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Trump invites Putin to Washington despite U.S. uproar on Helsinki summit


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9 hours ago, Kelsall said:

How long is it going to take? We've being hearing that he's going to be thrown out of office, thrown in jail any day now for over a year.


Where are you hearing this? Fox Snooze?


He can't be "thrown out of office", or even "thrown in jail any day now" (assuming the Fifth Amendment hasn't been repealed). We're not a Banana Republic (yet).


He could be impeached in the House, but he would never be convicted in the Senate, where a 2/3rds vote is required. And the 46th President will pardon him. 


He'll resign first, or just serve out his one and only term. I can't see him even wanting to run again, even given his all-engulfing narcissism.


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Putin can check in to see if his "laundry" has been cleaned.



Trump’s Russian Laundromat

How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.


In 1984, a Russian émigré named David Bogatin went shopping for apartments in New York City. The 38-year-old had arrived in America seven years before, with just $3 in his pocket. But for a former pilot in the Soviet Army—his specialty had been shooting down Americans over North Vietnam—he had clearly done quite well for himself. Bogatin wasn’t hunting for a place in Brighton Beach, the Brooklyn enclave known as “Little Odessa” for its large population of immigrants from the Soviet Union. Instead, he was fixated on the glitziest apartment building on Fifth Avenue, a gaudy, 58-story edifice with gold-plated fixtures and a pink-marble atrium: Trump Tower.


In 1987, on his first trip to Russia, Trump visited the Winter Palace with Ivana. The Soviets flew him to Moscow—all expenses paid—to discuss building a luxury hotel across from the Kremlin.





Edited by mtls2005
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Perhaps the cunning plan is to have US customs confiscate any dodgy videos Mr Putin may have on him.


After all, the more I observe the quite remarkable activities of Mr Trump and his administration, the more I am convinced that deep inside his machine, Baldrick's american cousin is hard at work...

Edited by JAG
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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


We're not a Banana Republic (yet).


He'll resign first, or just serve out his one and only term. I can't see him even wanting to run again, even given his all-engulfing narcissism.


Not a banana republic, but a mafia state certainly (protection racket, do as we say or...)!


Trump won't resign and will probably get a second term if only because the Democrats keep on shooting themselves in the foot!


Who are their potential candidates? Oprah, The Rock or a revamped Hillary? Seriously?

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

Trump won't resign and will probably get a second term if only because the Democrats keep on shooting themselves in the foot!


Who are their potential candidates? Oprah, The Rock or a revamped Hillary? Seriously?

Actually Oprah's dog would have a better chance...………..far more intelligent than the orange buffoon!

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8 hours ago, wayned said:

Trump couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag!..  He's a freaq-in coward when it comes to face to face confrontation!  Just look at the following recent examples:


The G7 Summit where he agreed to sign the resolution and when he was away from them on AF1 he slammed Trudeau and refused to sign it rather than confront him at the summit.


Before the Korean meting he put Bolton in a closet after he said that Korea would have to follow the "Libya Model".  He then went to Singapore, had a one on one meeting and after he held a "looong" news conference where he declared that NK he agreed to denuclearize.   The actual agreement was that NK agreed to "discuss denuclearize on the Korean Peninsula.  He washed his hands of it and sent Pompeo back to NK with the "Libya Model" changed to NK Model and when Pompeo tried to ram it down their throats, Kim wouldn't even meet with him.


He went to the NATO Summit and claimed to a stand alone quickly called press conference that he had solved the NATO problem about overdue payments which was a blatant lie.  First he doesn't understand haw NATO works and they don't pay dues and the Director of NATO came out later and stated that all had only agreed to the original 2% GDP commitment of dedicated forces by 2024.


He then went to the UK and embarrassed the US in front of the PM and the Queen.


Then on to the Putin Summit where he had a one on one meeting and during the press conference did a total hind-lick maneuver on Putin, which he slowly changed after he got back to the US.


