back-up from headmaster  parents  other teachers and all of a sudden you just completely lose  control of yourself and do something stupid.


We are all human are we not?  

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45 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I suspect it was staged,

1. Not one of the remaining "students" moved a muscle

2. In a brief moment a couple of the "students" looked older than elementry or HS age. 

3. The person attempting to intervene was not wearing a student uniform, seemed a co worker. 

4. At the end I saw an apparent adult male that was present the entire time  walk right by the camera to the front of the classroom, (stage). 

Conspiracy theory. Like it.  Who killed JFK?  911 was the Yanks.

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7 hours ago, cooked said:

The school, if discovered will:

deny it.

excuse it

threaten the kid and his parents.

Promise an investigation and go quiet

(maybe) make the teacher promise not to do it again.


And if they are actually sorry they'll give the kid a gift basket of chicken essence.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What passes for discipline in Thai schools is an utter disgrace. If ever I have witnessed a school room incident where someone deserves to be charged by the police this is it. This teacher needs to be sacked and jailed.


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41 minutes ago, sambum said:

"And third, most important. I don't support the actions of this man (teacher?). I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt".


One of the most hypocritical comments yet! You say you don't support his actions, but the video clearly shows what he did, or are you one of those who advocate that no one is guilty until they have been found guilty in a court of law? In which case this teacher/thug will probably be transferred to another school.

We don't know all the details. We don't know about the circumstances. A man beating another person is not automatically proved guilty. Sometimes even one man killing another is found not guilty. Have you ever heard of something like this? Again and again - I don't claim that the teacher was right (most probably he was not). But I am also not ready to accuse him of crime WITHOUT additional information regarding the case.

Edited by Zikomat
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30 minutes ago, snooky said:

You might have a point, Grumpy - I just sent this to a Thai friend of mine who is a teacher and he thinks it is not in Thailand.  It does look a bit fishy when the students are just sitting there watching with no seeming reactions.

Some very interesting comments.The "assailant" (teacher?) appears to be very short, in fact, no taller than the students he attacks. Could it possibly be another student from another class that has entered the room specifically to attack this particular student?

While the rest of the students appear to be relaxed and not paying attention?

Is he wearing Boy Scout uniform?                    Just some thoughts after Grumpy Duck's comments.

A lot of speculation, very little information.

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What scares me the most is the new generation of onlooking students doing nothing about it. When I was a student, a long time ago, we would have beaten the shitake out of this pervert. Now I fully understand the fatalism towards repression by generals, police and influential people here. My advice to the students: If you don't get your lazy (deleted) up you will have to take abuses for the rest of your life, or even worse, became the abuser.

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8 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

What scares me the most is the new generation of onlooking students doing nothing about it. When I was a student, a long time ago, we would have beaten the shitake out of this pervert. Now I fully understand the fatalism towards repression by generals, police and influential people here. My advice to the students: If you don't get your lazy (deleted) up you will have to take abuses for the rest of your life, or even worse, became the abuser.

Maybe unlike the do gooder brigade on this thread, they are in the know of what caused the mess. I don't know where you are from but where i come  from, vulgar words about one's mother can get you beaten up pretty bad. It might be the last thing you will ever say. A student, grown up, cat, giraffe or any living thing that utters vulgar about one's mother should expect a thorough beating where I come from. Nobody knows what this student said or did. 

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What passes for discipline in Thai schools is an utter disgrace. If ever I have witnessed a school room incident where someone deserves to be charged by the police this is it. This teacher needs to be sacked and jailed.

<deleted> ... can't believe my eyes. This is a sheer mockery of schooling at its worst. This bullying Bastard needs a taste of his own medicine and jailed for 10 years to show others it will not be accepted. Lost for words on this one .......:sad:

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Its so simple with creatures such as this. Without reading all the replies!


  1. Sack him immediately.
  2. Give the children in the room enforcing his evil and it will not happen again.
  3. Make sure he gets paid nil from the school with regards to money owed or all other previous money owed.
  4. Ensure the parents can sue the school for injuries plus compensation from the school for employing this maniac in the first place especially the parent of the child involved.
  5. Finally make sure he spends a decent amount of time in gaol/jail.

Then maybe it won't reoccur again!

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9 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

<deleted> ... can't believe my eyes. This is a sheer mockery of schooling at its worst. This bullying Bastard needs a taste of his own medicine and jailed for 10 years to show others it will not be accepted. Lost for words on this one .......:sad:

Just enough words.....................Brevity is the soul of wit.


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I can understand why there is the such violent road rage later on in life when kids have been subjected to abuse & violence at the hands of these so called teachers & the almost non existent law to protect children.

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What passes for discipline in Thai schools is an utter disgrace.

I don't think this has to do with classroom discipline. This is a teacher completely losing it. Wonder what pushed him over the edge or maybe he's just a complete maniac. Who knows. Either way he's assaulted two students.

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5 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

Perhaps not paying attention was taken as an insult by this thai teacher- don't know ? what incited this violence. It also concerns me how the other students who witnessed this outburst will process an incident surely engraved on their memory.


Maybe the student said something vulgar. Maybe the student disrespected the teacher's mother or wife using vulgar words. In Thailand that can send you to the crematorium, student or no student. Nothing is going to be engraved in memory. They will be too busy on their mobile devices to remember this beating.  

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2 hours ago, wabothai said:

A kid gets attacked by a lunatic and the rest of the class is sitting there motionless, even filming it.

Draw your conclusions.

I conclude they are terrified of the thug beating the living **** out of one of their classmates.

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2 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

My friend is a school teacher He has a wonderful nature but some of the things he tells me what students do in class is just disgusting Trouble is the headmaster will not back the teachers and lots feel they cannot deal with this anymore So bad here If teachers talk to the parents the parents abuse the teacher  Its a no win situation for some For this they get paid a pultry 20,000 per month No wonder so many leave I am not saying what the teacher did was right and if it was me i would of just walked out of the class to calm down. But think about it this way. Has anybody been backed into a corner and can see no way out because u have no back-up from headmaster  parents  other teachers and all of a sudden you just completely lose  control of yourself and do something stupid.


We are all human are we not?  

Human I am.


A human who would assault a child I am not.

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8 hours ago, djayz said:

It's difficult to keep children and teenagers interested and focused on a topic.


Maybe the teacher in question lacks the necessary skills to teach the youth of today? Or maybe the student on the receiving end of the beating is simply disruptive and rebellious by nature and the teacher simply had enough? We'll never really know.


Either way, violence - especially at that level - simply isn't acceptable in today's society. 


We don't know if this student was persistently disobedient, disruptive and riotous in class. It is not acceptable for a student or a small number of students to disrupt classes to an extent that it has an adverse affect on the other well disciplined students' learning and class time. 


Some form of punishment is necessary to teach people where the boundries are. 


"It's difficult to keep children and teenagers interested and focused on a topic."


Not for a good professional teacher it isn't.



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12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

"It's difficult to keep children and teenagers interested and focused on a topic."


Not for a good professional teacher it isn't.

Dead right. A good professional teacher can keep 40+ students crammed into a non-air conditioned classroom with no AV, a blackboard, chalk if you're lucky, interested and focused. You must be a teacher with a lot of experience teaching here in Thailand.:wink:

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teachers or thugs in a class room? Do that in any civilized country and you go to jail and banned from ever teaching again and while you are in jail you get a good hammering by the inmates for doing it. But here nothing, A country with a lot to learn.


There is only one answer for this, but unfortunately not legal, kick the living daylights out of the next teacher who does it and the rest of his buddies may take notice.

Edited by wakeupplease
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