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Bonnie Killed Clyde


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An interesting new article from Canada can be found below

They describe the Crane woman as Dubie's biggest accomplice over the years.

'Bonnie' accused of killing her 'Clyde'

The tumultuous relationship between George Patrick Dubie and Margaret Crane reached its climax on a steamy street in Thailand last July, when a gun was brandished in the midst of a screaming match.

Some witnesses told police in Chiang Mai that he pulled out the weapon that afternoon. Others said she did. The revolver somehow ended up in her hands.

And after 28 years of following him around the world, bearing him six children and submitting to his schemes, it is alleged that she pulled the trigger. The slaying has landed the Canadian woman in a Thai prison, facing the firing squad if convicted, and left their six children to fend for themselves in Victoria, B.C.

It has also exposed a shocking saga involving a charismatic American with a cult-like allure who, over three decades, duped dozens of people, seduced scores of women and allegedly abused children in at least three countries.

It is also the story of the Canadian woman who appeared to be his most devoted disciple.

Their bizarre life played out from an oceanside mansion in Hawaii to an isolated cabin in Nova Scotia with various stops in between in Toronto, Montreal and Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., before culminating in Thailand.

Mr. Dubie was a conman with a string of aliases who could draw on his charm or turn to cruelty, as evidenced by allegations against him ranging from stealing golf balls to pouring boiling water on someone's hand as punishment.

His death -- and Ms. Crane's role in it -- has left former followers, long-lost lovers and especially his 17 children struggling to make sense of someone who combined equal parts dazzling personality and danger.

"I would describe him as a classic fraudster, a swindler with an uncanny ability to capture the minds of individuals who weren't as strong as he was -- a David Koresh-type figure," said FBI Special Agent Dan McLaughlin, who investigated Mr. Dubie in Hawaii in 2001.

"He was basically brainwashing these people, saying, 'The more you bring me, the higher up you would be,' " said Brian Fujiuchi, a police detective in Hawaii when Mr. Dubie was being investigated for a cult he operated in the 1980s. "I just couldn't believe these people believed he was Jesus Christ and were handing over their life savings."

Anyone familiar with 56-yearold Mr. Dubie-- who went by the name Daniel Dubie at the time of his death -- was well acquainted with Ms. Crane, always the most dedicated of his devotees. Some knew her by aliases such as Molly, Maggie Clinchy or Jeanna Hart.

She was never married to Mr. Dubie. Nor did she ever set up house with him. But she was always near at hand, ready to scheme, steal, prepare an escape or even procure new paramours for him.

Though some blame her for introducing them to the man who ruined their lives and consider her "the Bonnie to his Clyde," there is, in the aftermath of the murder, a growing sympathy for Ms. Crane.

Margaret Crane grew up in Winnipeg, in an ordinary Canadian upbringing that soon gave way to her free-spirited nature.

She left home at 16 before finishing high school and drifted to Hawaii, a mecca for hippies in the 1970s.

It was there, as a flower child in her early twenties, that she met Mr. Dubie, who was born in Hawaii.

His father was a military man who died when Mr. Dubie was young. He was raised by a doting mother and three sisters.

He returned to Hawaii after attending high school in Santa Barbara, Calif., and initially latched on to the surfer crowd, who christened him "Ginseng George" for his purported healing abilities.

Mr. Dubie was thin and wiry with dark eyes and a perpetual tan, though his appeal was always more charm than attractiveness.

Ms. Crane was a blonde beauty but also feisty and determined. Even as he built up a compound with a growing band of followers on Kauai, the island farthest from the mainland, Ms. Crane made her own home on the nearby island of Oahu.

"He really sort of did a number on he r," said Angel Crane, the couple's eldest daughter, who is 23 and has custody of her five siblings, aged five to 15.

"He had my mother convinced that she was responsible for bringing sin into the world and it was now up to them to reset the balance in the world between good and evil," she explained. "They believed we were at a crucial point in time when either all good will take over the world or all evil -- that their love was the greatest love of all time, for it was the first and would be the last. But they could not be together until everything in the universe was set right. That is why he had to be with other women."

It was around that time that Mr. Dubie was channelling his charm into a group he called the Significance, which at one time had about 20 followers and even a fake rock band called Freedom Quest. He eventually faced 15 criminal charges and a handful of lawsuits stemming from the activities of the group in the early 1980s.

"They believed he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, that the world was going to end and that he was going to take them to a safe place in Australia," said Ryan Jimenez, the local prosecutor in Kauai at the time who oversaw the cases against the group.

