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Prostitutes in Thailand are fueling the rise in cases of super gonorrhoea


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6 minutes ago, balo said:

Idiots for not wearing condoms when having sex with prostitutes, you deserve what you get.

Idiots have sex without a condom with a regular girl in Thailand especilly if she is 20 plus years younger. You deserve what you get !


Is that as intelligent as your comment?

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On 3/30/2018 at 7:27 PM, cyberfarang said:

Women of ill repute are not described as dirty prostitutes for no good reasons.


They are in-fact the go-betweens of contagious diseases from one client to another, anything from a common cold, herpes, pierear, to the most deadly diseases. Even parasitical diseases like lice, scabies and fleas can be past on via prostitutes.


Everyone knows the risks (or should know) the health risks involved when using prostitutes. No such thing as safe sex, a condom does not provide 100% protections against STDs.

Go to any UK STI clinic and take a look around. You will discover that the majority of the patients are not prostitutes. Permissive sexual attitudes and the contraceptive pill led to less condom use in turn leading to more STIs. This was further fueled by sex drugs in the 80s. HIV among the gay community  had nothing to do with prostitutes. And FYI Most people do not call sex workers dirty prostitutes. It's a crude insult by a damaged person. Christ himself mixed with prostitutes and admonished a crowd about to punish one. Mary Magdalen. "Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone. " The scary list of diseases you mentioned can spread by non sex workers. You have the tone of one of those extreme envalgelical right wing Christians who have infiltrated this forum. 

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3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Nah....your post reads like a typical monger.


Of course you are less likely to catch a disease from a regular girl than a bargirl. Also, thanks for a laugh about prostitutes being tested on a weekly basis. Even if that's true (which is, if course a total b.s.) how is this going to help if she got infected say last week as results won't show up on tests in several months.


Geez, you are making sex workers sound more honest than bankers. Wonder why.

They are more honest and moral in both cases! 

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On 3/31/2018 at 10:24 AM, seancbk said:


How do you know he didn't?   Maybe he rubbed his eye after giving her a fingering.   Was he supposed to wear rubber gloves and a face guard too?

She squeezed it into his eyes. Is that so difficult to understand? 

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2 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


I am sure they are as they f for money.


How honest do they remain once in a relationship?

They seem to be even more honest when married. As long as the ATM's willing....

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Prostitutes in Thailand are fueling the rise in cases of super gonorrhea.


Perhaps sex addled Westerners are responsible for bringing the super gonorrhea to Thailand? :sad:  Perhaps the disease was first 'fueled' among those  plying the legal sex trade in, say, Denmark or Nevada....or from the aging female population in the EU who indulge in Gambian pool boys.  Saying that the spread of the bug is going to be exasperated by 'prostitutes in Thailand' as opposed to sex workings from any other part of the globe, or though sex oriented communities in every Western countries is really rather narrowly focused hyperbole - it makes for good copy.  "Beware of Thai hookers!" 
The spread is more likely to be caused by couples thinking that they don't need to use 'protection.'  I'd hope that the majority of those indulging in the Thai sex industry are taking precautions.  Condoms are cheap. 

Edited by connda
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9 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Nah....your post reads like a typical monger.


Of course you are less likely to catch a disease from a regular girl than a bargirl. Also, thanks for a laugh about prostitutes being tested on a weekly basis. Even if that's true (which is, if course a total b.s.) how is this going to help if she got infected say last week as results won't show up on tests in several months.


Geez, you are making sex workers sound more honest than bankers. Wonder why.

They are...


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6 hours ago, The manic said:

Go to any UK STI clinic and take a look around. You will discover that the majority of the patients are not prostitutes. Permissive sexual attitudes and the contraceptive pill led to less condom use in turn leading to more STIs. This was further fueled by sex drugs in the 80s. HIV among the gay community  had nothing to do with prostitutes. And FYI Most people do not call sex workers dirty prostitutes. It's a crude insult by a damaged person. Christ himself mixed with prostitutes and admonished a crowd about to punish one. Mary Magdalen. "Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone. " The scary list of diseases you mentioned can spread by non sex workers. You have the tone of one of those extreme envalgelical right wing Christians who have infiltrated this forum. 

Correct IMHO.  In ancient Japan prostitutes were described as "angels of mercy"   they were respected in society as were the geishas. Most business and socializing were conducted at the brothel.

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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

Correct IMHO.  In ancient Japan prostitutes were described as "angels of mercy"   they were respected in society as were the geishas. Most business and socializing were conducted at the brothel.

Indeed, it was once said that a brothel was as necessary to a city as a sewage plant.

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   Due to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the meat, milk and egg industry we are all pretty screwed!  It is not just STD's all sorts of infections are becoming antibiotic resistant and stronger.  This is not the only disease I have read about recently that is becoming harder if not impossible to treat.

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41 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Indeed, it was once said that a brothel was as necessary to a city as a sewage plant.

So critical to health and well being of the citizens.  It's not called the oldest profession for nothing...

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26 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

   Due to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the meat, milk and egg industry we are all pretty screwed!  It is not just STD's all sorts of infections are becoming antibiotic resistant and stronger.  This is not the only disease I have read about recently that is becoming harder if not impossible to treat.

100% especially in pediatric cases.  I've seen kids come in with or ottitus  media after several courses of antibiotics.  Granted maybe 30% were wrongly diagnosed as bacterial infections.  the majority of Complications were antibiotic resistance.


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14 hours ago, joeyg said:

Correct IMHO.  In ancient Japan prostitutes were described as "angels of mercy"   they were respected in society as were the geishas. Most business and socializing were conducted at the brothel.

I expect that's why they enslaved Korean and Chinese women rather than their own to be their sex-slaves?

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3 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

I expect that's why they enslaved Korean and Chinese women rather than their own to be their sex-slaves?

That was a much later period in history.  Sarcasm only clouds the conversation.

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On 4/1/2018 at 10:50 AM, joeyg said:

No. I say it's manageable because is was in HIV care and research for 3 years out of my 30 year career.  Also spent time With humanitarian medical expeditions here in Thailand and in India. Once the genotype of the virus is identified in the right medicines are ministered, with a good diet, regular sleep, supplementation and correct medicines many patients live almost a normal duration of life. The main complication and concern are usually upper respiratory infections.  Of course if you smoke and drink then the odds are stacked way against you both situations set you up for the immune system being compromised. Then There's this from the Discover of the HIV virus Luc Montagnier but you probably know better than him...    

Maybe I have old statistics and they cannot follow the new inventions, but one million people died in AIDS related illness in 2016. http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/fact-sheet


An estimated 78 million people have become infected with HIV and 35 million people have died of AIDS-related illnesses. In 2016, 1 million people died of AIDS-related illnesses.



Surely if I go to meet with a bar girl and I am careless I will be in the statistic.

On 4/1/2018 at 10:50 AM, joeyg said:



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12 hours ago, dontoearth said:

   Due to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the meat, milk and egg industry we are all pretty screwed!  It is not just STD's all sorts of infections are becoming antibiotic resistant and stronger.  This is not the only disease I have read about recently that is becoming harder if not impossible to treat.

Then don't get those diseases.

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First, they are assuming it was contracted in S.E. Asia, no proof. Second, one case is hardly "fueling the rise" of anything. Strictly a scare story. Remember the original HIV stories? We were all supposed to be dead decades ago.

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