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"Foreigners against smoking ban" video hits the internet as authorities scurry to explain


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3 minutes ago, madusa said:

So smokers are now the victims? What brand of cigarettes do you smoke? You now think non-smokers are at fault? Oh, ho, honestly I imagine myself kidnap a smoker tie him or her up in my basement and burn him or her with a lighted cigarette. Because they now claim to be victim so let's give them something so they could prove to the world they are the victims. At least couple of burnt marks on the forehead or backsides.

I believe medical help is available for those with violent fantasies.

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3 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


Good grief! I think the general public needs protecting from you!


And a whiff of cigarette smoke blowing in the wind is really that bad? You seriously need to get things in perspective imo!


You have my sympathies if you were brought up around a chain smoking parent and suffered through it, however.



You are having a nice hand at a card game and this idiot had to light up a cigarette that's in considerate and smokers are mostly inconsiderate until they stop smoking and they realize what an idiot they had been.

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8 minutes ago, madusa said:

So smokers are now the victims? What brand of cigarettes do you smoke? You now think non-smokers are at fault? Oh, ho, honestly I imagine myself kidnap a smoker tie him or her up in my basement and burn him or her with a lighted cigarette. Because they now claim to be victim so let's give them something so they could prove to the world they are the victims. At least couple of burnt marks on the forehead or backsides.

From an earlier post:- "the majority of anti smokers are quite vehement in their approach and I am quite surprised that more of them have not been "bopped" for their intolerance and confrontational behaviour and attitudes."


I imagine myself kidnap a smoker tie him or her up in my basement and burn him or her with a lighted cigarette." 


And another one has just proved my point! 

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6 minutes ago, madusa said:

You are having a nice hand at a card game and this idiot had to light up a cigarette that's in considerate and smokers are mostly inconsiderate until they stop smoking and they realize what an idiot they had been.

This is an actual event?  Where?  I thought smoking was banned in bars, etc.


The card game- I hope no money was attached as that would also be banned:smile:.  Stupid law I know. 

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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

"the majority of anti smokers are quite vehement in their approach and I am quite surprised that more of them have not been "bopped" for their intolerance and confrontational behaviour and attitudes."


And another one has just proved my point! 

What exactly is "bopped" please use common word so everyone can understand you.

Smokers suck on their cigarettes, smokers suck don't they?

When smokers became non-smokers they became nice intelligent being.  Not being silly is the right word.

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

This is an actual event?  Where?  I thought smoking was banned in bars, etc.


The card game- I hope no money was attached as that would also be banned:smile:.  Stupid law I know. 

We had card game at home with a few old friends.

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39 minutes ago, madusa said:

See, not only smokers are silly they even think about putting a fist on your face for as little as 500 baht.

Smokers should stick the cigarettes up the b..t , never heard of butt smoking? The muscle in your anus can be trained to draw in the smoke and some of it may come out of your mouth.

Smokers should be kept in room without ventilation filled completely with exhaled cigarette smoke until they black out to let them know how non smoke feel when they smell the smoke.

get some help, you have some disturbing imagery floating around in your head

and, btw, I stopped smoking 20 years ago..., I'm just anti-authority

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15 minutes ago, madusa said:

What exactly is "bopped" please use common word so everyone can understand you.

Smokers suck on their cigarettes, smokers suck don't they?

When smokers became non-smokers they became nice intelligent being.  Not being silly is the right word.


So, now you are telling an Englishman (I guess)  how to use the English language:smile:.  To bop = to punch, eg, he got bopped on the nose.


That situation you describe at a private house playing cards is really a matter amongst friends.  I'd say it was very inconsiderate of the smoker.  But the thing is I don't think most smokers would do that these days.  Booze, tabs, dancing girls, cards, lewd and larky behaviour: it all tends to go together, doesn't it?


You simply don't have the right to tell people what they can and can't do in these situations imo.  You have to either accept it, or drop out.


I'm tempted to think that you simply feel people shouldn't do the things you don't like!  Yet, I do accept smoking can really effect some people badly. 

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4 minutes ago, madusa said:

What exactly is "bopped" please use common word so everyone can understand you.

Smokers suck on their cigarettes, smokers suck don't they?

When smokers became non-smokers they became nice intelligent being.  Not being silly is the right word.

OK, so allow me to explain as English is obviously not your native language (But this is an English language forum, by the way) 


"Bopped" is slang in my neck of the woods for "bunch of fives" or "knuckle sandwich". Sorry, but for someone who is advocating violence so much, I thought you would have heard these terms before, but if not, how about "smack in the mouth"?


And by the way, thank you for he compliment of being a "nice intelligent (human?) being" as I stopped smoking more than 4 years ago!

