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Under fire Hollywood action star Steven Seagal was feted by Thailand on frequent visits


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Poor Seagal, notwithstanding the latest allegation, his over-inflated ego has made him the butt of jokes in the movie and martial arts worlds for somewhile. Now even Thailand wants to disown him. You know you've reached rock bottom when Thailand calls time on you.

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On 10/11/2017 at 2:16 PM, daoyai said:

indeed,  allegations ruining the careers of many at present.. I wonder how many are true? ...or are they just jumping on the "#me too" bandwagon...  

There's never smoke without fire. 

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On 10/11/2017 at 2:23 PM, mercman24 said:

what real pees me off is these come out of the woodwork years later. springs to mind cliff richard, i was held down by a policewoman years ago and sexually assaulted, . so <deleted> , ok it never happened,, just to stress the point all these cases would have been given more credence if reported at the time, not in some cases 30 years after,

It's very common for victims to feel so ashamed by what happened that they can't talk about it let alone report it. 


It often takes them years to come to terms with what has happened to them. In the words of one sexual assault victim "I didn't speak a word of my own rape for seven years. It is a humiliating experience to recount privately, let alone publicly, and victims’ accounts are often scrutinized to the point of exhaustion."


I don't think any of us should give them a hard time for taking years to recount such a traumatic experience. 

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2 hours ago, gamini said:

I did notknow that visa based on marriage extensions are more stringent. retirement visas are now much more easy and less hassle.

What do extensions of stay in the Kingdom, based on marriage to a Thai, have to do with the topic at hand?

Stringent? How?

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Okay, I am not a fan of Steven Seagal and never have been. Saw a couple of movies but just wasn't my 'cup of tea'. I don't know him personally therefore I have no right to pass a comment on the man's attitude and behaviour...What about the 'Bond' movies? I'm sure the actors didn't come to Thailand and just on the beach when relaxing. This is one of the problems with 'stardom'..you become a target for someone. Maybe S.S. is not guilty and maybe he is but until evidence/lack of is published then this is just news paper sensationalism to sell stories. What about stories the other way round, buxom, shapely women who are ready to do their worst to get what they want...nah, don't want that as they are yet unknowns.

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Ah I do laugh when I read those posts trying to minimise the abuse suffered by women coerced into sexual acts. 


I especially laugh when when I read posts claiming women engaging in consensual sex to get something is on a level with such abusive, sexual coercion. 


Thing is, there’s never any humour or joy in such laughter. 

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If a woman accuses a man of sexual misconduct, ok investigate it. it should carry a sentence. But if he is found not guilty, i always say that the accuser should carry that jail term. That would make women think twice about throwing accusations out there. It's just too easy to do and the women have nothing to lose and possibly money and fame to gain.

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14 hours ago, Becker said:

That's such a profound statement. You must be like really smart!

Juts out of curiosity, what does Ellen Degeneres or her girlfriend have to do with this topic?

You must be really really smart then if you cant figure it out.

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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah I do laugh when I read those posts trying to minimise the abuse suffered by women coerced into sexual acts. 


I especially laugh when when I read posts claiming women engaging in consensual sex to get something is on a level with such abusive, sexual coercion. 


Thing is, there’s never any humour or joy in such laughter. 

Look if they were forced or raped absoulte travesty and tragedy. If they didnt leave immediately, fight back, get help or report it directly after the incident then why now. If they were willing or in anyway thought it would further their career its a two way street. There is no excuse for sexual misconduct or predatory behaviour but IMO I believe there would have been quite a few people willing to do whatever it took to gain the fame, fortune and glamour that comes with the hollywood lifestyle. So lets have a little perspective.

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5 hours ago, starky said:

Look if they were forced or raped absoulte travesty and tragedy. If they didnt leave immediately, fight back, get help or report it directly after the incident then why now. If they were willing or in anyway thought it would further their career its a two way street. There is no excuse for sexual misconduct or predatory behaviour but IMO I believe there would have been quite a few people willing to do whatever it took to gain the fame, fortune and glamour that comes with the hollywood lifestyle. So lets have a little perspective.

I have perspective. 


I believe everyone of those who have reported abuse so far. 


I dont believe any of the assaults were consensual acts. 


I cannot understand why posters are comparing sexual abuse with concensual acts. 

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4 hours ago, halloween said:

So now asking a potential sexual partner if she fancies it is variously described as sexual misconduct or harassment? How long before an application in writing, with witnessed signature, is required?

