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Thai govt asks retailers to slash prices


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Trying to keep a balanced opinion  I would add that recently my ex visited UK and went on a shopping spree as she couldn't believe how cheap things were compared to Thailand. I always had a problem buying quality toys in Thailand and would fetch them from UK as only Robinsons/Central/Toys R Us Thailand had anything near quality but then at 3 times the price. Even electronics and computers in Thailand don't seem able to compete on price any more. I suppose it really comes down to consumer power in the west. The ex bought a pair of Dr Martins for £20 at the Outlet Centre in Portsmouth, in fact she bought a few pairs but you don't seem to get bargains like that in Thailand. I have always been an advocate of the Thai Town (shop) house as I prefer entrepreneurism over corporate blandness however this, other than for food is diminishing, as does everything good.

Obviously his generalness has been overspending, however trying to encourage people to spend more is not good fiscal policy unless of course you give them more and trying to control retail corporations is like holding a tiger by the tail. They will have much better financial/contract/negotiation experts than you will ever find in Government employ.

This is a most strange thing for a Government to do and I believe it seems a bit last ditch. Perhaps we will see an election sooner than we all think. Has the military rule bankrupted the country ? I think I will hold off my condo purchase as I can smell the possibility of a more favourable exchange rate coming around the corner. That's my decision, imagine how large scale financers think when they see stupidly thought out Government decrees like this. What I am amazed at is that they did this a short while ago with 1500cc cars manufactured in Thailand and that was an utter failure so this also indicates a total lack of imagination. Next they will come up with a rice pledging scheme.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Government asks retailers to slash prices . . . by up to 80%

These jerks still haven't learned to think before they open their foolish gobs. Imagine you're a trader, let's say in Central Plaza, and that your business is solely top-end quality cameras. You're on the fourth floor, specially dedicated to camera and technology shops and you are one of four or five front-runners - reputation-based, probably - all wanting every potential camera buyer to enter their shop. Your prices are already rock-bottom . . . they have to be. You've bought your stuff from Konica, Sony, Pentax and a load of other mostly Jap makers at the very keenest prices you could haggle them down to - plus as much as 30% Thai import duty on audio-visuals -  and you know that, if you could shave your prices, you forking well would.


Now, these brainless - shout-first-think-later- ITD jerks walk into your shop and suggest you cut your prices by 20 to 80%. I know what I'd be doing if I was a black belt karate guy but, since I'm not, I certainly know what I'd be saying, as I held the door open for their exit.

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4 hours ago, saakura said:

Most of those bitter posters have no home to go back to. Which is one of the main reasons for negativity in their lives!!

When you don't have anything to say about a person's argument, it's a sign of desperation to switch to personal attacks.  This demonstrates your own ignorance and lack of a good point to make.  

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"How about the govt cutting fuel prices", I thank the govt every time I fill up for the fuel prices. Half the price of the robbing bastards in the UK

Cutting fuel prices just encourages people to use more. No country wants that. The idea is to use less. Better for the world.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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this news relates to Thailand trying to boost their yearly GDP figures to around the 4% mark so they can claim

positive growth and are worried because of the recent mourning periond that GDP figures will be affected adversely

and are hoping to boost consumer spending in the run up to the end of 2017 to boost the GDP figures


any such news on ThaiVisa gives ammo' to the guys who like to bash Thailand and I'm reading that the economy

will tank, the baht will crash, there will be an early election, the army has spent all the money etc etc etc all on the basis of this one news story.


in truth the guys writing this stuff have no clue and even if their negative bullshit actually turned out to be right for once?

it would be because they got lucky, I read so much of this negative stuff on thai visa that I almost stopped reading, sadly a few posters can have a very loud voice and these guys although difficult have to be ignored.

Edited by hugh mckee
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5 hours ago, Farangdanny said:

Why don't you just go home to where you came from.

ThaiVisa does not require members to be resident of Thailand.

Forum members can be in any country that has internet access. They can also be temporary in Thailand such as vacation or visiting. Telling TVers to go home is not well thought out.

Broadening your perspective of Thailand and the world by seeing posters from "where ever" could be useful.

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

This is a typical Thai attitude live for today, worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

Brain dead idea, from a brain dead government official.

I know this is a Thai forum but the average household debt including credit cards and other finance mechanisms in the UK, US and many other 'untypical' western countries is far worse than Thailand's.

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

This is a typical Thai attitude live for today, worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

Brain dead idea, from a brain dead government official.

I really don't see anything wrong, they are doing their best you know.The Thais love their country can't you see that? You should try your best to help them too.

At least Thailand doesn't threaten a small agrarian country(n.korea) with nuclear war, brain dead government official are in the US. Are you from US Colin? Sounds like you are.

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5 hours ago, maxisrael said:

They slash the prices already ! a pack of Allowrie butter 454 grams went from 175 to 220 baht and my favorite jam stayed at the same price of 125 Baht BUT went from 400 gram to 340 gram LESS 15 % ! and it does not stop there........................

555 that;s not butter mate but palmoil-crap.


Last week i checked all the butters sold in Makro cause i needed real butter....ALL, i repeat ALL had palmoil in them except one from Germany, produced in germany.


Yup also that ozzy butter with the kangaroo has palmoil ( i wanted to buy that untill i read the ingredients), cheating aussies, but ALL those brands had palmoil....

