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American who threw body of 7 month old son into New York river is arrested in Thailand


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I fill up with rage everytime I see any criminal act against a child. The level of rage depends upon the circumstances. But for a parent to kill their own child just makes me want to be in the same cell as this scum bag

What would TVF members do if they knew of someone who had committed crimes against children were still living a happy life in Thailand? 


" I have a friend " who knows someone like this but was told by other colleagues that going to the RTP would be futile as they themselves are part of the problem and it could only lead to causing unwanted problems for " my friend "


What do you think he/she should do?

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11 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Whilst he does seem to have committed some sort of crime, it seems very premature to accuse this man of being "scum" or indeed anything else. There could have been some sort of accident and he could have panicked. People do that.


Plenty of time to criticise him later when the facts are known and he has been tried.

you've got to be joking, this was his own flesh and blood and 7 months old to boot

Yes something has obviously gone terribly wrong, and he may have panicked but there is no excuse to throw your own dead son of a bridge like that

I lost my son 23 years ago so this story tears my heart out 

What a lowlife scum, he will get what he deserves when the cops get him and then a bit more from the inmates once he's locked up

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11 hours ago, Yann55 said:


If the guy was Thai, I can't begin to imagine the general tone of comments on this Forum about Thais in general and Thai men in particular...


So what have we here ? 'Americanness' ? 'Manchild American' ? 'Typically irresponsible American man' ? 'American beast' ?

Of course not!

'They' dont do such things nor do 'we' see such things. Lets have a go at the Thais on this too!

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49 minutes ago, africasiaeuro said:

Our society is sick. Undescribeable cruelty should be punished North Korean style.

I dont think so :

   Killing babies is sick .

   Anal rape (as punishment) is sick .

    Letting animals tear people apart is sick .


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14 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Why is thailand a magnet for foreign criminals? 


Is it all based on reputation? Word of mouth?

Didn't the United Nations once label Thai police organized criminals?



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16 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Why is thailand a magnet for foreign criminals? 


Is it all based on reputation? Word of mouth?


almost all these criminals are coming to thailand for the first time to escape dubious past deeds?  Talk about image....

Because it's easy to hide here......you can blend cause you're just another Farang.  Until the BIB is lookin for you.........I vote for the Bangkok Hilton, water boarding three times a day until extradited...........because knowing US law, this dude will get off with a small sentence based on the Charge in the Op.............gonna be a stretch to prove murder or man-slaughter.


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I think this story is one of the worst I have read for a while. I normally try to avoid news like this but I had to read it to believe it. To do that to anyone let alone your own child makes looking in the mirror a jail sentence in itself.

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22 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Whilst he does seem to have committed some sort of crime, it seems very premature to accuse this man of being "scum" or indeed anything else. There could have been some sort of accident and he could have panicked. People do that.


Plenty of time to criticise him later when the facts are known and he has been tried.

The baby was alive when it was thrown off the bridge. So any injury that he might have "accidentally " caused, could have been helped if he went to the hospital rather than throw the little mite off the bridge. He did it on sunday and flew to thailand on Monday. If he booked the ticket earlier, it would cause me to think the whole episode was planned. 

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4 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Which one?

I'm sorry, I misread the article. It said he was alive and healthy when he went into the apartment, but dead when taken in the backpack. Though then it went on to say they performed cpr when he was removed from the water and then again by rescuers so I guess that's how I became confused. 


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On 8/9/2018 at 8:57 AM, Yann55 said:


If the guy was Thai, I can't begin to imagine the general tone of comments on this Forum about Thais in general and Thai men in particular...


So what have we here ? 'Americanness' ? 'Manchild American' ? 'Typically irresponsible American man' ? 'American beast' ?

Agree with you!


I think the majority including me saw the headlines I wanted to know more. I think majority in general if they aren't naive know horrible situation like this happens in every country. And when clicking whatever I read or choose to respond will be basically responding on the story in this case it is the U.S. and happen in the U.S. right.


