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Still believe in Santa at your age? Trump ignites Twitter storm


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10 minutes ago, direction BANGKOK said:

I think the way his mind is wired, is if it does not affect him he pretty much just subconciously has permission to say it. Whatever it is. 

very true, also the explanation why Trump is so careful when about Putin

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

"It's a disgrace, what's happening in our country," he said. "But other than that, I wish everyone a very merry Christmas."


Bill Maher (@billmaher)

12/26/18, 4:35 AM

Trump:"Its a disgrace what's happening our country, but other than that i wish everybody a very merry Xmas" - only he cld take a holiday that uses pagan tree worship and flying deer to celebrate a virgin birth and make it into something ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, JG27 said:

how I detest the media.... if this had not been broadcast by the Trump hating media there would be no issue....and as for this thing called social media...

You mean, by not broadcasting his nonsense, someone would have used his time machine to go back into the past and tell him to better shut up?

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3 hours ago, DM07 said:


- but in the later case and in the case of YOUR President (being the heartless, selfish and idiotic a-hole, he is!) you are outraged, because the media reports that likewise!?


...got it!


Because I 100% disagree with your sentiment no-one knows who is right or wrong ! ...it is all personal opinion which of course we are entitled to have.

Describing someone as an "idiotic a-hole, he is!" suggests you tolerate no opinion unless it aligns with yours ? 

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27 minutes ago, JG27 said:

Describing someone as an "idiotic a-hole, he is!" suggests you tolerate no opinion unless it aligns with yours ? 

This might be difficult for a Trump fan to understand, but:

1) “he“ is referring to one specific person, not everyone else than oneself. 

2) Describing someone as an “idiotic a-hole” is describing someone as an idiotic a-hole, not dealing with someone’s opinion. And someone might exactly be an idiotic a-hope because of his opinion. 

3) Not every nonsense is an opinion. And not every opinion must be tolerated. You are entitled to have an opinion, however idiotic it might be. So am entitled to not tolderate your opinion, if it is complete bs. 

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27 minutes ago, JG27 said:

Because I 100% disagree with your sentiment no-one knows who is right or wrong ! ...it is all personal opinion which of course we are entitled to have.

Describing someone as an "idiotic a-hole, he is!" suggests you tolerate no opinion unless it aligns with yours ? 

Oh, I have no problems with differing opinions from mine!

I am just judging by the facts and -if nothing else- a man, who berates a 7 year old about his believe in St. Claus...on Christmas, no less... simply is an idiotic a-hole!


I could go on, about a guy, who throws a tantrum about a wall, he promised another country would pay for and now he has government- staff without a paycheck over Christmas and feels HE is the one in the bad position!

Seems kind of a-holy to me!

I could continue, if you want, but I guess, you are one of those people, he eat up Trumps BS with a shovel, so I won't waste my time!


Happy holidays! 

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Actually, he is not far off the mark. Around age 7-8 the older kids in school wreck the secret of Santa for the younger kids. We like to think that can we fool kids till age 9-1o but really they are fooling us into thinking they don't know when actually they do. :coffee1: 

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2 hours ago, RickBradford said:

I think it's fairly clear to anyone over the age of 7 that President Trump does this sort of stuff deliberately - usually on Twitter - because he knows as soon as he does, the pointing, shrieking Left will set itself on fire again.


Trump is essentially a bully, and everyone knows that what a bully most wants is to provoke a hysterical reaction from his targets. And the Left keep giving him that satisfaction, again and again. They're just empowering him, as though he needed any more of that ......

You're giving him too much credit.

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21 hours ago, helpisgood said:


Geez, Trump does not even know how to be tactful with a seven-year-old kid during Christmas while being involved with a govt. program that plays along with little kids' fantasies.  So, what's he saying at high-level meetings when discussing difficult and nuanced issues?


Even if seven is arguably a bit old to believe in Santa, I think that's for the child's parents to handle.   

Trump was elected BECAUSE he's not tactful. 

I guess there are some out there that just don't get it. The voters that elected Trump have had enough of smooth Washington crooners that promise much and deliver nothing except debt and disappointment.


Personally, I'm lovin' it every time he upsets the Washington swamp dwellers with his "real" language, that most us outside government and PC bubbles use.

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5 hours ago, elliss said:

  I used to believe in Santa ,  and  i used  to believe in  democracy ,  dream on.

Well done. There is no such thing as "democracy" in the western world. It is a myth put out by the people that really run things to make us feel better about being screwed.

Like you say, to believe that we actually have any say in how we are governed is as valid as believing in Santa.

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7 hours ago, RickBradford said:

I think it's fairly clear to anyone over the age of 7 that President Trump does this sort of stuff deliberately - usually on Twitter - because he knows as soon as he does, the pointing, shrieking Left will set itself on fire again.


Trump is essentially a bully, and everyone knows that what a bully most wants is to provoke a hysterical reaction from his targets. And the Left keep giving him that satisfaction, again and again. They're just empowering him, as though he needed any more of that ......

I don't even know anyone that would use twitter, but I wonder if they realise how foolish they are to fall into his trap, not once, not twice, but every time. 5555555555555555

I bet he uses the responses to amuse himself after a hard day at the office.

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