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8 hours ago, edwinchester said:

How about cutting import tax?



8 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

doesn't help home industry.

How about making ALL taxes voluntary for however long this shopping stimulus is intended to continue?

Edited by twig
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1 hour ago, Sir Swagman said:

I have always seen that about the limit of forward planning here involves perusing a menu.


My theory.

No real winter/summer as in most other countries so everything effectively grows all year round. No need to grow store preserve anything for the non productive season. 

No planning required for anything because all basics for life always grow, all year round.

99% of the big businesses are owned/run by people of Chinese descent, their genes have planning for the barren season in-built.

You can dismiss my theory or expand on it as is your wish.


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Now why on earth would you want to give 80% discounts when the country is attracting so many visitors that keeps the economy so buoyant. or is it those at the top cannot do English in numbers. I just had an email from a well known company telling me the country is doing well and attracting 327 million passenger at Don Maung and 860.000 plane movements.


7 hours ago, saakura said:

Most of those bitter posters have no home to go back to. Which is one of the main reasons for negativity in their lives!!

I have a home back home and fully paid for, so am I a bitter poster or just telling the truth?

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2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

My theory.

No real winter/summer as in most other countries so everything effectively grows all year round. No need to grow store preserve anything for the non productive season. 

No planning required for anything because all basics for life always grow, all year round.

99% of the big businesses are owned/run by people of Chinese descent, their genes have planning for the barren season in-built.

You can dismiss my theory or expand on it as is your wish.


I've worked in SE Asia and China over 15 years on construction railways and they cannot plan anything they may be able to hoard vegetables but that's about the limit of their planning

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8 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

I've worked in SE Asia and China over 15 years on construction railways and they cannot plan anything they may be able to hoard vegetables but that's about the limit of their planning

Never worked in China but have done in a few countries in the area.

Worked with a Chinese company here and found them quite organised.

They did have a problem understanding the fact that to put a pipeline through someones farm land they had to negotiate with the land owner etc. I can imagine how much negotiation they did back in China.


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Just now, overherebc said:

Never worked in China but have done in a few countries in the area.

Worked with a Chinese company here and found them quite organised.

They did have a problem understanding the fact that to put a pipeline through someones farm land they had to negotiate with the land owner etc. I can imagine how much negotiation they did back in China.


We had to employ the locals at 1 euro a day stop the stealing rail screws ect and scrapping them. One thing China is not short of is manpower

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6 hours ago, thailand49 said:

Maybe Trump, I doubt it would have some affect at the Asean meeting.

I love potato chips can't get enough of it at home the prices and variety.

I was at Big C Extra, basically at the foreign section, they had a display of chip Lays from the U.S.,  it was marked 119 baht,  the bag was the size of a 99 cent bag at home I pick it up and it felt as every chip had been smashed intentionally? I was thinking you got to be kidding  the typical 40% tack on tax.  Walk up and down the isle and everything imported the prices. 

Try the locally made Leys chips (crisps). Every bit as good at half the price of the imported ones.  Same size bag Bt57 now that is real progress in Thailand.

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9 hours ago, saakura said:

Most of those bitter posters have no home to go back to. Which is one of the main reasons for negativity in their lives!!

...or they are not located where they actually want to be - in Thailand, and therefore generously sharing their frustration this way ...;)

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11 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

Most Thai retail is subject to a small but powerful number ofCartels who regulate both the supply and price of retail goods - this is clearly demonstrated in the uniformity of pricing and the uniformity of reductions in sales. Bears no relationship to the individual business's needs to clear stock but is determined by the amount of discount the suppliers will allow.


11 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


As I don't think it is considered that the retailers will sell at a loss, it becomes clear that this is pure greed and rip off, if a business would be able to reduce prices with 80% and still make a profit.

Sure they make huge profits. How is it that Laptops, Hard drives etc are made in Thailand, transported to Europe where they attract import tax plus 20% VAT and yet they sell cheaper in Europe?

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12 hours ago, 55Jay said:

We don't do a whole lot of discretionary shopping here because anything of reasonable quality isn't good value IMO, or in the back of my mind, always wondering about counterfeit krap.   And the shops that always have 70-80% off sale signs up give me a laugh, as well as this "SHOCK PRICE!" nonsense.  Yeah, shocking alright!  555!


Typically just wait until the next trip to the US to refresh the wardrobe, accessories and electronics.  Always seem to find real sales, and great finds at those end of season/unsold stock/model close out consolidators.

Sales are a joke pure marketing scam, raise prices 60% over time then have a 40% off sale. 

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11 hours ago, Dave67 said:

I don't know about high prices just come back from Doha, bought a top of range Samsung walk-in fridge freezer for 10,000Bt Tesco Lotus

No need to be confused boys read a few pages more

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14 hours ago, Farangdanny said:

How often posts on here are so negative about Thai life/society/people etc. It's disgraceful. Often the same posters. Why don't you just go home to where you came from.

Sometimes negative posts are warranted sometimes not.


It is a pretty ridiculous way to be running a modern economy... demanding retailers cut prices to stimulate the economy.


The fact is that the elites who have organised and funded overthrow after overthrow of elected government after elected government are attempting to maintain an unsustainable system where their privileges and economic advantages are protected to the detriment of the nations financial standing.


It can't be sustained any longer.


On the bright side, the Juntas economic mismanagement will lead to their own overthrow and yet another attempt at democracy.

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