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HIV positive Thai prostitute had sex with “dozens of men”


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18 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

take whatever risks you want, but for the others "correctly and consistently" does not guarantee no breakage, slippage or leakage.  Please get tested if you have protected sex with someone who turns out to have HIV.


A: I use protection during sex with my partners. I have reached an age and point in life, where I have no desire to procreate. 


B: Condom use allows me to rest easy. 


C: If a relationship does proceed to the point of unprotected sex (and I can’t see that happening) then the question of testing for stds of all types will occur.


D: Where that conversation will lead is another matter. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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8 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

Me too.  In fact it's hard to believe in the accuracy of any of these numbers given that it can take a fair amount of time to detect the virus (three months?).  How would someone know they contracted it in Thailand unless they only had sex here and then had no sex for the next three months before getting tested?  Or what about someone who is sexually active and had sex in Thailand and their home country.  How can they be sure they contracted it in Thailand?

The viral subtype I imagine.


But what strikes me is the very low number over 8 years and considerably risky behaviour.  If right, it suggests that there is a much lower prevalence of hiv positive sex workers in Thailand, and/or low transmission rates for hetero sex.

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The UK study is indeed interesting but to draw a firm conclusion, we need to now how many men from the UK visited Thailand during that period.  However,  compared to other countries it appears Thailand  rate of infection is dramatically higher. Also, did any of the infected UK men use a condom.


There is a lot more HIV in the commercial sex outlets in Thailand than most people realize and when it exists- it is covered up by the sex workers; owners and others so as not to interrupt business. We all know about Thai business practices- why would anyone think the sex business is more honest?


Condoms reduce the risk but do not completely eliminate it and not using any protection is like playing Russian Roulette.

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Condoms reduce the risk but do not completely eliminate it

Strange stats involving condoms, the reason they don't eliminate it is because they either take it off, it breaks (yeah right what knob breaks a condom), or don't use it in the first place out of being drunk or pressure or something
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19 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

It’s not something I’ve heard before. 


Interesting for sure, is there any medical/scientific reasearch to back up his views?


Genuine question. 

Not sure.  he did discover HIV and received the Nobel prize.  in the full version he describes seeing it clinically.  Doubt anyone would fund this.  No money to be made and lots to lose.

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20 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

Me too.  In fact it's hard to believe in the accuracy of any of these numbers given that it can take a fair amount of time to detect the virus (three months?).  How would someone know they contracted it in Thailand unless they only had sex here and then had no sex for the next three months before getting tested?  Or what about someone who is sexually active and had sex in Thailand and their home country.  How can they be sure they contracted it in Thailand?

Yes I'm thinking along the same lines.  At the same time, having been involved in HIV treatment and research for 3 years, "we" know a large percentage of the population will test positive in about 2.5 weeks.  Although the "books" still adhere to the 90 day window period.  Also not commony know, there other ways to get AIDS besides HIV.  


"The AIDS virus hypothesis supposes that the health problems renamed AIDS develop as a result of infection with HIV; that the virus somehow disables the body's defense system that protects against opportunistic illness, allowing the development of one or more of 29 diseases, such as yeast infection, certain cancers, pneumonia, salmonella, diarrhea, or tuberculosis, which are then diagnosed as AIDS. However, every AIDS indicator disease occurs among people who test HIV negative, none are exclusive to those who test positive and all AIDS diseases existed before the adoption of the name "AIDS."


"Immune-compromising chemicals include pharmaceutical drugs such as AZT and other cancer chemotherapy compounds, protease inhibitors, antibiotics and steroids, and recreational drugs such as cocaine, crack, heroin, nitrites (poppers), and methamphetamines (crystal, speed).

"Chemotherapy targets and destroys the bone marrow cells from which all immune cells derive. They also kill fully formed immune cells in addition to killing B cells and red blood cells.196,197"


"These risks include multiple exposures to and/or chronic infections with syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other venereal diseases, hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria, fungal diseases, amoebas and parasites such as giardia, bacterial infections such as staph and E coli, chronic bowel infections, blood transfusions, and the use of blood products. In addition to the damaging effects of recurrent infections, many of the pharmaceuticals used as treatment have adverse effects on immune function." 


"There is not one case of AIDS described in the medical literature that does not include one or more immune-destroying health risk factors. There is no case of AIDS documented in a person whose sole risk is exposure to HIV." etc etc...





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14 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The UK study is indeed interesting but to draw a firm conclusion, we need to now how many men from the UK visited Thailand during that period.  However,  compared to other countries it appears Thailand  rate of infection is dramatically higher. Also, did any of the infected UK men use a condom.


