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U.S. accuses Russian spies of 2016 election hacking, summit looms


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7 minutes ago, tumama said:


You are referring to McCain? He was a terrible pilot and didn't hesitate to give Vietnam the propaganda they needed. Had his father not been so influential he wouldn't even bee allowed to pilot a plane. Having said that though, at least he fought in the war. Can't say the same for Trump.


Here we go again with Americans being butthurt over alleged Russian meddling. But they rather not talk about when they do the same thing to other countries. The hypocrisy is mind boggling. 


4 minutes ago, tumama said:


Under Obama's watch they illegally attacked Libya and Syria. The former creating a passage way for other African refugees to reach Europe. And in the case of Syria, millions of Syrians fled to Europe. Both countries where doing quite well compared to how they are now. 


No they don't agree with my assessment. Which is why I think they are hypocrites. 

If you're not going to reply to what I posted, don't reply to what I posted. 


It was France and the UK that pushed for NATO support of Libyan rebels, France and the UK that provided most of the military support, and France and the UK that walked away from their nation building responsibilities and left Libya in chaos after the rebels won.


Syria fell apart on its own, Obama was criticized for not doing enough to end the fighting, but no one had a credible plan for doing so.


Although clearly your mind is made up and you won't let facts change it.

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3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Total BS.  Try finding credible sources for any of the libel you posted about McCain. 


Well, according to Wikipedia, he did say a lot of those things. But come to think about it, the Vietnamese knew who he was and would most likely torture him extensively if he didn't say that. So I withdraw that statement. For the other parts, I can't really be bothered. So I withdraw that as well. 

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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:


If you're not going to reply to what I posted, don't reply to what I posted. 


It was France and the UK that pushed for NATO support of Libyan rebels, France and the UK that provided most of the military support, and France and the UK that walked away from their nation building responsibilities and left Libya in chaos after the rebels won.


Syria fell apart on its own, Obama was criticized for not doing enough to end the fighting, but no one had a credible plan for doing so.


Although clearly your mind is made up and you won't let facts change it.


NATO or US, it doesn't matter. It happened on his watch. Hillary even joked about it saying "we came, we saw, he died". 

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9 minutes ago, riclag said:

Google it- O'bama administration order, to stand down .Fbi were told to stand down when the Russians were sowing discord 


You posted the BS, you Google it and provide credible sources for it.  Otherwise your trolling.

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18 minutes ago, tumama said:


Right. Only US is allowed to meddle into other country's elections. Would you rather him not meeting Putin? Would you rather him not meeting Kim? Certainly seems to me like you want a nuclear war. 


It's gonna be interesting seeing the evidence of this alleged Russian interference. So far we've seen zero of it. 

Would I rather he not meet with Putin and Kim without any adequate preparations and without knowledgeable people there to keep him out of trouble.  Of course. 


Read the news that started this topic.  If you think there is no evidence of Russian interference you are practicing extreme willful ignorance.


Edit:  I posted earlier and asked you to come up with examples of US interference in other countries' elections since the cold war.  You provide nothing.  Accusations without facts is very much trolling.

Edited by heybruce
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15 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Don't you agree your conclusion is stupid?

Trump's winning had nothing to do with fed up Americans sick of the Leftist nonsense they've been brow beat with, no nothing to do with that at all. not one iota.

It's the Russians!

Trump lost the popular vote by three million in an election in which Russia revealed the Democrats playbook, used social media to post inflammatory, divising fake news, and Colmey defied FBI policy to publicly investigate Hillary's emails while keeping his investigation of Russian inteference on behalf of Trump secret.


If you think these things didn't influence the election, you are not living in the real world.

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5 minutes ago, tumama said:


NATO or US, it doesn't matter. It happened on his watch. Hillary even joked about it saying "we came, we saw, he died". 

In other words, you don't know and don't care to learn about how the Libyan revolution played out or the complexities of what is going on in Syria, you just prefer to say everything is the fault of Obama.

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

Would I rather he not meet with Putin and Kim without any adequate preparations and without knowledgeable people there to keep him out of trouble.  Of course. 


Read the news that started this topic.  If you think there is no evidence of Russian interference you are practicing extreme willful ignorance.


What kind of preparations would that be? Do you or do you not think that meeting with them is good for world peace?


There might be evidence, but none that we have seen so far. And again, US does this all the time so why be outraged over it? It's blatant hypocrisy. 

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Just now, heybruce said:

In other words, you don't know and don't care to learn about how the Libyan revolution played out or the complexities of what is going on in Syria, you just prefer to say everything is the fault of Obama.


