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Trump court pick tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation


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1 hour ago, pedro01 said:


You full well know why.


Delay means a decision after the mid-terms. Those opposing Kavanaugh simply want to delay past that point on the chance of a good showing by the Dems.


The timing of his appointment is the play here on both sides. Literally NOBODY cares if there is an investigation or not. They care if there is a delay or not.

After midterms but before January would be fine for republicans, maybe even better. And that is easily doable.

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I am starting to think i watched a different hearing than some of you guys.


You guys know his answermto klobuchar was so bad he came back in and apologized, right? Imagine that, in the defiant mood he was in. Apologizing to a democrat. That musta been one heck of a bad answer. 


You guys know the republicans changed their entire strategy of the hearing mid course. Right? I believe the lady was meant to do all the questioning. After the Klobuchar answer, or somewhere around there, they pulled the plug and started asking the questions themselves. Time to wake up. This was an angry, pathetic piss poor performance by someone who is supposed to be a pro at this type of thing.


If this guy gets this angry, how can he make rational decisions as a judge? 

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Hawaii's Senator Mazie Hirono has been heroically vocal in speaking out about the unfairness of this proceeding. She is the one who articulated that Kavanaugh is an "outcome driven" judge. Forget about the "strict constitutionalist" vs "judges who use the law to legislate" ways to categorize judges.
Kavanaugh is an extremely politically connected (Starr investigation, worked in the Bush White House, Federalist Society darling.) This guy has a fine legal mind, but views the law as something which can be used in order to get it to do what you want it to do. He has become skilled in using the law to accommodate the interests of the powers that be, and thus endeared and ingratiated himself to those whose interests are served.  In other words, once he knows the outcome he wants, he is clever about promulgating legal arguments which support that outcome.
I don't sense this guy has the ability to empathize with average Americans. His strong suit seems to be the ability to make adroit legal reasonings which have endeared and ingratiated himself into the graces of the Republican elite who have in turn groomed him for career advancement. But whether you're talking about abortion rights, civil rights, immigration, prisoner rights, corporate interests vs individual interests, campaign finance reform, gun rights, or environmental protection, how an 'average Joe' TVF member thinks putting this guy on the Supreme Court is in their best interests boggles my mind. You think this guy is going to look out for your interests? Unless you're in the top 10%, I think this guy is going to be looking after interests far far above your pay grade. But while it lasts, enjoy the illusion that your interests are being served by putting him on the court.

Everything you say is true, but ALL Justices are results driven. Kennedy has been the only real exception in recent memory.

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1 hour ago, atyclb said:

yale law school cancelled classes so its students could do a "walk out kavanaugh protest" i guess yale law school no longer teaches due process and presumption of innocence?

Yale Law School knows that there is no "presumption of innocence" in a job interview.


The process seems to have been whatever the TOP majority wanted.

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28 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:
1 hour ago, atyclb said:



so assuming he is innocent as you argue, now you are the psychiatric expert that despite being innocent, deems him unfit to serve.


it seems his grandparents emigrated from ireland and highly likely were not privileged nor elite nor likely had many assets or money to their name. his parents, mom former schoolteacher that went to law school and father also lawyer. i would take an educated guess and say the grandparents worked their butts off and sacrificed to put bretts father through school.  is that not what is referred to as the american dream???   why so many from so many countries dream of coming to america.


some would use the abstract far fetched argument that graduating yale undergrad and yale law school and passing the bar exam constitutes a true skill, but that is just me.

The guy could not even talk. Did you watch it? He asked Klobuchar if she drank or blacked out. That was his answer to a question. 


He answered if an fbi investigation starting back up was a good idea by not speaking. 


I do not need to be any sort of psychological expert to realize that a person who can't talk, and who can't control his emotions, should not be appointed to the highest court on earth. It is sort of common sense. No expertise needed. 


