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SURVEY: USA -- Headed in the right or wrong direction?


SURVEY: USA -- Head in the right or wrong direction?  

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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

Well, mate, i would rather have a cup of coffee with you than with a Trump supporter, but, really, don't ask me to believe that Clinton would have done much better in the big picture.

I was having some hope when Obama got elected, but it lasted less than 1 week.

I wasn't. I was suggesting that any rational person would realize that "trump" is MUCH MUCH WORSE than HRC would have been. That is unless you're actually a supporter of far right wing white nationalism. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I wasn't. I was suggesting that any rational person would realize that "trump" is MUCH MUCH WORSE than HRC would have been. That is unless you're actually a supporter of far right wing white nationalism. 

I can answer with a quote from some American who i trust:

"“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

( Mark Twain )

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15 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I can answer with a quote from some American who i trust:

"“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

( Mark Twain )

My reply … if it didn't make any difference the party of "trump" wouldn't be working so hard to SUPPRESS the voting rights of the poor and minorities.

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2 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

..Fair enough, but, whoever said that, i find it interesting food for thought.


And yet, as Jingthing pointed out, if it doesn't matter, why are some making it so difficult for those likely to vote against them?

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

And yet, as Jingthing pointed out, if it doesn't matter, why are some making it so difficult for those likely to vote against them?

Come on, when the choice is between Trump and H.Clinton, one should have some question to ask.

Btw, given that choice, i would have voted for Clinton, but without expecting much.

I can agree that Trump is worsening the image of USA, but the substance is not so different IMO

Perhaps, if i was American, i would see things differently.

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8 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Come on, when the choice is between Trump and H.Clinton, one should have some question to ask.

Btw, given that choice, i would have voted for Clinton, but without expecting much.

I can agree that Trump is worsening the image of USA, but the substance is not so different IMO

Perhaps, if i was American, i would see things differently.

I hope, if you were actually familiar with what Trump and the Republicans have done, you would see things differently.

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I hope, if you were actually familiar with what Trump and the Republicans have done, you would see things differently.

The same dynamics are at work in Europe, and the sad reality is that we have an increasingly divided society, which is bad from every angle.

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52 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

The same dynamics are at work in Europe, and the sad reality is that we have an increasingly divided society, which is bad from every angle.

I am not sure if society is divided any more now than it was in the past.  We are now living in the modern era where citizens are cynical, more skeptical of what they are told by politicians, and face a bombardment of items on social media, a plethora of adversarial digital news items, and are rightly, and justifiably, confused.  They are more easily aroused by instantaneous social media posts, and we see the result in how the people now take to the streets to vent their feelings, in one direction or another.  It is often not pretty!

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9 minutes ago, allanos said:

I am not sure if society is divided any more now than it was in the past.  We are now living in the modern era where citizens are cynical, more skeptical of what they are told by politicians, and face a bombardment of items on social media, a plethora of adversarial digital news items, and are rightly, and justifiably, confused.  They are more easily aroused by instantaneous social media posts, and we see the result in how the people now take to the streets to vent their feelings, in one direction or another.  It is often not pretty!

That could be an interesting discussion, but it would be off topic.

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8 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

The loony right,  no the liberals have that term all to themselves. Everyone is entitled to their opinion that's all these comments are.  They don't mean a hill of beans.

I don’t see the liberal elite complaining when republican offices get shot at hardly anything on the news. More liberal love and kindness 

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36 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Mr Trump has indeed done well????????

He has indeed done well for himself. Just the tax bill alone should benefit him even more disproportionately than most of the wealthy have been benefited. And that's saying a lot.

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20 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

I don’t see the liberal elite complaining when republican offices get shot at hardly anything on the news. More liberal love and kindness 

Are republican offices being shot at?? OMG, that's SO evil!!

I have to add though that I don't see the conservative elite complaining when kids are massacred in schools or worshippers in synagogues, i.e. actual people are being murdered. More conservative love and kindness, right?

