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Thai sex industry now worth 260 billion baht, say Thai media


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14 hours ago, AWillOz said:

I'm sure the Government is thinking, "now how can we get a bit of tax from that??"


easy, by default, Banks cut 10% of all private bank transaction coming into (Thailand) bank accounts as income tax.


Depend on your situation you can get some bath back, a.e. sick buffalo, or if you have monthly multiple similar transaction it is a additional income, and the bank helps you to be a good tax payer.   

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12 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

There must be some seriously hard up Ugly scum guys in the world  holidaying and living here. Chucking wads of cash at women because they cannot pull back home sad sods, but you know where to go if you are one of them. Sick old men who simply cannot pull a bird, laughing at you big time.

Oh ye of little faith!  Maybe value for money is a consideration? And attitudes of the sex workers also? Remove the 'blinkers' sunshine!


Laughing back at you big time. :thumbsup:

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The country needs to  share in this bonanza and no silly closing of places of pleasure on Wednesdays or similar! Since the seating ban on the beach on Wednesday I am getting sand everywhere and lubrication does not help, sex and sand don't mix, in fact its jolly painful but there is a limit to how much I can lubricate the wheels of the economy!

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10 hours ago, The manic said:


Yes, the life is unfair, as an Arabic Prince you have already 5 wife's you never need to contribute to anything. 


While properly never contribute to the industry is the wrong word. As man you always pay, maybe not now in a direct form of money, you invite a cutey

for dinner, isn't that the same? 

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3 hours ago, blubb said:

Depend on your situation you can get some baht back, e.g. sick buffalo, or if you have monthly multiple similar transaction it is a additional income, and the bank helps you to be a good tax payer.   

Are you telling me they make sick buffalo feel better, too? Now I see why they keep Victoria Parlour secret . . . and they must be well vetted sex workers for that service.

And, as for getting bank help for my monthly multiple transactions – similar, of course – I’ll mention that to the doorman – Prawit, hopefully – on my next visit. I love Thailand!

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15 hours ago, The manic said:

None of the girls I know are abused. What are you talking about. They have fun and get paid for it. Take your nonsense to another forum.


This the interesting part, what you think will happen if the real truth comes our, Millions of lonely men travel , so it must be fakenews generated by the feminazi part. It is easier to report about there were found 1 girl which was forced into prost. than the other 100.000 doing it cause they love it, it is easy and fast money.


Since year I'm also amused about the guy and lesbian, who it is possible they produce so much wind for nothing, maybe 0,00000001% make their problems to a global problem, how it is possible so less percentage of people create so much wind (for nothing) maybe cause they almost work in media jobs? and no on take them in real life serious? 


How it is possible our evolution system doesn't extirpated this genetic defect until now, the only explanation could be are they faking it.   


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13 minutes ago, blubb said:


This the interesting part, what you think will happen if the real truth comes our, Millions of lonely men travel , so it must be fakenews generated by the feminazi part. It is easier to report about there were found 1 girl which was forced into prost. than the other 100.000 doing it cause they love it, it is easy and fast money.


Since year I'm also amused about the guy and lesbian, who it is possible they produce so much wind for nothing, maybe 0,00000001% make their problems to a global problem, how it is possible so less percentage of people create so much wind (for nothing) maybe cause they almost work in media jobs? and no on take them in real life serious? 


How it is possible our evolution system doesn't extirpated this genetic defect until now, the only explanation could be are they faking it.   


You're having a laugh mate. After 25 years in Thailand I know the view promoted by the media is self serving as is MSM in my country and its lies about recreational drug use.  I dont really know what you are talking about nor care. Have you ever been to Thailand? How many Thai sex workers have you eaten with, drank with, socialised with, slept with or visited their villages?  It's unfortunate that many of the more primitive women's groups have joined the Patriarchy in victimising women and seeking to control them and their bodies in line with most male dominated religious teaching.

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17 hours ago, The manic said:

None of the girls I know are abused. What are you talking about. They have fun and get paid for it. Take your nonsense to another forum.

What about the one who fell or was pushed off a balcony last week? Prostitution is mired in danger, drugs and violence and of course it is criminal activity in itself. Those 'fun' girls are usually high or drunk to face going with customers they actually often despise. Behind the neon it is often a sad, dangerous and unpleasant 'industry'.

Edited by Orton Rd
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If it's worth that much, one has to wonder why the authorities spend so much energy trying to get rid of it.

9 pages in one day. I guess we now know what TVF posters like to write about.

Keep it up fellas, sure beats reading about where the best pizzas are.




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20 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

There must be some seriously hard up Ugly scum guys in the world  holidaying and living here. Chucking wads of cash at women because they cannot pull back home sad sods, but you know where to go if you are one of them. Sick old men who simply cannot pull a bird, laughing at you big time.

I suppose you get women by lying to them about your money and intentions. That's the way in the West. Truely evil. Of these two types of female 'victims', I'll tell you which ones were left smiling.

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17 hours ago, peterb17 said:

Newbie to what - prostitution? 