It started with the wall which is still on going and I still don't understand how you build a wall down the middle of the Rio Grande River and continues with the separated children all ,of which must be reunited with their parents by tomorrow.  It just goes on and on!!!


I doubt that he has ever fired anybody face to face other than on his reality show!

An excellent post Wayned and Trump's actions at the summit constituted "a betrayal of the country" as he publicly sided with Mr Putin over his own intelligence community, and in front of the world he defended a hostile foreign country while denigrating his own.


I also watched a BBC doco last night (Panorama) which focussed on Trumps behaviour around women and the allegations add to a long list of claims regarding this. So far, 16 women have accused Trump of sexually inappropriate behavior, and Trump has denied all of the allegations. In many cases, he denied even knowing the women.


Many of those women came forward after The Washington Post released a tape in October 2016 that featured Trump bragging to then-Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about how he approaches women. "You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait," Trump says on the tape,  “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything."  


Now what I can't understand about the Trump supporters is their unswerving devotion to this mindless moron. Surely by now, with all that has been proven (lies, deceit, misogyny, racism, fraud) and with the constant and ongoing lies, you'd have thought that any reasonable/decent minded person would have pulled support by now, but no, still they persist...….perhaps they have the same mental capacity and low morals as this idiot??


And ponder this...…...conversation in the White House war room:-

Well Mr President, I can press the red button now and send this warhead into North Korea, would you agree?


Trump: Yes I would.


It's on its way.


Trump: Oops, I misspoke, I meant wouldn't!!!!


Finally, more is coming out of the woodwork with regards to a Trump advisor and connections to Russia, and in a redacted part of a release can be seen the fact that the FBI was investigating him for assisting the Russians to influence the outcome of the last election.


Starting to hit the fan now...…………...


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8 hours ago, wayned said:

Trump couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag!..  He's a freaq-in coward when it comes to face to face confrontation!  Just look at the following recent examples:


The G7 Summit where he agreed to sign the resolution and when he was away from them on AF1 he slammed Trudeau and refused to sign it rather than confront him at the summit.


Before the Korean meting he put Bolton in a closet after he said that Korea would have to follow the "Libya Model".  He then went to Singapore, had a one on one meeting and after he held a "looong" news conference where he declared that NK he agreed to denuclearize.   The actual agreement was that NK agreed to "discuss denuclearize on the Korean Peninsula.  He washed his hands of it and sent Pompeo back to NK with the "Libya Model" changed to NK Model and when Pompeo tried to ram it down their throats, Kim wouldn't even meet with him.


He went to the NATO Summit and claimed to a stand alone quickly called press conference that he had solved the NATO problem about overdue payments which was a blatant lie.  First he doesn't understand haw NATO works and they don't pay dues and the Director of NATO came out later and stated that all had only agreed to the original 2% GDP commitment of dedicated forces by 2024.


He then went to the UK and embarrassed the US in front of the PM and the Queen.


Then on to the Putin Summit where he had a one on one meeting and during the press conference did a total hind-lick maneuver on Putin, which he slowly changed after he got back to the US.


It started with the wall which is still on going and I still don't understand how you build a wall down the middle of the Rio Grande River and continues with the separated children all ,of which must be reunited with their parents by tomorrow.  It just goes on and on!!!


I doubt that he has ever fired anybody face to face other than on his reality show!

Sorry but you simply cannot run and build an empire lacking the skills you claim President Trump lacks. 

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18 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


As long as it's only "embracing". 


And the solutions aren't just how he can satisfy Putin's wishes.



I'd like to see an example of this. Look, I know he says it all the time, but when has he ever negotiated anything of substance? Maybe the "air-rights" for Trump Tower, but even that deal carried the stench of corruption in 1979.


His two-bit, 1950's used car salesmanship seems to appeal to the rubes and suckers, but anyone with half a brain sees right through that lame "skill".




The president wouldn’t know a good deal if it grabbed him by the p--sy.