Skills come in all forms. Not many of us can physically run as fast as an olympic sprinter for example. But, there are skills we can all attain with just a little bit of mental discipline. Things like not yelling and being disrespectful toward senators. Apparently he can't do these simple things, so no I feel any skill the guy does have is wasted on him because he is obviously a puny, mental midget of a man. 

Edited 5 minutes ago by utalkin2me



"He answered if an fbi investigation starting back up was a good idea by not speaking. "


yes, to counter the strategy behind the question which is to get him to say yes in which case supports postponing the confirmation vote. the timing of this is very strategic by the dems that do not want to see conservative s c judges appointed. if feinstein put any credence in the latter she had from blasey 45 days ago she should have/ it was her absolute duty to share it with the committee at that time so immediate action / investigation can occur.


 " puny, mental midget of a man. "     sure would like to see your c.v. posted up here!


because he had a rude moment with a senator performing a political lynching you call him a puny mental midget.   could argue you rudely and impolitely referred to a judge of the second highest court of the land.


excuse me your honor, you are a puny mental midget of a man.

Edited by atyclb
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5 minutes ago, mikebike said:
1 hour ago, atyclb said:

yale law school cancelled classes so its students could do a "walk out kavanaugh protest" i guess yale law school no longer teaches due process and presumption of innocence?

Yale Law School knows that there is no "presumption of innocence" in a job interview.


The process seems to have been whatever the TOP majority wanted.



lol.....         you perceive it as a job interview


for that matter there is no presumption of innocence at a lynching either. 

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2 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

Kavanaugh's performance disqualifies him regardless of what the facts are. The man is a nightmare of a jurist. Trump apparently wanted someone as lacking in a moral compass as he is.

If you are a Liberal I guess he is.

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Cavalier Kav came across as an overly entitled white man, who has never really had to face much adversity in his life. He also came across as obnoxious, mean spirited, very partisan, and the opposite of what he described his role as a judge to be, which is an impartial umpire. To me, he just has guilt written all over his face. Ford on the other hand came across as impeccably honest and straight forward, calm, cool, believable, and objective. 


Now, the republican bosses are going to push the vote through as fast as they can, and as a result, the GOP will face an utter slaughter in November. Tone deaf at best. Mean spirited, misogynistic, and callous, at worst. Trump's good old boys. 

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

CNN is to the left what Fox is to the right. The major difference is CNN has gone global.


Yup - they are 2 sides of the same coin. 


Entertainment for people that need a little confirmation that they think right. Sadly - it's for the nuttier people on both sides.


2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Cavalier Kav came across as an overly entitled white man, who has never really had to face much adversity in his life. He also came across as obnoxious, mean spirited, very partisan, and the opposite of what he described his role as a judge to be, which is an impartial umpire. To me, he just has guilt written all over his face. Ford on the other hand came across as impeccably honest and straight forward, calm, cool, believable, and objective. 


Now, the republican bosses are going to push the vote through as fast as they can, and as a result, the GOP will face an utter slaughter in November. Tone deaf at best. Mean spirited, misogynistic, and callous, at worst. Trump's good old boys. 


lol - "overly entitled white man". What an idiotic statement. Must be tough looking in the mirror each day and hating the very colour of your own skin.


As for "guilt written all over his face" - well I guess that makes the polygraph obsolete. Guilt can now be assessed by facial recognition.


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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

One thing I don't get about this is the way this is still being railroaded through. Couldn't the two women republican senators tell their leader, look, we're not going to vote yes OR no before there is a full nonpartisan FBI investigation. Not to be sexist, but they could take a "spa" day instead of showing up for the vote. That will be the same as no but then the republican leadership could decide whether they really have confidence he could make it through that, and if not, pull him. For the "rebel" republicans they can keep on the high road by doing that.


A very similar thing just happened!


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13 minutes ago, smo said:

seems like there is going to be a fbi reopening investigation after all, per jeff flake's request which is endorsed by other senators on both sides. breaking news on youtube right now.


before or after BK takes the SC seat?


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