Travelling thousands of miles for a little stimulation of nerve endings in his glans.


Tell him - think of the human being doing the stimulation, she / he has feelings . 



I did. I'm sure he will tip generously.

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48 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

What about the one who fell or was pushed off a balcony last week? Prostitution is mired in danger, drugs and violence and of course it is criminal activity in itself. Those 'fun' girls are usually high or drunk to face going with customers they actually often despise. Behind the neon it is often a sad, dangerous and unpleasant 'industry'.

You quote one incident out of millions of encounters over the years. You obviously know nothing about the scene here and just repeating meaningless lies and cliches that confirm your own prejudices and religious bias. When you have actual ecperience not just religious kant you can make a meaningful contribution until then please desist trying to obscure the facts with your dogma. Find another place to preach . Find some one stupid or credulous enough to believe your skewed view of the entertainment and nightlife scene here. Have you ever beennto Thailand? How many bar girls have you beennwith, drank with, eaten with , slept with.? None. You know nothing. Unless you speak from experience as a whore abuser? Maybe that is your problem. You are like many preaching, judgemental, hypocritical, religious nutters. You are deeply suspect and care for nobody but yourself. Look at your own soul and your own country and remember what Jesus said.' Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone. And Judge not lest you be judged.

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51 minutes ago, The manic said:

You quote one incident out of millions of encounters over the years. You obviously know nothing about the scene here and just repeating meaningless lies and cliches that confirm your own prejudices and religious bias. When you have actual ecperience not just religious kant you can make a meaningful contribution until then please desist trying to obscure the facts with your dogma. Find another place to preach . Find some one stupid or credulous enough to believe your skewed view of the entertainment and nightlife scene here. Have you ever beennto Thailand? How many bar girls have you beennwith, drank with, eaten with , slept with.? None. You know nothing. Unless you speak from experience as a whore abuser? Maybe that is your problem. You are like many preaching, judgemental, hypocritical, religious nutters. You are deeply suspect and care for nobody but yourself. Look at your own soul and your own country and remember what Jesus said.' Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone. And Judge not lest you be judged.

The sex trade will always have it's fans and defenders, mostly from those with a vested interest, or the customers. The customers of course are mostly pathetic unattractive sorts who have no choice but to pay for sex, then often justify it by claiming they are doing the girls a favour by helping to support them and their families. More likely they are supporting a pimp and her drug habit.

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

The sex trade will always have it's fans and defenders, mostly from those with a vested interest, or the customers. The customers of course are mostly pathetic unattractive sorts who have no choice but to pay for sex, then often justify it by claiming they are doing the girls a favour by helping to support them and their families. More likely they are supporting a pimp and her drug habit.

You resort to insults. You talk of vested interests. You mean the girls having fun andvgetting paid for it? What are your vested intersts? How much arevyou getting paid? Because I here the the evangelical ministeries are paying you guys four thousand dollarsca month to come to Pattaya and hang around strip clubs. You are on another planet. Planet Perv. Have you ever been to Thailand?. No you have not. So you have no idea what you talking about! Have you ever socialised with a bar girl or given or received an act of kindness? No you havent. You do not know what you are talking about. Have you ever talked to a bar girl? No you haven't.  You do not know what you are talking about? Have you ever had a drink or eaten a meal with a bar girl? No you haven't. So you don't know what you are talking about. You are preaching against your own perverse lusts. This is all you know and the religious propaganda, lies and platitudes you hide behind. Leave your mom's basement behind and discover the real world for your self first hand. Good luck preacher boy. 555

Edited by The manic
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Lots of experts and supporters of the sex industry on here. Paying for sex is like paying somebody to laugh at your jokes, it does not count as real, they are not with you because they like you. Most of the girls laugh at customers as soon as their backs are turned and hate the way they earn their living. There are plenty of jobs they could do instead in Thailand, but many are just too lazy, greedy and dumb to do anything else. The jackpot for them is to meet an even dumber foreigner who will be a meal ticket for life for her and the family.

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Lots of experts and supporters of the sex industry on here. Paying for sex is like paying somebody to laugh at your jokes, it does not count as real, they are not with you because they like you. Most of the girls laugh at customers as soon as their backs are turned and hate the way they earn their living. There are plenty of jobs they could do instead in Thailand, but many are just too lazy, greedy and dumb to do anything else. The jackpot for them is to meet an even dumber foreigner who will be a meal ticket for life for her and the family.

What do you know about Thai Females getting jobs, Have you any First hand experience, I have , Females are to young to work at 17<18 > to old at 30,  Only get Jobs where they are treat like slaves . Poor pay and conditions with  sexual innuendos from Supervisors and Managers, Along with trying to compete with cheap labour from the surrounding Countries,  They are probably the only breadwinner because the Thai Partner has done a runner leaving the female to look after children and probably elderly parents, Some Guys  as you say to ease their self gratification, In actual fact they are Abusers, Some guys form a  opinion about these girls while living in a brothel, Get out of Pattaya and see the real Thailand.