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

See, not only smokers are silly they even think about putting a fist on your face for as little as 500 baht.

Smokers should stick the cigarettes up the b..t , never heard of butt smoking? The muscle in your anus can be trained to draw in the smoke and some of it may come out of your mouth.

Smokers should be kept in room without ventilation filled completely with exhaled cigarette smoke until they black out to let them know how non smoke feel when they smell the smoke.

Silly is to miss the point


the point being that the punishment in no way fits the “crime”, when held up against other penalties within the kingdom.


if this was not the case... if the punishment fitted the “crime”, then this would be a nothing issue.... smokers would likely accept the area ban


only an idiot would see these proposed penalties as just... just would be commensurate with what would be applicable as a fine to locals, which sure as s*** isn’t 100,000 baht.


ergo.... the perception that this is a tourist scam perpetuated by the government.... which will do very very very little to enhance the environment


and... come on... I’m a non smoker, and your last paragraph is insulting to your intelligence.... it’s a baseless rant, reminiscent of how a sociopath might view the issue. (And I don’t even want to know about how you know that you can train your anus to inhale smoke)


from  you, it’s disturbing.... proffering an argument that is more worthy than that rubbish, would be a better use of your time, and more beneficial to the readers, because that post indicates a total lack of logical argument..... although trump might want to offer you a speech writers job on its strength.

Edited by farcanell
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7 hours ago, pattayadon said:

Unfortunately, It is only until a smoker quits smoking that he/she realizes what a nasty habit it is!!!!  Seen this many times!

Sorry I have to disagree with you on that one my friend, I am well over 60, and I have been smoking on and off since I was 8 ish, mostly on, as far as smoking and drinking are concerned, I stopped smoking mainly because I had a very heavy cold, yep, here in Thailand, my chest was a right mess, so as I recovered I vowed to stop, and I did, much to the relief of the Mrs, she could hear me at night as I slept as my chest gurgled with every breath.


It's not a year yet, and I will admit that I miss it, but I stop short from bumming a fag from my friends when out having a few beers with them, I always knew what a bad habit it was, my Mrs hated it but never yack yacked me, after all I smoked when she met me, but unlike some holier than thou posters on here I don't preach, I've had friends who quit due to pressure from wives or GF's come around to my place and bum fags off me while we enjoy a cup of tea.


Some of the more vocal t-w-a-t-s on here probably have some highly undesirable habits which none of us need to know about, drink, drugs, and other dubious likes, I'll leave that to your imagination.


Basically, live and let live, I don't judge people, I observe them, if they appear to be nice they can be my friend - Smoker or not.




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8 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Some of the more vocal t-w-a-t-s on here probably have some highly undesirable habits which none of us need to know about, drink, drugs, and other dubious likes, I'll leave that to your imagination.

Claissic!  :clap2:

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Question: Has this 1 year in prison/100'000 Bht fine deal alredy hit the tabloid-press in Europe (especially in the UK?)
If this should come to pass, I could imagine that the punishement would drop to 1 day in prison and only 1000 Bht fine.
Blaming all this to a simple "printing-error", caused by a silly apprentice at the departement.

But I shall say this: If this should be enforced come Feb 1st (without meaningful opposition), this would open the floodgates when if comes to fleecing Farangs. Entereing a new realm: Farang Motorbike riders without wearing a helmet will pay 1000. Justification: Farangs with no helmets are mainly responsible for the "road-carnage" on Thai-roads, etc, etc, etc,etc...........
Without meaningful opposition, what would stop them? Some bickering by Farangs on a Farang forum certainly won't impress them much.

Does it have to come to a point, where people booking a flight to Thailand will have to be supplied with a "Travel Advisory/Warning", issued by "foreighn-offices", reading like:
- "Upon entering the Kingdom of Thailand, the visitor may be subjected to arbitrary applications of the law. In case of ensuing legal disputes, our Embassy will not be in the position to interfere on behalf of the visitor. The visitor, entering the Kingdom of Thailand, is doing so at his own risk".
Will it have to come to this?

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56 minutes ago, madusa said:

When smokers became non-smokers they became nice intelligent being.

My earlier post in regards another of your posts seems now to have been optimistic about your intellectual capabilities... this new comment blows that hope right out of the water.

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30 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Sorry I have to disagree with you on that one my friend, I am well over 60, and I have been smoking on and off since I was 8 ish, mostly on, as far as smoking and drinking are concerned, I stopped smoking mainly because I had a very heavy cold, yep, here in Thailand, my chest was a right mess, so as I recovered I vowed to stop, and I did, much to the relief of the Mrs, she could hear me at night as I slept as my chest gurgled with every breath.