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19 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Mr Trump has indeed done well????????

Yes, his golf resorts are raking it in. I seem to remember that someone promised to be too busy playing golf if elected.

Wait a minute, that's probably fake news!

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23 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

I don’t see the liberal elite complaining when republican offices get shot at hardly anything on the news. More liberal love and kindness 

Are you living in some kind of cave? Or don't you recall how the incident of the shooter who shot Congressman Scalise got covered?k Maybe your news feed comes from Mongolia?

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On 10/28/2018 at 2:26 PM, Brunolem said:

This is a wrong reasoning.

Nature shows that the more resilient things are the smaller ones, not the biggest ones...and like it or not, we are part of nature.

The problem is that our inflated egos lead us to believe that we are "smarter" than nature.


Being neither Democrat, nor Republican, or anything else, my own political guide would be Small is Beautiful, written by the economist EF Schumacher, who describes a society which as different as possible from the corrupt and decadent one we are living in.




I doubt you could demonstrate nature actually shows that, at least in any meaningful way to the discussion at hand. But simplistic "deep" sounding bits are always good when no actual arguments at hand.


You're neither a Democrat nor a Republican, you're simply anti-US - as is rather obvious from your many posts on related topics.

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On 10/28/2018 at 3:14 PM, Grouse said:

Europe would prefer the USA to leave NATO. The USA is the only country to have called on NATO for assistance post 911. NATO already has two other countries with nuclear deterrents. The latest Trump disastrous decisions is the intermediate range nuclear missiles deal with Russia. Trump wants to throw Europe under a bus just so he can threaten China. American assistance is frequently late and frequently out of economic self interest. 


Save your huge money, stay home and play guns with your kids.


Only, you do not actually speak for Europe. You're not even correctly representing European views. If anything, European governments were dismayed by Trump's apparent disdain of NATO. As for the nuclear thing - may want to re-check your own government's stance regarding Trump's move.

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37 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

I don’t see the liberal elite complaining when republican offices get shot at hardly anything on the news. More liberal love and kindness 

What rubbish you are spouting, or is your view really so blinkered?  The following from a single article that came up first in a search.


Jewel Dickson, the Volusia Democratic Party chair, said Monday political organizations have been reviewing security measures and taking precautions this year.

“Our reaction is, it’s appalling,” she said of the vandalism targeting Republicans.


Locally, State Rep. Patrick Henry weighed in with an emailed statement: “After one of the deadliest and most violent weeks in America, I’m disheartened and angry to learn that shots were fired at a Republican Party office in my district.”



Henry, a Daytona Beach Democrat, also asked those who may have information on the shooting incident to contact law enforcement. “Your party affiliation should never make you a target of gun violence.”


The Florida League of Women Voters and the Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence said things must change, that “Lives are counting on it.”

“The hatred that is consuming our state and country helps no one and hurts us all,” the organization wrote. “We call on all Floridians to join us in our condemnation of these acts and commit to a renewed effort to maintain the peace of our communities.”


“I condemn this act of violence in strongest possible terms. We cannot allow politically motivated acts of violence to become commonplace. These are undoubtedly challenging times we are in — we must face them with courage.”

Nancy Soderberg, Democratic candidate for Congress


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On 10/28/2018 at 3:37 PM, Brunolem said:


Please remind me when was the last time Russia tried to invade Western Europe...and the other way round?


Russia effectively controlled East Europe for decades. That you limit the frame to Western Europe is cute. As for that Nazi Germany reference? That wasn't actually "Western Europe", quite a few European countries being either occupied or engaged in war with Germany at the time.



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19 minutes ago, Morch said:


I doubt you could demonstrate nature actually shows that, at least in any meaningful way to the discussion at hand. But simplistic "deep" sounding bits are always good when no actual arguments at hand.


You're neither a Democrat nor a Republican, you're simply anti-US - as is rather obvious from your many posts on related topics.