There is a lot more HIV in the commercial sex outlets in Thailand than most people realize and when it exists- it is covered up by the sex workers; owners and others so as not to interrupt business. We all know about Thai business practices- why would anyone think the sex business is more honest?


Condoms reduce the risk but do not completely eliminate it and not using any protection is like playing Russian Roulette.

The actual numbers are dramatically higher but Thailand is the most popular destination.  Like you say you'd have to delve in to the figures much more deeply.


Personally, I would have expected much higher overall incidence if current transmission rates are to be applied.  But again a boff is needed.  Do we have one?

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25 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

A: I use protection during sex with my partners. I have reached an age and point in life, where I have no desire to procreate. 


B: Condom use allows me to rest easy. 


C: If a relationship does proceed to the point of unprotected sex (and I can’t see that happening) then the question of testing for stds of all types will occur.


D: Where that conversation will lead is another matter. 

These are all wonderful choices you've made for yourself, but others may not "rest easy" if they have had protected sex with someone with HIV and it is irresponsible to suggest that they can "rest easy" given the facts set out in the link you provided about the effectiveness of condoms.

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HIV and stats. Great.


If one gets to know the source they can get better stats.

For example, there is a group of girls that hang out on Beach Road that refer to themselves as "the family".

According to what I consider a very reliable scource, they are family because they all are HIV positive.

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2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I do really wonder about the accuracy of self reporting- I mean it's the easiest thing in the world to say I got it from a girl in Thailand!  Anyone else think the same?

good question, but I wonder if admitting that you got it from a girl in Thailand be any less embarrassing than admitting that you got it from a girl (or guy) in your home country?

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6 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

These are all wonderful choices you've made for yourself, but others may not "rest easy" if they have had protected sex with someone with HIV and it is irresponsible to suggest that they can "rest easy" given the facts set out in the link you provided about the effectiveness of condoms.

Use a condom correctly=rest easy. 

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11 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I do really wonder about the accuracy of self reporting- I mean it's the easiest thing in the world to say I got it from a girl in Thailand!  Anyone else think the same?

Yep.  What we used to say is, "Patients always lie."

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34 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

good question, but I wonder if admitting that you got it from a girl in Thailand be any less embarrassing than admitting that you got it from a girl (or guy) in your home country?

Fair point.


But that would mean both sets of figures are skewed.  I can't help but think a 'lie factor' is applied already.


We all heard the stories of sailors to a man declaring that in no way did they inject, etc- 100% got it from a prostitute.

Edited by mommysboy
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I remember when I first came here years ago I needed a doctors visit.  We had a discussion regarding HIV as some bars insisted on the girls getting monthly checkups, I guess it would be taboo for a bar to be known for passing HIV to its customers.  He said he had 6 new cases every week!  

I wondered why they didnt have more adds or pamphletes raising awarness to these country girls. 8 years later I now know its all to do with the size of the amulet and fate. Good ol Thailand -4.0

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The Thai Health Ministry has done a lot  in an attempt to control HIV through public education and years ago 'broke' the patent on drugs to treat the virus. The medicines are readily available to Thais at no cost and to foreigners at a low cost.


I personally knew 3 girls who had the virus and 2 have died-many years ago as at that time no HIV meds- the fate of the 3rd is unknown to me. All were sex workers and at least 2 caught the virus from a Thai husband/boyfriend. All 3 worked at venues most of us know .  All had unprotected sex with foreigners at the foreigners request. I know one of the foreigners became positive and returned to his home country.  The fate of the other foreigners are unknown.  I also know one of the women was asked to leave by the employer (discovered during an HIV test) and the other 2 left voluntarily.


Now, none of the above sheds any light on transmission rates or proves anything other than the infection is or was here and in the venues that foreigners frequent. Let the buyer beware and act accordingly!

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7 minutes ago, BigT73 said:

I remember when I first came here years ago I needed a doctors visit.  We had a discussion regarding HIV as some bars insisted on the girls getting monthly checkups, I guess it would be taboo for a bar to be known for passing HIV to its customers.  He said he had 6 new cases every week!  

I wondered why they didnt have more adds or pamphletes raising awarness to these country girls. 8 years later I now know its all to do with the size of the amulet and fate. Good ol Thailand -4.0

In all honesty it's not reliable info,eg, the number of new cases might just reflect that more and more girls were being tested than previously.  There were all sorts of figures being bandied around that were alarmist to say the least.

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23 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

1. She may have been having protected sex - in which case HIV could only be transmitted orally. So, yes going down on your favourite bar girl is risky ! Especially if you have an ulcer or bleeding gums.

