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Trump hardens stance on Mexico border, says 15,000 troops could be sent


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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Yes, it's a stunt by the open borders folks in time for the Midterms. 

How so. Do you have any proof that the open borders people started and encouraged the march.


Please post the link if you do.

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2 hours ago, pedro01 said:


Oh, do get a grip.


The caravan is 95% young, single men. 


The level of dishonesty about the make up of this crowd is astounding. 


Invoking 'the children' all the time is just a lame attempt at pulling heartstrings.


oh 95% young single men must mean they are violent and dangerous too!

The level of dishonesty and half truths is astounding.


Invoking "dangerous and violent false claims all the time is just a lame attempt at pulling heartstrings.

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2 minutes ago, how241 said:

Trump wants to make a strong show of force. Better to have too many then not enough. Trump is a smart man who understands that people respect a strong of force and won't test his resolve. 

It's a strong force that will be limited to support activities. As an armed force, tt won't directly encounter participants in the caravan.

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Migration is a 'difficult' subject in many ways.


I think the ideal solution should be something in between the tough, at times racist, approach taken by Trump (and also by some governments in central Europe, like Hungary's) and the 'let them all in' approach taken by Erdogan. I am from Turkey, and I am definitely not happy about my country taking in millions of migrants from a variety of countries, mainly Syria, especially in the last few years. We are not a prosperous country; and our economic resources are limited, unlike those of the US and many countries in Europe. Also, in Turkey, there are hardly any 'orientation procedures' for migrants (of course this is partly due to the lack of enough resources). I am not against migration at all, but hey, in my country's case, we are talking about millions of people, man ! Some European countries don't even want to take in a few thousand migrants. This high number of migrants into Turkey will cause some major problems in the future. I believe that the main reason Erdogan has been accepting such a large number of migrants is that he will 'selectively' make some of them citizens (possibly those who are Sunni and with Islamist tendencies), ie. the ones he sees as his possible future voter base. And, of course, his aim is to Islamise Turkey as much as possible. I think that sadly Turkey is 'doomed' under Erdogan's rule ????  


So, anyway, the approach to migration shouldn't be either of these two extremes.

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5 minutes ago, JemJem said:

Migration is a 'difficult' subject in many ways.


I think the ideal solution should be something in between the tough, at times racist, approach taken by Trump (and also by some governments in central Europe, like Hungary's) and the 'let them all in' approach taken by Erdogan. I am from Turkey, and I am definitely not happy about my country taking in millions of migrants from a variety of countries, mainly Syria, especially in the last few years. We are not a prosperous country; and our economic resources are limited, unlike those of the US and many countries in Europe. Also, in Turkey, there are hardly any 'orientation procedures' for migrants (of course this is partly due to the lack of enough resources). I am not against migration at all, but hey, in my country's case, we are talking about millions of people, man ! Some European countries don't even want to take in a few thousand migrants. This high number of migrants into Turkey will cause some major problems in the future. I believe that the main reason Erdogan has been accepting such a large number of migrants is that he will 'selectively' make some of them citizens (possibly those who are Sunni and with Islamist tendencies), ie. the ones he sees as his possible future voter base. And, of course, his aim is to Islamise Turkey as much as possible. I think that sadly Turkey is 'doomed' under Erdogan's rule ????  


So, anyway, the approach to migration shouldn't be either of these two extremes.

Well, then you should approve of the US system which corresponds to the mean that you think is desirable. It's not easy to cross the border into the USA and the cost to illegal immigrants is high.

As for the immigrants to Turkey, since the responsibility for this disaster primarily rests with the US invasion of Iraq, which Turkey wisely opposed, morally speaking it ought to be paying. That said, some significant amount should be subtracted from that since Erdogan explicitly and overtly backed the overthrow of the Syrian government. This is certainly a problem that, out of their own self-interest, the Europeans should be contributing money to. They did for a bit, but then they stopped.

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Estimates vary, between 35 and 45%, for illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. via air, with a valid visa (or waiver), and then overstay.


Build the dome, build the dome, build the dome.


No clue how 15,000 troops, more than are deployed in Afghanistan, will somehow "solve" the immigration challenges?


By next Monday, he'll be up to 50,000 troops, and the invaders will be Brown Zombies, coming to eat your children.



