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Zebra Crossings to be made safe in Thailand, says Royal Thai Police


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4 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

First they should stop the parking nearby/across the Zebra crossings.
Are there any in LOS that are pedestrian controlled, with traffic lights????

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Yes but at least in Pattaya alot of the lights don't work and even if they do their ignored

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this is absolutly pathetic who will ENFORCE the zebra crossings.....answer is simple NO ONE....

When I went to renew my deiving licence in February and had to sit and watch one of the ****ist videos on how to drive there was NOTHING there regarding zebra crossings.

So NO THAIS are educated as to what to do or who has the rights on a zebra.....to which the answer is THE PEDESTRIAN......!!!

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On 7/10/2019 at 7:49 AM, zoza said:


I would say 60% of Baht bus drivers either have no license or are not fit to drive, no body cares here as there is no money/scam in road safety . 

Baht buses and minivans should be banned because they disturb traffic flows.


Thailand needs real buses and busstops....but even busdrivers can't drive!

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These crossing seem to do little more than give pedestrians a false sense of security. 


It is not only in Thailand though, as pedestrian (in crosswalk) fatalities occur daily in Honolulu and all over the Hawaiian Islands.  There have even been numerous pedestrians (in crosswalks) killed by on-duty Police Officers in their patrol cars (who were not even responding to anything... just driving carelessly).  


It is Honolulu's major traffic enforcement priority and focus now as they have passed new laws recently such as ...it is now illegal to be talking on, or looking at your phone while crossing the street (in or out of a crosswalk) and it is also illegal now to even step off the curb once the red "do not walk hand" starts flashing (a few minutes before the traffic light changes).  Other laws have also been passed recently regarding stopping at crosswalks if you see any other vehicles stopped (as you might not be able to see any pedestrians and they cannot see you either).  The fatalities continue though and the numbers are not decreasing.  Most are elderly and children.  So sad.


The main problem is just like in the video above.  Multi-lane highways where one or two cars will stop for the pedestrains and others (that cannot see the pedestrians) will not stop and then someone pays the price.  Hundreds if not thousands of people have been mowed down in Honolulu too just getting off the bus and then walking right out into the street fronting the bus thinking that it is safe to cross.


It is a dangerous thing to do on any crowded roadway in most places around the world.  I will wait all day if I have to before stepping out and commiting myself to crossing a multi lane highway like that.  It's like Russian roulette.



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54 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

Zebra Crossings to be made safe in Thailand, says Royal Thai Police

How? Will they use real zebras then?

All the police who have been sent to an inactive post could be assigned to work their shift crossing the road at zebra crossings.

Some incentive to enforce better driving standards?

Edited by greeneking
clearer point made
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6 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Have pedestrian tunnels been considered?

The only one I've seen is from Terminal 21 in Bangkok crossing under soi 21 (asoke rd. I believe it is).  Must be very expensive to build these though.

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Now that the police are making zebra crossings safe to use, and no doubt heavily fining motorists and motorcyclists who don’t comply with the laws, I note that they are threatening the pedestrians who don’t use them.IMG_1844.thumb.JPG.34ea14022fcec42fc26de5cd27ad62ec.JPG&key=071c02d43c91876dffc6211e47d7faf6b37fae5b27730a5790df5c415662c0d7




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Now that the police are making zebra crossings safe to use, and no doubt heavily fining motorists and motorcyclists who don’t comply with the laws, I note that they are threatening the pedestrians who don’t use them.IMG_1844.thumb.JPG.34ea14022fcec42fc26de5cd27ad62ec.JPG&key=071c02d43c91876dffc6211e47d7faf6b37fae5b27730a5790df5c415662c0d7

Not exactly ‘Abbey Road’ is it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stopped for pedestrians today and motorbike behind me lost control and fell. 


I stopped in a very safe fashion.

I slowed down way before the crossing.

I was completely stopped for 4 seconds before the motorbike lost control and fell.

The pedestrians didn't walk.

Go figure.


Video here:


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