He said it was in order to prepare for that doomsday that followers were on a mission to steal enough goods from Hawaii stores to fill shipping containers destined for Australia.

At least one shipment had already departed when police broke up the ring in 1983, Mr. Jimenez said.

According to the prosecutor's office, Mr. Dubie exercised so much control over his followers that he convinced them that theft and shoplifting would win them "tickets to heaven" and that the people they stole from would be saved.

Mr. Fujiuchi, the detective on the case, who later went on to become Kauai's chief of police, said he remembered executing the search warrant on the group's property and discovering pilfered items ranging from an expensive crystal clock to dozens of telephones stolen from local motels. There was also a lot of golf equipment.

He said Mr. Dubie had his followers beating the bushes at local golf courses and even donning scuba gear for nighttime raids on golf-course ponds. They collected enough to fill a half dozen 35-gallon garbage cans.

They also shoplifted entire sets of top-end golf clubs.

Mr. Dubie was also investigated for child abduction around that time when he fled the country with a two-year-old daughter after the police crackdown. The girl's mother, Karen Davis, never charged him when he returned the girl after spending almost seven years hiding out in Canada, according to the Hawaiian investigators.

Ms. Davis did help lure him to the elaborate police sting operation that got him back to Hawaii to face the theft and conspiracy charges.

Hawaiian Court records state that Mr. Dubie was sentenced in 1990 to one year in prison plus five years probation for a string of felony theft charges from the previous decade.

Mr. Dubie caught the attention of the FBI in Hawaii shortly after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

He was pronouncing his name "Dubai" then, like the country, and making outrageous claims that raised concerns he might pose a threat to national security.

"Ultimately it was just him lying to women for personal gratification," said Special Agent McLaughlin.

His many aliases over the past three decades included Shon, Sean Dubie, Keoki Dubie, David Hart, Christian Hart, Francis La Rue, Daniel Murray and Karim.

At the time of his death, he had cultivated a public persona as a filmmaker and was operating a health spa in Thailand, where he had set up house with a local love. He claimed to work for CNN and the United Nations doing tsunami relief.

Other than a bit part on the TV show Magnum P.I., Mr. Dubie may have never held down a real job in his life, said Ms. Davis, a former girlfriend and mother to three of his children. "It was all staged."

Though he turned the lives of dozens upside down -- including the handful who spoke to the National Post and the many who spill out their stories on various blogs that have sprung up since his death--few went to the police.

"He took charismatic to a whole new level," said Angel Crane, his daughter. "He would really initially take the time to get to know you and really know what you were all about on a really deep level. He would find out what you hated, what you loved, what you feared, what your hopes were. He just really honed in--and that's really what his brilliance was based around. It wasn't just one flat technique that he used on everybody. He really personalized it. "

Craig Ingraham was a 29-yearold professional guitarist taking a hiatus in 1976 when Mr. Dubie befriended him on a University of Hawaii tennis court. He said Mr. Dubie appealed to his past as a high school football player, a college philosophy major and a guilt-ridden Catholic to draw him into a torturous regimen he called "warrior training" that included beatings and having boiling water poured on his hand.

"If I missed a shot on the tennis court, he would take me behind a building, make me put my hands behind my back and stand with my legs spread. And he would hit me across my abdomen and up between my legs," recalled Mr. Ingraham, now a 59- year-old Californiamusician and documentary filmmaker.

For Ruth Tate, Mr. Dubie tapped into her lifelong spiritual yearning to lure her from California to his compound in Hawaii, and from there, on a fiveyear stint hopscotching across Canada. Even though she was well into her sixties at the time, Ms. Tate said she spent a winter locked in an unheated shed, subsisting on table scraps and going to the toilet in a bucket while feverishly painting portraits under Mr. Dubie's signature of townsfolk in a small Nova Scotia town on the Bay of Fundy.

"I never hated the guy because I could see where I was the one who bought the st o ry," said Ms. Tate, now 84, whose draw to Mr. Dubie was never sexual and who often posed as his mother. "I made the choice ... There's no accounting for such stupid and bad judgment. I was sucked in."

She said she began to sour when she saw him work his charm on a vulnerable, single mother from Montreal during a stint passing through Quebec around 1984, where she witnessed him showered the woman with love while mistreating her son, who was about seven, cruelly.

Ms. Tate and Ms. Davis both said the Quebecois woman remained with Mr. Dubie for a decade, bearing him four children and eventually marrying him when he was incarcerated in Hawaii in a bid to have the court grant him leniency.

