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British man injured in Thailand undergoes leg amputation following motorbike accident


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Co Antrim man injured in Thailand undergoes leg amputation following motorbike accident

Marie Louise McConville



Ross Davidson, from Carrickfergus, has undergone a leg amputation of the right leg above the knee after he suffered serious injuries in a motorbike accident in Thailand


A young Co Antrim man who suffered serious injuries in a motorbike accident in Thailand remains in intensive care unit after undergoing a leg amputation.


Ross Davidson, from Carrickfergus, suffered severe leg injuries last Friday in the Pai area when he crashed his scooter.


A former pupil of Carrickfergus Grammar School and graduate of Liverpool John Moores University, the 23-year-old had been working in the Crown Bar in Belfast city centre before he went travelling on November 7.


Mr Davidson's parents, Andrew and Desna, have flown to the country to be with their son.


Full story: http://www.irishnews.com/news/2017/12/20/news/co-antrim-man-injured-in-thailand-undergoes-leg-amputation-following-motorbike-accident-1214854/


-- THE IRISH NEWS 2017-12-20

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Hope he had the appropriate insurance, licence etc other wise expect to see another go fund me page . Another young life ruined by the ease of bike rental to anybody who has the baht but no experience on some of the deadliest roads in the world

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4 minutes ago, drayger said:

Hope he had the appropriate insurance, licence etc other wise expect to see another go fund me page . Another young life ruined by the ease of bike rental to anybody who has the baht but no experience on some of the deadliest roads in the world

Already set up. £15,000 raised so far.

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9 minutes ago, drayger said:

Hope he had the appropriate insurance, licence etc other wise expect to see another go fund me page . Another young life ruined by the ease of bike rental to anybody who has the baht but no experience on some of the deadliest roads in the world


maybe read the article;


While the young man had taken out two insurance policies before leaving on his trip, only one has so far said it may pay out some funds towards the medical bills.


As a result, the Davidson family have been fundraising to raise the outstanding money needed for Ross's recovery.

So far, more than £15,000 has been raised of a £20,000 target on a JustGiving page.

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

another go fund me ......    I'm seriously thinking about starting one for my next holiday  !  :shock1:  I'll need around 100,000 bht


Steven me ole mate maybe i can spare 10 baht, send me details on how to do.

You need a holiday, a very long holiday help you get over your fixation with a certain man whose name has escaped me at the moment.:cheesy::cheesy:

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Can someone just clarify the story for me , as its difficult to grasp what happened from the report



Co Antrim man injured in Thailand undergoes leg amputation following motorbike accident

Ross Davidson, from Carrickfergus, has undergone a leg amputation of the right leg above the knee after he suffered serious injuries in a motorbike accident in Thailand

Ross Davidson, from Carrickfergus, has undergone a leg amputation of the right leg above the knee after he suffered serious injuries in a motorbike accident in Thailand

A young Co Antrim man who suffered serious injuries in a motorbike accident in Thailand remains in intensive care unit after undergoing a leg amputation.

Ross Davidson, from Carrickfergus, suffered severe leg injuries last Friday in the Pai area when he crashed his scooter.


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Anyone with any type of license, and the right baht, can rent a motorbike here.  No experience necessary.  


A few years back I was heading south on 121 and 108 on my CBR250, and had to stop for the ligh.  I looked across at the coming traffic and saw two white guys in short, t-shirts and tennis shoes approaching the turn to their left, going extremely slow.  About half way through the turn the bike simply fell over and they hit the ground.  I changed my directions and was able to get over to them.  Neither was seriously hurt, and the 650 Ninja they were riding had suffered only some minor scratches, but ones which would cost them dearly when they took it back.  


They turned out to be from England, and out of curiosity I asked if either of them had ever ridden a bike before.  Nope. Neither one of them ever had.  I asked them why in the hell they would rent a 650cc bike with NO experience.  They replied that it looked easy, and looked like fun.  I told them that someone needed to contact their parents to tell them they had raised two friking idiots, got back on my CBR and left. 