Maybe Mueller has actually subpoenaed Trump, and he's desperate? God only knows how far he'll go?









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1 hour ago, JemJem said:

I am definitely not happy about my country taking in millions of migrants from a variety of countries, mainly Syria, especially in the last few years. We are not a prosperous country; and our economic resources are limited,

Certainly Turkey is far more capable to handle a large population of refugees compared to tiny Jordon that cares for about 1.4 million Syrian refugees. Turkey needs to meet its Islamic responsibilities.

56 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

And, of course, his aim is to Islamise Turkey as much as possible

You're from Turkey and don't understand -

According to religiosity polls, 97.8% of the population identifies as Muslim, and only 2% is non-religious. Most Muslims in Turkey are Sunnis, forming about 78% of the overall Muslim denominations.


What's left to "Islamise" ?

But all the more reason for Turkey to "buckle up" and assist its Muslim brothers who must flee dangers and death in Syria.

Erdogan has said he wants to create a “pious generation” to change the nation - bring up good people with respect for their history, culture and values.


You may see different values for Turkey but that doesn't change the nation's current direction led by Erdogan.

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18 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Certainly Turkey is far more capable to handle a large population of refugees compared to tiny Jordon that cares for about 1.4 million Syrian refugees. Turkey needs to meet its Islamic responsibilities.

You're from Turkey and don't understand -

According to religiosity polls, 97.8% of the population identifies as Muslim, and only 2% is non-religious. Most Muslims in Turkey are Sunnis, forming about 78% of the overall Muslim denominations.


What's left to "Islamise" ?

But all the more reason for Turkey to "buckle up" and assist its Muslim brothers who must flee dangers and death in Syria.

Erdogan has said he wants to create a “pious generation” to change the nation - bring up good people with respect for their history, culture and values.


You may see different values for Turkey but that doesn't change the nation's current direction led by Erdogan.

Just because Jordan is shouldering more than its fair share, that doesn't mean that Turkey should be obliged to shoulder the entire burden of a situation that was brought about by the USA's invasion of Iraq. Turkey definitely bears some culpability for the present situation but invoking religion to mandate its responsiblity is just nuts. Religion isn't law and can mean whatever a believer wants it to,  This is a political and humanitarian problem and should be addressed on those grounds.

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52 minutes ago, attrayant said:


As of Oct 28th, here's where the migrants were, still some 1500 km away:




They are still about two months away.  Is there some particular reason we're dealing with this now?  

Good point.  There may be other things in play here. Upcoming elections ?  or wanting to show the world that we are not afraid to use our military ( N. Korea, Iran).  Even if the migrants never arrive,  it's still a good idea to have troops stationed at the borders.  They could help with the overworked/understaffed border patrol. It just make sense to have troops at the borders at all time. 

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20 minutes ago, how241 said:

Good point.  There may be other things in play here. Upcoming elections ?  or wanting to show the world that we are not afraid to use our military ( N. Korea, Iran).  Even if the migrants never arrive,  it's still a good idea to have troops stationed at the borders.  They could help with the overworked/understaffed border patrol. It just make sense to have troops at the borders at all time. 

Because any day now a genuine armed invasion will be coming from mexico way? Sure, it makes sense to tie up lots of soldiers, whose primary mission is fighting wars. to be the backup for the border patrol. But if it makes sense for 5000 troops to be in such a small area, that means it would make sense to have say 150000 troops on the entire border. Because of the threat.  I mean, look what's happened to American since immigrants have been crossing over illegally. It's like a war zone out there. During the last surge in immigration the crime right zoomed...downwards.

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4 hours ago, JemJem said:

Migration is a 'difficult' subject in many ways.


I think the ideal solution should be something in between the tough, at times racist, approach taken by Trump (and also by some governments in central Europe, like Hungary's) and the 'let them all in' approach taken by Erdogan. I am from Turkey, and I am definitely not happy about my country taking in millions of migrants from a variety of countries, mainly Syria, especially in the last few years. We are not a prosperous country; and our economic resources are limited, unlike those of the US and many countries in Europe. Also, in Turkey, there are hardly any 'orientation procedures' for migrants (of course this is partly due to the lack of enough resources). I am not against migration at all, but hey, in my country's case, we are talking about millions of people, man ! Some European countries don't even want to take in a few thousand migrants. This high number of migrants into Turkey will cause some major problems in the future. I believe that the main reason Erdogan has been accepting such a large number of migrants is that he will 'selectively' make some of them citizens (possibly those who are Sunni and with Islamist tendencies), ie. the ones he sees as his possible future voter base. And, of course, his aim is to Islamise Turkey as much as possible. I think that sadly Turkey is 'doomed' under Erdogan's rule ????  