The children he fathered were often key to securing the devotion of the women he romanced, the women said: "He literally brought children into the world to gain more control over their mothers," said Ms. Davis.

But it was his callous treatment of children that ultimately turned her against him.

She witnessed him relegate one three-year-old child to a spot under the bathroom sink, and throw down her own firstborn son.

Angel Crane said she was also a victim of her father's mistreatment when, at age 15, she went to live with him in Hawaii and was forced to cook, clean and do endless chores while deprived of sleep, food and schooling.

When she complained to a sister, she was forced to sleep on the floor with no pillows and blankets for the rest of her time there.

She had to ask his permission before using the bathroom and said she was once hit in the head from behind with a large, metal three-ring hole punch.

Those who know her mother believe Ms. Crane was finally preparing to leave Mr. Dubie before that dramatic altercation outside the Whole Earth Restaurant in the Night Bazaar district of Chiang Mai on July 2.

Mr. Ingraham said that a few weeks before the shooting, he got a phone call from Ms. Crane -- the first he'd heard from her in 20 years.

She was looking for help leaving Thailand with the children and he gave her a list of family lawyers who might be able to help her begin anew in Canada.

"The next time I heard from her she was in jail," he said.

Ms. Crane remains in a Thai women's prison awaiting trial next January on charges of premeditated murder. She has a lawyer there who only speaks Thai and whom she speaks to through a translator.

She is unable to make phone calls and can only receive visitors for 15 minutes a day. Her children can only contact her by passing messages via a friend in Thailand, but she has sent them embroidered aprons and handicrafts she has made in the prison workshop.

Some who knew the pair hope for her exoneration; others advocate for a trial in Canada, or at least that she be allowed to serve her sentence close to her children if she is found guilty.

Mr. Ingraham has written a letter to Thai authorities on Ms. Crane's behalf describing his own exploitation and abuse as Mr. Dubie's first convert. In it he writes: "The untimely death of any human being is a tragedy. But still, the world is a better place without him."

--canada.com 2007-03-10

Edited by george
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Margaret Crane is currently in the Chiang Mai women's prison awaiting charges.

A small group of CM farang women (who had never met her before) are helping her out with food, supplies, etc. Much of the food is donated from cafes etc; some they pay for themselves.

I'm sure any help would be appreciated. PM me.

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  • 3 months later...


Any new developments in Chiang Mai?

A lot more has been written by parties involved in the saga of his life story on Hazel8500 above and a new site- [URLs removed, please use google to find more info on this case]

contains an increasing number of images/details of his travels working at exposing his fraudulent activities and aiming to unravel the truth of what he was actually up to. Was he involved in underground activities in LOS?

If you have helpful information perhaps you could share that. Even random bits could help reconstruct travels etc. Duped business partners/ love "target"s have shared stories that eerily contain again and again common elements that he used to win trust ( posing as a representative of the United Nations, international film director and philanthropist involved in the work of Peace Child International) of others, seek financial advantage and ultimately carry forward his "plan". I for one do not believe that genuine enlightened philanthropists (his manufactured public "image") need to resort to lying, fraud and abuse of women.

With the year "anniversary" approaching of this horrific shooting, I wonder if more parts of this global puzzle and answers can be forth coming.



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I was interested to see two topics posted today on this topic. The other topic has been closed, yet it would seem that the OP was genuine in trying to discover important information. A shame the usual Smart *ss responses have to prevail in every topic which is serious or pertains to women.

I am totally disgusted with a certain die-hard core of male hogs on this forum who try to stifle intelligent debate. you won't get rid of those of us with brains and beauty quite so easily, boys.

On topic again, I can only endorse Hawaiian Eyes' appeal for any further information on a topic which has affected the lives of so many so profoundly.

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Anyone know the status of the murder investigation? Is Margaret Crane in jail awaiting trial in Thailand? Did she manage to get off, or out on bail? Inquiring minds want to know...

I believe Margaret is due for her first hearing in January next year. Yes, she is still in CM women's prison....see Robroy's post above.

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Not knowing anything about the people involved but having seen the pictures and press like most, I have seen her face many times.

A couple of months ago there was someone who looked very like her in the BKK Bank a couple of months ago, unless she has a twin?

Maybe she's allowed out on business??

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Seriously - get help.

Hi Wizard of Oz,

I hope that we can keep this thread open and productive. I don't know if you have read about this topic elsewhere on TV but there have been wonderful responses that have helped put together information that has led to important steps forward in many open investigations.

I think that Fruittbatt is referring to some die hard rabble-rousers that caused a few threads to be closed down. Since this topic is so important I hope that the posters will respect that and not use this thread to bash any particular group--OK?

