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US lawyers in Bangkok: Big Joke transfer won't change immigration policy for retirees one bit


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Huh I have actually watched a few videos from this same lawyer before including this same video last night.  Obviously nothing is going to change anytime soon because his relief of duty had absolutely nothing to do with his job performance or policies.  In fact he was appointed for the purpose of implementing those policies and procedures as well as to clean up immigration.  I’m glad because I don’t want anything to change I like the new policy just the way it is.  


I can understand why you might not like it if you go by the 800K Baht in the bank method that particular rule would kind of suck I guess.  I sure wouldn’t want to have to leave my money just sitting in the bank either at least not because someone told me that I had to anyway.  I can understand why people disagree with that one particular policy.  


But for those of us on monthly pensions the new income verification procedures make things so much easier especially if you don’t live anywhere near Bangkok or Chiangmai because we don’t have to worry about getting the income affidavits once a year anymore and making that long trip to Bangkok before extension renewal time.  Instead from now on I just show them my Thai bank records for the whole year and it’s all done locally where I live.  So next year’s extension should be a lot easier.  Especially when your pension totals about 187,000 Baht a month as mine does.  I’m 21 years retired military and a disabled veteran 100% rated.  So obviously I like the new income verification procedures.  


Apparently a lot of people were hoping this would mean that we’d go back to the drawing board but even I could have told you that isn’t gonna happen and I don’t even have a law degree.  You don’t really need a law degree to figure that out it’s pretty obvious.  Although the attorney did say that some things remain to be seen.  I’ve watched a few of his YouTube videos before and that attorney seems pretty knowledgeable, and that’s gotta be tough for an American attorney to get licensed to practice law in Thailand of all places.  Makes me wonder how many clients he deals with and what type of law he practices but he seems pretty knowledgeable.  Reminds me of that movie Broken Down Palace I think it was about the American criminal lawyer working in Thailand.  

Edited by Jim7777
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1 hour ago, luckyluke said:

The Austrian Consulate in Pattaya which, next to their citizens, is also dealing with Belgians, Dutch, French, German citizens has changed the lay out of their L.o.I..


They put now :

" it is hereby certified". 


They still do the same control as before checking if the amounts paid by the Office of Pensions appeared on a bank account in homeland. 


It seems they are convinced that there are more honest people than not, and that the honest ones shouldn't be the dupe of the wrongdoers. 


Besides one should be very "cool" to go to the Consulate in person with fake documents ( the risk to be caught) when for +/- 15000 Thb everything can be fixed by an agent. 


Also not sure what Immigration can do, legally, to an Embassy/Consulate when eventually they should find out that the documents, "certified" by an Embassy/Consulate, appear to be falsified. 

The affidavit from the U.S. Embassy stated in part ". . . I receive a monthly income of $______________ from sources in the United States . . ."  It doesn't say anything about a retirement, a pension or Social Security income. It doesn't specify the source at all. I am assuming that this was hunky-dory and complied with Thai Imm requirements and expectations all along.  No? Personally, I had always understood the requirement as offshore income, not specifically retirement or pension income.  No?

Also, as the eligible age is 50, very few younger than 60 or 65 are going to have Social Security income or a pension.  Maybe a few who took an early retirement buyout from their employer. Maybe a few on Social Security Disability who are nonetheless still able enough to get a soapy massage in Pattaya!    But like so many things, it is incoherent and just doesn't add up.


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3 hours ago, JTXR said:

He said:


"We don't know exactly what's going on and how this will impact things. (But) while I think there may be changes within the immigration apparatus especially on a paradigm level and maybe policy level (in the future) some things in respect to retirement visa police remain immutable (unchanging)". 


"....changes within the immigration apparatus especially on a paradigm level..." !?!?!


Golly.  Aren't we educated?  I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole any lawyer who needs to talk like that.

Lawyer hyperbole. 

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3 minutes ago, rexall said:

The question "Why shouldn't there be [any concerns for thousands of elderly expats from all over the world who have been pouring money in to the Thai economy for years]?" translates directly to: "There shouldn't be any concerns . . . " 

I am not in the should business, but that sentiment seems pretty hostile to me.  Here is another sneaky indirect "Why?" question in response:  "Why shouldn't you stand up for compassion rather than creepy indifference?"

Because life is not compassionate and compassion is an artificial construct.

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4 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why was he de-promoted ?


Trust me they DO NOT want anyone to know but I don’t think it’s going to be a secret much longer eventually the whole story will probably come out probably in news outlets outside of Thailand if it has not already, and maybe in Thailand as well if he’s formally charged.  They’re keeping it pretty hush hush right now but last night I had the opportunity to learn a little bit about the story from a reliable US government source not much but enough to know that it’s pretty bad.  There are certain things they can’t discuss but I heard enough and if what little I heard is even half true it’s not good at all.  I can’t write the details of what I was told because of forum rules and because of defamation laws here.  You have to be careful what you say on here especially about government officials.  I spoke to a few other people on the forum in private via email and I’m not the only one who has heard the same thing.  But even what I was told isn’t 100% confirmed as far as I know anyway.  

Edited by Jim7777
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41 minutes ago, aripengu said:

Did they ask you to go show your balance on a certain date? Will it take as long as an extension to process? Will you need another letter from the bank?  As for today, nobody has been able to explain to me how they will implement the new rules regarding the 800k, not even CM immigration. 

