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Saudi Arabia admits Khashoggi died in consulate, fires two senior officials


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3 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Rotten nation and rotten people.....barbaric and primitive!

First they tell the world he left the consulate....now he died in a fight...and they expect the world to accept this explanation...well, Trump of course, will try and promote it!

once a liar always a liar

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1 minute ago, Mosha said:

So when the Saudis said he left the embassy alive on the same day he entered, they were lying. Aren't muslims forbidden from lying?


Either an honest mistake, or consult the Princess Bride explanation. I'm pretty sure Trump would be alright with both.


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5 minutes ago, Mosha said:

Aren't muslims forbidden from lying?

I don't know about lying but cutting the body into parts is desecration and violates Islamic religious laws.

Even autopsies, embalming and cosmetology are not acceptable in Islam.


The royal Saudi family has a lot to answer for than just Kashoggi's death.

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4 hours ago, Opl said:

you're right Trump just spoke as PR agent for the Saudis in this " drama/comedy"


Not like he's going to be put out too much by the death of a Washington Post columnist...notwithstanding the fact he also was an American citizen.


Actually, I'm kind of surprised Trump hasn't declared his love for the Crown Prince in the wake of all this.... :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, trainman34014 said:

Quite clearly a damage limitation program is now underway by the Saudi's, arrests, removal of certain 'Officials' and there will soon be a few scapegoats lined up for head removal, as this murder of a writer was 'unauthorised' and a 'Rogue Act'....very naughty and we can't have the World thinking that a King or a Crown Prince would ever sanction such horrific acts.


All will be forgiven and on to the next atrocity !


There was a news report in the Washington Post the other day on an alleged smear campaign launched by the Saudis and some Trump allies in Congress and far right U.S. media outlets to falsely portray Khashoggi as a terrorist / Al Quaeda / Bin Laden sympathizer.  This being, after he was already dead, and supposedly in part to provide cover for Trump to do what he wants to do, which is nothing.







Hard-line Republicans and conservative commentators are mounting a whispering campaign against Jamal Khashoggi that is designed to protect President Trump from criticism of his handling of the dissident journalist’s alleged murder by operatives of Saudi Arabia — and support Trump’s continued aversion to a forceful response to the oil-rich desert kingdom.

In recent days, a cadre of conservative House Republicans allied with Trump has been privately exchanging articles from right-wing outlets that fuel suspicion of Khashoggi, highlighting his association with the Muslim Brotherhood in his youth and raising conspiratorial questions about his work decades ago as an embedded reporter covering Osama bin Laden, according to four GOP officials involved in the discussions who were not authorized to speak publicly.






The conservative push comes as Saudi government supporters on Twitter have sought in a propaganda campaign to denigrate Khashoggi as a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement once tolerated but now outlawed in Saudi Arabia as a terrorist organization.

“Trump wants to take a soft line, so Trump supporters are finding excuses for him to take it,” said William Kristol, a conservative Trump critic. “One of those excuses is attacking the person who was murdered.”




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If we has killed in a "fist fight" , where is his body? It surely must show signs of chop... fist fighting. Probably his fingers fell off in the fist fight too.




It was an orchestrated assassination. USA will all their might are just pussies in front of Arab money. I lost all my respect for them and it's incredible how the American public didn't even bother to protest against such a ignorant attitude by their leader in front of one of the citizens. It's an american citizen that got killed in an foreign embassy <deleted>. 


I salute Erdogan , that man has balls of steel. A real leader.  The only press that showed what really happened to Khashoggi was the Turkish press.


What is really scary in this story is how WEAK that white house monkey is.



Edited by anon7854
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BS, 15 against one person.  Trump will never do anything since little lord Jarred was so cozy with MSB.  the stakes are to high in this game. the Republicans may mount a lackluster response with the elections now 2 weeks away.  dirty barbaric regime. i wonder who they will use as a fall guy for their mock show trail?  you can bet that the No.1 intel chief will be sitting pretty on Lake Como.

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1 hour ago, anon7854 said:

it's incredible how the American public didn't even bother to protest against such a ignorant attitude by their leader in front of one of the citizens. It's an american citizen that got killed in an foreign embassy <deleted>. 


You mean, the same ignorant ones who voted for and elected their ignorant leader in the first place?


You gotta remember, according to Trump and his ilk, members of the news media are the "enemy of the people."  And in the view of Trump and his ilk, the Washington Post where Khashoggi worked is at or near the top of that list.


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Not like he's going to be put out too much by the death of a Washington Post columnist...notwithstanding the fact he also was an American citizen.

He wasnt an American citizen he is a Saudi Arabian citizen 

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I think its obvious to most people  reporters newspaper wise plus the American Senators and leaders in the West 

who is/are  proberly behind this attack on the reporter  in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey

looks like Trump is looking to give the Saudis a easy way out 

Mind you the Turks could have a big say on this with more information  waiting to come out 



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12 minutes ago, sanemax said:

He wasnt an American citizen he is a Saudi Arabian citizen 

It doesn't matter too much if it was  citizen or resident. It's human rights at stake here. He had a O visa, applied for Green card and his 3 kids were american citizens but again this doesn't mean much when human rights are at stake.


Erdogan was the only one having balls in this.


Funny how Turks fight for a Saudi when Saudi Arabia doesn't give a damn huh?  When you country wants to kill you , who is going to help you? Some people are savages and will always remain savages.