Edited by Just1Voice
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I am not sorry for such people...


50% or maybe more never used a scooter, they think it's a bicycle and just drive....


I used to have a scooter rental shop for 8 years on koh tao, and i saw accidents each day not that heavy but still...


I always warned my costumers about the risk and belive me 80% of them did a crash the same day or later..


And something offtopic.


What the hell is all this gofundme bullshit?!


If you take a such risk think about it before we are not the caritas to found them




Licence ? 555....


I never got asked me licence when i plan a short trip and need a bike

Edited by Ejjeje
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32 minutes ago, Ejjeje said:

I am not sorry for such people...


50% or maybe more never used a scooter, they think it's a bicycle and just drive....


I used to have a scooter rental shop for 8 years on koh tao, and i saw accidents each day not that heavy but still...


I always warned my costumers about the risk and belive me 80% of them did a crash the same day or later..


And something offtopic.


What the hell is all this gofundme bullshit?!


If you take a such risk think about it before we are not the caritas to found them




Licence ? 555....


I never got asked me licence when i plan a short trip and need a bike

Merry Christmas to you as well. 


So refreshing to read the views of such wonderful people like yourself. 



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They claim that he had taken out two insurance policies, and one of them had already refused to pay anything at all, while the other one might pay something. I've checked out one of these insurer's website and skimmed through their travel insurance policy document. Sure enough, point 7 of their exclusion list are "motorcycling activities":


7. You motorcycling:
• as a rider or passenger on a machine

over 125cc; or
• as a rider or passenger on a machine

125cc or under unless you wear a crash helmet and, as a rider, you have held a motorcycle licence for at least 3 years and are conviction free.


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As usual, an astonishing lack of sympathy for someone who has had a life changing operation. Accidents do happen.  I hope he raises the necessary funds through his crowd funding, he will need it, and the support of good people.   What a bunch of TV sociopaths. 

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I got travel holiday insurance for my daughter and here World-nomads specialize in travel insurance, decent reviews 52 quid each for 3 weeks, Quite high coverage including the usual, inpatient, Accident, A+E loads of travel stuff, flight delays ect unnecessary but couldn't be arsed to start changing the fixed policy


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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

Merry Christmas to you as well. 


So refreshing to read the views of such wonderful people like yourself. 



Cmon man...


It's true or will you go diving or drive a truck if you never od before especialy in thailand?!


It's his own faul period

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My heart goes out to this man. His life will never be the same.

Getting on a scooter, or a motorcycle anywhere in Thailand, much less the most dangerous areas of Phuket, Phangan, Dark Tao, or Samui without a very good helmet, and without alot of experience riding, is like playing Russian Roulette with three or four bullets in the chamber. It is absolutely asking for problems. The degree of recklessness here is astounding. And many foreigners come here thinking "how much trouble could I get in on a little scooter, on a tropical island"? Well, the answer is alot. The amount of foreigners who are killed on the Southern islands is staggering. Most are not reported in the media. I had a friend who worked for Samui rescue for many years, and said the numbers were about 30-60 a month, on Samui, Phangan and Koh Tao. The official number is about 3 a month. Rider beware. Use as good a helmet as you can afford, and do not use these eggshells pieces of crap. They crack at the first impact, and what lies underneath them? Your skull, which is very delicate. 
Just ask yourself- do I have enough problems already, without a broken skull, or smashed head, or face injury, or lost eye? I have two friends who have been in motorbike accidents on Samui within the last two years. One still cannot walk, or talk or function on her own, from a motorbike accident, where she hit her head on the pavement going only 20 kph. The other one has lost alot of his mental capacity after hitting his head. He insisted for years he would never wear a helmet. Now, he seems 15 years older. 


I was told by a very reliable source. He did not have an agenda. He rescued alot of the survivors. He attended to alot of the ones who did not make it. The press here is highly censored. The report only what the so called leaders want them to report. Nothing else. Social media? Why would social media report these statistics? They report individual accidents, but not overall statistics. Anything you read about accidents on Samui in the media would be false. 



