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The week that was in Thailand news: Swapping Bangkok for the boondocks - and not missing the news!


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Thanks Rooster, it's always a pleasure to read your comments on the week that was! Unfortunately most of us don't have your linguistic skills so we have to cobble along with whatever we can dredge up! Please keep up the good work and kind regards to Mrs Rooster and the chicks!

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On 3/3/2019 at 5:54 PM, overherebc said:

Some posters may have lived and worked in many countries around the world, going somewhere for a holiday for a few weeks never gives anyone the slightest idea about that country.

Whether people want to accept it or not the first experience that many expats, let's say at 50+, have of Thailand is usually a holiday and the warmth

( climate ) and dare I mention the availability of night time comfort is too difficult to reject. It doesn't take long for them to upsticks and move here and get involved in a 'permanent' relationship, and, very soon after the 'extended family' starts to emerge from the woodwork.

The end game has been decided for them from day one and the whole thing is carried through with smiles and praise of the provider.

Eventually the move to the countryside happens, why pay rent in BKK or Pattaya when you can live so much more cheaply in the village? That means the moving of the rice bowl to somewhere with much more control over it and away from the risk of it being stolen.

It doesn't take long for a couple of rug-rats to appear and they're ( the expats ) stuck here.

Instead of a nice easy retirement doing what they please and going where they want, as retirement should be, in my mind anyway, they have to defend the lifestyle by saying how wonderful and peaceful it is.

Obviously it's not my idea of a retirement and I ( we ) live our lives in a different way. No kids, no extended family, no discussions of so and so wants/needs some money for this or that.

So, anyone can reply and tell me how wonderful their life is in the village/countryside and I will say 'good for you.'

For me I would hate it.


Thats a fair assessment, its hard living up country after a year, im here because my Wife has a big family, without her id be in the U.S.A. Every climate you want, and space to move. I have a Lifetime Residency Permit, more disquieting than a blessing when i feel restricted here. But at least we have 3 inherited houses in different areas , that helps greatly avoiding the blandness of climate, cars, and the Food is my WORST Nightmare.

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On 3/4/2019 at 5:48 PM, TPI said:

Thanks Rooster, it's always a pleasure to read your comments on the week that was! Unfortunately most of us don't have your linguistic skills so we have to cobble along with whatever we can dredge up! Please keep up the good work and kind regards to Mrs Rooster and the chicks!

Cheers, I am glad that you enjoy the column. It's always heartening to receive positive feedback. 


Have a good week!



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