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The Answer to all my Questions – Because they don’t care!

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The Answer to all my Questions – Because they don’t care!

By Dan Cheeseman




I thought once, I thought twice, I even slept on it: Should I make this blog? I even asked my wife, but I knew the answer there – of course post it she would say, and, of course, that is what she said. So my conclusion, it is my blog and my personal space to share my thoughts and opinions on being in Thailand, so yes I will post it. We are all entitled to an opinion, even if it turns out to be a minority view.


Now the story begins a few weeks ago when I was driving to Bangkok with two of my foreign staff and we were discussing the pros and cons of living in Thailand. I am sure this type of conversation is common among expats in Thailand; Thailand is beautiful and has so many redeeming factors – but it also has a few cons to it too. And yes, before you all leap to the defence of living here, all countries have pros and cons I am aware of this. Do remember, I have chosen Thailand as I think on average it is still my best option. I just wanted to give this blog some positioning and background before I got to the heart of my message.


Anyway playfully someone in the car, in a throw away comment, said of Thais the comment ‘Because they don’t care’ (the actual phrase used had a bit more of an expletive, but I thought best about using this here!). Normally I would dismiss such a comment as a bit nasty, but then I stopped and applied this comment to a number of scenarios I have experienced living here.


It was one of those moments, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This hypothesis seemingly had some merit to it. “Let me test it again, it must just be chance that it seems to fit with any problem I have had here” I thought to myself. “The reason Thais are late to meetings…”, “Why is my nanny late to my house most days…”, “Why is customer service bad in many of the restaurants I eat in…”,”Why does xxx in my team keep forgetting to do certain tasks…”, “Why was my balcony ceiling repaired and finished using a gloss paint when the rest of the ceiling was painted with matt?”. It fit and it kept fitting. So, I threw the hypothesis out to my team in the car: Apply ‘because they don’t care’ to any issue you have had living in Thailand (which by the way are frequent).


Full story: https://danaboutthailand.com/2018/05/05/the-answer-to-all-my-questions-because-they-dont-give-a-fk/



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It's all comes down to what values were installed in a young child

as he grows up and watch his parents and sibling behaviour while

they go thru life doing everyday things, if you were thought not to

meddle, not to concern yourself too much with loyalty and perfection

 or doing something well and have pride and satisfaction doing it, 

this is how that child will grow to behave for the rest of his life...

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12 minutes ago, topt said:

The "3rd one" would probably be a  "satin" finish and has been around for a long time.........


No it wasn't satin how they called it, it was in between matt and gloss and new. I had never heard of it before though, not even in the West.


In one huge TOA specialised paintshop around the corner i went in to buy paint and new the colorname. She looked in that pc and said :no hab....i told her to scroll down the list of paintcolors but she didn't understand me..so i took her mouse and scrolled the list down, 1000 more colornames were there. She had never seen that before...amazing thailand.

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

No it wasn't satin how they called it, it was in between matt and gloss and new. I had never heard of it before though, not even in the West.


In one huge TOA specialised paintshop around the corner i went in to buy paint and new the colorname. She looked in that pc and said :no hab....i told her to scroll down the list of paintcolors but she didn't understand me..so i took her mouse and scrolled the list down, 1000 more colornames were there. She had never seen that before...amazing thailand.

Eggshell.... we call it 

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

No it wasn't satin how they called it, it was in between matt and gloss and new. I had never heard of it before though, not even in the West.


In one huge TOA specialised paintshop around the corner i went in to buy paint and new the colorname. She looked in that pc and said :no hab....i told her to scroll down the list of paintcolors but she didn't understand me..so i took her mouse and scrolled the list down, 1000 more colornames were there. She had never seen that before...amazing thailand.

Typical. I can't tell you the amount of times I wanted to jump behind the counter and show them how to do their jobs. I was in Lanta with a friend once and needed some strong pain meds for my back. We went to the pharmacy together and asked politely for the good stuff and was offered paracetamol. My friend said nothing, walked behind the counter, opened a closed cabinet and took out handfuls of tramadol and norgesic and walked back around the counter and said "how much?". Done and done. 

