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Stop road repairs at New Year - latest brainwave as 16 million prepare for potential carnage


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8 hours ago, mok199 said:

driving thai roads is like playing a lottery.. most win but some do not...its that simple and all the good intentions this new dog and pony show proposes, will not change the fact thais refuse to obey any law if they can go around it...


And they do that because they know that the chance of enforcement is practically zero. It's like a cancer in society and leads to thousands of deaths and many hundreds of thousands of injuries on the roads each year. And unless a top VIP or member of the top family is injured or killed nothing at all will be done.

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The country lawmakers and administrators just don't seem to understand cause and effect...


whats lacking is is a comprehensive plan of education raining and enforcement...but it would take a year of training of those responsible just to get ready to test the public...


thailand is looking for a quick fix and the problem is so complex and so mismanaged now that they really need to start from scratch and undo bad driving habits and behaviors let alone corruption issues...

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9 hours ago, mok199 said:

driving thai roads is like playing a lottery.. most win but some do not...its that simple and all the good intentions this new dog and pony show proposes, will not change the fact thais refuse to obey any law if they can go around it...

More like playing Russian Roulette...with 5 bullets in the barrel!

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8 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:


thailand is looking for a quick fix and the problem is so complex and so mismanaged now that they really need to start from scratch 

This is true for many issues.

They tend to believe that a few slogans, repeated enough times, will do the trick.

Maybe this has to do with Buddhism and the mantras that are repeated in hope of winning the lottery.


To learn English, for example, they have all the classroom repeating "good morning, how are you?"...then the children come back home around 4pm and proudly tell me "good morning, how are you?".


To fight climate change, they have printed bags, on sale in supermarkets, with a printing like "save the Earth" or something similar...that should do the trick!


They are the champions of shortcuts...


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I don't understand all of the critical posts. What we are looking at is a classic case of evolution at work. Let me explain.


A useless side-branch of the evolutionary tree proves itself both useless and incapable of becoming useful. The natural order of things decide that this sub-species will progressively suicide. To make sure this process is unimpeded, evolution decrees that all agencies that might stop the process, or interfere with it's seemly pace, are also useless and ineffectual. Teets on a bull.


This is where the police and government come in.


Now; instead of criticising the suiciding sub-species, how about a round of applause for the fiendishly clever and resourceful evolutionary process which is making it possible to have a better world?


Worked with the dinosaurs...


Except Prayuth and Prawit. Obviously.


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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Arkhom has also ordered all building and repair work at 200 points nationwide to stop from the 28th of December to the 3rd of January. It is hoped that more space will be freed up to help with traffic flow.

Brilliant. One wonders why repairs are being done. Maybe the condition of the road? Great. Lets increase traffic flow. I've been here along time but I'm still astounded by the absolute stupidity.

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


And they do that because they know that the chance of enforcement is practically zero. It's like a cancer in society and leads to thousands of deaths and many hundreds of thousands of injuries on the roads each year. And unless a top VIP or member of the top family is injured or killed nothing at all will be done.

the thai sense of  emboldenment of breaking the same laws for years, gives  said thais the sense of security and ''entitlement''which then adds to the severity of the crime,the speeds increase as they feel ''I have been drivin this way for years now''..as in the wrong ,one way drivers...down the same small sois, for years,they become emboldened and the speed increases with the sense of security.i watch as foriengers drive aginst the flow and they are usually cautious and mindful of pedestrians,thais on the other hand ..well we all know them and how they roll...''I Thailand ,you no Thailand''...well they are not leading the world in rd deaths for obeying laws...well done number one

Edited by mok199
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These 3 most intelligent guys earn the prestigious Darwin Prize. Their 777 solution will keep Thailand nr. 1 in the world ranking of the most dangerous country in the world to drive on. I am glad to have these guys at the helm and they together came up with this wonderful and elaborate solution.

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Way back when they were building the MRT (done by "cut & cover" not TBMs) I almost drove into the hole thanks to virtually no signage, barriers or lights warning motorists. There was just one small cone in front of a 25m deep hole as wide as the carriageway.

Leaving the roadworks unattended is no guarantee of no accidents.




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20 hours ago, YetAnother said:

and i believe the roots are cultural; thais have trouble respecting order;

to a typical thai, the only 'good' order is their own personal order; 

such high degrees of self-centeredness preclude acknowledging others on the road

and result in low degrees of safety

Exactly and the way they use the roads without any consideration for others, e.g.  outside lane users at 40 kph , overtaking & emerging without looking or signalling , not letting you out from a side road , no method of signalling to let you pass by first because that does not happen here . Called driving without consideration to other road users and is penalized in the UK . I think that the majority of Thai people are insular and their most important thing in life is their selves followed by money and then family , little regards for third parties or their actions upon others and all reflected in their driving behavior .  

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The Japanese communications ministry is helping out on 12 of these routes though exactly what they will do was not clear.

Passing out complimentary Kamikaze Hachimaki to the intercity Toyota Commuter passenger van drivers. 

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