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Australian child sex abusers on notice in Thailand


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5 hours ago, wotaplonker said:

ive been going to pattayas since 2004 and i have never seen any girl even remotely underage working in a bar or gogo,

not that im 'looking' for young uns, but surely the pervs who do this will be targeting in the sticks villages with nearby schools that due to poverty may be vulnerable to exploitation




Same here. I know of only one instance in Cha Am where the girl was under 18 and she was there willingly and worked in a cop owned bar. 


Everyone already believes that it's only pedos in Thailand. 

I've had friends relay stories on how on their first Phuket trip they saw an old farang walking hand in hand with a child on the street suggesting he was a pedo and that it happened that openly. I told him it was most likely his own half Thai son. 

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10 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Do the villagers know that?

depends on whether or not money can be made from it. Some years ago my 15 year old step daughter had a short sexual relationship with a 20 year old, that got her mother 10,000 Baht in compensation and a warning to the young man to keep his distance or he faces a prison sentence, the 10,000 Baht was cheap (his parents were poor) and ensured that he got off with a warning, a gold dealer that I know in the nearby town had to pay 100,000 Baht for his son's adventure with a 15 year old.

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16 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

No, you're trying to twist my words.  BOTH parties are to blame, not just one side, but if there is no supply, there can be no demand.  Simple economics. 


Economics doesn't explain everything and in many cases gets it wrong.

There can be a demand without supply.

There was a demand for cars long before they were invented.


Creating a supply first can also create a demand, as is the case with mobile phones and the internet.


I am more surprised that Australians were specifically mentioned and Pattaya.

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16 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

HAHAHA.  They can look at me all they want.  Married to my first wife for 23 years before she died of cancer.  I was with her and her alone.  I'm now a month away from being 69, and married to my 59 year old Thai wife for 9 years.  Her and only her.  I haven't had a drink since July 4, 1974, and never done drugs.  And was a U.S. Marine for 20 years.  By all means, check away.  Is your past so clean, coxo? 


Many Catholic priests also had an impeccable past, apparently, until they were caught.

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17 hours ago, hansnl said:

No, it is those bloody farang again.

May one wonder about the local numbers?


Unfortunately while foreign pedophiles are a concern I sometimes wonder if the Thai 'authorities', via the media, are just trying to deflect comment away from local pedophiles and child abusers. :whistling:

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

OK, but bar or massage parlour same same.

The bit that is bad is that the hotel staff allowed a "child" to be taken to your room. I never heard of that. The normal procedure is for the guest to present their "friend" to the reception, so they know that you actually want her, then they take her ID card till she leaves.

Sounds like the hotel staff were in on the scam. Like I say, stay somewhere better next time.

I often stay at a 5 star hotel and frequently bring a 'guest' for the night. Never, ever, not once have they been asked for ID.


I seriously doubt the child sex abusers are doing this in public view, anecdotal evidence would seem to indicate this is an underground and well organised group of sickos.

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6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

The young girl wants money to send back to mama & papa and she wants to buy the new apple iphone ... but she can't get a job at the local supermarket or dentist office so she decides the easiest way to make some money.

Good to see victim blaming will continue in 2018. 

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16 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Good to see victim blaming will continue in 2018. 

It is not the victims fault because of the extreme poverty here Its the dirty old men and women who take advantage of that situation Does  anybody know how to make a human being do anything you want? Just starve them and they will do anything for food

You can live without everything else but if you do not have food or water you are at the mercy of others

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12 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Good to see victim blaming will continue in 2018. 

some of these 'victims' are far more sophisticated than we think, not just here but in the West as well, this isn't the 1950's, young people have more money, more knowledge and greater access to social media than ever before, simple greed and laziness are great motivaters. My oldest step daughter caused me no end of trouble and strife in her early teens,cunningly sophisticated, I had several meetings with the school board and was nigh on to throwing her out of the house, she finaly caught the curve and now has a university degree and is a loyal family member, never underestimate a teen girl, boys are Neanderthals by comparisen.

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7 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

It is not the victims fault because of the extreme poverty here Its the dirty old men and women who take advantage of that situation Does  anybody know how to make a human being do anything you want? Just starve them and they will do anything for food

You can live without everything else but if you do not have food or water you are at the mercy of others

Just to be clear, my words carried a degree of sarcasm in them. 


100% in fact. 

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14 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

How many times do we see an older woman walking a younger made up girl around arm in arm 'selling' her on the streets.........I saw one yesterday being walked up and down Soi 6 that couldn't have been over 15 yo.   she was having a hard time walking cause her shoes were too big.  So much make up to make her look older it was funny, heard them talking, it wasn't Thai so I assume they are Burmese, or Khmer.

A Singaporean work friend of mine pointed out that because many asian females look young to the western eye doesn't mean they are. I know an accountant who I would swear is 14 years old.....but no she has a university degree and a few years work experience to boot. Shes probably 24 or 25.

