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Stop trying to bring Western ideals

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14 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Dont dont be defensive around me now, Im the most vulgar ethno slurrer in the world. I have Albanian jokes in my repetoire. And I myself have more Chins then a Shanghai phonebook.


Just saying. You Brits are a bunch of foogling rascists anyway, like those chavs at Arsenal and Chelsea matches.

You wont find any Chins in the Shanghai phonebook, You'll find lots of Xins and Qins but Chin is Cantonese so they'll all be in the Guangzhou and Hong Kong phone book..


You should call them Wangs, it's the most popular name in China, and if you add 'brother' (ge -guh) it comes out like <deleted>. 'Hey Wang Ge, stop making all the farang in Thailand look like poverty stricken, anally retentive guttersnipes.' ????

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8 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

April 26, 2018)- More than one hit-and-run crash occurs every minute on U.S. roads, according to new research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. These resulted in 2,049 deaths in 2016 – the highest number on record and a 60 percent increase since 2009.

525,600 hit and run crashes a year?


Anyway Thais manage to kill same number of people per month, consistently and with statistics cheating too!

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To be fair, the old men with extremely young hookers is a disgusting sight.
As a tourist, it used to bother me - as an expat here, I've 're-programmed' and don't care.  They're both getting what they want [emoji846].

In the USA it’s just out of sight at Chinese and Korean massage shops, one or two hours at a time. Like the Robert Kraft fiasco currently playing out in public. He should’ve come to Thailand.
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8 hours ago, gmac said:

I find that whilst I have adapted to Thai 'conditions' in the main, though I still complain about stupid traffic light delays and no roundabouts, it is my Thai wife who has visited the UK on 5/6 occasions who now hates everything about Thailand and says how much better things are in England! 

Yeah... when she's with you she does.

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4 hours ago, DJ54 said:

Live in a village and wife niece and 2 nephews here most the time.

throw trash in yard all the time. An arms distance to trash bin and arm distance to yard from porch. Yard wins I’ve seen papa do the same. Mama picks it up every morning. 


Its a bad habit that could could be easily changed.....

Unless they get a waste bin surgically attached to their noses, then no, it can't be easily changed.


That's what yai's are for BTW. Picking up the rubbish in the yard early before the younger rubbish chuckers are up and about.

Edited by NanLaew
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7 hours ago, Spidey said:

Many Western countries are currently seeing an upturn in right wing nationalism. A major backward step for civilisation IMO.

It takes a village to raise a child. Civilization has always been about nationalism.


Anti-nationalism =  Anarchy, the end of civilization...tumblr_negb6eOKcz1s3a8qvo1_500.gif

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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

You dude...in English we dont say "Chings" (sic) anymore...for Maos sake"

When I had my driving lessons, I approached an slightly uphill intersection.

The teacher told me be carefull for that slope, hold the brake tightly while waiting at the red light.


At the same time an chinamen crossed the street.



5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

But your rant sounds Pattayaistic 

as was the reply af  ????

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6 hours ago, DJ54 said:

Live in a village and wife niece and 2 nephews here most the time.

throw trash in yard all the time. An arms distance to trash bin and arm distance to yard from porch. Yard wins I’ve seen papa do the same. Mama picks it up every morning.


Its a bad habit that could could be easily changed.....

Why change bad habits?


After enquiring after the reasoning behind a rather unfortunate routing of traffic around my son's last school (after seeing 2 collisions with motorbikes coming into school from cars exiting a car park at the 'exit' located before the 'entrance' after the style of  Thai Watsdu - I was informed 'because that's how we do it, we have done it this way for over 50 years'. This statement coming from a 30 year old woman, clearly age is deceiving if she did this for 50 years already...


The simple solution (and method to completely avoid congestion not only at the carpark, but also at the entrance to the soi) would be to reverse the traffic flow.


The term 'easily changed' doesn't even come into it. Nothing worthwhile comes easily... especially here.


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4 minutes ago, donim said:

When I had my driving lessons, I approached an slightly uphill intersection.

The teacher told me be carefull for that slope, hold the brake tightly while waiting at the red light.


At the same time an chinamen crossed the street.



as was the reply af ????

I'm assuming you learned to drive long before ratchets were employed on handbrakes. With an automatic car you would simply stop with a footbrake and throw the gear lever in P.