You're not a big fan of consent, are you. Well, at least you're consistent as it goes very well with your opposition against the people of Thailand giving their consent to whoever shall lead their country. 

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On 11/10/2017 at 2:25 PM, Misterwhisper said:

And the list could go on. Who Thailand doesn't "fete", though, are those tens of thousands of foreigners who have wed Thai wives, live here legally and often enough support entire extended families. Although is they who would deserve that "feting" most, they have never received any commendations and are in fact merely tolerated (but not welcome) as attested by the ever more stringent visa requirements. 

suspect a great many of us agree with you; and also suspect that mindset you refer to has reverse consequences; namely many of us looking down on those who practice the mindless,racist, xenophobia

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Amazing how the baiting starts once an ideal punching bag is stigmatised.
How was Thailand to know at that time what allegations would arise ?
And does this mean that my Bangkok tailor will now remove a well displayed dusty old photo of Seagal in his shop ?
As for feting people it is cultural...so many fine gentlemen get feted when they enter a Pattaya soi bar !! :partytime2:
A teenager in the bus this morning was heard saying  ....."but who is this Steven Seagal?" :clap2:...

You have a tailor yet travel by bus?

Sent from my G7-L01 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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18 hours ago, Myran said:

And? What's the relevance? What's the news? Should you confront Uncle Ben's because the guy ate a lot of rice? Who knows what they'll have to say about his alleged misconduct.

Never mind Uncle Ben. What about Bill and Ben and the delectable Little Weed?  Two dubious characters with suspicious hats and an incomprehensible dialect living between a fragrant and delicate example of British vegetation.

No doubt some type of fertilization was involved but was it consensual and what was the exact formula? 5-10-5 perhaps.



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On 11/10/2017 at 2:16 AM, daoyai said:

indeed,  allegations ruining the careers of many at present.. I wonder how many are true? ...or are they just jumping on the "#me too" bandwagon...  

The true measure is how many actually make it to court.  Most just languish and expire as the plaintiffs tire and don't get any out of court settlement offers.  And many of these allegations, do not constituted anything illegal.  The behavior may have been improper by some social standards, may have been offensive, etc.  but that doesn't make the alleged acts illegal.  Anybody in any position of authority or in the public limelight can be potentially harmed by just about any name calling.   

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"Seagal has had "chemistry" in Thai relations stretching back 30 years after multiple visits to the kingdom. The Nation reported that he visited in April 2016 and spoke of setting up a film production company in Thailand to "demonstrate the country's aesthetics to the world". "


"claimed that Seagal "unzipped his trousers" telling her that it was "important to have off-screen chemistry" 


Hoped he kept it zipped up with the General, although Seagal does believe in 'Off screen Chemistry'.


Seagal does support Thailand. I wonder if there are any men that are going to come forward, or did they just get on with the job. These situations are very scary and shouldn't be taken lightly, but years after the event? Some people see their careers as the most important asset to them. Some do things most won't. Then again when this practice is happening its very hard to hide. Its the people who saw and did nothing should also be called into the disgraceful people with the power to do these types of things.

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 3:52 AM, starky said:

Look if they were forced or raped absoulte travesty and tragedy. If they didnt leave immediately, fight back, get help or report it directly after the incident then why now. If they were willing or in anyway thought it would further their career its a two way street. There is no excuse for sexual misconduct or predatory behaviour but IMO I believe there would have been quite a few people willing to do whatever it took to gain the fame, fortune and glamour that comes with the hollywood lifestyle. So lets have a little perspective.


It seems that a lot of women that would never have said anything are now jumping on the bandwagon.

Anyway, given that apparently she was the only one about Segal, it seems that he's in the clear. Takes more than one stick to make a fire.

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3 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

My brother trained against Seagal. Said he hits like a girl.

Maybe your brother was so pathetic Segal was concerned that if he really hit him he'd do some damage.

I have no idea if that is true or not, but it's just as relevant as your implication that because your brother said something it makes Segal less of a man.


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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:05 PM, NCC1701A said:

ultra liberal left wing filth Kevin Spacey was seen with underage boys in a club in Bangkok.


you know, since somehow this is now about President Trump. 


If you are over here in Thailand and you are NOT watching Fox news 24/7, then this has nothing to do with Trump, uber liberals, and Kevin Spacey. It has everything to do with Thailand's Generals finding a washed up Hollywood star that will give them some cheap PR when they were desperate for  it.


There is a down side to that, which we are now seeing.


The  Trump/Spacey/ Uber liberals/ Seagal thread would be over on General Topics, or World News. Sorry you got lost. 

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