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Britain tells Trump: spell out how you will deal with Iran now


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56 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

This is one of the most quoted things that people say is admirable about Trump and it is so misguided and wrong.


"He says what he thinks"


The first reason this assumption is rubbish is that you are assuming he actually thinks before he speaks - he doesn't, he actually engages mouth before brain.

Why the personal insults ?  Please tell me how the US economy is doing.....is N Korea still ready to deploy nukes?   

Are there 3 US prisoners on their way home from N.Korea because of ( obviously) the love of your life Obama?


What has Trump actually done in the last near two years that has brought about instability in the world? All I can see is results . I’m no fan of him personally and if I had a choice of dining with him or Obama ...I would prob choose Obama. 

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It's not rocket science. Trump will enact more restrictive sanctions on this country that is the chief exporter of terrorism. 

And of course the USA only exports Love and Democracy?

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40 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


in the event of new negotiations, i can see iran making some demands of their own.  i can see a long list, including a middle east nuclear free zone, requiring ALL countries therein to sign the NPT,  open their nuclear sites to inspectors, end any nuclear weapons programs, destroy any existing nuclear weapons, sign the chemical weapons treaty, destroy any stocks of chemical or biological weapons as well as the manufacturing centers.  and that's just a start.

Bilateral as well.......

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10 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

England, You do not tell anyone to relate about any plans they have. The US is no longer one of your slave colonies. You may "ASK" about things though.

Please translate that into English so that I may consider your point and respond appropriately 

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It would be dangerous to disclose his strategy. I guess finally  the goal is to take out that regime in Iran. I can't see any other way. That didn't end well in the past in similar scenarios. But this time there isn't a bungler in charge. So yes, optimism is appropriate. Trump knows exactly what he does. Other would say, he's a stable genius. ;)


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Delta Tango has helped in one respect. Some of my sillier brethren hoped to get closer to the USA to compensate for their wishes to leave the EU. 


This must now be dead. Who can trust any deal with the USA on ANYTHING? Who would want to get closer to a country that would elect this dunderhead as president?


No, much wiser to stay at the heart of Europe, build up our defences and our global network of friends and trading partners.


I want to see sanctions against the USA. They can keep their aircraft, their "culture" and their cruel animal husbandry.


Good night all.

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20 hours ago, alocacoc said:

It would be dangerous to disclose his strategy. I guess finally  the goal is to take out that regime in Iran. I can't see any other way. That didn't end well in the past in similar scenarios. But this time there isn't a bungler in charge. So yes, optimism is appropriate. Trump knows exactly what he does. Other would say, he's a stable genius. ;)


Have another coke

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