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Defying Trump, over 120 countries at U.N. condemn Jerusalem decision


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You can put me in the "the UN is a meaningless entity as long as the US can veto anything it doesn't like" category, and no, I don't "accept" their resolutions as the whole thing is a farce. 

It's as effective as the League of Nations was before it.

It is also worth mentioning that Alger Hiss, Soviet spy, was instrumental in pushing for the United States of America to join the UN in the first place.


That speaks volumes- to anyone with rudimentary thinking skills.

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7 hours ago, digger70 said:

What's the problem? DT is right Jerusalem IS the Capital of Israel , Israelis and Palestinians both CLAIM that Jerusalem is their Capital    So it they want that this way so be it let the rest of the world stay out of it.

Agreed. Furthermore, building US State Department facilities in Jerusalem is a matter of law signed in 1999. So what's the argument against it? All the other presidents since 1999 ignored the law, so too should Donald Trump?

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14 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

The US scored a victory.  Shocked? The No side was expecting 150 No votes. The USA was well aware that its position would be condemned and  I would say that the USA is none oo upset over that.  trump is playing these fools. He needs an excuse to cut foreign aid  and foreign subsidies and the UN just gave it to him.  Let the world see who will cough up a billion here and a billion there. Let's see if Russia and China pony up.



He did not do anything that was not previously agreed to. The USA is going to move its embassy to  the part of Jerusalem that was always part of Israel.  The USA is not moving to East Jerusalem.  Are you claiming that Israel has no legal basis to be in west jerusalem?


Not respect, but they have no choice. They can't have an uprising if they  abastain. These countries have no love for Arabs in the Israeli zone.


What's your point? The USA has the legal and moral right to locate its embassy in west jerusalem. To say otherwise is to deny Israel's right to exist and to deny that Israel  and Jerusalem  have a tied history.



Slimy sexist misogynist comment. You disagree and that's fine. However, denigrating women is  vile and infantile.


What problems? The USA had voted to move the embassy long ago. The problem is coming from violent psychopaths like Erdogan threatening to blow up Israel etc.


Canada defied the blackmail of the Islamic voting block. In case you missed it, Canada long ago accepted that  west jerusalem was uncontested Israeli territory.

Read the UN resolution which was biased and onesided and then come back and justify your gutless comment. The Canadian position  was not predicated upon upsetting the USA. Rather the abstention came because the historic Canadian position would have been to vote NO. However,  the governing Liberal party owes a few swing seats to  ridings  with large muslim populations. And in cased you missed it, PM Trudeau is now the first PM in Canadian history to be  held in violation of  conflict of interest rules for taking his freebie vacation from the Aga Khan.


Trump carried out his election promise. It was no surprise. he said he would do this if elected  and he delivered.

"The US scored a victory"



129  votes against American policy, 9 votes for American policy.  Togo, Palau, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Honduras, Guatemala, IsraeI and of course the USA.  


"In case you missed it, Canada long ago accepted that west Jerusalem was uncontested Israeli territory"



"Canada's long-standing position is that the status of Jerusalem can be resolved only as part of a general settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. This has been the policy of consecutive governments, both Liberal and Conservative," press secretary Adam Austen said in a statement Tuesday.




 "the governing liberal party owes a few swing seats to ridings with large muslim populations"



Canada Demographics

According to the 2011 census, the most common ethnic origins in Canada are: European (77%), Asian (14%), Aboriginal (4%), Black (3%), Latin American (1%), and Multi-racial (0.5%).  Data on religious belief is only collected in every other census. The last data, collected in 2001, indicated that 77% of Candians were Christian (43% Roman Catholic and 29% Protestant), 16.5% had no religion, 2% were Muslim. Other major religious groups were Jewish (1.1%), Buddhist and Hindu (1% each) and Sikh (0.9%).

2% of our population is Muslim.  5 x as many Canadians are left handed,  8 x as many Canadians have no religion, 37 x as many Canadians are Christian. There are 1.7 billion Muslims on the planet, approximately 20 million are Ismaili, or about 1 in 85 Muslims are Ismaili.

Can you name the ridings you speak of? Even one riding in the nation where Muslim vote was pivotal ?