Thank you for your input. Yes he had a bit Magnum part and lived in Hawaii. But the reason I am writing is that there are open unsolved cases here and for sure there are folks in CM that could help if we could find them.

Does anyone know/heard of Jon Onuma aka Jade Yoshino?

Can anyone help me post this plea for information in Thai?



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Does anyone know/heard of Jon Onuma aka Jade Yoshino?



Hi Hawaiianeyes,

You know a person with an alias probably would not be averse to creating more. Do you have photo to put with the name. If that person is here, perhaps someone knows him under a different name. Good luck in your endeavours.

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May I direct the attention of other posters to the other thread on this forum in which a poster is asking people with information re John Onuma, Maggie Crane and Daniel Dubie to pm him?

This is a serious matter involving the disappearance of a young woman in the US. I happen to know that the OP on the other thread is well-motivated and sincere in trying to assist the girl's family to discover what really happened to her.

I apologise to anyone who took offence to my earlier remarks. The comments were certainly not aimed at male posters generally, but were directed at a very FEW posters who never miss an opportunity to take the p*ss or to make unflattering, offensive remarks about farang women on this forum.

In this thread, I support the efforts of those who are seeking information from people out there in Chiang Mai who may be able to help. Please do pm the guy on the other thread if you know anything at all.

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The comments were certainly not aimed at male posters generally, but were directed at a very FEW posters who never miss an opportunity to take the p*ss or to make unflattering, offensive remarks about farang women on this forum.


Did not sound like that when I read those comments. Thanks for the clarification.

There are a lot of farang women on this forum who are highly respected and have been so for years.

Edited by Bill97
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I am pretty sure that I know Fruittbatt personally, and she really is an interesting, intelligent person and all of my buddies like her too. We always ask her to join us at Christmas at the Four Seasons/Sheraton/Holiday Inn because she is such enjoyable company. She is an old timer and really is on our side.

There are some real creeps living here. I would guess that the men she is referring to are real losers that none of us can stand either. :o

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I am pretty sure that I know Fruittbatt personally, and she really is an interesting, intelligent person and all of my buddies like her too. We always ask her to join us at Christmas at the Four Seasons/Sheraton/Holiday Inn because she is such enjoyable company. She is an old timer and really is on our side.

There are some real creeps living here. I would guess that the men she is referring to are real losers that none of us can stand either. :o

Thanks, Ulysses G, a flattering portrait, but mistaken identity, sadly. Would certainly like to be that lady, though! :D Cheers.

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Does anyone know/heard of Jon Onuma aka Jade Yoshino?



Hi Hawaiianeyes,

You know a person with an alias probably would not be averse to creating more. Do you have photo to put with the name. If that person is here, perhaps someone knows him under a different name. Good luck in your endeavours.

Hi Lannarebirth,

Regarding the photo issue that is a touchy area on this board, but google can pretty much answer the question if folks look into it.

Does anyone know if Pim is still in LOS and how she is?

A friend did get to see Maggie/Jeana yesterday at the Women's Prison. She was said to be looking very healthy but highly stressed and very emotional. Her case has so many facets it is hard to get my head around it totally. It really does not shake out to be simple either way that the opposing camps have tried to spin it out on the WWW. I don't think that she can be considered a blind abused-woman victim of Daniels' inexhaustible charms. I also do not think that she was an uber jealous vindictive plotting predator. But I do think that she was his 'go to girl' and knows "where the bodies are buried" so to speak. If anyone in CM can provide tips as to any underground activities linked to GPD or his various circles that would be so helpful. Daniel definitely seemed to love CM and want to build his BuddaPark (Buddapok). He told me once he had his 1000 buddha's he would have peace. I hope then that he was not engaged in the old con bag of tricks that marked his path of the rest of his life but I don't think he could walk away from his old habits and his remarkable skill at the con.


still watching/looking :o


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Her case has so many facets it is hard to get my head around it totally. It really does not shake out to be simple either way that the opposing camps have tried to spin it out on the WWW. I don't think that she can be considered a blind abused-woman victim of Daniels' inexhaustible charms. I also do not think that she was an uber jealous vindictive plotting predator. But I do think that she was his 'go to girl' and knows "where the bodies are buried" so to speak. If anyone in CM can provide tips as to any underground activities linked to GPD or his various circles that would be so helpful. Daniel definitely seemed to love CM and want to build his BuddaPark (Buddapok). He told me once he had his 1000 buddha's he would have peace. I hope then that he was not engaged in the old con bag of tricks that marked his path of the rest of his life but I don't think he could walk away from his old habits and his remarkable skill at the con.


still watching/looking :o



cute BlinkyBill!


