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Police suggest sudden death of Norwegian could be due to cold weather in Thailand


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17 minutes ago, m Stender said:

Are they stupid? (I guess) The cold season here are almost as a summer in Norway/scandinavia we used to have down to -15C and in top north down to -25C 

I was laughing high when I saw this, it is only khon thais who can die of cold when it is +19 to +10C

Abuse of laughing gas? :post-4641-1156693976:

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5 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:



I'm currently in Canada and I'm a bit worried about the latest climate in Thailand. Arriving in December.


Will I.be safe?

The "emotional" climate in Thailand is something that everyone should worry about ALL year round - hence all the "balcony jumps"....

Edited by ttrd
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How the hell could a man die of hypothermia lying on a bed inside a house in Thailand???? Yes I've been to Isaan when it's been cold (Like 8 degree Celsius at it's coldest) but even that isn't cold enough to cause death by hypothermia even in really bad circumstances. 


It takes a lot to lower your core temperature to the point you die from it. That is a fact. 




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A Norweigan dying of cold in Thailand? Anyone with a pet husky better watch out then, time to get them fitted out with that wooly sweater. I thought the "stupid sickness"was a fictional disease from the novel IQ 83, then I came to Thailand.

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1 hour ago, Acemaker said:

Maybe he had the Aircon on full blast for far to long and just fell asleep.  :goof:

Not nearly cold enough to make a person die from hypothermia. 


Did you read about the Swedish man in Umeå who survived 2 month in a frozen car at -30 degree Celsius? 

Seriously dying from hypothermia is HARD. I've personally slept outside on the ground (which is a big mistake as the ground will transfer heat from your body) in -8 degrees in the snow after having passed out drunk. I was completely FINE. 

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This guy lives a short distance from me. Arne liked a beer or 12 and I suspect he just died from the ticker. It is a little cooler here in the evenings and with the air con and no clothing, maybe the cold got him. Unlikely but maybe.

As to his wife, she is a hard working lady and sells at the market all the time. She would have been away for about 6 hours.

This guys time was up and there is nothing sinister about his death. He enjoyed a beer, enjoyed life and checked out. Simple.


RIP Arne.

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RIP Arne


Died of cold weather, that is one straight out of the Thick as S>>> book that is for sure so in Norway it never goes below 27c These guys are used to -20.


Now you can see why a British coroner just slammed the bib for not doing what other police forces do and that's do their job.


What is the matter with you Thailand?

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1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:



I'm currently in Canada and I'm a bit worried about the latest climate in Thailand. Arriving in December.


Will I.be safe?

Your be fine and very safe if you stay where you are as its 27c here and cold, if you risk it bring lots of warm clothes and a hotwater bottle and do not got to the full moon parties as we do not want to upset a Canadian Coroner.

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1 hour ago, freethinker said:

Not nearly cold enough to make a person die from hypothermia. 


Did you read about the Swedish man in Umeå who survived 2 month in a frozen car at -30 degree Celsius? 

Seriously dying from hypothermia is HARD. I've personally slept outside on the ground (which is a big mistake as the ground will transfer heat from your body) in -8 degrees in the snow after having passed out drunk. I was completely FINE. 


I was so drunk and cold once trying to make it back from the pub I worked part time in, to my flat, I got into a public phone box, passed out, standing bolt up right. Good night's kip. Woke up a few hours later, dawn approaching and could hardly get out of the phone box due to that much fresh fallen snow.

Munich, winter '80-81, probably minus lots.

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5 hours ago, missoura said:

This site at first left me puzzled. Why was everyone stopping? To look at the frost on the side of the road in northern Thailand. And asking me if it got cold like this in America...




There should be a caption contest for this photo. 'look here's some snow, anyone want to try skiing?'

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I agree with 4MyEgo, especially with rigor mortis already setting in.  It says the gf left for a few hours of selling at the market, just about enough time for rigor to begin setting in.  So I think its quite possible the gf saw her boyfriend die, perhaps of a heart attack, and she was afraid to stay around.  So off to the market!  Sad story.

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According to this link that shows the archive data of actual temperatures in Uttaradit the temperatures haven't dropped below 24 degrees Celsius at night  for the last 7 days. It is impossible to die from cold at these temperatures. I believe it was a heart attack taking into consideration his age.

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With the CM temperatures falling into the 70s F in the mornings, our Thai neighbors are now putting their cats and dogs in sweaters....


Top that....a little research indicates only hairless dogs would require coverings when the temp hits 32 F....


serious problem with perception and actual reality in LOS...

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