It's not a year yet, and I will admit that I miss it, but I stop short from bumming a fag from my friends when out having a few beers with them, I always knew what a bad habit it was, my Mrs hated it but never yack yacked me, after all I smoked when she met me, but unlike some holier than thou posters on here I don't preach, I've had friends who quit due to pressure from wives or GF's come around to my place and bum fags off me while we enjoy a cup of tea.


Some of the more vocal t-w-a-t-s on here probably have some highly undesirable habits which none of us need to know about, drink, drugs, and other dubious likes, I'll leave that to your imagination.


Basically, live and let live, I don't judge people, I observe them, if they appear to be nice they can be my friend - Smoker or not.




Well said!

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Once again arrogant farang go somewhere and want to make their rules someone else's rules . Smoking is a nasty habit. In some place they have designated smoking area, like those rooms in most international airports. Build one just so smokers who want to continue working on their emphysema and other related health issues can smoke so they can suffer in peace.


What about the family with the children 5 meters away? Should they have their day ruined by second hand smoke? 



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9 hours ago, cookieqw said:

Ha ha sitting next to a black or Irish is not hazardish to your health, a smoker is!! 


If you took the time to research the subject, rather than regurgitate what you read in the papers, you will find that the vast majority of research on the subject has found that there is no significant health risk from 'passive smoking' (and they researched people living with smokers, not occasional passers-by). And don't quote to me any 'The Surgeon General says...' crap. The Surgeon General lies by both omission and commission on the subject, because he's a committed anti-smoker. It's easy to cherry pick statistics and then massage them a bit to suit your agenda.


No, the only place you'll find the facts is in the actual research itself, before the manipulators have got hold of the data and tortured it into confessing their version of events. You could start with 'Boffetta et al (one of the biggest studies done, commissioned by the WHO), and then have a look for 'Ernesto and Kabat', who conducted an equally thorough research programme (over decades) in the USA, commissioned and funded by the American Cancer Society. Both those studies concluded that there was no statistically significant risk from other people's cigarette smoke.


So, no. Sitting next to a smoker is not hazardous to your health. It's all in your mind.

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waaah, waaahh, but I wanna smoke! :passifier:


sheesh, about time we get rid of that stinking habbit of weakwilled people. Like there weren't any more interesting vices to indulge here.

Wouldn't mind extending that to hotel pools and restaurants.

I don't think it'll hurt tourism. The majority of tourists are nonsmokers and prefer to have clean(-er) air. Just doesn't look that way because the addicts whine so enthusiastically...

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14 hours ago, Srikcir said:

What about vaping?

It's illegal in Thailand and if caught anywhere could be fined or sent to prison for up to 10 years if convicted. Also includes vaping supplies and e-cigarettes themselves.

So no alternatives to a cigarette smoker.

Image result for photo of the word quit

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14 hours ago, HHTel said:

Another "We are guests in this country".  We are not guests by any stretch of the imagination.  We are not invited and for us to live here, we have to jump through many many hoops.  We can be kicked out of the country on a whim.  Look up the word 'guest'.  Would you treat your guests the way the foreign population are treated by the authorities here.

I like Thailand and I love living here but guests we are not!

I did just that: 

  1. 1.
    a person who is invited to visit the home of or take part in a function organized by another.
    "I have two guests coming to dinner tonight"
    synonyms: visitor, house guest, caller; More
  1. 1.
    appear as a guest.
    "he guested on one of her early albums"
    Now you could say everybody is invited to visit Thailand and to stay, provided they have the appropriate paperwork.
    I do understand your frustrations if it has to do with the 90 day reporting, annual renewal process and having to go back after 30 days to collect your passport, but hey, this is a 3rd world country with the majority of the population eating grass, we need to fit in or go back to our countries of birth and become matadors again, me personally, I would rather eat grass, who knows one day the penny might drop and they change things.....lol 
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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Before moving to Thailand two years ago (8 years in the planning) for retirement.


I knew that Thailand would have two sets of rules, one for farangs and one for Thai's, I can live with that, if I couldn't I would have to pack up my bags and go back to what I consider a worse life, even though you would be considered an equal.

nobody is equal anywhere

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13 hours ago, wavemanwww said:

Clearly you do not own a business that relies on tourists in or near a beach here in Pattaya. God bless you for not just thinking of your own feelings and commercial interests . Your a Thai saint!,,,,,oops forgot to ask did you assist in this new law.?... to assist a better financial  return for you as far as fines are concerned in your future success being a saint?