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1 minute ago, anon7854 said:

It doesn't matter too much if it was  citizen or resident. It's human rights at stake here. He had a O visa, applied for Green card and his 3 kids were american citizens but again this doesn't mean much when human rights are at stake.

It makes huge difference as to whether he was a US citizen or not 

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1 hour ago, anon7854 said:

What is really scary in this story is how WEAK that white house monkey is.

Weak! easy to blame Trump, why should USA be the only ones to say anything, what about every other "civilised country" what does the former middle east "peace" envoy Tony Blair have to say? Money seems to be very good at silencing people! More interested in selling them more arms to kill more people, what's one one more life ????

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1 minute ago, CGW said:

Weak! easy to blame Trump, why should USA be the only ones to say anything, what about every other "civilised country" what does the former middle east "peace" envoy Tony Blair have to say? Money seems to be very good at silencing people! More interested in selling them more arms to kill more people, what's one one more life ????

Because he is the only one that can hurt the Saudis. Others don't matter too much.


2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

It makes huge difference as to whether he was a US citizen or not 

Human rights have no nationality bob.

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4 hours ago, harada said:

I can see a few heads being lopped of here, before they get a chance to blab. ????

Bit like TV when some members spend a lot of time with their finger on the report button, particularly in this thread.

Not referring to you by the way! ????

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23 minutes ago, CGW said:

Weak! easy to blame Trump, why should USA be the only ones to say anything, what about every other "civilised country" what does the former middle east "peace" envoy Tony Blair have to say? Money seems to be very good at silencing people! More interested in selling them more arms to kill more people, what's one one more life ????

As you said in your last lines, that is why the USA should say something.

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

Tell me what really happened then 

I guess this story is almost as believable as the one from the Saudi's so as good as any.


"Mr Khashoggi was having tea with 15 friends at the Saudi embassy in Turkey.


He dropped his teaspoon and and as he went to pick it up a friend dropped a chainsaw that he was playing with on to Mr Khashoggi's fingers accidentally severing them. The chainsaw then took on a mind of it's own and completely dismembered him.


His distraught friends packed him in to a small box and gave him a hero's send off in nearby woods. They decided not to tell  anybody as it may have caused some diplomatic problems as the special tea they were drinking had been smuggled in to the embassy illegally."


The characters in this story bear no resemblance to characters living or dismembered and is not the official Saudi version simply a reply to a members request for information.

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

A statement from the Saudi public prosecutor said a fight broke out between Khashoggi and people who met him in the consulate and led to his death.

Here we have it!


THE ultimate excuse they came up with, most likely with the help from the US, for trump not to do anything with his treaths.


I predicted this 1 week ago.


Bla bla bla actions against SA and more bla bla bla.


Now waiting for trump to officialy tell on world wide tv this was a regrettable incident and SA has punished those who are responsible. No further action  is required!


Let the 110 billion Dollars, from the weapon deal with SA, come to me. I did it!


And if in the future other countries accidently have a fight (WINK WINK) like that, no problem. As long trump have a billion Dollar deal with them.


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54 minutes ago, anon7854 said:


Erdogan was the only one having balls in this.


Erdogan is busy counting his chickens, not believing his luck!


Easy for him to play tough since he is not exactly in good terms with SA, being on the side of Qatar and, more or less, Iran.


And contrary to the Western powers, he has not much at stake in SA, getting plenty of oil and gas from other suppliers, and not depending on the petrodollar to run his country.


Turkey is probably leaking damaging information one drop at a time, just enough to keep the pressure on the house of Saud...

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

If he was a U.S. Citizen , then the U.S. would need to respond/retaliate or just take some action .

   As he isnt a U.S. Citizen , the U.S isnt required to do anything at all .

That why it make a huge difference as to whether he was a U.S Citizen or not 

No human rights violations here then so no problem, seriously?

Of course they are obliged to react. Much like reactions from other countries.


Reaching for the report button? :guitar:

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13 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Erdogan is busy counting his chickens, not believing his luck!


Easy for him to play tough since he is not exactly in good terms with SA, being on the side of Qatar and, more or less, Iran.


And contrary to the Western powers, he has not much at stake in SA, getting plenty of oil and gas from other suppliers, and not depending on the petrodollar to run his country.


Turkey is probably leaking damaging information one drop at a time, just enough to keep the pressure on the house of Saud...

What damaging information are you talking about? It a clear assassination act in a foreign embassy. Erdogan is just capitalising on an already incredible stupid decision done by the Saudis. To kill someone in an embassy just shows no respect for any laws (of the foreign country or your own)  and a clear show of force and sadism.  IF the Saudis were telling the truth where is the body with trauma done by "fist fighting"? Bullsheet.


People that associate with these monkeys are not different at all.


I would gladly take the side of someone that tells the truth than monkeys that keep it shut because petrodollars buying their stance



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57 minutes ago, anon7854 said:

Because he is the only one that can hurt the Saudis. Others don't matter too much.


Human rights have no nationality bob.


Some posters need to decide if they want the US to play World Cop or not.

As for the other comment, the US is not actually expected to address all instances involving human rights issues. In fact, quite often when it does something about such, the usual suspects come out in droves in order to criticize and denigrate it anyway. Claiming that it doesn't have anything to do with US response is silly.

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