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Amnesty demands junta lifts all human rights restrictions


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13 hours ago, hotchilli said:

All military juntas are a dictatorship, they cannot behave or survive in a normal democratic political environment.

They will not allow in any shape or form an opposition party that has a chance to topple them in a free vote

they will protect at all costs their draconian actions to cling to power.



Yes.... Totally agreed.........

And the 'Military' that is involved in this Justa/Dictatorship is well known for it's methods of 'ruling by fear'...... Even in training it's own recruits....... Try to recall some of the news in the not so distant past about the number of 'conscripts' who have been seriously injured or killed by inhumane punishments....... (and likely only a few cases 'leaked out' to the news)......

My Thai Wife's younger brother was a recruit several years ago and was punished by having to SWIM in a 'Septic/Sewerage Pit' naked for a few minutes as a punishment......... Using him to put fear in others obviously....

Let's hope that this 'mentality' doesn't continue to 'rule and ruin' this lovely country and it's beautiful people......

Edited by sawadeeken
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It is imperative for the military govt to enforce the silence, repress alternative opinion and ensure no alternative ideas so that their narrative remains the only one. The referendum on the constitution proved that it works so they feel obliged to repeat the process. Only when the citizenry understand whats happening and how it works will there be changes and so far few people have been willing to face the threats of sedition. Amnesty International will be totally ignored. 

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2 minutes ago, Lungstib said:

It is imperative for the military govt to enforce the silence, repress alternative opinion and ensure no alternative ideas so that their narrative remains the only one. The referendum on the constitution proved that it works so they feel obliged to repeat the process. Only when the citizenry understand whats happening and how it works will there be changes and so far few people have been willing to face the threats of sedition. Amnesty International will be totally ignored. 

So....what's your [et al] plan?

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28 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

My plan?...……..is to sit back and see what unfolds...…...I love to watch them make it up as they go!

I've my Ya Dong and toasty insects, as well....

Great entertainment.

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Amnesty, Democracy, Human Rights are words that don't exist in the Junta dictionary. The only way the

Government would start listening is for the West to impose sanctions like the US did on the mighty China and it's working. Upon the fear of sanctions, the Junta would immediately free all political opponents on the spot!

Thailand relies too much on export to turn a blind eye on possible sanctions.

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