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Big Joke transfer: Rumors continue to fly as cosmetic surgery doctor scotches involvement


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3 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I have a suspicion that we may never know the REAL reasons behind this.

Just think of all the overstayers, that Big Joke arrested for that reason. Who were under surveillance by other police departments for gaining money illegally in order to overstay. My guess is that he's trodden on just more than a few toes.

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If something sounds plausible on Planet Thailand, but is vehemently denied in the media, there's a good chance it's true. 


BJ was a nobody.  A Wanna Be Cop plucked from the inglorious Tourist Police, manufactured into a Thai Elliot Ness in the media. Loved and loathed by the people, he was out there doing the undoable, returning happiness to the people by ridding them of the normalized, low-level criminality in their midst.  It had "Junta" written all over it, a PR/Media hand job.


Senior RTP Generals had to be increasingly jealous and resentful being upstaged by this guy, using THEIR manpower to do "real" cop work, with a budget and embedded media coverage, backed by soldiers as and when required. 


BJ might have begun taking himself a bit too seriously and strayed off the reservation, responding to civilian complaints on Facebook and making unapproved arrests.  


At any rate, the political landscape shifted, he'd served his purpose so the hit was green lighted, and the RTP Boss himself took him down.


BJ made some good busts along the way and I reckon he's just fine cooling his jets on the top floor of HQ for a while until this all blows over.  Probably get the promised bonus and a quiet promotion to top up his civil service pension amount. 

Edited by 55Jay
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4 hours ago, SammyT said:


Agreed. The guy was out there getting stuff done, at least. We complain that Thai cops do nothing, and then we someone like him steps up and does stuff, we complain that he's hogging the limelight

But always in extremes, something accuse foreigners of, so whatever happened to the'middle path' ?

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4 hours ago, SammyT said:


Agreed. The guy was out there getting stuff done, at least. We complain that Thai cops do nothing, and then we someone like him steps up and does stuff, we complain that he's hogging the limelight

But always in extremes, something accuse foreigners of, so whatever happened to the'middle path' ?

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1 hour ago, moe666 said:

Why did he arrest this woman, seems like botched plastic surgery is a bit out of the remit of immigration. This guy was stepping on too many toes, bye bye

  He was also head of a unit called the Tech Police, and since the facelift business was advertising on the internet, that brought it within his area of responsibility.

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There should be a profit warning coming out from the company that prints up his display board flow charts. Profit down 50% with his transfer to an inactive post. :tongue:

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5 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

Only a Chinese -Thai  Jao Mai could muzzle a male top cop. I doubt if she's a jao mai.

I'll stick to my theory that too many junior cops were losing income due to the tsunami of arrests BJ was making.

Lower income = less for brass uptown.

If anyone is responsible for anyones income stream to drop, they should know there will be consequences.

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7 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

no, no, NO!


you are all wrong i have a VPN and i believe everything i read on the internet.. :cheesy:



A bit like everything on Wiki is true. 

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8 hours ago, Mosha said:

It's just been on TV saying the problem is with his junior officers.

You can call me sceptical, but I wouldn't believe any "official"

reason given out to the media :closedeyes:

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6 hours ago, Lucius verus said:

Only a Chinese -Thai  Jao Mai could muzzle a male top cop. I doubt if she's a jao mai.

I'll stick to my theory that too many junior cops were losing income due to the tsunami of arrests BJ was making.

Lower income = less for brass uptown.

what the hell is jao mai?

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9 hours ago, Mosha said:

It's just been on TV saying the problem is with his junior officers.

I would understand since his no tip policy has to be hurting morale in the Immigration offices.  On my last visit to Immigration there were no smiles!

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This transfer could backfire spectacularly.  The transfer and the public rumours that came as a result of it have come at a very bad time given that the PPRP (PM Prayut who is connected to Prawit; aka supposedly there to reform things) are are not going to want any whiff of corruption in the spotlight -- while their is a question about which coalition eventually becomes the next government.  Big Joke is seen as a cleaner cop doing his job (publicly) which is seen as a change from the ordinary situation.  He also has close connections to Prawit -- and I get the feeling was being groomed to eventually succeed the chief.  If the chief does not have something really damaging on Big Joke, then this whole thing could spiral out of control and lead to his downfall. (IMHO).  A very risky move.  

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5 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Big Joke is seen as a cleaner cop doing his job (publicly) which is seen as a change from the ordinary situation.

"seen as"

Maybe a big big mistake and one of the biggest hypocrites for long.

I have posted the suspicion about him taking bribes in another thread.

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