So, anyway, the approach to migration shouldn't be either of these two extremes.


I think all countries who allow Muslim immigrants should request that their teenage daughters participate in a mandatory bikini contest within 12 months, or their residency status is revoked. It is all about assimilation and making sure the families are not of extremist ilk, right? Not too much to ask. 


In regard to the caravan, there are alot of women and children. Only a devotee of Trump would buy into the fiction that it is 95% men of military age. More election hyperbole. Believe the fake master at your own risk. Do not drink the Kool aid. 

Edited by spidermike007
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The bizarre aspect of this is the fact that Trump refuses to discuss "legal immigration". There is little being discussed on how to reform this completely broken system. The US needs the workers. They cannot get visas to work legally. Nearly impossible. And even highly skilled, best of the best from around the world, find it exceptionally difficult to get visas due to an antiquated quota system that makes it nearly impossible for American companies to hire the best nuclear physicists, neurosurgeons, surgical nurses, scientists and other top talents. Even those that study in the US, and graduate at the top of their class cannot get visas to stay and work. 


But, as usual, it is so much easier to demonize illegal workers, than talk about solutions to the immigration crisis. Millions of devotees of Trump run around saying come here legally or don't come at all! Well, coming to the US legally is nearly impossible for most, and the vast majority of Americans won't do the work that immigrants are willing to do. 


Lastly, immigrants commit less crime than Americans. Another point the fake master will not discuss. He would not want to alienate his overheated base!

Edited by spidermike007
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"I’m sick and tired of a president who pretends that a caravan of impoverished refugees is an “invasion” by “unknown Middle Easterners” and “bad thugs” — and whose followers on Fox News pretend the refugees are bringing leprosy and smallpox to the United States. (Smallpox was eliminated about 40 years ago.)

I’m sick and tired of a president who misuses his office to demagogue on immigration — by unnecessarily sending 5,200 troops to the border and by threatening to rescind by executive order the 14th Amendment guarantee of citizenship to anyone born in the United States."


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In an address to the country from the whiote house a few minutes ago, he said that if somebody threw a rock at an officer or solder it would be considered a weapon and leatal force would be authorized! 

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12 hours ago, wayned said:

In an address to the country from the white house a few minutes ago, he said that if somebody threw a rock at an officer or solder it would be considered a weapon and lethal force would be authorized! 

He must have learnt that lesson from his Israeli puppeteers.

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And now, spurred on by Trump's divisive rhetoric, the gung-ho loony Rambo types are headed to the border too.  Wouldn't it be ironic if the troops actually protected the migrants from these dingbats?


"Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border".



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1 hour ago, ballpoint said:

And now, spurred on by Trump's divisive rhetoric, the gung-ho loony Rambo types are headed to the border too.  Wouldn't it be ironic if the troops actually protected the migrants from these dingbats?


"Gun-carrying civilian groups and border vigilantes have heard a call to arms in President Trump’s warnings about threats to American security posed by caravans of Central American migrants moving through Mexico. They’re packing coolers and tents, oiling rifles and tuning up aerial drones, with plans to form caravans of their own and trail American troops to the border".



And the other problem with the militia groups is they have a history of stealing:


Deployed border troops are preparing for militias stealing their gear, protester violence, documents show


The 5,200 troops mobilizing to the U.S. southern border are headed there to deter a caravan of migrants, but some of the direct threats they are preparing for are homegrown, according to documents obtained by Military Times.

In those documents, the military is concerned about the already dangerous drug cartels that operate with impunity on both sides of the border, armed U.S. citizens taking the law into their own hands — or pilfering their gear — and far-right or far-left protesters inciting violence.

The deployment was ordered by President Donald Trump to counter a caravan of thousands of migrants who are traveling primarily by foot and aren’t expected to reach the U.S. border for weeks.



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