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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Lots of experts and supporters of the sex industry on here. Paying for sex is like paying somebody to laugh at your jokes, it does not count as real, they are not with you because they like you. Most of the girls laugh at customers as soon as their backs are turned and hate the way they earn their living. There are plenty of jobs they could do instead in Thailand, but many are just too lazy, greedy and dumb to do anything else. The jackpot for them is to meet an even dumber foreigner who will be a meal ticket for life for her and the family.

Not your business. Stop interfering. You have proved you have no real knowledge or experience nor do you respond to our questions about your Thai and P4P experience. Get a life before you tell others how tobrun theirs. 

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2 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

What do you know about Thai Females getting jobs, Have you any First hand experience, I have , Females are to young to work at 17<18 > to old at 30,  Only get Jobs where they are treat like slaves . Poor pay and conditions with  sexual innuendos from Supervisors and Managers, Along with trying to compete with cheap labour from the surrounding Countries,  They are probably the only breadwinner because the Thai Partner has done a runner leaving the female to look after children and probably elderly parents, Some Guys  as you say to ease their self gratification, In actual fact they are Abusers, Some guys form a  opinion about these girls while living in a brothel, Get out of Pattaya and see the real Thailand.

I travel around Thailand extensively and frequently. Don't be such a patronising know it all. Ultimately it is the Thai girls exploiting the men but we don't care because we have fun and pleasure. The girls are regularly tested for drugs and need to be clean to pass urine tests. Although bar girls and Go go girls drink.Massage girls frequently do not drink, smoke or party very much. There are very few brothel that I know of after 25 years of being a sex tourist and sex pat. If you abuse a Thai girl you will be in trouble. You live in a fantasy world. What do we know of Thai girls' job oppurtunities?More than you will ever know. We interact with them. You dont. We talk with them. You don't. You have never been to Thailand and are just pushing your own false agenda based on nonsense. You sound like a deluded religious nut job or jealous embittered feminist. Save your preaching for someone else.  Germany, New Zealand, Turkey and plenty of other places have legal prostitution but it's nowhere near as good as Thailand. BTW there are rent boys here If that scene suits you more. There are also toy boys and gigilo who service Thai , Japanese and Farang women. Give it a try before you  knock it. Amen to you.

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10 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

The sex trade will always have it's fans and defenders, mostly from those with a vested interest, or the customers. The customers of course are mostly pathetic unattractive sorts who have no choice but to pay for sex, then often justify it by claiming they are doing the girls a favour by helping to support them and their families. More likely they are supporting a pimp and her drug habit.

More proof that you have no idea what you are talking about. You are describing Detroit, not Thailand.

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21 hours ago, The manic said:

I travel around Thailand extensively and frequently. Don't be such a patronising know it all. Ultimately it is the Thai girls exploiting the men but we don't care because we have fun and pleasure. The girls are regularly tested for drugs and need to be clean to pass urine tests. Although bar girls and Go go girls drink.Massage girls frequently do not drink, smoke or party very much. There are very few brothel that I know of after 25 years of being a sex tourist and sex pat. If you abuse a Thai girl you will be in trouble. You live in a fantasy world. What do we know of Thai girls' job oppurtunities?More than you will ever know. We interact with them. You dont. We talk with them. You don't. You have never been to Thailand and are just pushing your own false agenda based on nonsense. You sound like a deluded religious nut job or jealous embittered feminist. Save your preaching for someone else.  Germany, New Zealand, Turkey and plenty of other places have legal prostitution but it's nowhere near as good as Thailand. BTW there are rent boys here If that scene suits you more. There are also toy boys and gigilo who service Thai , Japanese and Farang women. Give it a try before you  knock it. Amen to you.

I live in Samut Prakan , An Industrial area , I speak Thai, , you're the one that's delude, just a  sex predator, who has convinced yourself that they like it, get help

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10 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

I live in Samut Prakan , An Industrial area , I speak Thai, , you're the one that's delude, just a  sex predator, who has convinced yourself that they like it, get help

The girls help me thanks.  Sexual predator. 555. I pay for the girls services and they go willingly, and repeatedly because of the good, polite and generous treatment they receive and the fun they have. You know nothing about The Thai entrrtainment business, Thai history or Thai culture. Get some experience before you preach your self righteousness and propaganda. Wherever  you live you live in an unreal bubble. Wherever you live you have a hidden agenda. I suggest you go back to where you come from. If you do speak Thai and come down from your lofty heights to a go go bar or G Club you will hear the girls talking in a manner that indicates most strongly they are in control, they are  choosing the guys they want and on the terms they want. They are sexually active as are western women but they get paid well because they are better at it. You dont object to prostitution you object to sex and sexual freedom. Hypocrisy is  international and instantly recognisable in your posts. Go back to where you came from and take your ignorance and hate with you where you can hide behind the religious gowns of whatever religious cult that is paying you. I bet you pay your female staff starvation wages but receive a western salary your self. 

Edited by The manic
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