Yeah it is the fault of Obama. The UN charter is there for a reason. He's clearly a war criminal just like Bush, Hillary and Trump. Libya, Syria and Iraq were a lot better off before the US illegal meddling. 

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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Trump lost the popular vote by three million in an election in which Russia revealed the Democrats playbook, used social media to post inflammatory, divising fake news, and Colmey defied FBI policy to publicly investigate Hillary's emails while keeping his investigation of Russian inteference on behalf of Trump secret.


If you think these things didn't influence the election, you are not living in the real world.

News flash, the president doesn't win based off the popular vote.

How many times do you guys need to be reminded of that? Might want to tattoo it on your forehead so you can be reminded every day.

If you think half the voting population isn't sick and tired of Leftist ruining our country then you're not living in the real world.

Edited by Rigby40
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Tumama,You posted-"Right. Only US is allowed to meddle into other country's elections. Would you rather him not meeting Putin? Would you rather him not meeting Kim? Certainly seems to me like you want a nuclear war".


You hit the hammer on the nail.

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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Trump lost the popular vote by three million in an election in which Russia revealed the Democrats playbook, used social media to post inflammatory, divising fake news, and Colmey defied FBI policy to publicly investigate Hillary's emails while keeping his investigation of Russian inteference on behalf of Trump secret.


If you think these things didn't influence the election, you are not living in the real world.


A few thousand Facebook ads is what you call meddling? That could have been done by anyone, including somebody who wanted to blame Russia if Trump won. If Russia wanted to interfere through Facebook they would have thrown millions at it. Like how US threw 6 billion dollars into the Ukraine elections.


If you wanted the democrats to defeat Trump. You should be angry at the DNC for conspiring against Bernie.  

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3 minutes ago, tumama said:


What kind of preparations would that be? Do you or do you not think that meeting with them is good for world peace?


There might be evidence, but none that we have seen so far. And again, US does this all the time so why be outraged over it? It's blatant hypocrisy. 

Learning the basic terms of nuclear weapons and procedures for verifiable disarmament would have been a good start on preparations.  Do you think this was a simple issue?


No, I don't think Trump meeting with Kim was a good thing; Trump gave away a lot and got nothing.  I suspect the meeting with Putin will end the same.


I will not spoon feed you the long list of indictments, evidence reported on, and guilty pleas obtained during this investigation.  Try learning something about the topics you are commenting on.

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Trump lost the popular vote by three million in an election in which Russia revealed the Democrats playbook, used social media to post inflammatory, divising fake news, and Colmey defied FBI policy to publicly investigate Hillary's emails while keeping his investigation of Russian inteference on behalf of Trump secret.


If you think these things didn't influence the election, you are not living in the real world.

And by the way, if you're implying Russia's goal is ultimately to destroy the US, then that's the most absurd idea ever. That's what the Democratic party is for.

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3 minutes ago, tumama said:


A few thousand Facebook ads is what you call meddling? That could have been done by anyone, including somebody who wanted to blame Russia if Trump won. If Russia wanted to interfere through Facebook they would have thrown millions at it. Like how US threw 6 billion dollars into the Ukraine elections.


If you wanted the democrats to defeat Trump. You should be angry at the DNC for conspiring against Bernie.  

I called a lot more than that meddling. 


What is your source for "US threw 6 billion dollars into the Ukraine elections."   I suspect the context for any election support provided is not as sinister as you imply.

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9 minutes ago, tumama said:


Yeah it is the fault of Obama. The UN charter is there for a reason. He's clearly a war criminal just like Bush, Hillary and Trump. Libya, Syria and Iraq were a lot better off before the US illegal meddling. 

The more I ask you to do a little research and report verifiable facts, the more you retreat into broad, ignorant statements.

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10 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

News flash, the president doesn't win based off the popular vote.

How many times do you guys need to be reminded of that? Might want to tattoo it on your forehead so you can be reminded every day.

If you think half the voting population isn't sick and tired of Leftist ruining our country then you're not living in the real world.

News flash, the founding fathers warned against two party politics and never intended for the Presidency and both Houses of Congress to be controlled by the party that won the minority of the votes.


Trump and the Republicans don't have the support of the majority.  Get over it.


Your failure to address how illegal election interference benefited the Republicans shows that you know Trump could not have won in a fair election.

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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Learning the basic terms of nuclear weapons and procedures for verifiable disarmament would have been a good start on preparations.  Do you think this was a simple issue?


No, I don't think Trump meeting with Kim was a good thing; Trump gave away a lot and got nothing.  I suspect the meeting with Putin will end the same.


I will not spoon feed you the long list of indictments, evidence reported on, and guilty pleas obtained during this investigation.  Try learning something about the topics you are commenting on.