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I think there are two issues, not just the one. There is I dont care and there also is I really don't know how to do that. I decided a long time back that if a job needed to be done well, to do it myself. Not always easy, but has saved me much disappointment and frustration.

What would you do if you were like me, absolutely no use at any manual labour? I have to say though I have been very satisfied with any jobs I have paid someone to do in the 12 years I have been here, whether it's around the house or a car or motorbike needing work done.

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Thailand and Thais  can be the most irritating place and people if you don't understand their ways and try and change them .  It has taken me years to come to the conclusion that no matter how logically I explain to my wife or another Thai why their line of thought is fraught with problems or that Thais drive unsafely or that what someone has done is rude- they just don;t  want to get it and I think because it involves a loss of face. 

They just want to do it their way and unless I want to constantly be pissed off- I have given up completely  on trying to change anything in Thailand or Thai thinking.  I just smile and move on....or patiently wait.

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

'Mai Pen Rai' says it all...............why try to complicate things with Western reason??


Exactly what I was going to post.


At the heart of the culture, Mai Pen Rai. And if you can't see that as a positive, you're seeing it all wrong. Think again.

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11 hours ago, samsensam said:


another thai bashing post, from the thai visa team no less. can't we be more positive/constructive here. please?

From the same team that bashed me for telling the truth about one of their 10,000 post's people.  Guess it is 'do as I say, not as I do'

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On 5/6/2018 at 1:13 PM, runamok27 said:

They don’t care about different things the same way we in the West do. Their priorities are completely different from ours and the way they look around at the world around them is completely different. Trying to get them to be like a westerner is a waste of time and energy and will only drive you crazy. My wife is who she is, she is never going to think like me and that is fine with me. They obviously have the ability to care, they just care about things differently. Personally I think we care way too much about some things sometimes and is the most likely reason why there are so many sad and depressed people in the West. 

Great post,as i said in my own their priorities are just different,and not thinking to deeply or over analysing everything as westerners tend to do makes them a happy go lucky nation,in fact i am sure in a recent survey Thailand came close to the top in the happiness factor,when i walk around my small town i mostly see people smiling and laughing and joking compare this to the Uk everyone avoiding eye contact,tramping around under leaden skies,even Australia is starting to go that way,but you don't see as many obviously depressed people here as you do in Western countries.

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In Thailand, food grows all year round, no need to plant, harvest and store, and the weather is always warm.

In Europe, you need to plan for the winter, if you haven't stored enough food, or enough fuel, you die.


That explains everything.

When in Thailand, no need to plan or think ahead.


I prefer it here.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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LOL to the stories, I feel for you all. Its definitely challenging, I have had many, many of these encounters and you just have to go with the flow or you would go mental.

One of my most frustrating was trying to transfer a large sum of money from UK to LOS, whilst in LOS. After many fruitless visits to the bank a girl eventually explained that nobody working for the bank was authorised to make an international call. End solution, phoned my bank in UK who lifted my ATM allowance and then just got up early every morning for 3 weeks and raided the ATM. The moment that almost caused a wobbler in this event is after driving into BKK to go to the BKK Bank head office and saying to the wife, I just need a cold coke and lets go home, as we returned to the car park there was a coca cola stand, so I asked for a coke....No Hab....LOL

One of the other biggest frustrations was constantly tooling up tradesmen in my absence whenever my wife needed a repair done, would hire some tradesman and he wouldn't have the correct tools, so she would give (i won't say loan) him mine and that was the last of them.

If a good job is 100% and 10% of that job is difficult, then effectively in Thailand everything is only 90% completed.

A nice example, was when i was having a fag at the car in the Central car park at Chonburi, awaiting the return of my wife, and I noticed that the nice new Hyundai SUV next to us had a flat tyre. The owner returned and I informed him. It rapidly became obvious that not only did he and his family not know what to do but neither did the security/car park staff so a fresh off the plane, un-acclimatised brit lost about a gallon of sweat changing his wheel. 5 days later a teddy (for my daughter) and a thank-you letter arrived through the post, so don't give up, just do the 10% yourself.

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