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How to mass delete on junk folder iPad hotmail.


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Hi, I have received 2000 junk’mails in my junk folder. I’ve tried to delete them in mass.  Apparently one cannot mass delete on iPad. Is this true ? They are mostly all from,the same address.I have not opened the messages. I see I can delete on trash, sent, and in the email box ok with delete all. I’ve even tried cancelling the spam folder, but a message comes up cannot delete’. Should I go to a technician in say, Tuccom ?,, Thanks.

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Why not login to your Hotmail account, delete the Spam from there and then block the sender, that's way easier.


It's a bit of a pain to delete that much junk mails (or any other if they are a lot, I tried to delete about 3,5K of Mailing list (no Spam) from a Folder in my iPad mail, but in the end I gave up I just logged into my email provider via Browser and deleted them there.

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