For all of his adult life, and probably a good portion of his childhood, Donald Trump has been telling people he’s a genius businessman, a habit he continued to great effect on the campaign trail. “We need a leader that wrote The Art of the Deal,” he said while announcing his candidacy in 2015. “I’m a negotiator. I’ve done very well over the years through negotiation,” he claimed during a Republican debate in 2016. As president, Trump told voters, he would rip up existing agreements his loser predecessors had struck and use his singular set of skills to forge new, better (bilateral!) deals for the U.S., just like he had done over the course of his career. Unfortunately, the 45th president has hit a couple major roadblocks in his attempt to do so—stemming primarily from the fact that he is actually a terrible negotiator who hasn’t struck the kind of deal he spoke about on the campaign trail in some four decades.





Sorry, but you cannot compete and excel in the extremely competitive world of real estate  which is loaded with some of the brightest people in the world without being a shrewd negotiator. Trump has a few billion reasons to show you.

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8 minutes ago, xylophone said:

An excellent post Wayned and Trump's actions at the summit constituted "a betrayal of the country" as he publicly sided with Mr Putin over his own intelligence community, and in front of the world he defended a hostile foreign country while denigrating his own.


I also watched a BBC doco last night (Panorama) which focussed on Trumps behaviour around women and the allegations add to a long list of claims regarding this. So far, 16 women have accused Trump of sexually inappropriate behavior, and Trump has denied all of the allegations. In many cases, he denied even knowing the women.


Many of those women came forward after The Washington Post released a tape in October 2016 that featured Trump bragging to then-Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about how he approaches women. "You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait," Trump says on the tape,  “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything."  


Now what I can't understand about the Trump supporters is their unswerving devotion to this mindless moron. Surely by now, with all that has been proven (lies, deceit, misogyny, racism, fraud) and with the constant and ongoing lies, you'd have thought that any reasonable/decent minded person would have pulled support by now, but no, still they persist...….perhaps they have the same mental capacity and low morals as this idiot??


And ponder this...…...conversation in the White House war room:-

Well Mr President, I can press the red button now and send this warhead into North Korea, would you agree?


Trump: Yes I would.


It's on its way.


Trump: Oops, I misspoke, I meant wouldn't!!!!


Finally, more is coming out of the woodwork with regards to a Trump advisor and connections to Russia, and in a redacted part of a release can be seen the fact that the FBI was investigating him for assisting the Russians to influence the outcome of the last election.


Starting to hit the fan now...…………...



Exactly. The president can say all that and still get elected. So all these lies they make up about him being under control of Putin surely isn't helping in reaching the goal of you winning in 2020. You people should focus on getting a candidate that can beat Trump instead of ranting about Russia. 

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5 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Sorry but you simply cannot run and build an empire lacking the skills you claim President Trump lacks. 


Yes indeed. He is a conman and snake oil salesman extraordinaire!  With a long list of failed business ventures and business bankruptcy filings behind him.  And most of that funded with other people's or financial institutions' money that he conned out of them. He a con-man of considerable skills.



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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


In 1987, on his first trip to Russia, Trump visited the Winter Palace with Ivana. The Soviets flew him to Moscow—all expenses paid—to discuss building a luxury hotel across from the Kremlin.




So you're saying Putin is extremely smart? Because no one thought Trump had any chance of winning. 


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6 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Sorry, but you cannot compete and excel in the extremely competitive world of real estate  which is loaded with some of the brightest people in the world without being a shrewd negotiator. Trump has a few billion reasons to show you.


With the same reasoning, who is the favorite, who is the loser in this competition  if you include Putin's wealth…


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11 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Sorry, but you cannot compete and excel in the extremely competitive world of real estate  which is loaded with some of the brightest people in the world without being a shrewd negotiator. Trump has a few billion reasons to show you.


I very much doubt he's a billionaire. 