All good humoured ribbing aside--

This is a very serious topic, with many lives horrifically affected over 30 years so there are folks that seriously will appreciate real information and assistance to answer these questions.

Thank you,


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I know his Thai "wife", but I don't think that I ever met him.

Pretty interesting character.

Hi Ulysses,

Daniel referred to her as "Pim" in conversation with me even up to May 2006. She is the woman in the CM newspaper photo grieving his shooting.

Is she still in CM? I remember she was selling everything in the citizen Kane type of still boxed luxuries of all kinds -sale. Is she OK? I know Geri is on the rampage to track down all 'HER" money in Thailand.

There is a good friend in CM now. It would be very helpful to know these things by PM if possible. There is a real push to reach out to anyone with knowledge of underground activities of GPD. I hope folks can help. This fellow left a long trail of complicated cons and potentially worse.



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I have a buddy who has been close freinds with her for many years, but I haven't been able to contact him lately.

I'm not sure what is happening with Pin/Pim (the girl in the picture). :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Is it possible to give an opinion on this thread that doesn't present with sympathy a woman murdering her sponsor?

I would like to join the discussion, but I'm afraid my posts will be deleted because they won't support the murderer.

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Is it possible to give an opinion on this thread that doesn't present with sympathy a woman murdering her sponsor?

I would like to join the discussion, but I'm afraid my posts will be deleted because they won't support the murderer.

Why don't you send the posting as a PM to the mods and ask them for a "ruling". Assuming you aren't going to put up a post that is totally inflamatory or libelous you should be ok.

The other (an possibly easier solution) is to post it and hit the report post button and ask them to do it in real time.

I think it is quite easy to express an opinion that does not support the view that it is socially acceptable to gun down a guy in the street irrespective of who or what he has done. As far as I am aware he was a con man but that does not mean he deserved to die in this way.


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Is it possible to give an opinion on this thread that doesn't present with sympathy a woman murdering her sponsor?

I would like to join the discussion, but I'm afraid my posts will be deleted because they won't support the murderer.

Why don't you send the posting as a PM to the mods and ask them for a "ruling". Assuming you aren't going to put up a post that is totally inflamatory or libelous you should be ok.

The other (an possibly easier solution) is to post it and hit the report post button and ask them to do it in real time.

I think it is quite easy to express an opinion that does not support the view that it is socially acceptable to gun down a guy in the street irrespective of who or what he has done. As far as I am aware he was a con man but that does not mean he deserved to die in this way.



I do not think that murder is ever acceptable or supportable. If GPD is truly dead then Jeana Crane (legal name, Margaret Jean Clinchy, also charged with multiple felonies in Hawaii for fraud and theft with GPD who was convicted and served time here) is guilty of murder another human being no matter what the reasons may be. If he brought the gun to the restaurant maybe it could be construed to be aggravated manslaughter but it has been reported by multiple sources that she brought the gun.

At this point I hope efforts can go to unraveling the underground operations of GPD in CM and elsewhere that may lead to solving open investigations.


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From a Thai court's perspective:

The Relationship: he provided financial support only for this woman and her family (his kids) ie no emotional commitment. This relationship is clearly sponsor/mia noi.

The Crime: she aimed multiple rounds at his upper body and travelled specifically to the Whole Earth Restaurant to confront him - pre-meditated.

Her reason: he abused her and her (his) kids would not be taken seriously by the court. She had 6 SIX children with him and followed him around the world.

Interesting to hear she's wanted for fraud in other parts of the world. For anyone who has been sucked in by her story and is giving her support be aware you're probably just another sucker she has/is/will step on. Tears aren't difficult to fake - Tiger Balm under the eye.

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I have a sense of deja-vu, having debated this issue with Loaded and others in another thread. As a busy person I have no intention of "going there" - explaining the ambiguities of this case - again.

The only thing I will say is that anyone, man or woman, guilty or not, scammer or nice guy, who is in a jail in a foreign country is still a human being with feelings like loneliness, despair, isolation etc. To aid that person with an occasional visit or a useful item does not mean you have to buy into their story or their games.

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The only thing I will say is that anyone, man or woman, guilty or not, scammer or nice guy, who is in a jail in a foreign country is still a human being with feelings like loneliness, despair, isolation etc. To aid that person with an occasional visit or a useful item does not mean you have to buy into their story or their games.

You're showing compassion and credit to you. Just keep your guard up

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