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3 hours ago, Don Chance said:

It takes a village to raise a child. Civilization has always been about nationalism.


Anti-nationalism =  Anarchy, the end of civilization...tumblr_negb6eOKcz1s3a8qvo1_500.gif

555 the irony! The only country to use nuclear weapons in anger is the US, currently experiencing a wave of extreme nationalism. You should choose your memes more wisely.

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14 minutes ago, Spidey said:

555 the irony! The only country to use nuclear weapons in anger is the US, currently experiencing a wave of extreme nationalism. You should choose your memes more wisely.

Not used in Anger. Used a tactic. Used as strategy but not used in Anger...and as a test...we had already won the japs by then  but somebody had to be a Guinea pig for our new weapon to create world peace. It worked.

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2 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Not used in Anger. Used a tactic. Used as strategy but not used in Anger...and as a test...we had already won the japs by then  but somebody had to be a Guinea pig for our new weapon to create world peace. It worked.

Killed many thousands of people as an experiment. And you really think that people want you to be the guardians of world peace?


There hasn't been much world peace since 1945. Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afganistan, to name but a few countries where many thousands of innocent citizens have been butchered in the name of "world peace".

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

. And you really think that people want you to be the guardians of world peace?


Not much choice is there. Ya get us or the Chinese. 


1 hour ago, Spidey said:

There hasn't been much world peace since 1945. Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afganistan, to name but a few countries where many thousands of innocent citizens have been butchered in the name of "world peace

Collateral damage. The world was way worse before we took over. 

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19 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Im getting away from this Western system where women are offended  in the workplace etc by being called “ darling” etc 

Agree with that.


19 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Expats down in Pattaya are whinging about sidewalks/ foothpaths being uneven.

another expat is out picking up rubbish on the beach.

Disagree with that. Footpaths being level and free from obstruction are not "western ideals". Thais appreciate being able to walk on a pavement as much as any ethnicity.

Thais pick up rubbish too.


19 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Pattaya is another example of people bringing their ideals over

Agree. People that are offended by Pattaya should <deleted> off and go to Saudi or somewhere like that.


19 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

politically correctness has been creeping  in re the no smoking rules

That's trying to save lives, not PC. I like it too, as I hate having cigarette smoke blown in my face. As for people that smoke cigars in public- should be shot, IMO.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I will agree that I'd rather have the US ruling the world than China though.

Well then there ya go, just relax and enjoy, as its called, the Great Game.

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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

Killed many thousands of people as an experiment. And you really think that people want you to be the guardians of world peace?


There hasn't been much world peace since 1945. Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afganistan, to name but a few countries where many thousands of innocent citizens have been butchered in the name of "world peace".

While wildly off topic, but thousands of American soldiers would have died invading Japan. I'm sure every one that didn't thought the lives of a few thousand Japanese was a price worth paying.

The Japanese murdered many more Chinese civilians than died in both bomb attacks. I'm sure those that suffered for decades under brutal Japanese rule were rejoicing that the Japanese had been bombed.

If Japan hadn't surrendered because of the bombs ( the Americans didn't have enough material to keep making them at that time, as I understand it ) the US air force would have killed many more in carpet bombing of Japanese cities. The US had absolute control of the skies. Overall, less Japanese died because of the bombs than would have without them.


There has NEVER been world peace, before or after 1945.

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7 hours ago, ben2talk said:

Why change bad habits?


After enquiring after the reasoning behind a rather unfortunate routing of traffic around my son's last school (after seeing 2 collisions with motorbikes coming into school from cars exiting a car park at the 'exit' located before the 'entrance' after the style of  Thai Watsdu - I was informed 'because that's how we do it, we have done it this way for over 50 years'. This statement coming from a 30 year old woman, clearly age is deceiving if she did this for 50 years already...


The simple solution (and method to completely avoid congestion not only at the carpark, but also at the entrance to the soi) would be to reverse the traffic flow.


The term 'easily changed' doesn't even come into it. Nothing worthwhile comes easily... especially here.



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"Expats down in Pattaya are whinging about sidewalks/ foothpaths being uneven." Consider those in wheelchairs or using crutches...

"another expat is out picking up rubbish on the beach." Better to strike a match than curse the darkness....

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