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Butts Out: Smoking Ban To Hit 24 Thai Beaches


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"The Thais have put about a million ashtrays along the beach pavement now."

Really? Not Jomtien in my experience. What I have seen in my daily trips down to Jomtien beach are foreigners using discarded cups and food bowls kindly left behind by Thais  being used for trays. My informal observance indicates the mostly Russian tourists come up to the sidewalk and smoke there & most use the recycled trash trays.

 Before I settle down, I pick up a bit of trash left day before and empty the butts from some trays. Not a lot, but better than nothing.


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3 minutes ago, jmccarty said:

Plenty in Pattaya that ignore that ban!

good for them...let the customers decide what they want.

Strange there is not the same sort of "rigorous" efforts to clean up the air we all do breath polluted by vehicle exhaust,dust and heavy industries plus the mountains of trash left all over the place...a few cigarette butts and second hand smoke are minuscule problems in comparison.

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I can understand having the ban because the unsightly discarded cig butts, which persist for a long time, but what if you smoke a pipe, or cigars, or even roll- your-own, there's no butts that persist for months ?  There's only some leaf and maybe a wee bit of paper which will cause minimum environmental harm. Just a thought !!!

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Great news .so smoking in the off beach areas is ok then ? wake up Thailand its the plastic bags and bottles that should be banned . 

i stay koh samui and now has gone downhill fast over the last 2 years  why not ban all visitors the the kingdom i think this is what you really want.

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1 minute ago, eliotness said:

I can understand having the ban because the unsightly discarded cig butts, which persist for a long time, but what if you smoke a pipe, or cigars, or even roll- your-own, there's no butts that persist for months ?  There's only some leaf and maybe a wee bit of paper which will cause minimum environmental harm. Just a thought !!!

what about e gigs they make a bigger mess .... not 

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Another wonderful edict by the Government which most foreigners will try to follow but unfortunately ,  Thais  will  ignore iirt as they do EVERY other LAW in  Thailand . 

I am sure the TAT will spin figures to show that it is not harming Tourism .

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1 minute ago, Jiggo said:

Non Smokers can use the remaining venues without the risk of cancer.....

Have you never been to a pub that is quiet inside but the outside area is busy ?  I have many times, when the climate allows !

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15 hours ago, YetAnother said:

relatively small issue to us long termer, non-smokers;

it does however shed light on the potentially disturbing ultra-conservatism in the past 4 years that we need be conscientious of;

how far away are immigration changes given this mood ? (none of them good)




Those that fear and detest "nanny states" now have more reason for concern

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15 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

The big bonanza for the local police mafia is about to kick off, gentlemen!


Soon scores of pesky foreigners who are unaware of that ban will be rounded up en masse and "requested" to make donations into the police mafia welfare fund if they want to await a ridiculous jail term of 1 year. (or a 100,000 baht fine).

Yeah, it's almost like Christmas as a kid counting down the days to opening the prezzies, except better.  I can't wait till Feb 2nd to open TV and see the bleating and crying of all the nicotine deprived tourists in skimpy swimwear behind bars pleading for their lives and the UK press and the 'oh god, all the tourists are never coming back' comments and the negative press and the......  Christmas all over again, every day (Wizard, take note) except this will last till Songkran, yehaa...

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7 hours ago, nisakiman said:




Well they've been a hell of a long time returning, and the publicans are still waiting. In fact most pubs aren't even pubs anymore - they had to turn themselves into restaurants with a bar (and snotty, screaming kids running around) to survive, such was the influx of non-smokers that rushed to enjoy the now 'smoke-free' pubs. I guess the sheer numbers of non-smokers rushing to the pubs is why only 17,000 pubs and clubs have closed in the UK since the smoking ban. Yes, that's 17,000. Seventeen thousand.


Sorry, sunshine, but the only reason any pub might be gaining customers is because all the others in the area have been forced into liquidation by the smoking ban. The smoking ban was a disaster for the hospitality industry. Tens of thousands lost their jobs, thousands of good businesses were forced to close, millions of older people had their only social lives taken from them. Why do you think that, for the first time ever, the UK government is creating a 'Minister for Loneliness'? It wouldn't be because nearly all the British Legion clubs and Working Men's clubs and bingo halls were forced to close in the wake of the smoking ban, would it? Those places where the older generation would traditionally meet and socialise? But then, you would never have been to one of those establishments, so you wouldn't know, would you? Nor do you care.


You're just like all the other zealots. Self-centered, intolerant, bigoted and not very clever. You obviously know nothing about the actual science and research, but have memorised all the propaganda soundbites you've read in the 'Daily Mail' or whatever, which you trot out at every opportunity to display your level of indoctrination, your status as one of the 'in crowd', those who are 'acceptable' because they say the 'right' things; tick all the PC boxes.


I usually avoid getting annoyed at other people's lack of understanding, but sometimes the unctuous sanctimony of some people's attitude really does irk me.


You ever heard the biblical quote "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone"?


Think about it.

Wow, quite the drama queen.