As to Trudeau's breach of Ethics Commission's rules the Aga Khan is leader of the Ismaili Muslim community worldwide, a friend of Trudeau and his father. As 2% of our population is Muslim and 1/85 of that are Ismaili, there is limited benefit electorally to the Liberal party to court them

Please use references, so that the veracity of your statements can be judged.

Edited by greatwhitenorth
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4 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

It's really quite simple. We put our State Department facilities where we want. Doing so in Jerusalem is a matter of law passed in 1999. Who cares what however many countries care about it? It's our country, we do what we want.

Not everything written into law is necessarily right or good .. And why have 3 previous Prez's left it parked up so to speak for the last 18 yrs .. And as we tap this out Ms Haley is on in the background directing her invective at N K this time .. " Today we cut deeper " she miaow'ed in announcing even greater sanctions against N K .. That the vote was unanimous the " We " must include the members she berated and threatened Wed' for having the audacity to condemn the moving of the Embassy to Jerusalem must it not .. Hypocrisy no .?

Edited by Justgrazing
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2 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Not everything written into law is necessarily right or good .. And why have 3 previous Prez's left it parked up so to speak for the last 18 yrs .. And as we tap this out Ms Haley is on in the background directing her invective at N K this time .. " Today we cut deeper " she miaow'ed in announcing even greater sanctions against N K .. That the vote was unanimous the " We " must include the members she berated and threatened Wed' for having the audacity to condemn the moving of the Embassy to Jerusalem must it not .. Hypocrisy no .?

Eh, sounds like politics to me. However, I will gladly say I don't like this saber-rattling game Trump has decided to join in with Kim Jong Un. Personally, I'd just tell him the rules then ignore him.

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7 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:

"The US scored a victory"



129  votes against American policy, 9 votes for American policy.  Togo, Palau, Nauru, Marshall Islands, Honduras, Guatemala, IsraeI and of course the USA.  


"In case you missed it, Canada long ago accepted that west Jerusalem was uncontested Israeli territory"



"Canada's long-standing position is that the status of Jerusalem can be resolved only as part of a general settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. This has been the policy of consecutive governments, both Liberal and Conservative," press secretary Adam Austen said in a statement Tuesday.




 "the governing liberal party owes a few swing seats to ridings with large muslim populations"



Canada Demographics

According to the 2011 census, the most common ethnic origins in Canada are: European (77%), Asian (14%), Aboriginal (4%), Black (3%), Latin American (1%), and Multi-racial (0.5%).  Data on religious belief is only collected in every other census. The last data, collected in 2001, indicated that 77% of Candians were Christian (43% Roman Catholic and 29% Protestant), 16.5% had no religion, 2% were Muslim. Other major religious groups were Jewish (1.1%), Buddhist and Hindu (1% each) and Sikh (0.9%).

2% of our population is Muslim.  5 x as many Canadians are left handed,  8 x as many Canadians have no religion, 37 x as many Canadians are Christian. There are 1.7 billion Muslims on the planet, approximately 20 million are Ismaili, or about 1 in 85 Muslims are Ismaili.

Can you name the ridings you speak of? Even one riding in the nation where Muslim vote was pivotal ?


As to Trudeau's breach of Ethics Commission's rules the Aga Khan is leader of the Ismaili Muslim community worldwide, a friend of Trudeau and his father. As 2% of our population is Muslim and 1/85 of that are Ismaili, there is limited benefit electorally to the Liberal party to court them

Please use references, so that the veracity of your statements can be judged.

Good responce. I was wondering what that guy was smoking to come up with this stuff then noticed his  Spicoli avatar.

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9 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

All the other presidents since 1999 ignored the law, so too should Donald Trump?

Well he has ignored the law in terms of taxation, money laundering, sexual harassment, statutory rape, physical assault, Fraud, political ethics, conflict of interest and commerce, what would another little law ignored by POTUS actually mean? Why change the habit of a life time.

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18 hours ago, sanemax said:

I would just like to point out that the partition of India happened after they got Independence from the U.K .

  India and Pakistan went they their own separate ways after the UKhad left

So who was really responsible for Partition?



