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Less Western Expats arriving than ever before and a significant fall in working Western expats now in Thailand


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4 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

OK. No offense intended, but guys who either have plenty of money and don't need to work in Thailand have different views


guys who work at the lower socioeconomic levels such as teaching English 


guys who are consequential to Thailand in some way through their work. 


If you are not consequential because you are retired and happy or otherwise, then you are not likely to be competing with Thai powerbrokers who really don't want foreigners on their turf. 

Fair enough. I did work here as a consultant many years ago. My advice was taken when it suited. Otherwise, no. But that's the usual fate of consultants anywhere.

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Let's get to the hoity toity. There are three types of legally employed Western Expats:


1. Employees of government or multinational companies.


2. Educators


3. Employees of Thai companies.


Number 1s go where they are told. Number 3s are just here for the beach and pussy, otherwise why wouldn't they be working in their home country for far more money? They drift in and out.


I'm number 3 is left. The bottom line is that this whole thread is based off whining teachers who can't get a job anywhere else.



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10 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Let's get to the hoity toity. There are three types of legally employed Western Expats:


1. Employees of government or multinational companies.


2. Educators


3. Employees of Thai companies.


Number 1s go where they are told. Number 3s are just here for the beach and pussy, otherwise why wouldn't they be working in their home country for far more money? They drift in and out.


I'm number 3 is left. The bottom line is that this whole thread is based off whining teachers who can't get a job anywhere else.



I hesitate to denigrate my Westerner comrades, but, yes, I must admit that, in my view, teaching English in Thailand should generally not be thought by most expats as a longterm career. It's something for young people to do until they figure out what they really want to do.


If you've come from a rich country, it's somewhat questionable to be working for what amounts to slightly more than minimum wage in a totally undeveloped country. 

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3 hours ago, hottrader77 said:

pound sterling its 43 bt to pound over 10 years ago it was 70 baht to the pound sterling it should be 85 baht to the pound sterling if 10 years ago

If the exchange rate is such a concern stay home!  You don't need to bother then.

I came here to enjoy myself with more than sufficient funds to do so.

If you don't like the heat get out of the fire. 

Stop whinging. Stay or go. Your choice!

I'm staying as long as my Thai partner can support me!. ?

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What makes expats go away...


I will not enumerates the pros and cons of Thailand, just a few pros : easy in most cases, unlike many many other countries, like for renting a house or a motorcycle on a easy monthly rate. And you can trust Thais people i find about business (well maybe particularely for small business like renting etc.). And, maybe secondary to most people but important for me : no crazy noise ! (karaoke, klaxons, noisy neiborhood etc.).


But what is sure, is Thailand does not change, not their style. So "what" has changed then ?

Well i must say a massive influx of Chineese, and other Asian countries.

And prices, that's something yes like 100% in a few years for leisure.


Not a offense to say Thais people don't care about farangs, it's just business with smile. So now they have many more foreigners from Asia, they may not care "too much" about westerners... Because business is Thai... hmm business.

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7 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

If the exchange rate is such a concern stay home!  You don't need to bother then.

I came here to enjoy myself with more than sufficient funds to do so.

If you don't like the heat get out of the fire. 

Stop whinging. Stay or go. Your choice!

I'm staying as long as my Thai partner can support me!. ?

Well that is precisely what people seem to be doing isn't it?.... I mean going, or staying at home.

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That will suit Thailand well. They don't seem to want Westerners now. Everything is being done yo dissuade them staying. They want the money but not the people. Hopefully, if the elections ever happen, thr new government may be more western friendly.

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Let's get to the hoity toity. There are three types of legally employed Western Expats:


1. Employees of government or multinational companies.


2. Educators


3. Employees of Thai companies.


Number 1s go where they are told. Number 3s are just here for the beach and pussy, otherwise why wouldn't they be working in their home country for far more money? They drift in and out.


I'm number 3 is left. The bottom line is that this whole thread is based off whining teachers who can't get a job anywhere else.



I'm rather puzzled by your post, because you see it doesn't make very much sense. 

You seem to have your numbers mixed up, and the phrase is based on rather than based off.  

I hesitated before bringing this up, but you see I am a "whining teacher"! 

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23 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Perhaps making retirement visas less of a hassle, putting an end to all the 90 day reporting, making life easier to get a yellow book, a driving licence an alien ID card, not having to bulge around all over with one's passport and stop racketing the legal and decent foreigners at road blocks, may help ?  And maybe posters and national campaigns that rather say "Welcome Foreigner".....instead of "X-Ray Outlaw bust foreigner etc. etc"..... could also help to bring back foreigners ?

Now that,s what I would call a spot on post.

Well done.


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On 8/2/2018 at 12:38 PM, AdamTheFarang said:

The facts you state would be enough to put off most successful people. For example in Europe you can work in any 28 countries so if you like snow to the hot beach it's all there, you can own your own business not have to have strangers having shares, stay forever and even become a citizen no stress of Visa Runs, Applications etc Thailand is 50 years behind and with Asean will eventually have to open up. Yes and then if you say something debatable about a company have the threat of jail under the Computer Crimes Act like Alan at PhuketWan went through. Then you might get wacked if you upset the wrong people...................I am done with Thailand.........