  • Road deaths are now calculated based on fatalities on-site. Victims dying later in hospital not counted.
  • In 2000 there was an average of 30 deaths a month on Koh Samui (official figures released each month).
  • Now it is stated that Koh Samui has 3-5 deaths each month (using the new way of reporting road deaths).
  • In the last ten years the population has almost doubled and there are now 5x more vehicles on Koh Samui.
  • Based on ‘official figures’ today it is possible to estimate that Koh Samui currently has 60 deaths per million per year. (Compared to 23 in London.) Based on the population and traffic density statistics from 10 years ago Koh Samui has in reality 720 deaths per million per year. This is probably the highest rate of road deaths in the world. Samui is a fatality death spot that nobody is willing to acknowledge!
Edited by spidermike007
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3 hours ago, Metapod said:

he had insurance but it didn't cover him riding. i saw the gofundme page the other day. another classic.

Two policies actually and only one paying out so far ( in full story). A wake up call for all of us ....living here and tourists alike.

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2 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

As usual, an astonishing lack of sympathy for someone who has had a life changing operation. Accidents do happen.  I hope he raises the necessary funds through his crowd funding, he will need it, and the support of good people.   What a bunch of TV sociopaths. 

The thing is, most people on here are bitter and cold human beings. I understand that it may be reckless to ride a bike with little to no experience, but he's only 23 years old, we've all done stupid sh** in our time. I don't see what the harm is of him posting a GoFundMe if people with genuine sympathy and empathy want to help him out, why not? He probably thought he was covered under the insurance. The people here on TV don't have to pay anything, leave that for people with genuine hearts to do so. 

Edited by Easy Come Easy Go
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3 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

The thing is, most people on here are bitter and cold human beings. I understand that it may be reckless to ride a bike with little to no experience, but he's only 23 years old, we've all done stupid sh** in our time. I don't see what the harm is of him posting a GoFundMe if people with genuine sympathy and empathy want to help him out, why not? He probably thought he was covered under the insurance. The people here on TV don't have to pay anything, leave that for people with genuine hearts to do so. 

Well i for 1 think you are talking nonsense, many kind hearted honest people on this forum.


did i go whining, set up a go fund me page?

No i didnt, did not receive 1 baht from anybody.

Yet i did, and still do get help/support from a few very good people, some of them are members of this forum.

So until you know more about people on here,please be quiet.

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I am sorry that this has happened to Ross and sorry about the extra burden he has placed upon his parents after 22 years of upbringing and cost of education etc. However having employed many supposedly well educated youngsters with degrees over the years at home and overseas I am bound to say that only a handful have ever demonstrated basic common sense in their attitude towards life in general. Perhaps a subject at school called 'common sense' would be sensible(?).  Accidents do happen, yes, but some fore planning before undertaking a trip is pretty effortless and fun,  and  plainly a sensible thing to do; it can eliminate the worst risks at least. There's plenty advice out there warning against hiring motorbikes and scooters in Thailand. 


Turning to Crowdfunding is a desperate measure, it's heartening to know that there are so many people out there presumably not connected with the family that are so keen to help, personally I would be reluctant to do so apart from friends and family, but good luck to Ross and his family. Their lives surely will be uphill from here on.  

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4 hours ago, Ejjeje said:

I am not sorry for such people...


50% or maybe more never used a scooter, they think it's a bicycle and just drive....


I used to have a scooter rental shop for 8 years on koh tao, and i saw accidents each day not that heavy but still...


I always warned my costumers about the risk and belive me 80% of them did a crash the same day or later..


And something offtopic.


What the hell is all this gofundme bullshit?!


If you take a such risk think about it before we are not the caritas to found them




Licence ? 555....


I never got asked me licence when i plan a short trip and need a bike


And when you had a scooter rental shop did you ask for and check licenses and experience of each potential renter?

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5 hours ago, Metapod said:

he had insurance but it didn't cover him riding. i saw the gofundme page the other day. another classic.

no helmet , short sleeves , short pants , no insurance  . a chosen one i assume ..

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