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British far-right activist jailed for contempt of court


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8 minutes ago, Hogs said:

The ignorance of the posters here is astonishing and anyone that has followed this case ACCURATELY they know this is a complete stitch up by the gov.

No stich up.


Yaxley-Lennon knowingly breached a court imposed reporting restriction, despite having been given a suspended sentence previously for the same offence/


His actions could have been successfully used by the paedophiles' defence team as a reason for declaring a mistrial, or the grounds for a successful appeal. That it wasn't is no excuse for his actions; which could have resulted in these vile men going free.


The claims that he is responsible for exposing these vile men is a complete and utter lie. He has never assisted in any way whatsoever in any investigation into paedophile gangs, let alone been responsible for exposing a single paedophile.


If your hero is so concerned about protecting children and bringing paedophiles to justice, why has he never said anything, let alone carried out stunts like this, when the accused have been white?

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8 minutes ago, Hogs said:


It is all on video mate he read it LIVe from the BBC website 

again this is a complete stitch up 

 No, he did not read it live from the BBC website; he couldn't have done as it was removed from there when reporting restrictions were imposed. 


Why are you supporting actions which could have resulted in a gang of paedophiles walking free?


Why does your hero never take any action, not even the mildest protest, when the paedophiles are white?

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Toss the key. No protective custody. Let him fend for himself.  I've no time for racists. Toss the key to those he was reporting on too. Maybe put them all in the same block. Live stream the interaction. Should make for some great entertainment. 

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10 minutes ago, Hogs said:

what he said above is spot on 

7 by 7 clearly you have not followed the case and just spouting BS

 What he said is Yaxley-Lennon propaganda.


But I am not going to convince you nor any of his supporters here. Thinking for themselves is something he discourages among those who support him.

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


List one single paedophile who has been exposed by Yaxley-Lennon.


The men in these cases were not; They were exposed by the authorities. If they hadn't been, they would not have been in court! They were not there due to anything Yaxley-Lennon had done!


That these men were able to get away with their vile crimes for so long is a national disgrace. As is the facts about the decades long sexual abuse of children in Christian children's homes. Where is Yaxley-Lennon's indignation over that? Where is yours? Where is Hogs'?


It was the authorities who finally acted in both these examples, and many others. Nothing to do with any activity by Yaxley-Lennon.


His activities are prompted by the ignorant Islamaphobia he'd witnessed and encouraged among others in his football hooligan days, his BNP days, his BFP days, EDL days and his PEGIDA UK days. His aim is simple; make a name for himself so that stupid people send him money.


That he uses the suffering of children to do this is disgusting and makes him as vile and evil as the paedophiles themselves.





Its was the BNP who bought the child abuse to the publics attention .

It was Nick Griffin and the BNP and TR who were the first and (then) only people to publically state what was going on with the Muslim grooming gangs   , this was 15 odd years ago .

   Everyone just dismissed the claims as being racist and baseless and I also thought at the time that Nick Griffin was just spreading race hate 

How wrong we all were

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21 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 No, he did not read it live from the BBC website; he couldn't have done as it was removed from there when reporting restrictions were imposed. 


Why are you supporting actions which could have resulted in a gang of paedophiles walking free?


Why does your hero never take any action, not even the mildest protest, when the paedophiles are white?

This is what he read out .

It was never taken down and never restricted https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-39580591

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Just now, sanemax said:

"But Dame Victoria and Mr Justice Warby found he was in contempt by breaching the reporting restriction imposed on the trial, by live-streaming the video from outside the public entrance to the court and by "aggressively confronting and filming" some of the defendants."


    This is what was considered to be "contempt" and this is what he was jailed for .

In the video, TR politely asked the defendants about what were they in Court for and how they thought the verdicts would go and wasnt confrontational.


It was contempt because his doing so breached  a court order.


How come such a simple fact is that too complicated for you to understand?


5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

In the video, TR politely asked the defendants about what were they in Court for and how they thought the verdicts would go and wasnt confrontational .

So what do you call suggesting those watching his live stream, not video, take vigilante action against the accused? Because that's what he did.


6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

When TR was in court , the BBC did exactly the same thing to him , although they blocked his path and assumed his guilt in the way they questioned him  .