What has owning a business got to do with people being banned over smoking on "public beaches", they are there for the enjoyment of the public, and personally, myself and my family shouldn't have to sit on the pavement away from the sand with the kids to avoid cancer seeking smokers and 2nd hand smoke to be inhaled by our kids, totally selfish !!!.


Perhaps you should go back to your home country and run your business  near "public beaches" where tourists can smoke, although I doubt that would be permitted on "public beaches", the fact of the matter is businesses in Thailand are always going to be up and down, its seasonal, and your excuse suggesting that yours needs tourists who smoke is a pathetic excuse, perhaps if you enjoy breathing in cigarette smoke then a suggestion would be to open a bar 555

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10 hours ago, sambum said:

"yes I cannot stand cigarette smoke !"


Now there's a surprise! How do you feel about car exhaust fumes? I don't smoke, but I believe in "live and let live/die", and comments like the above from the anti smoking lobby shows a vast degree of intolerance which to say the least, annoys me!


And the comment "Go back to where you came from if you don't like it" even more so!


Glad to have struck a raw nerve, car exhaust fumes don't bother me as I have the car window up or have the option to press the button for the window to go up.


Just for the record, intolerance is when you are on a "public beach" with your kids and you have to tell the kids that you have to sit back from the beach on the concrete pavement under a tree because the cigarette smoke from those people is bad for your health, i.e. 2nd hand smoke.


This has nothing to do with anti smoking lobby, it should have been like this from day one, a more suitable word for smokers on "public beaches" would be ignorarmus, the same as the you I could imply, i.e. this type of person annoys me to say the least !

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8 hours ago, madusa said:

What exactly is "bopped" please use common word so everyone can understand you.

Smokers suck on their cigarettes, smokers suck don't they?

When smokers became non-smokers they became nice intelligent being.  Not being silly is the right word.

Don't feed the troll...he might burp up smoke in your face!:smile:

Edited by torrzent
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6 hours ago, nisakiman said:


If you took the time to research the subject, rather than regurgitate what you read in the papers, you will find that the vast majority of research on the subject has found that there is no significant health risk from 'passive smoking' (and they researched people living with smokers, not occasional passers-by). And don't quote to me any 'The Surgeon General says...' crap. The Surgeon General lies by both omission and commission on the subject, because he's a committed anti-smoker. It's easy to cherry pick statistics and then massage them a bit to suit your agenda.


No, the only place you'll find the facts is in the actual research itself, before the manipulators have got hold of the data and tortured it into confessing their version of events. You could start with 'Boffetta et al (one of the biggest studies done, commissioned by the WHO), and then have a look for 'Ernesto and Kabat', who conducted an equally thorough research programme (over decades) in the USA, commissioned and funded by the American Cancer Society. Both those studies concluded that there was no statistically significant risk from other people's cigarette smoke.


So, no. Sitting next to a smoker is not hazardous to your health. It's all in your mind.

Think I'll go with the Surgeon General on this one.  Maybe you can present your scientific credentials for TVF peer review!

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Too many on here seem to not understand the topic,,, It's not to decide wether smoking is bad for you, or smokers against non-smokers,, the point is that 1, the government is claiming they are "trying" to eliminate the litter on the beaches and the ocean, while completely ignoring the raw sewage being pumped into the waters very near where people/business are, The plastic bags, bottles, diapers, etc, etc, etc,, As if discarded cig butts are the issue, and banning smoking on the beaches will solve the litter issue,, 2, the fine/penalties suggested are ABSOLUTELY INSANE considering it's so commonly reported that fines for threatening someone with a huge knife or club over a minor traffic offense, (by a Thai), is usually handled by issuing a $500Baht fine, and a Wai,, or even less,,, And 3,, The FACT that these INSANE fines/penalties will NEVER be issued to a THAI PERSON,, PERIOD!,, Never happen, it's a "Farlang only" offense, and just another way for the local cops to cheat, extort, and harass the very people that come here to spend their vacations,, And attempt to place blame on ANYONE OTHER than Thai's,, PERIOD,,, NEVER accept that they are just as much to blame, if not more,,, It's just another, in a long line of completely STUPID knee-jerk reactions by the higher-ups, to appear as if they're doing something for the, "good" of the people/country,,,, Pleeeeease,,, I decided long ago, after reading similar law, rules, etc they've proposed,, that Thailand seems to have no grip on the concept of a, "PR" Public relations" dept,, as in,, "I have an idea, let's put it to PR, and get some other opinions on it BEFORE I just announce it, and make it law, Just so we don't look like COMPLETE idiots",,, No, the idiots coming up with this crap, ALWAYS assume they are the, "smartest person in the room" and NO one besides them has any better idea/opinion, or COMMON SENSE!,,,, Lolololololol

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