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Wild dogs: Seven year old fighting for life after savage attack on Thai beach


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10 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


Not really.. Plenty of innocent people are killed every day on the roads here. Nothing is done about anything here, they just don't give a shit

Think your making yourself look a bit silly

this is not the thread for what your going on about.

But feel free to  start a thread about the murderous drivers and riders of Thailand,  i will be right there at your side,  with you. :jap:

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2 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

Get rid of them all immediately i say. Enough is enough. Its a human world not planet of the dogs.

The other day wild dogs killed one of my dogs on my property. The dogs belong to a neighbour who flattly refused they were the owners even though theyve had the dogs the entire time weve lived here and i have it on camera. So instead of owning up and even offering a 100b apology atleast the main culprit dog has dissapeared and the police wouldnt do anything even though for the first time the police here actually assisted which was new.

My bigger german shephards i have to keep inside even though i have 15rai because neighbours wont keep there dam dogs to themselves and i have to protect mine as mine are fed and looked after therefore not viscous pack animals. Funny fact is my neighbours encourage there dogs to be annoying. I have run down about 4 and shot one and slit the throats of 2 Most in retaliation for killing goats and for trying to bite my son on the way to school. Im doing my part to make thailand great again  or for the first time or something...

keep up the good work, trust you can find time to up the rate in solving your problem ????

Edited by Artisi
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1 minute ago, stanleycoin said:

Think your making yourself look a bit silly

this is not the thread for what your going on about.

But feel free to  start a thread about the murderous drivers and riders of Thailand,  i will be right there at your side,  with you. :jap:


I will feel free to compare this incident and problem with another major problem Thailand faces. It is a thread about a problem that this government and previous governments have done nothing about. Hardly making myself look silly by discussing apathy in relation to serious issues. Thanks for your concern though !!

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Just now, cornishcarlos said:


I will feel free to compare this incident and problem with another major problem Thailand faces. It is a thread about a problem that this government and previous governments have done nothing about. Hardly making myself look silly by discussing apathy in relation to serious issues. Thanks for your concern though !!

your so cool :giggle:

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5 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Shameful Thailand and its do gooders and feeders

Get rid of the soi dogs now


You disgust me. 


Ps, Hope the little boy recovers quickly 



I believe when you say "get rid" you mean exterminate!!!

These were beach dogs! not soi dogs and just because some are bad why get rid of them all..?


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9 minutes ago, Hooliganzone said:

I believe when you say "get rid" you mean exterminate!!!

These were beach dogs! not soi dogs and just because some are bad why get rid of them all..?


I don't discriminate here.

Kill the lot tomorrow.




Edited by stanleycoin
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I told my wife when she told me the story that it is thais fault for not putting these strays down because of their culture.

We got few that roam up and down our soil and cause a nuisance with dogs that behind the gates of the owner.

Cripes I couldn't even kill a rat I caught in a live trap because of my wife.

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4 minutes ago, lks7689 said:

denying animals the space and resources to survive on their own.



They decided long ago to throw their lot in with the humans. Very successful at it as well.


I'm not convinced dogs just decide on a whim to attack humans without cause. I'm thinking the boys on the beach had at one time abused the dogs. Hitting with sticks, rocks etc..

Eventually the dogs get brave and decide to get their own back.

Edited by VocalNeal
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20 minutes ago, lks7689 said:

Not many will understand, but we humans are the one who are denying animals the space and resources to survive on their own. The only way this world is going is down like the dinosaurs because our fragile egos cannot accept any responsibility. Try being denied food, territorial freedom and subjected to constant abuse from another species and see how you behave? From the comments I have been reading here, I think the dogs are way more civilized than the real beasts that's spending their time posting here and savaging anyone or anything related to any issue in Thailand. I have spent enough time in Thailand to understand, you either accept it and respect it the way it is. Or you take your balls and get out of there. Those who are still staying probably doesn't have any. 

What if you had kids and one got attacked like this?Still a peaceful easy feeling?

I am staying and last time i checked i still had them.

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I understand the issues here. But sometimes you just have to be cruel to be kind. It's more inhumane to allow these packs of dogs run around the streets. They probably have many diseases and parasites on their fur. Clean them up by culling them and then start to bring in proper laws for ownership and responsibility for ownership.   

