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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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4 minutes ago, damascase said:

No, I have no crystal ball, but none of this is going to happen if a Member State does not want it. If you understand how the EU works, you should now that such major decisions require unanimity.

And everyone knows about Mission Creep and how The EU has moved gradually from unanimity to qualified majority voting for EU Foreign Policy Tax is next on the list for qualified majority voting


The end game for the EU is everything will be decided by qualified majority voting

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3 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

And everyone knows about Mission Creep and how The EU has moved gradually from unanimity to qualified majority voting for EU Foreign Policy Tax is next on the list for qualified majority voting


The end game for the EU is everything will be decided by qualified majority voting


3 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

And everyone knows about Mission Creep and how The EU has moved gradually from unanimity to qualified majority voting for EU Foreign Policy Tax is next on the list for qualified majority voting


The end game for the EU is everything will be decided by qualified majority voting

Again, one vote of an elected government against is all that is needed to prevent a subject being moved from unanimity to qualified majority voting. 

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On 12/29/2018 at 8:39 PM, owl sees all said:

Phone him up on a Friday Evening and put that to him.

Well George G  cant deny selling his house for a near  1/2 million ( pre Brexit ) pounds because it is a matter of fact .

Regarding the "Mariam "  iraq "unregistered ' charity some 84 k was apparently paid to his wife !

Nothing  else  to say really , the question was whether he was a true working mans friend  , democrate and Brexit supporter .

Only the last  one fits with me -and only for the time being I would imagine .

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7 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Because the P.M of the day, Cameron promised that the Democratic will of the people would be implemented. This was further enforced when the two major political parties included this commitment in their election manifesto for the 2017 General election.


 Why should we hold another referendum to uphold the result of the people’s referendum of 2016. And the 2017 G.E.  Next you’ll be suggesting that should the Conservatives retain power at the next G.E. That it would be understandably for Labour to demand a re-vote. Likewise should Labour gain power, then the Conservatives would be in order to demand a re- vote, stating that the electorate did not know what they where voting for.

 Is’t it about time that you and your fellow remoaners stopped this incessant waffle,in trying  to argue for a re-run of the Democratic peoples vote, and simple accept their decision. Or are you incapable of understanding,what the alternative could be.

The vote was manipulated. A democracy cannot rely on or implement manipulated votes. The vote has to be declared void and maybe re-run under fair conditions. Of course, the manipulators don’t want that, that’s why they are fighting against it. 

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8 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:


I would suggest people best start having some faith in their country without giving away our historical won freedoms from the tyranny of being controlled by a foreign power!


......the tyranny of being controlled by a foreign power? Are you referring to the Roman Empire?

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43 minutes ago, Chartist said:


Why do we not want another referendum, because we had one and until it's enacted there is nothing to vote on. The only referendum I would support is one in which the choices were leave with no deal or leave with the poor deal May has negotiated. Frankly I'm sick of hearing childish whining from remoaner scum demanding a second referendum because the first one didn't go the way they wanted it to.



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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

As a leaver I haven't changed my mind.


I don't fear another referendum but I do object to the Remain campaign demanding one at this point as the original referendum has not been enacted yet.


Let that one be finished, and THEN propose a new one or are the Remainers worried that they may lose the second referendum before the first has been completed?

In which case, I would urge you to back May's deal. Yes, it pleases nobody but what else will? The country is roughly split down the middle, so 'winner takes all' is simply not practicable. What other answer can there be, given the deep polarisation of the UK? 

Then there is the question of what will remain of the UK if we can't get our act together...

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Twitter Post from a remainer in France @laurencehazlew1

""Pity we couldn't put the 52% to sleep, Permanently. One day, euthanasia. WILL not only be legal but compulsory for the dregs of Society like. Wrecksitters. We'll call it Moral Cleansing" 


Edited by vinny41
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12 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Why are you afraid of holding a second referendum now, or rather after a final deal has been reached between the UK and EU?

With the majority of leavers it is an emotional argument and they do not want reality getting in the way.

How many leavers would advocate major operations or switching off life support be done on the basis of a single test?

Even criminals are entitled to a larger majority result.

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12 minutes ago, evadgib said:

'Loon' and 'a nasty piece of work' in this example while failing to address any of his content. Others have been on the receiving end too; with the common denominator being that you despise the fact that we're leaving.


A lot different from calling people "remoaner scum" for wanting another election.


Loon is a crazy person. And the fact that he was threatening other UK citizens who are exercising their right to be in opposition is the kind of things that a crazed and nasty person would say.


And the European Union's Convention on Human Rights does provide considerably more robust protection for individual Britons' liberty than does that vaporous quantity known as the British Constitution.



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