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Smoking in public places in today's world is deemed offensive, but I think rather than banning it all together it should be controlled in a manner where those that wish to smoke can in designated areas. I for one would have no objection in avoiding "smoking areas" as a polite acceptance of other people's needs ............... pushing the envelope to the extreme will effect everyone here in the tourist industry most. Hence, the industry will suffer hardships as places of relaxation will certainly lose revenue, epecially as Chinese & Russians must be the heaviest smokers worldwide. There is a "no smoking" law in effect in Thailand in bars, restaurants etc, but most "open air" venues ignore this rule & most certainly all air-conditioned bars, Ago-go's etc tolerate smokers, which can be a real problem for those that don't. However, it just proves the fact that a total ban does not work & difficult to enforce, it effects everyone, businesses will lose clientele because of it, it puts added pressure on the authorities to enforce it etc. & everyone loses. I personally think venues that allow smoking should have a notice on the entrance giving everyone the option to enter the establishment or not. Leaving this issue in the hands of private establishments is key for everyone & public places & Malls should continue to provide designated smoking areas. This "knee jerk" reaction to no smoking on the beach will drive people away & tourist revenue will seriously decline ...................... the only way to deal with this is to ask people to use commonsense & be aware of the environmental damage it causes to our planet, plus the health hazards associated with smoking. I think eventually smoking in public will phase itself out naturally around the world & no one, especially the younger generation, if the right message continues to get across at schools, will even think it's "kool" to start before it becomes a habit. We've a long way to go ............ we have just got to keep on going & never give up ...... our kid's future rest with our  generationat the moment. Hopefully, the next will have a brighter world to look forward to ..... peace.     

Edited by Daveyh
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7 hours ago, nisakiman said:




Well they've been a hell of a long time returning, and the publicans are still waiting. In fact most pubs aren't even pubs anymore - they had to turn themselves into restaurants with a bar (and snotty, screaming kids running around) to survive, such was the influx of non-smokers that rushed to enjoy the now 'smoke-free' pubs. I guess the sheer numbers of non-smokers rushing to the pubs is why only 17,000 pubs and clubs have closed in the UK since the smoking ban. Yes, that's 17,000. Seventeen thousand.


Sorry, sunshine, but the only reason any pub might be gaining customers is because all the others in the area have been forced into liquidation by the smoking ban. The smoking ban was a disaster for the hospitality industry. Tens of thousands lost their jobs, thousands of good businesses were forced to close, millions of older people had their only social lives taken from them. Why do you think that, for the first time ever, the UK government is creating a 'Minister for Loneliness'? It wouldn't be because nearly all the British Legion clubs and Working Men's clubs and bingo halls were forced to close in the wake of the smoking ban, would it? Those places where the older generation would traditionally meet and socialise? But then, you would never have been to one of those establishments, so you wouldn't know, would you? Nor do you care.


You're just like all the other zealots. Self-centered, intolerant, bigoted and not very clever. You obviously know nothing about the actual science and research, but have memorised all the propaganda soundbites you've read in the 'Daily Mail' or whatever, which you trot out at every opportunity to display your level of indoctrination, your status as one of the 'in crowd', those who are 'acceptable' because they say the 'right' things; tick all the PC boxes.


I usually avoid getting annoyed at other people's lack of understanding, but sometimes the unctuous sanctimony of some people's attitude really does irk me.


You ever heard the biblical quote "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone"?


Think about it.

Can't see why you have to be abusive and name calling after the chap merely stated an accurate opinion.  


Anyway, you're either joking (plausible) or you appear to have overlooked the fact that so many UK pubs closed for several reasons other than banning toxic gas that endangers peoples lives. 


(a) They were mainly run-down crap businesses managed by idiots living in the stone age serving crap food that deserved to go tits-up. Outsiders definitely not welcome 'You not from round 'ere are ya', followed by a slap commonplace. 

(b) Plod started applying the law that you are actually not allowed to drive home pissed out of your mind, (endangering more lives) and as most decent pubs are out of town it made sense not to go. Seeing as the average Brit would never entertain walking more than about 200 yards to the pub and can't afford a taxi led to....

(c) Supermarkets started selling beer for tuppence a can so it did make sense to stay home and get shitfaced for a fraction of the price, eat in, no need to drive, smoke all you want, bring the neighbours round and take turns annoying each others wives.

(d) Local magistrates closing 'In-town' pubs mainly because they were a place to meet on a Saturday night to get juiced up for the weekly scrap in the vomit-covered market square. Also, a bit off-putting when surrounded by cops in riot-gear and bouncers on the door.  If you didn't get a kicking for not being from 'round 'ere', the bouncers or plod would oblige.


Net result, fantastic establishments that serve great food in a smoke-free family-friendly environment without curmudgeons like you.  Pray tell by the way what you mean by 'science and research'?  Assume you disbelieve smoking causes death in various forms?


Best regards

Mr Zealot. 

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I must admit I personally detest smoking when in a restaurant or pub especially when food involved

when I was in Vientaine Laos a few weeks back popped into a popular restaurant there

The waitress spotted my frown as  I  Perused the menu she said straight away we have a non smoking area at the rear which my wife and myself went to and enjoyed the meal smoke free

when I was last in Pattaya in a restaurant people smoking everywhere I mentioned to the guy serving behind the bar where is the non smoking area he said we don't have one so we departed they lost the business if people want to poison there lungs its up to them but think of those who don't and where there is children involved who don't have a say


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20 hours ago, halloween said:

Before the gloom and doom predictions, remember what happened when smoking was banned in pubs.

Its good now no more filthy fumes to breathe as for the beech's good job filthy butts all over the place, go and stand on the footpath if you want to smoke that desperate.

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20 hours ago, halloween said:

I was referring to the effects of the ban, not the logic behind it. Smoke rotting your brain, as well?


BTW where is "here"? and if you are "there" how does it affect you?

Non- smoker here...and I am here and there!

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