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I look forward to America stopping taxpayer money going to the whole damn world, ESPECIALLY countries that clearly hate America.  WE DON'T NEED THEM.  America is one of the youngest countries in the world.  Why are we one of the most advanced?  Because the rest have been ruled by corrupt regiems or absurd religions....and still are.  American taxpayers are sick of footing the bill to drag 3rd world countries into the future.  Let them eat sticks.

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14 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Eh, sounds like politics to me. However, I will gladly say I don't like this saber-rattling game Trump has decided to join in with Kim Jong Un. Personally, I'd just tell him the rules then ignore him.

Politics indeed .. But the sort of politics required to deal with the middle east situation does not need such provocative acts as resiting the Embassy to Jerusalem .. A softer voice along with the deft touch of diplomacy is more likely to achieve progress than the bellicose approach favoured by Ms Haley with her threats and taunting of U N members who had the temerity to support the vote condemning the move ..

Here is ( was ) Trump's opportunity to cement his place in history by being the U S Prez' who finally brought some sort of resolution to a problem in that part of the world that has been ongoing for decades .. Rather he pours the diplomatic equivalent of petrol on the fire .. The more cynical amongst the flock consider that the whole Embassy move was a smokescreen to divert attention away from alleged Russian influence in the election last year now said to be under inv' by the FBI .. And where now does this move and the subsequent rantings of Ms Haley leave the U S's reputation as " Honest broker " in the middle east , a role which they have tried to carry out for decades sometimes with success , sometimes not but at least then there was an element of trust placed in them by the Palestinians .. Who can now blame them for not trusting the U S any further than they can see them after this .. 

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15 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Eh, sounds like politics to me. However, I will gladly say I don't like this saber-rattling game Trump has decided to join in with Kim Jong Un. Personally, I'd just tell him the rules then ignore him.


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What President Trump needs to do now is call all relevant offices that "cut the checks" and redirect those funds to the national debt, then sit back and smile as butt holes pucker and these so-called representatives at the UN cringe as the vice on their collective sacks gets tightened.

After a couple of months the line-up will begin as they crawl on their knees waiting to kiss his butt to get help again killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Cutting wasted foreign aid and quickly reducing the national debt. Win-Win for the US and the rest can just suck it up.

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34 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

What President Trump needs to do now is call all relevant offices that "cut the checks" and redirect those funds to the national debt, then sit back and smile as butt holes pucker and these so-called representatives at the UN cringe as the vice on their collective sacks gets tightened.

After a couple of months the line-up will begin as they crawl on their knees waiting to kiss his butt to get help again killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Cutting wasted foreign aid and quickly reducing the national debt. Win-Win for the US and the rest can just suck it up.

And yet he won't. Which I guess just makes him another typical Republican/Democratic wuss.

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29 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Wanna bet? President Trump does what he wants to do including keeping campaign promises.

Like getting rid of the carried interest for hedge funds and other financial institutions? Like allowing the medicare to negotiate drug prices? Like declaring China a currency manipulator.

Did you know that the industries that will be benefited most by the so called tax reform are financial services (such as hedge funds) and waiit for it.....real estate. The least favored industries mining and ...you guessed it...manufacturing.

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Are people really that naive that they think any country gives foreign aid for humanitarian reasons, at the expense of their own citizens ? Its to buy favour with a government, access to the countries resources, a regional military presence or so the country can continue to service a debt etc. 

I suppose it buys into "someone to blame" for not having a big screen TV and a new pick-up.

For every $1 spent in foreign aid, indirectly $100 probably comes back.


Have some more Koolaid.

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US foreign aid has always come with strings attached


If it is food aid, it is surplus crops that the US taxpayer already subsidized,  that now must be loaded by American laborers, onto American ships, paying American freight rates 


If it military aid then defense contractors make up the "aid" by spare parts and training at triple the initial cost of whatever "military item" is given away


Like everything else in the US,  just follow the money if you want the real story 



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4 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

US foreign aid has always come with strings attached


If it is food aid, it is surplus crops that the US taxpayer already subsidized,  that now must be loaded by American laborers, onto American ships, paying American freight rates 


If it military aid then defense contractors make up the "aid" by spare parts and training at triple the initial cost of whatever "military item" is given away


Like everything else in the US,  just follow the money if you want the real story 




I doubt quid pro quo is unique to the USA.

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