I am anti-US...policies...not the country, beautiful, which I have visited many times, or the people, who don't always support their government policies...


As for nature, that would be off topic and my post would be deleted...a lot of work for nothing...

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On 10/28/2018 at 2:23 PM, patsfangr said:

Thankfully, the authors of the US Constitution recognized that the "majority" is NOT always properly motivated, or adequately educated and informed enough to make the best decisions. That is why they created the Electoral College, which balances the influence of all elements of society on elections. Today, the EC prevents the over populated, under educated city dwellers in America from ruining the lives of the "geographical majority" of the USA; her "heartland" people. 



Well, in that case, what was the point of going on about the imaginary "Republican silent majority"? Them generalizations of your regarding education and such are equally amusing.

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On 10/28/2018 at 4:17 PM, riclag said:

Jeepers Creepers,I love my Constitution just the way it is! Especially when it comes to the Supreme Court Justices that interpret the laws, strict  constitutionalist. I don't want  modern day  liberal  activist with radical ideas, experimenting with what has worked for hundred's of years! 



You say you like the Constitution as it is. Fine. But the Constitution was amended more than once. Reality changed, and the Constitution evolved in response. It's hardly a rigid construct, nor is it a religious text which cannot be argued. Since you toss in the "hundreds of years" time frame - does it mean some girls better head to the kitchen and leave politics to brighter minds such as yours? Other folks get back to work at them cotton fields, while you go about MAGA?

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On 10/28/2018 at 4:18 PM, Boon Mee said:

Item #3 above is way off the mark IMHO

Look what walls have done for Israel?  Perfect example for preventing the terrorist access to your Homeland.


You keep making this simplistic assertion on numerous topics. It's actually not quite "same same". Not in terms of scope (the US version is way longer, and terrain more difficult). Not in terms of threats involved (with all due respect to the "invasion" touted). Not in terms of construction on offer (most of the Israeli "wall" is actually a fence). On top of which - even the Israeli version isn't complete, and it's been in the works for years. Carry on.

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"The recent mailing of pipe bombs and the shooting at a Jewish Synagogue are in the news.   In your opinion, is the USA headed in the right or wrong direction?"


This is what's known as a loaded question.


The actions of 2 lunatics have no bearing whatsoever on the direction the USA is heading in. Taking the question as is, requires you to make that association.


So I vote not to vote as the question itself requires you to believe 2 lone wolfs somehow represent a country of 300 million people - in which case, there would be a lot more violence.

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27 minutes ago, Peasandmash said:

the dem's that want a socialist America moved to the Kingdom of Thailand and scream for democracy.  as a group they're delusional.

Actually the "socialist" America  you are referring to is an America with national health care, it's not a communist America. You do realize FOX News (the bastion of right wing news) ran a poll when Ocasion-Cortez was on their station for an interview asking people what they thought of medicare for all and expected it to go in a different direction than it did...



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46 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

I am anti-US...policies...not the country, beautiful, which I have visited many times, or the people, who don't always support their government policies...


As for nature, that would be off topic and my post would be deleted...a lot of work for nothing...


Your posts on here are pretty much against anything US. Pull the other one. Claiming to be against US policies implies the notion that US policies are constant, and that all of them are wrong. While that is in line with your posting history, it doesn't support the latter part. US citizens having differing views is the norm (well, not in some of them other countries you seem to bat for).


As for nature - your original comment was, indeed, off topic. It was also bogus. There's often a correlation.


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On 10/28/2018 at 6:41 PM, malibukid said:

sad news, America will never be great again until they address the question of mental illness and start spending some money.  fat chance.  the Republicans see mental illness as Gods Will and will never do anything serious about this and the homeless.  Santa Monica now looks like a Hoover Ville. soup kitchens reminiscent of the great depression.  this is how the conservative elites want to keep it.  more guns, less social programs. 


"....reminiscent of the great depression."


The thing about the Great Depression was that it ended, and the US moved on.

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