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Trips back home not the same any more.


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I go back to Australia and am always impressed by how big, clean and fancy it is. I always enjoy surfing up at the Gold Coast, or similar. The beaches and clean water sh#t all over anything in Thailand. Fresh food is available everywhere and often cheaper than in Thailand.


Having said that, driving is the pits in Australia, so many cameras its impossible to travel for a week or two without raking up the fines. The restaurants and accommodation are prohibitive. Unless you have your own home, or can live somewhere for free, its too expensive for someone on a modest income.


Australia is a great place, but Thailand has its attractions and is a great place for an older bloke. In Australia, I'm just another old man, but in Thailand it's different.

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How many days cycling is possible in UK?

20 days a year!! lol


Let's get real.


Over Spring, Summer and Autumn (9 months) if looking to cycle each day i would guess it's possible on 20 days each month as an average, so 180 days and I will accept probably very few if any in Winter.


Whereas in Thailand firstly you take your life in your hands on any road and in the summer months and hotter days (300+ days a year) you either accrue Melonoma exposure as a good friend of mine did and died this year back in USA or require sun block application every time or sweat like a pig in clothing. Whereas on many days in UK the weather is MUCH more comfortable cycling weather AND almost whereever you live in UK there will be cycling greenbelt or cycle paths etc in the vicinity.


I am not a keen cyclist, but do enjoy the countryside rides as an occasional activity in UK. Never here in Thailand, even if I knew of one locally. It isn't even an activity that I would wish to do here and often it will involve cycling in traffic at some point, as I mentioned - accidents and diesel exhaust fumes on a far worse scale than UK and cycling provision laughable.


The UK is far far better even if there are days it's too cold etc.

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Let's settle at 150 days a year and stop the fantasy. Some Summer months my cycling mate is out cycling almost every day.


AND STILL ALIVE. Try that here in Thailand.

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Returned back to Sydney in May this year for a week after 18 months away, to see mum (82 years of age) go into a nursing home, her dementia getting worse, her not taking care of her diabetes, all was arranged by my 10 year younger brother, communicating with me via email, we had not had words in ten years because I couldn't let go of a joke he made when he met my wife, she was my new partner at the time, his tasteless joke was; how far can she squirt a ping bong ball, didn't go down well at all, he didn't apologise and blamed it on his wife, saying she said it and he thought it was funny, so he reiterated, when I confronted his wife, she was shocked that he would use her as an excuse for such a cheap stab, so to speak. I have another brother I don't talk to because he ripped mum off 20k for his gambling problems, and blames society for the way he turned out, he will be short 20k when mum passes, because I am her executor and will disperse it with the others, he can then take everyone to court...lol 


We only planned our stay for 1 week, apart from seeing mum into the nursing home, my daughter who lives there, coincidentally she is visiting us on the 22nd for 4 weeks, the usual doctor/specialist check ups, meds, and friends.


We couldn't wait to get back to Thailand as soon as we picked up the rental hire car from the airport, remembering the red light camera's, traffic congestion, and the cost of living in Sydney. When my mates come to Thailand, I catch a flight direct from Isaan to Phuket and meet up with them for a week, and after a week in Phuket, can't wait to get back home to Isaan, have my regular xpat waterholes that I frequent at least 3 times a week and have a good laugh with the lads.


Built a 300 plus square metre house for 100k a few years back that I really enjoy, the outdoor area is a big as the 3 bedroom place we used to live in in Sydney, i.e. 80m2.


The cost of living here is cheap, as was building the house, which would have cost 10 times that amount back in Sydney for the same quality, labour here is a joke, like 300-500 baht a day, so always adding to the house, now needing more land as 1,000 metres of rice paddy that we purchased about a decade ago is almost all house.


Love the country side, sure Thailand isn't perfect, but I feel free here since they let me out of the battery caged production line, would I go back to live in Sydney, if I told you if you had a million dollars, you couldn't live in Sydney, i.e. if you expect to own your home, have a car and eat, go out, and take holidays as you do here. If I ever did it would be for health reasons, as I would prefer to be under the knife back there, don't get me wrong, hospitals here thus far have been good for minor procedures, but the doctors, nurses and hospitals in Sydney are far more advanced then here in my opinion.


