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Tourist ransacks hotel toilet room, injures three policeman, before falling from second floor window


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13 hours ago, mercman24 said:

my stepson is a bouncer in the uk, he carries a small ladies spray perfume, he said you ought to hear them screaming * i have been pepper/cs  sprayed * with a wry amile he said they dont half smell nice .. lol


Your stepson will have his doorman license revoked and be prosecuted for carrying an offensive weapon under Section 5 of the Dangerous Weapons Act just for taking it to work, should anyone report him, get reported for having used it and he is looking at a stretch of 5 years+, he has no excuse he can made in court as he has the license which made him aware that he is not allowed to carry any item to be used in self defense.

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1 hour ago, Benmart said:

I hope the injured policemen and the tourist recover quickly. The experts on this forum, who likely were not at the scene, aren't Thai police or have any police experience, are certainly welcome to their opinions. Those opinions are seemingly without merit.

well spoken.
best humor is when taking the mickey about oneself.

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18 hours ago, Captain_Bob said:

Amazing that a dozen armed police could not capture and restrain this guy, he seemed to be hyper-crazy maybe tripping on ya-ba. But to their credit they showed a lot of restraint as he was trying to smash open the window. In the USA this guy would have been shot dead by then, or at least tasered and thrown down hard. Actually maybe he was "thrown" we don't know cos they skipped that part ???? 


I think it's good the police didn't shoot the  man as it's likely he's   either on drugs or has some mental illness that may be treatable.


Too bad officers were injured but I'm convinced if it weren't for the inept way they dealt with the situation that would not have happened.


I know such rarely fatal devices as a taser or stun gun aren't allowed for falangs but can't  the police have and use them?    That likely could have ended this maylay early on.


And instead of a smoke bomb what about using  Mace?


To me this video nearly approached entertainment as in a comedy.


TIT I guess.  ????


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2 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

For the criticism ... No stun guns, No Kung <deleted> guy, expert Police etc. .... I'm presuming the Police simply wern't prepared for such violent resistance ... I agree with oxfordon, its no joke trying to restrain a big guy who is swinging out in all directions, I've had to to do it myself with others sometimes and it is quite difficult if your trying to restrain him with minimal harm ....

The restraining part ia not difficult if you know what you are doing. But doing so within the legal guidelines of a police officer changes everything. They have so many rules they have to follow qnd can't just go in full martial arts taje down and restraints as that would kand them in legal trouble themselves. So taking someone down with only a fraction if moves and options avaliable can make extemely hard. 


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I just don’t get, why people do things like this.........other than an alcohol or drug enfused acting out.

Even in my worst days of late teens, 20’s, 30’s.........we drank, raised hell and carried on but never came close acts like this and many others I have read about over the years.


They should KNOW not to do this foolishness here in Thailand........they do not tolerate it here.


LQQking back.......I came the first time to Pattaya in 2005 and had a good friend that already lived here for 3 yrs at the time.........he gave me good advice on the Do’s and Dont’s.


Enjoy the day~!!!

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If any of you self rightful, judgemental people have watched the police actions on Pattaya Mail TV, you would see they acted in a terrible unprofessional manner, more like a bunch of Keystone Cops...that guy was forced towards danger by these jokers in uniform, he has my sympathy.    

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19 hours ago, Beatriz said:

You must be right. Thai police don't have a tranquillizer dart to put him to sleep or a couple of smoke cannisters to knock him out? Or just get a Chinese kung <deleted> guy to help, the kung <deleted> guy could knock him out flat in 2 minutes, or twist his fingers and he will be crying mama. So many chinese tourists surely there must be one or two who are good in martial arts. Just get them to help.

the Thai police are under equiped for this sort of thing. a case for a Taser

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17 minutes ago, prakhonchai nick said:

With no tazers, no stun guns, no sedation darts, shoot to maim after all that, might have been the answer. He had already injured 3 policemen. I have no sympathy whatsoever with drunks or drug addicts.

How do you know he is a drunk or on drugs?

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This is yet another case which besmirches the reputations of all Westerners living in Thailand. There are just too many garbage farang living here. I hope this guy gets put in jail for along time.

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