Not sure how you qualify those claims but I know through personal experience that getting a visa never mind citizenship for the UK, is an arduous and expensive pursuit.

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I'll repeat what I said in an earlier post on another thread below:


"I just visited Pattaya at the beginning of July for the first time in several years. I used to love it there and even talked of retiring there. But now it is overrun by hoards of low-class Chinese and Indian tour groups that make the streets impassable and completely undesirable. I couldn't wait to leave, and I likely won't be going back. I also noticed a decided drop in the number of other Western tourists there who have apparently decided the same and voted with their feet. (Pattaya wasn't the only place I noticed this.) It's a shame that Thailand has allowed tourist areas to be overrun by countless throngs. They have definitely gone for quantity rather than quality. And it shows. It's a shame. Time to look for greener pastures and better places to spend my vacation and retirement dollars."


Thailand is a less-desirable place than it used to be. I used to be a working expat (under 50) there, but left for greener economic pastures at the time. Many of my expat friends have also fled, citing not only economic reasons, but also the reasons listed above. Westerners are staying away in droves now that the country is being taken over by the Chinese and Indians.

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4 minutes ago, JAG said:

I'm rather puzzled by your post, because you see it doesn't make very much sense. 

You seem to have your numbers mixed up, and the phrase is based on rather than based off.  

I hesitated before bringing this up, but you see I am a "whining teacher"! 

Actually, based off is an idiom......where are you from? And it makes a lot of sense, the Teacher in Thailand Union is vociferous. After all, where else can you be 21 with a degree in anything plus a $400 certificate and get paid to do basically nothing except chase poon.


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2 minutes ago, Eligius said:

I have not read all the pages of this thread yet, but I suspect that a goodly number of expats are leaving (or not coming) not merely due to financial reasons, but because they deeply disapprove of the way the military junta is running this country.


I don't blame those expats one bit.

Great so let's go to Commie Vietnam instead

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9 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

I didn't read all 216 posts in this threads, so I don't know if this has already been pointed out, BUT...


Didn't anyone point out that expats can be counted and the headline should be FEWER Western Expats, not LESS Western Expats!


Sorry to be pedantic, but that sort of obvious error really grates on my nerves! ?

You realise that says more about you than the mistake itself and your lack of understanding of how English works

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The serious decline in the exchange rates of European Currencies (amounting to more than 20% in the value of the UK Pound) makes Thailand a much less affordable place to live although other Countries are a good deal more expensive - I wonder how many British ex Pats and Retirees voted their wealth down by failing to vote "Remain" in the Country's EU Referendum?

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4 minutes ago, hawksway said:

The serious decline in the exchange rates of European Currencies (amounting to more than 20% in the value of the UK Pound) makes Thailand a much less affordable place to live although other Countries are a good deal more expensive - I wonder how many British ex Pats and Retirees voted their wealth down by failing to vote "Remain" in the Country's EU Referendum?

Will Deutsche Bank fail, sure seems like they need a bailtout

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Can confirm that there are significantly fewer Western foreigners here.
Live here for over 20 years, of course things have changed here.
Thailand is still great if you want to spend money.
If someone wants / needs to work here, that's another story.
Thailand has become more expensive overall.
One about their own inflation and the other about the exchange rate mechanism.
For people who want to stay here longer it becomes more difficult (bureaucracy, visa, work permit, income, inflation, exchange rates).

It does not surprise me why less come

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4 hours ago, 0815 said:

Just tried to explain that it is not that easy to "have your own business in 28 European countries".
Maybe not eactly following the thread, but it was written in a post.

I think having a business in Thailand is far harder for 1 you have to have Thai shareholders and what happens if you are new in Thailand or want a person you know and trust to be a shareholderswith just you and them?

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5 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

Exchange rate is much better tyhan 20 years ago.


Before the Euro 1 Baht was 1.65 Belgian franc.


1 Euro is 40.33 Belgian franc, and 1 Euro get you today about 38 Baht

I was thinking more about the exchange rate mechanism of the last 5 years.
Since then I would say the number of visitors from Western countries is on the decline.

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5 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I was thinking more about the exchange rate mechanism of the last 5 years.
Since then I would say the number of visitors from Western countries is on the decline.

I think you were actually thinking about the GBP, because that is the only one that has really lost, and some have even improved exchange rates


This is 5 August 2014,




But this is 6 August 2013



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9 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


give  me a b,

1400 out of 100 000/200 000 is plenty enough for proper analysis


u can't know much about mathematics/statistics



As Jimster mentions, this is 1400 Thai Visa readers and not necessarily a true representation of all western expats in Thailand.


Of course you can analyse the 1400 although the point is this cohort is potentially biased in many ways. Yes you can ANALYZE the data but it doesn't mean anything other than provide an insight into the lives of some Thai Visa readers.


And.. why do you need to know anything about statistics? Its common sense man! 


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