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Prayut slams the door on prime minister debates


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9 hours ago, nickstav said:

I hope that young Thais, especially university students, take this election very seriously. They must actively get involved and convince their older family members that these tactics harm Thailand. They have to be willing to put it all on the line, no matter the cost. It is their futures at stake. If you want to be free you have to be willing to die for that freedom. That is what freed Ukrainians from being puppets of Russia. They're still paying the price, but they'll win out in the end. Thailand still has a third world mentality in many ways and technological advances alone won't cure that.

Ah yes, an uprising from the people to over throw the government that could lead to civil war. A whole load of good that's done in Syria, hey? Only 400,000 dead. How about Egypt? Libya? Yeman? All well and good calling for revolutionary action but I guarantee you'd be one of the first out of here if sh!t hit the fan but the vast majority of Thais in would have no where to go.

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5 hours ago, steven100 said:


Totally agree with his comments.  What is to debate ?  everyone knows the governments policies and how it is doing. Thailand has come along way in the past 4 years since Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha took on the PM role. Many projects were fast tracked including the Northern Thailand Highway expansion, BTS extensions, High speed Thai-China rail project, numerous agricultural programs have been implemented and I personally know of two working programs near my district that are successful. More has been done with economic development in the past 4 yrs than the preceeding 10 years.

I know there are the farangs on TV who disagree and don't even acknowledge the facts as I have proven to be correct many times over in the past. Thailand is going ahead, and will continue to move forward while ever Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha is in charge, which looks set to be along time into the future. If one doesn't agree with current policies or regulations then personally I would look to alternative places to retire, life is to short to endure one's dislike for the place they are presently staying.



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Here's reality.  Prayut will probably end up remaining as PM if there are more Thais out there like Mrs. Connda.  The Mrs' take on this is probably like many from her generation.  Basically it's, "All parties are corrupt - all of them, so corruption isn't an issue.  But - the Army candidates have the power to keep repeats of the street violence from happening again."  That's my English translation of her position.  My guess is that Mrs. Connda echos the sentiments of significant segment of the Thai population.   So, I'm really expecting more of the same after the votes are counted.  Yeah, corruption irks me personally.  But she is pretty well spot on.  Thai political figures are synonymous with corruption.  It's endemic and probably will stay that way. 
So what we all think at the end of the day is simply hot air and rhetoric.  None of us has a vote; none of us has a dog in the fight.  But we still cheer and jeer from the sidelines.  Why not.  :thumbsup:

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14 minutes ago, steven100 said:

Don't insult yourself like that. Head back to Aussie if it's so bad.  It has democracy :wai: ...lol

Well when i'd get to Aussie they would say "but, you are not Australian' and I'd say "that Steven100 who thinks he knows it all told me to come"  hahahaha

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