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High cholesterol


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Yesterday I had blood work done at the Life Care Lab in Pattaya.         Here are the numbers.

Total Chol                   244

Triglycerides               69

HDL-C                          101

LDL-C                           129


I am concerned about the Total Chol although I was told that the HDL of 101 offsets this.    How does this offset work?     I am 74, 5'9" and 70 kg and walk 2 hours per day, 1 hour in the morning and 1 in the evening  so I think I get enough exercise.     Should I be thinking about klmedication to lower the total chol?




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I would retest at a hospital so you can see if the test you just did was accurate and compare the two , lipid panel is cheap test . What were the numbers last time you checked and how long ago was that ? What's your blood pressure ?




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Total cholesterol by itself is not important, these days its only utility is as a screening to identify people who need a more detailed lipid panel  (HDL, LDL etc)  and to calculate the cholesterol ratio.


Your triglycerides and HDL are excellent. 


Your LDL by itself is at the upper end of acceptable range and is more than balanced by the very favorable level of HDL.  Your cholesterol ratio (total cholesterol divided by LDL) is 2.4 .  Less than 3.5 is desirable and 2.5 or less is considered ideal.


Your triglyceride/HDL ratio - an excellent predictor of risk of heart disease and metabolic syndrome is 0.68 which is ideal,


In short, your numbers are already not only normal but ideal in many respects. No competent doctor would advise medication.


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12 hours ago, Lumbini said:

I would retest at a hospital so you can see if the test you just did was accurate and compare the two , lipid panel is cheap test . What were the numbers last time you checked and how long ago was that ? What's your blood pressure ?




The last time I checked was when I had a health check up at Bumrugrad Hospital on 22 Dec 2017.

Total Chol                226

Triglycerides             64

HDL-C                         70

LDL-C                       132


I take medication (hyzaar) for high blood pressure, since Jan 2018  so since I have been taking the medication my blood pressure is usually around 115/70.




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