Trump renegaded on the issue that was most important for North Korea, which was the military exercises with South Korea. They have been calling for that many times in the past. NK has the threat of nuclear weapons, and US has the threat of sanctions. I think him doing that is the right thing. I mean Libya gave up their nuclear weapons program and see what happened there. Can't really blame NK for being highly suspicious of the US.


Yeah ofc you won't spoon feed me with anything. Because there's nothing to spoon feed me with. Just a lot of so called classified information they claim they posses that we haven't seen. 

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7 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

And by the way, if you're implying Russia's goal is ultimately to destroy the US, then that's the most absurd idea ever. That's what the Democratic party is for.

Russia's goal is to weaken the US and western alliances that prevent Putin from recreating the Russian Empire.  Pay attention to world events.

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Just now, heybruce said:

News flash, the founding fathers warned against two party politics and never intended for the Presidency and both Houses of Congress to be controlled by the party that won the minority of the votes.


Trump and the Republicans don't have the support of the majority.  Get over it.


Your failure to address how illegal election interference benefited the Republicans shows that you know Trump could not have won in a fair election.

We don't win elections based on the popular vote and for good reason. Get over it.


How do I address a boogeyman if it doesn't exist? ?

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Just now, heybruce said:

Russia's goal is to weaken the US and western alliances that prevent Putin from recreating the Russian Empire.  Pay attention to world events.


So he should be bombing Kiev then to force them to hand over control to the rebels, like NATO did to Belgrade to force them to give up Kosovo. But is he doing that? Exactly...

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2 minutes ago, tumama said:


Trump renegaded on the issue that was most important for North Korea, which was the military exercises with South Korea. They have been calling for that many times in the past. NK has the threat of nuclear weapons, and US has the threat of sanctions. I think him doing that is the right thing. I mean Libya gave up their nuclear weapons program and see what happened there. Can't really blame NK for being highly suspicious of the US.


Yeah ofc you won't spoon feed me with anything. Because there's nothing to spoon feed me with. Just a lot of so called classified information they claim they posses that we haven't seen. 

You are either totally ignorant about the threats posed by a nuclear armed North Korea, or care more about North Korea than the safety and security of the world and large and East Asia in particular.


There is a lot of information about Russian interference and indictments in the press, but you clearly aren't interested in informing yourself.

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4 minutes ago, tumama said:


So the attacks against Libya, Syria and Iraq were not illegal? These countries are somehow better off today? How about we start with the basics before we venture into the specifics? 

So you blame Obama for Bush's war in Iraq and the uprisings of the Libyan and Syrian people against the dictatorships?

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11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I called a lot more than that meddling. 


What is your source for "US threw 6 billion dollars into the Ukraine elections."   I suspect the context for any election support provided is not as sinister as you imply.


Remember the "F EU" rant by Nuland? In that conversation they were discussing who would replace the democratically elected president after the coup. Someone is not paying attention. 

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Russia's goal is to weaken the US and western alliances that prevent Putin from recreating the Russian Empire.  Pay attention to world events.

The best way to weaken the US is to leave it up to the Democrats. Putin is helping the wrong guys ?

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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Learning the basic terms of nuclear weapons and procedures for verifiable disarmament would have been a good start on preparations.  Do you think this was a simple issue?


No, I don't think Trump meeting with Kim was a good thing; Trump gave away a lot and got nothing.  I suspect the meeting with Putin will end the same.


I will not spoon feed you the long list of indictments, evidence reported on, and guilty pleas obtained during this investigation.  Try learning something about the topics you are commenting on.

Japan and Guam weren't looking up in the sky saying,look there's Superman. No Worries for them,with missiles being fired over them anymore.They are busy going on living their lives,thanks to PT. Better still,SK is nursing the possibility of reuniting with their kin in the north ,for the first time in decades.


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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You are either totally ignorant about the threats posed by a nuclear armed North Korea, or care more about North Korea than the safety and security of the world and large and East Asia in particular.


There is a lot of information about Russian interference and indictments in the press, but you clearly aren't interested in informing yourself.


I'm ignorant? It's pretty clear isn't it? NK has nukes that they can unleash on American territories. Giving them an upper hand in negotiations. 


If there's so much information, why not post it here? I mean you clearly take the time to write other nonsense. 

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22 minutes ago, riclag said:

Tumama,You posted-"Right. Only US is allowed to meddle into other country's elections. Would you rather him not meeting Putin? Would you rather him not meeting Kim? Certainly seems to me like you want a nuclear war".


You hit the hammer on the nail.

Actually the expression is:

"Hit the nail on the head"


Just thought you'd like to know.

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