Why not just keep the B800K offshore, maybe in an account that pays better interest, and have a standing order to transfer B65K monthly?  That would, of course, incur some fees, but to some, might be worth avoiding the confusion and hassle of two interviews at Imm to prove the B800K before and after.

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7 hours ago, balo said:

Blah blah blah blah.  Nobody knows anything at this stage,


Just a lawyer trying to get more business. 

The immigration chief Lt-Gen Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn is out... nothing else has changed so at this stage we know everything !

Nothing has changed as far as renewal policy!

Embassies are not back tracking by offering affidavits again...

you have the same options as were in place from January 1st....

marriage/retirement visa's using either a monthly income method or balance in the bank !

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Bottom line you don’t need a law degree to figure out that nothing is going to change regarding the new policies.  He was appointed for the purpose of implementing those policies and to clean up immigration and his transfer as they’re calling it today had nothing to do with his job.  I like the new policies regarding income verification procedures because in my personal situation it works out better for me than it did before.  But that’s just me everyone’s situation is different.  

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7 hours ago, balo said:

Blah blah blah blah.  Nobody knows anything at this stage,


Just a lawyer trying to get more business. 

I agree whole heartedly and he knows nothing of the plans afoot in UK to put all an individuals pensions on to a website, which hopefully can eventually be used to ratify an individual's income and the British Consulate can once again issue their letters of confirmation of income.  It is however a bit down the line at the moment as everyone in Government is focused on BREXIT.

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4 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

I like the new policies regarding income verification procedures because in my personal situation it works out better for me than it did before.  But that’s just me everyone’s situation is different.  

Good that you have found the time to hang out with us again today ????


In what possible way does the new laws benefit you - please share? For me they make no difference whatsoever as I have money in an account that I never touch.

I fail to see how they benefit you.

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11 minutes ago, CGW said:

Good that you have found the time to hang out with us again today ????


In what possible way does the new laws benefit you - please share? For me they make no difference whatsoever as I have money in an account that I never touch.

I fail to see how they benefit you.

Well just for one of many things I don’t have to drive 5 hours to Bangkok every year when I renew my extension to pay $50 dollars for that stupid income affidavit.  From now on all I have to do is just show Immigration my bank records for the whole year and it’s all done locally right here where I live.  I’m also saving money by using a Thai bank account I wish I would’ve thought about that before the new income verification procedures.  And those are just a few things that benefit me I’m not gonna go round and round with you about it or argue about it with you.  And I’m not getting sucked into this dialogue again.  But like I said that’s just me everyone’s personal situation is different.  For some maybe it’s not better but for me it’s awesome I’m glad they made the new policies.  Although I can understand why people don’t like the 800K policy.  But I’ve already explained everything in my above posts and I don’t really have to explain myself to you.  

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24 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

Off course Big Joke as Part of the Executive didnt make the Immigration rules. This was made by the Legislative. But I am shure, the most TV commentators dont know the difference.

I thought it was a ministry of something.  No one could have voted on those things!

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32 minutes ago, shackleton said:

Nothing is going to change for the better on the Financial requirements side of the yearly retirement visas  

Wishful thinking of some here on Thai Visa forum 

. . . and maybe they will get worse. That is a more likely scenario based on the clear and obvious trends over the past ten years. What if they raise the B800K to a million? That will eliminate another layer of retirees. Then all the snooty ones who have B1,000,000 will gloat and scold the B800K guys for not being sufficiently prepared, tell them to  just like-it-or-lump it, to stop complaining and go home!  Now, there may be some--relatively few I think--who are so well-off that they can cope with any changes the gov seeks to impose. Good for them!  I don't begrudge them one satang. But I hope they could develop some tact and diplomacy and sensitivity and a little (that dreaded "C" word) compassion for those less well-off.  

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19 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Bullsh*t. You know nothing nor does anyone else here. 

You’ll see at least you might anyway.  Log into VPN and start googling it on other news outlets from other countries.  The information may already be out there.  

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5 minutes ago, shy coconut said:

Retired usually means you have stopped working, so in a way he does have more time available

to sort out his immigration matters.

What if he prefers to use his time doing other things he finds more meaningful? "Retired" doesn't mean "dead" and it certainly doesn't mean his time is not as valuable as someone who is employed. In fact, "retired" usually describes an older person entering the final stage in life, every day getting day sliding a little further down that greased tube toward oblivion! As such, his time becomes even more precious than some young puppy who has "all the time in the world" ahead. Hardly worth frittering away that precious time worrying about paperwork, standing on line, jumping though silly hoops!

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2 hours ago, malibukid said:

the Sychelles look pretty nice

You know, that came up recently while I was playing Pai Gow Poker in the little card room in Melbourne Fl.  The designated player/corporation lady was actually from the Sychelles although was half filipino.  She worked for the US government there and met and married a US worker and ended up emigrating to the USA.

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Its a late April Fool Big Joke i think.


He will be back next week laughing 55555  sorry everybody it was just a Big Joke  i didnt really leave. 


TV has to hand over all the IP addresses of the people who dissed him. 



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13 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

Also since I make almost 200K baht a month in pension payments

So you're not only a best informed TV member in the BJ case but also a rich guy. And extremely handsome too, I suppose.

I wish I were you.

Edited by JustAnotherHun
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No one knows what will happen, we do not even know who the new head will be.


However human nature is such that anyone replacing someone who was removed from office is likely to be very cautious and avoid making waves. Which, unfortunately, may mean no changes to what is in effect at this time.

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