Capturing this guy isn't going to be rocket science or is it for some?  When it comes to crimes such as this no matter what country they are leaving Thailand lacking many resources in crime in the lower ranks do have International tracking Interpol as it is noted so it will not be hard for the NY police to put out a watch. All one has to do is research if he has a Passport and track prior destination, you basically got fours sides out of the U.S.


I think I can safely say he's been to Thailand before and figure why not get some joy out of it before they catch on to me. One only has to look at the number of article here of Big Joke catches foreigners who have overstayed.  But you know what the reason why there are millions in American jails and like Thailand and elsewhere it doesn't take a lot of smarts to be a criminal.


As for Thailand I live here and make a lot of negatives or joking responses but the story is related to Thailand.  Some guys like yourself think it is bashing?  but honestly it bothers you because the majority are negatives and there is a reason why?  The biggest reason isn't because we all woke up one morning and say to ourselves I'm going to get these Thais because I'm better than them and they are the worlds low life.


You can go to any thread in Thailand, and you will find majority are all negatives the minority is you but you have a right to say and believe what you want. For myself I don't consider myself better or look down on them but how I grew up and I'm not saint much is wrong with Thailand, although a great place to live but at times I feel I love the Thai people more than their HMK or their government and feel sorry that they are giving scrums while the rich get richer off the poor Thais.  


I don't fault them for being educated like sheep brainwashed at times.  I just think people who are bend out of shape regarding the bashing of Thais or any race are no better than the Thai government leaders who are scared if they got more what they enjoyed might be gone?


What I do know from prison, been there done that only a bit, glad he is got, return him to the U.S. and let him have his day in court and if prison is what he deserves so be it, and when he does I can safely say it won't be long before he gets the shaft because that is what baby killers and baby rapist get!  


Edited by thailand49
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On 8/10/2018 at 6:51 AM, greenchair said:

The baby was alive when it was thrown off the bridge. So any injury that he might have "accidentally " caused, could have been helped if he went to the hospital rather than throw the little mite off the bridge. He did it on sunday and flew to thailand on Monday. If he booked the ticket earlier, it would cause me to think the whole episode was planned. 

It is thought the baby was dead when thrown in the water. No sign of life when he exited the apartment. (I'm in NY now, lengthy coverage here). What is nto yet known is what caused the death of the baby in his apartment.

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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It is thought the baby was dead when thrown in the water. No sign of life when he exited the apartment. (I'm in NY now, lengthy coverage here). What is nto yet known is what caused the death of the baby in his apartment.

Read post 79. 

But yes, the interesting factor is how the baby died. Since there were no outward signs of injury, I'm guessing asphyxiation. To me it all looks very preplanned. 

Especially if he booked his ticket before the event. 

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On 8/9/2018 at 8:57 AM, Yann55 said:


If the guy was Thai, I can't begin to imagine the general tone of comments on this Forum about Thais in general and Thai men in particular...


So what have we here ? 'Americanness' ? 'Manchild American' ? 'Typically irresponsible American man' ? 'American beast' ?

Generally in Thailand the go to cause of death is suicide.

my reaction to anyone killing a child is the same, everything done to the child should be done to them and in the end they die. 

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3 hours ago, greenchair said:

Read post 79. 

But yes, the interesting factor is how the baby died. Since there were no outward signs of injury, I'm guessing asphyxiation. To me it all looks very preplanned. 

Especially if he booked his ticket before the event. 

Another guess 

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12 hours ago, Maradona 10 said:

Apologists like you make my skin crawl.

Dont be so hard on KittenKong. Im sure we would all react like that after killing our offspring or finding them lifeless? The first thing I would do is panic, then continue by putting my dead child in a backpack and go to the river and THROW MY OWN DEAD KID IN THE WATER!!! 


On a more serious note, I dont believe there was much panic here. More calculated than panic

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