   The BBC crew were NOT arrested for contempt of court .

Double standards 


It was not just the BBC who blocked his path, many journalists did, but from the report I saw those mainly so doing were his supporters!


But whoever it was, no contempt of court because there was no court ordered reporting restriction. 


How come such a simple fact is that too complicated for you to understand?



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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


It was contempt because his doing so breached  a court order.

How come such a simple fact is that too complicated for you to understand?


The law states that any reporting restrictions must be publicised and written on the court door and no such restrictions were publicised or placed on the court door and TR was informed that there were no reporting restrictions on the case 

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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

This is what he read out .

It was never taken down and never restricted https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-39580591

 That link was posted by one of his supporters (you?) at the time and led nowhere.


That it was put back up once reporting restrictions were lifted is neither surprising nor proves anything.






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4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Ever heard of Sara Rowbotham?

I doubt it, she's not a self publicist who makes false claims. But it was her actions which resulted in action finally being taken in Rochdale; she played a key role in exposing the Rochdale ring and bringing the perpetrators to court. Thus leading to the other investigations and convictions.

Nothing to do with Griffin, the BNP nor Yaxley-Lennon; despite their claims otherwise.

I am sure that She did , I am speaking from personal experience .

The first that I heard about the allegations was  from Nick Griffin on Television  , I seem to recall that it was a BNP party political broadcast around 2002 

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6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The law states that any reporting restrictions must be publicised and written on the court door and no such restrictions were publicised or placed on the court door and TR was informed that there were no reporting restrictions on the case 

 Says who?




Perhaps you can point to such a regulation in the Reporting Restrictions Guide


BTW, any chance of you answering the question about why Yaxley-Lennon never takes any action against, or even criticises, white paedophiles?

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I am sure that She did , I am speaking from personal experience .

The first that I heard about the allegations was  from Nick Griffin on Television  , I seem to recall that it was a BNP party political broadcast around 2002 

Then, if your recollection is correct and not dimmed by the passing years, the first you heard was Griffin taking responsibility for the work done by others.


I am not surprised. that he would so do.

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4 minutes ago, 7by7 said:



BTW, any chance of you answering the question about why Yaxley-Lennon never takes any action against, or even criticises, white paedophiles?

I have already answered that in a previous post on the previous page 

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Then, if your recollection is correct and not dimmed by the passing years, the first you heard was Griffin taking responsibility for the work done by others.


I am not surprised. that he would so do.

As I recall , people who were affected , parents from Northern towns , contacted the BNP after they had been to the Police , the authorities , Politicians and asked them to intervene in what was happening and no one did anything and so they contacted the BNP asking them to do something...............and they did  

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5 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Robinson should have understood that before doing what he did

Agree with you but he did understand - which is what makes his case all the worse. The judge specifically warned him against reporting + its not his first offence for contempt. In his report he even said he could get into trouble for what he was doing - so much for his claims that he was only being prosecuted because of who he is.

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Some what sadly, this has been going on for decades, if not centuries.


Totally beyond my understanding , sex with an underage person, Why?


I truly do not understand these people, and less so their clubs that pass on these desires.


Do unto others as you would have done to you. 


Have the <deleted> to stop it, if you have any suspisions



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5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

That link was posted by one of his supporters (you?) at the time and led nowhere.


That it was put back up once reporting restrictions were lifted is neither surprising nor proves anything.

Sorry but you can't "un-report" something. After the mainstream media(BBC in this case) ran the story naming the defendants - thats it - it's in the public domain. Normally people liken this sort of thinking that you can unreport something as closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

 Just outrageous that Tommy has been locked up for his role as a hero in exposing the industrial scale rape of children based on their skin colour. I have sent another donation to him, don't suppose he needs it but glad to help in any way I can to stop these grooming gangs being covered up in the future by the establishment.

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7 hours ago, Hogs said:

I will leave you to keep defending kiddie fiddlers mate 

Give yaself a pat on the back but you disgust me 

No one is defending kiddie fiddlers (please quote a post that does). We're condemning a racist who broke the law and who's actions could have led to kiddie fiddlers walking free.

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