My wife is the best cook I have ever met, she even cooks Greek and Italian as well as Thai, which I have gone off over the years unless it doesn't have pork or chicken in it, although still have some favourite dishes. I couldn't have a cup of coffee and sit down with her at breakfast and relax and have a few games of bingo when in Sydney working 14-16 hour days, here, time is Thai time, retired is the best thing ever, and having money and still earning money tax free from the old country, makes it just that better.


I feel as if I will live here till they cremate me, then my wife can place me in the urn and put me on the bookshelf in the bedroom so I can keep an eye on her, making sure she is being well serviced, because there is only one me, oy 555



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20 minutes ago, faraday said:

20 days a month? 

Guess it's possible, if you ignore the constant rain, the cold & ice in winter & the wind. :laugh:

That's what I though, my last year in the UK it rained almost every day, I ain't that keen on going out in the raid, or wind, or ice.

Don't mind hot weather, never needed sunblock, I just cycle in the early morning, or run/hike under forest cover.

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Good for you 4MyEgo


There is a lot of positives too to Thailand. It has been my home for last 6 years.

We can all celebrate the differences and in part that alone is sometimes why people love it here. It's different.


I set out my view in my original post (cycling was but one small, minor point).


It doesn't rain every day for a year. lol If you cycle here early morning to miss the heat there are many days you can see a weather forecast and cycle for a few hours in the day in UK too. I truly think some posters really think that 20 days a year is a reasonable figure. It's simply not remotely realistic for a full year!!

In June to September, you could probably do a minimum of 60 days right there.


imv, when points made are just plain ridiculous (20 days a year) it only goes to demonstrate that in order to make a point the poster is willing to say whatever will support it, even if it defies common sense. Who really wants to tell me in UK, when I want to go out on the cycle I cannot do it because of the weather for 11 months and 10 days each year!! 

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Hmmm, left the UK for Spain with early retirement in 2000.

Met a Thai lady in 2012, soon married, set up home in Thailand and spent more or less half a year in Thailand / Spain.

Drove to the UK in May last year, first time back in 7 years.

Couldn't wait to get back to Spain!


In a few days we're off to Thailand for 3.5 months, not the usual 5.5 months.

For me, Thailand is more expensive than Spain.

I heard that the mozzies have started queuing up to meet me already!!!!

It's unbearably hot and humid.

Life is boring cos we live in the middle of nowhere.

No bars or pubs or night life.

No other Europeans.

Roads are dangerous.

Life is cheap!

Wine is impossibly expensive.

The journey is hell, in both directions.


In future, I may choose to stay in Spain and my wife will have to travel alone to catch up with family and friends.


The cost of getting old I suppose.

Oh, to be a young lad like the OP hee hee.


But, each to their own, we all have choices.

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31 minutes ago, twix38 said:

imv, when points made are just plain ridiculous (20 days a year) it only goes to demonstrate that in order to make a point the poster is willing to say whatever will support it, even if it defies common sense. Who really wants to tell me in UK, when I want to go out on the cycle I cannot do it because of the weather for 11 months and 10 days each year!! 

I don't care when you go cycling, I only do it in nice (dry) weather. So the UK is no good for me unlike Thailand.

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1 hour ago, twix38 said:

just so long as we are aware it isn't raining,  windy or ice for 345 days a year! lol



The weather conditions for cycling in the UK are similar to those for walking. Ice - treacherous and to be avoided. Rainy - OK if you have the right gear. Windy - lovely!!!  

So as a member of The Ramblers and sundry other walking groups, I usually do 2-5 walks per week between April and November and 1-2 between November and January. (Jan - April - Thailand!)

I tend not to start out if it's raining heavily but if it rains partway around, so be it. The combination of rain and cold is why my numbers drop off in December, but most of the year in UK is good for walking and I would suggest, cycling.


Remember.....as Billy Connolly said "There's no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes"

Not to be taken entirely literally, but you get the idea. 

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On 1/12/2018 at 9:29 AM, transam said:

I feel the same as you, last time I went back was to watch my mum pass away, as soon as I had a funeral date I booked a flight back that very evening...

same story, been here 18 years went back for my fathers funeral 12 years ago i got back to the UK Thursday funeral Friday flew back here Saturday. was going back prior for visas once a year and like the OP said once the initial catch up is done everyone back to their lives and your kicking your heels. not interested in ever returning to the UK .