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Death penalty for biting a human. I'm so tired of hearing of friends, many of them teachers getting bit or worse by random dogs and having to have the painful shots. We love dogs and people that take in and take care of these animals but dangerous, loose dogs and dogs that have attacked a human must be euthanized immediately.

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6 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

it is not a false dichotomy of 'bleeding heart dog brigade' vs the kill em all brigade.  Research shows that sterilization will bring down the stray dog populations, and that mean a concerted effort from the government to make this happen, not just the work of animal welfare charities such as Soi Dog.


Culling, however attractive it might seem, will not work long term - populations will increase again. Yes, these specific dogs should be put down as they are a danger, but a long term solution to the problem is needed not just knee jerk reactions that lead nowhere. 


Sterilization not only brings down the populations but also helps curb anti-social behavior in the dogs - males dogs become less territorial and aggressive etc.  However, this requires planning and thorough implementation, so I won't hold my breath. 

No! You are wrong. Massive and wide ranging cull is the only effective method. 

Once that has been achieved - nationwide sterilisation programme. 

Repeat cull every 12 months.

Wipe the filthy vermin out.

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6 hours ago, happy chappie said:

I would like to know how many dogs the parents have.there not one house around my village that ain't got less than 2-3 dogs out front ready to pounce on you as you walk by.in fact you can't walk the streets here.ive got two visitors staying here and went for a walk yesterday morning and were back in 3 minutes saying the dogs at the end of the soi were looking for action as they neared them.all of my friends have treadmills as the streets are too dangerous to walk day or night.no one in my village gives a hoot about the problem so nothing will ever change.10 zanax ground up in a meat ball and one dropped off every couple of night will be the only way to humanely rid the problem.the nutty cow across the road is a bad 5 yapping dogs and her shouting at them all day and night.i go to sleep hearing this crap and wake up to it.not one ounce of respect.she even had the Gaul to say we should shut our gate if we didn't want them crapping on out property.i said how about she locks them in hers and don't let them shit up the soi but then came the threats.if a was Thai they would all be dead for sure.8 million baht property surrounded by 100s of dogs and tin hut houses with millions of baht cars.if a young child walked down this soi it would end up as another sad case as in this one.

Please elaborate on what 10 Zanex is?

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We were going to buy land and build a house in Isaan (Sawang Dandin).  The dogs were the deal breaker.

Yea, there are dogs in BKK ... but NOTHING like the roaming packs I saw up there!

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1 hour ago, Hooliganzone said:

I believe when you say "get rid" you mean exterminate!!!

These were beach dogs! not soi dogs and just because some are bad why get rid of them all..?


What an insightful post, maybe they were soi dogs enjoying an outing for the day. 

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One of the problems I see here is that routinely litters of puppies appear during the night at various locations.  This just keeps adding to the problem.


If Thai's were in some way educated, trained or even bribed to not do this, then that would go some way to slowing the problem down.


Getting their dogs 'fixed' will prevent more dogs and therefore negating the need to get rid of any pups.


Also, some forward thinking wouldn't go amiss.  That cute, fluffy little bundle of joy WILL turn into a big dog one day.   



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6 hours ago, seajae said:

way past time the authorities started rounding up all the stray dogs and euthanizing them. Its getting so bad you cant go for a walk without being bailed up by them, it really is beyond a joke. We have a dog and she stays inside our fence line unless she is on a lead, we have to carry a stick to stop the strays from attacking her. Trouble is many thais simply let their dogs roam the streets so they dont have to take care of them or clean up after them, euthanizing them is the only way this problem will be solved

You mean euthanize the Thai owners?

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Thailand what's up with your love affair with dogs and cats breeding freely everywhere in Thailand.  Dogs laying in the middle of roads taking a snooze without a car in the world.  Or walking down a sidewalk and have wild dogs biting at your legs when you walk! Start a mass culling project asap. Enough already. 

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Iff you live in you home country what they do with dogs walking lose and No owner to be seen, yes he's put down and taken away..

How many times you get chased or ( almost ) bitten by those dogs just walking around here??

When you driving your m.bike or car and dogs run after you, in frond of you. night time walk towards you frend next door you have to do with a stick to get them away from bite you, and when you hit one the Thai owner want money. iff you get bitten there's No owner.... 

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