2. Even if she has HIV it does not mean she is contagious - if her viral load is undetectable and she is on retro-virals then there is a zero rate transmission. 

3. Story makes no mention if she caught it there after starting work there or if she knew she had it anyway. It may have come as a shock to her too remember.

4. Whilst unpleasant. Nobody often dies from HIV related illnesses these days if they are on drugs and will live a full life. The worry should not be HIV that you could live with. the issue is more uncureable and untreatable ghonorea these days along with other illnesses like herpes, etc. 

I apologize if I misread the story

There has never been a documented case of HIV being transmitted orally. HIV does not live in saliva.


But your second point is correct. Many ladies in the sex-work business have HIV but because they take the meds, it does not necessarily show in the tests. And there are going to be times when the viral load is hard to detect.


It is also possible that she caught the virus through shared needles.


As regards untreatable ghonorea versus HIV, it really depends on your DNA. Ghonorea can cause all sorts of nasties but not in every case, such as prostate cancer, inflamation (Pelvic in women) and even arthritis. But you could be one of those men who will just get some nasty symptoms for a while and then nothing. Women will usually have more symptoms that are more severe.


HIV is probably more devastating if untreated. But by having treatment, you can lead a normal life if on meds.

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17 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

So many mongers on this forum claim it's almost impossible to get HIV from prostitutes. Makes you kinda wonder how many mongers  who post here are HIV positive. 

There's a direct correlation between the type of guys who seek any reason to not use a condom, and those that don't use a condom whenever possible.  In other words: they're the same guys.

I know a few men who know they are HIV positive - yet still have unprotected sex with multiple partners.  There may be 100 to 300 of those types of farang in Thailand, and a greater # of Thais.  


Anyone reading this who has daughters, sisters ex-gf's or whatever, please try to make it crystal clear to them - to not allow any casual sexual encounter guys to boom boom them without using a condom 100% of the time they're having sex.  No if, ands or butts. 


I've been a rake for decades, and am writing a book about these things as they relate to SE Asia's sex-for-hire biz.  I'm about 93% of the way to a finished product.   I already have a dozen books published on Amazon.  Anyone interested, is welcome to send me a message.


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12 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

There's a direct correlation between the type of guys who seek any reason to not use a condom, and those that don't use a condom whenever possible.  In other words: they're the same guys.

I know a few men who know they are HIV positive - yet still have unprotected sex with multiple partners.  There may be 100 to 300 of those types of farang in Thailand, and a greater # of Thais.  


Anyone reading this who has daughters, sisters ex-gf's or whatever, please try to make it crystal clear to them - to not allow any casual sexual encounter guys to boom boom them without using a condom 100% of the time they're having sex.  No if, ands or butts. 


I've been a rake for decades, and am writing a book about these things as they relate to SE Asia's sex-for-hire biz.  I'm about 93% of the way to a finished product.   I already have a dozen books published on Amazon.  Anyone interested, is welcome to send me a message.



people post a gofundme pages here. Post isbn of your book(s). I'll check it out.

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Just now, boomerangutang said:



Anyone reading this who has daughters, sisters ex-gf's or whatever, please try to make it crystal clear to them - to not allow any casual sexual encounter guys to boom boom them without using a condom 100% of the time they're having sex.  


Works great in educated places like the USA.

About 1 million abortions last year and millions of STD cases.

Its like telling teenages not to drink.

Give it a try but a waste of time.

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On 04/04/2018 at 9:41 AM, PaddyDaddy said:

After 20 beers they all look like Patty..........fuzzy features. If they don't show a clear photo, how will people know if they have had sex with her?

Im sure i didnt have sex with her because i dont bang hookers. That's the good thing about having a goodlooking, gentle, intelligent, active wife who gives me much more pleasure than some passive std-farm...

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Use a condom correctly=rest easy. 

For you, yes.  Bad advice for others, especially given that condoms have up to a 6% chance of the condom not being effective as mentioned in your link, a risk that still exists even if you use it correctly. 

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On 4/4/2018 at 2:41 PM, PaddyDaddy said:

After 20 beers they all look like Patty..........fuzzy features. If they don't show a clear photo, how will people know if they have had sex with her?



Silly question.


The  purpose of the thread is not to name and shame but rather to offer positive suggestions to those who naturally have a closed mind about using condoms.


I've heard so many fellows say they don't use condoms because they "don't like them".    BRILLIANT!

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21 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

For you, yes.  Bad advice for others, especially given that condoms have up to a 6% chance of the condom not being effective as mentioned in your link, a risk that still exists even if you use it correctly. 

It’s safe. 


Anyone who has paid to have sex with this woman and used a condom correctly is safe. 

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