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4 hours ago, Marc K said:

If I might try to sum up this thread -- "home is where the heart is" -- of course.

In reality, home is the place they can't refuse to let you live.

"home is where the heart is" was invented before immigration controls were common.

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1 minute ago, questionsreplies said:

But don't you feel bad to have abandonned your parents even before they die ? Ok that your own kids leave you behind like s h i t ?

just wondering !

No I don't....Many folk emigrate to other countries looking for a different life, the USA was built on folk looking for a different life. Some of us don't need apron strings...:stoner:

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39 minutes ago, questionsreplies said:

But don't you feel bad to have abandonned your parents even before they die ? Ok that your own kids leave you behind like s h i t ?

just wondering !

No, because everybody could see how happy & content I was, having such a great wife.

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I began regularly traveling to Thailand in 1989 and thought of moving here permanently on many occasions.  I really enjoy how laid back Thailand appears to be and how friendly everyone seems to be.  My wife lived in the U.S. for several years before we met.  After we married we started traveling to visit her family and to tour Thailand. After several trips, we decided to build a home on her mother's property, allow her mother to live in it and we would use it when we were in country.  We planned to move into it permanently when we retired from our jobs.  After traveling back and forth for twenty plus years we both decided living in Thailand wasn't for us and gave our home to my wife's mother, her cousin and her cousin's husband.  We enjoy our time when we are visiting but like all places, it has changed and to me has lost some of its luster.   My wife just returned from a visit but I haven't been back for almost two years although I do plan on visiting.  I'm happy for those of you that have decided to make it home but I'm sorry some of you have disconnected from your home countries.  I would personally have a difficult time never returning to my native country. 


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WOW - what a mixed bunch of thoughts.


I have lived here in Thailand for just over three years so perhaps I am not as cynical as some posters.  I am from the UK and go back once a year to catch up with friends - I have one brother but I have not seen him in person for the time I have been here - we skype each week.


Sadly alot of my friends have died since I have been here but I still have many friends in the Uk and i enjoy seeing them all - I like to think that they enjoying seeing me too.


On another note I ride my pushbike here every day of the week - a few accidents- the worst was when a great big fat visitor stepped out in front of me (he was not looking) and knocked me off my bike - he remained standing but I injured my arm quite badly - all ok now.


I have to have annual blood tests and x-ray taken for my hip replacement and these are all done very cheaply at a local private hospital -  unlike the UK I can choose the time I go there and they are reasonably efficient.


Dental treatment i have found to be superb - much better than the UK.


Cost of living here?  Well in the UK it would be surviving on my pensions or working to enjoy living, here I can live despite the 25% drop in income.


I consider Thailand to be my home,  I cannot say I will never return to the UK to live as anything can happen and I may need to return one day - hopefully much later rather than sooner.


There is however, one thing that really p****s me off about living here - I still have to pay tax on my income in the UK to help support the dross of society who choose not to work!!!!!!


Cheers everyone!



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i've been making 2-3 trips a year to USA for the last 12 years.  the first 6, i spent equal time with friends versus parents/family.  but the friend visits did get frustrating as their schedules always seemed to change last minute and i didn't feel like the side trips to see them was worth it at times.  so i focused more on spending time with mom and dad for a couple years.  thankfully, one of my friends bought a large vacation home in hawaii three years ago and established a 'boys only' week (end of october every year).  so now six of us, who have been friends since we were 18 or younger (now 50), can spend a full week together w/o the bother of a job, wife, or child.  nothing against a job, a wife, and/or a child but it really makes the friend visit alot better.  no distractions at all.





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On 1/15/2018 at 9:54 AM, faraday said:

No, because everybody could see how happy & content I was, having such a great wife.

Only you seem to be able to accept the truth here. People can do what they want but it's good to face the truth.

I also do not care about my parents as I did not choose them.



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44 minutes ago, questionsreplies said:

Only you seem to be able to accept the truth here. People can do what they want but it's good to face the truth.

I also do not care about my parents as I did not choose them.



I cared & loved my parents so much, but I knew my Mum was happy that I had finally found a good woman, after some horrors over the years.


The full explanation & indeed, justification is too long to post here.

My sister called me Line on my wedding day so Mum could see us being married, & also 2 days before she died.



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