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Trump abandons 'defective' Iran nuclear deal, to revive sanctions


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13 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Here is where we differ.


If Trump's action in withdrawing cause really bad directly related and tangible outcomes - then I will admit Trump was wrong!


If Trump's action in withdrawing cause positive directly related and tangible outcomes - then will you admit Trump was right?


Right or Wrong, Trump said he would all through his campaign - and he did it.  Unlike other POTUS before him he will not acccept deals that benefit others to the cost of Americians.

Trump will withdraw from NATOand the UN as well - unless the other Nations pay their fair share, and play fair.  Not right now - but during his term he will do it if a deal is not made.



Good. Get out of NATO. 


the USA is too much trouble. Stay home. Please.

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Patting trump on the back re NK could perhaps wait until the korean peninsular is under a single flag and Kim jong oink & co are wearing orange jumpsuits en-route to Gitmo or the Hague.

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10 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Promises. Promises.



I mean it is not as if 'deals' done by Liberals to appease fundamentalist dictators have ever failed: 



And what was it that Chamberalin and his cohorts said about Hitler? 

By the way - watch the movie 'Darkest Hour' - there was much more hatred of Churchill early in his term.

There is a lot of similarities between Churchill and Trump.

The establishment (swamp) viewed Churchill as a buffoon and not the 'right type' - but the ordinary People related to him and trusted him. 

Churchill was right (nearly all the time), and he kept his promises to the People.

Churchill was against appeasement - and the establishment hated him and tried to take him down.

So far Trump is showing he is the same type of character - unorthodox, unpredictable, and persistent.


Trump has done more backflips than Tom Daley ?

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Have you seen them burn the American flag in the Iranian Parliament - obviously they are not reasonable or rational.

They never have been and never will be while the Attollas rule.



Maybe they start if you stop bombing all these countries, grab their national  resources, put proxy governments in there and secure a Rothschild central bank to keep the dollar as oil payment.

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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

Maybe they start if you stop bombing all these countries, grab their national  resources, put proxy governments in there and secure a Rothschild central bank to keep the dollar as oil payment.

sources please

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The government regrets the decision of the US Administration to withdraw from the deal and to re-impose American sanctions on Iran.

We did our utmost to prevent this outcome; from the moment that President Trump’s Administration took office, we made the case for keeping the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) at every level.

Last Sunday I travelled to Washington and repeated this country’s support for the nuclear agreement in meetings with Secretary Pompeo, Vice-President Pence, National Security Adviser Bolton and others and my Right Honourable Friend the Prime Minister spoke to President Trump last Saturday.



Edited by evadgib
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Respectfully, looking at the title of this thread, one might consider changing it, as there was nothing 'defective' about the deal. It was working and the Iranians were complying. It was only the new axis of evil AISA that thought it defective, everyone else saw it as working and tweaks were needed, and indeed planned. We should not lend any, even implied advocacy for Trumps folly.


"Trump abandons 'defective' Iran nuclear deal, to revive sanctions" = "Trump abandons Iran nuclear deal, to revive sanctions"


Trump will not be able to 'get a better deal' as the US won't be allowed back at the table.

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What are some of you guys smoking - 'at the table' - 'we only lease Airbus' - 'It will unify Europe' - etc etc etc. 


Trump said he didnt like the deal - said appeasement doesnt work - said he would cancel the deal - he listend to those wanting to keep it - he decided to cancel it - he kept an election promise.


Believe and support Israel - or believe and support Iran - Trump obviously made the right call. 

Those of you supporting Iran have issues and need to read up:












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12 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

What will happen:  Iran are the winners, they will never sit down and negotiate with the US again (certainly not for the next 6 months whilst Trump is still President), why would they? Why would any nation sit and make any deal at all with the USA from now on? Even Thieving Gypsy Pikey bas***ds would not have been so stupid. Trump has just put the USA on a trust level on par with Nigeria. The sooner the US Idiocracy ends the better. A nation I have fought along side and flown active operational missions with has become the laughing stock of the world.  The World's leader has become the court jester.

Ah yes and to the utter delight of Putin aka tRump's puppet master. 

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Personally, were I president, I would want to make Iran an allie rather than a foe. I respect their citizens as much or more than I do the Israelis and more than I do the Saudis. Unfortunately, heads of state don't deal with the citizenry, they deal with other heads of state. All heads of state in the Middle East are projections of wacky religious doctrines that are further corrupted to serve political goals. Same goes for Israel, Iran and SA. Were it me, I'd shitcan the Saudis, work with the Israelis to undermine and eject the ayatollahs and then let the Israelis know that in the eyes of the US they are neither better or worse than the Iranian people. In the meantime hopefully the Saudis will kill off their own radical clergy.

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5 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Along with breaking campaign promises e.g. releasing tax returns/better health care/ tax repeal that helps average Americans NOT his buddies or himself.... etc. He is a pathological liar with numerous mental health issues. 


I can only speak for myself, but 2 months ago I put my family on a new healthcare plan with about the same deductible as my Obamacare plan but with better coverage. It cost's $6,500/year less than I was paying for the healthcare exchange plan under Obamacare. It is better healthcare at a reduced price for me and my family. It is still exorbinately expensive but much less than it was. Your mileage may vary.

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8 minutes ago, Hummin said:

It should never been necessery to have a health care plan in your own country! It is a shame, and should have been free for all citizens. 


As a guest and expat in a foreign country yes, but not your own birth place, where you go school, work, and pay taxes. Even serve your country if you have to. 


Amen man. You are preaching to the choir.

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