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9 minutes ago, Opl said:


With the same reasoning, who is the favorite, who is the loser in this competition  if you include Putin's wealth…



Got any more insane conspiracy theories you want to peddle? In the first paragraph in the above article they even state:



But the personal wealth of Putin—a former KGB agent—is nearly impossible to decipher


Then go on to present no proof whatsoever. 

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5 minutes ago, tumama said:


So you're saying Putin is extremely smart? Because no one thought Trump had any chance of winning. 


This goes way beyond smart!

In 1987, Gorbatchev was able to "see" that Trump would run for the presidency...30 years later!!!

That, or Trump was recruited by the KGB as a sleeping agent, to be unleashed on the unsuspecting America 30 years later!


If the Russians are such masterful long term strategists, then there is indeed reason to worry for the Washington midgets who can't see further than the next election!

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7 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

I never claimed it was a competition. Putin isn't competing in the free market either. It's apples and oranges. 

Trump is a proven successful Business man because of his supposed trillion wealth… right?

To Trump followers, Trump's supposed negotiating skills as a business man qualify him for U.S Presidency.. right?

That's not apples and oranges…. right? 


But comparing Trump's skills to Putin's regarding their personal success in business  is apples and oranges?


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49 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Sorry, but you cannot compete and excel in the extremely competitive world of real estate  which is loaded with some of the brightest people in the world without being a shrewd negotiator. Trump has a few billion reasons to show you.


Feel free to share a few examples of his shrewd negotiating skills.


"OK, Alex, I'll take Trump's Negotiating Skills for $100."


"He famously negotiated $130,000 for a 30-minute sexual encounter with this porn star."


"Stormy Daniels."


"In the form of a question please..."


"Who is Stormy Daniels."


"Correct, although the judges have accepted the names of a dozen or so other porn stars."

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12 minutes ago, Opl said:


Ok so… when Trump prétends to be the best person to bring peace on earth because he is - a - real estate dealer - a Genius in making deals, you don't think it's not so "remotely similar"? ( note the double negation..)?  so it's apples and oranges  

No.. But I am not going to help you with the inference. Have a wonderful life.

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7 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Yet, it is also true that these deals go way back into the 70s and 80s, and since then there has not been much to show..


Don't be so modest, after all he did run a few casinos into the ground, four time.


But he did do well on this real estate deal...


Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?


PALM BEACH, Fla. — Why did a Russian oligarch pay now-President Donald Trump $95 million for his Palm Beach mansion?


Almost a decade later, the answer is less clear than it was at the time of the sale, the highest price paid for a Palm Beach home.

In 2008, Dmitry Rybolovlev bought the Palm Beach mansion owned by Trump for $13 million more than the most expensive Palm Beach mansion sale up to that moment. It’s been almost a decade since the sale, but the transaction is newsworthy again as new questions surround contacts between members of Trump’s administration and Russian government officials.




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4 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:


That's so not what the article says. It's even entitled:



Trump-Putin summit could provide a ‘significant breakthrough’ on Syria, strategist says


But yeah. Meeting with world leaders is a good thing. The meeting with Kim is another good example of that. 

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13 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Don't be so modest, after all he did run a few casinos into the ground, four time.


But he did do well on this real estate deal...


Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?


PALM BEACH, Fla. — Why did a Russian oligarch pay now-President Donald Trump $95 million for his Palm Beach mansion?


Almost a decade later, the answer is less clear than it was at the time of the sale, the highest price paid for a Palm Beach home.

In 2008, Dmitry Rybolovlev bought the Palm Beach mansion owned by Trump for $13 million more than the most expensive Palm Beach mansion sale up to that moment. It’s been almost a decade since the sale, but the transaction is newsworthy again as new questions surround contacts between members of Trump’s administration and Russian government officials.




The bad deals don't erase the good ones!

Getting Mar a Lago for 7 million dollars was quite a good deal, especially if he managed to sell it back for 95 millions!


Russian oligarchs have been buying super expensive real estate all over the world, starting with London...they can pay above market price since they didn't earn their money, but need to launder at least some of it...

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