This is the perception problem that the religious do-gooders have in coming to Asia with an agenda and trying to 'rescue' bar girls. The overwhelming majority are of legal age and do not want or need to be 'rescued'.

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Just now, soalbundy said:

some of these 'victims' are far more sophisticated than we think, not just here but in the West as well, this isn't the 1950's, young people have more money, more knowledge and greater access to social media than ever before, simple greed and laziness are great motivaters. My oldest step daughter caused me no end of trouble and strife in her early teens,cunningly sophisticated, I had several meetings with the school board and was nigh on to throwing her out of the house, she finaly caught the curve and now has a university degree and is a loyal family member, never underestimate a teen girl, boys are Neanderthals by comparisen.

The fact is that when it comes to adults exploiting underage children for sex, there is only one side to blame.


Hint: it isn’t the underage children. 

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A thoughtless headline grabber !  Why target one nationality?  Beautiful Thailand attracts many undesirables from many nations plus some home grown varieties. The police have a difficult job with all of them...whilst there is sex, fear and greed driving mankind there are no simple fixes  !!

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Just now, soalbundy said:

You possibly don't have a household with teenage daughters.

My family life is irrelevent when it comes to children being exploited. 


I know who is to blame when it comes to adults sexually exploiting underage children. 

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14 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Because it has NOTHING to do with each other, get some education.

Whoa....hold on. We cannot predict the future.

Back in the 1970s' a notorious Aussie paedophile called Robert 'Dolly' Dunn openly promoted  the concept of putting his view that paedophilia would eventually be legalised. He suggested following the homosexual model - keep putting it in the public arena and people become desensitised to it. Back then homosexuality wasn't really accepted by the mainstream populace in Oz (illegal in some states back then)  - but apparently it is now.

Thankfully his method hasn't worked to date, but who knows as the latter day immigrants become greater in number and start to force their views on the rest of the population. I'm talking about temporary brides for the night etc etc.

Thinking people will understand what I mean by this.

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56 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Good to see victim blaming will continue in 2018. 

Where is the victim in his post?

It sounds like the young lady is soing this willingly.

I realise this the new catch cry of recent times but please stop looking for a victim where none exists.

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19 hours ago, greenchair said:

Well no you can't blame the girls. But who are the people providing the girls. 

12 year old girls don't just mosy on up to pattaya nightlife by themselves.  Thai adults are seducing them into the trade with promises of a golden life. 

no, that is not how it works.

a friend of mine, a thai woman with a then 12 year old boy, told me she asked her son how come he could afford playing online games ?

the son informed her that his friend used to shag farang to fund his gaming addiction,

and got so well paid he could pay for the son to play too

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8 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

 Still called Child abuse, which ever way you Dress it up. Women are usually the Victims.

I have to disagree ,if you are referring to child abuse in Thailand. 

I can't find it now, but there was a report that showed in Thailand around 1 in 9 girls are abused as opposed to 1 in 3 boys. Do not quote me on those numbers, but the abuse of boys was significantly higher than girls  in Thailand .

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6 minutes ago, poanoi said:

no, that is not how it works.

a friend of mine, a thai woman with a then 12 year old boy, told me she asked her son how come he could afford playing online games ?

the son informed her that his friend used to shag farang to fund his gaming addiction,

and got so well paid he could pay for the son to play too

Obviously there are many ways to procure victims. 

Some are collected by pimps that sell them. Some are induced individually. It used to be candy and alcohol to teenagers was a great lure. Now it's video games. Same technique though. Shower the child with gifts of their inner desires for a period of time, then ask for small favours that increase in intensity over time. By the time the abuse reaches penetrative stage, the child feels unable to speak out because of the previous gifts they have accepted and guilt about things they had agreed to. The child feels trapped and they don't have the ability to find their way out of the situation. Grooming can take years. What the 2nd boy and his mother don't even realise is that he is at the beginning stages of being groomed for sex through another victim. One victim brings many more victims and so the cycle goes. 

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20 hours ago, greenchair said:

Well no you can't blame the girls. But who are the people providing the girls. 

12 year old girls don't just mosy on up to pattaya nightlife by themselves.  Thai adults are seducing them into the trade with promises of a golden life. 

The provision is family related,  nearly everything people do in Thailand and especially Isaan where most are from is family related and deeply embedded in the culture.  Take a look at mummy or even grandparents, littlest children go to malam (outdoor theatre and dancing) where sexually explicit content is joked about. Stuff happens in schools, dirty dancing is encouraged by teachers, girls pay there way through education. The respect towards parents is installed from birth and probably beyond most farang comprehension Some will do almost anything to provide money  or esteem for parents. 

However I believe this article is aimed at foreigners coming here with the intention  to break the law because of this.  And to say that Thai guy does it so why pick on the Farang is not a valid defence.

I have 2 daughters here which I am concerned , live in a village and I have witnessed a lot that I would say is not acceptable back where I come from. 

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