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My computer frequently tells me some updates are available, I have had problems with this in the past and I avoid these updates...

I must have done a mistake as these updates were installed this morning, the result is that now I cannot login anymore,I am sure of my password, and I get rejected each time.

Is there anyway to restart my computer around this ( Safe mode, but how to do it ?)

Your help will be appreciated, thanks.


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Hi again

I have managed to restart in Safe Mode, but I am still asked for my password.

After entering it, I get the following error:

"The system cannot log you on due to the following error:

The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect

Please try again or consult your system administrator"

I have tried all the modes proposed when restarting in Safe Mode, but nothing works...

Thanks again if you have a solution.


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If you didn't set a password for the administrator account, try logging in with that.

At the login prompt, type Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice.

Then type in username administrator and password leave blank.

You might also have been hit with the "flashy malware".

If so, the administrator password will have been changed to "hacked".


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Thanks, I tried all this but nothing worked...

I went to a repair shop, we spent the whole afternoon trying to recover my laptop, but to no avail. I chose to buy a new hard disk , install new Windows Xp and other miscellaneous programs , and put my old one in a USB case, to access my old data.

Now I would like to recover my old Outlook Express messages, is there a way to find them in my old disk and transfer them in the new Outlook Express ?



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C:\Documents and Settings\Admin_2\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{A678FCB8-8D9D-4132-8981-ACB822429F3F}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

The above is the directory location for OE email. Use your login name in place of the 'Admin_2' (my login) above and the long series of identity numbers will be different on your system. Just copy the files from the directory on your old computer to the same directory on your new one.

The above is one long line, not two as it will show up on your monitor.

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Thanks Tyways, I also tried this, but cannot find the folder "identities" in "application date", I just have a "microsoft" folder wich does not seem to contains any messages...

I have tried to use the search engine, but did not find anything either...


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Guest Reimar
Thanks Tyways, I also tried this, but cannot find the folder "identities" in "application date", I just have a "microsoft" folder wich does not seem to contains any messages...

I have tried to use the search engine, but did not find anything either...


You need to set the permission for the folder Documents and Settings!

In Windows Explorer click on "Tools" follow by "Folder Options", click on

"View", go to the screen "Advanced Settings" check "Show Hidden Files and Folders", un-check "Hide protected operating system files" and aloow the change. Close the windows and in "My Documents and Settingsw ....... you will find "Identities, Microsoft, Outlook Express .."

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There is a way for to solve every thing but sometimes difficult to find.

Keep trying and going and on the end of the day may you got what you need!

How much true Reimar, thanks for your help, but still fruitless, or maybe I do not seek at the right place, I will carry on.



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Guest Reimar
There is a way for to solve every thing but sometimes difficult to find.

Keep trying and going and on the end of the day may you got what you need!

How much true Reimar, thanks for your help, but still fruitless, or maybe I do not seek at the right place, I will carry on.



Here's the complete path to the data: C:\Documents and Settings\[user Name]\Application Data\Local Settings\Identities\{654C40F3-...... }\Microsoft\Outlook Express\*.dbx

while [user Name] is the name you use for to logon and { 654C40F3-...... } are some MS-name differs from comp to comp.

Again: ""In Windows Explorer click on "Tools" follow by "Folder Options", click on

"View", go to the screen "Advanced Settings" check "Show Hidden Files and Folders", un-check "Hide protected operating system files" and allow the change."" Not forget to click on apply when finish!

Check the size of the DBX files! If one file exeeds the size fro, 2,096 MByte, the data file will be damaged because MS did not allow bigger size than 2,096 MByte. All Data files which exxed the size of 2,096 MByte will be damaged!

For to repair Outlook and Outlook Express files, there is a software named Ontrak Easy Recovery available. But this software isn't Freeware!

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Thanks again for your reply Reimar, I cannot find this path in my old hard disk, and my messages are still hidden somewhere. I did change the settings of my folder optioons.

I give up for today..

Thanks and good night


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why not just use an external mail service? there's plenty of them: gmail.com, doramail.com, yahoomail.com, etc. all for free, too

Hi oooooo

That's not the point, I have all these already and it works again just fine, what I am trying to do is to dig back my old messages from my old hard disk and to re install them in my new Outlook ERxpress.

Is there a way , faster than forwarding them one by one ( that would take a very long time, I tried..) , to forward ALL my messages from Gmail to Outlook Express ?



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After reading this thread, I have just sucessfully transfered some of my old outlook express emails from my back ups after reinstalling everything about 3 or 4 months ago. They weren't too important so I didn't worry about it, but I just want to let you know that it can be done by following the directions, but you must do it in the correct order. After clicking documents and settings, you will probably need to click "owner" if you have only one user account like I do. After that click local settings, not application data. Then identies, then the long string of numbers and letters, then microsoft and then OE and you will be there. The problem is that there are folders of the same names in each step, so you have to make sure you go in the right direction at the right time.

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I am glad it was at least useful for someone, I still cannot locate my messages, no such things as "Identities" folder, or "OE", maybe I really was infected by a virus or a malware, although nothing was found when we scanned the disk at the shop.

Thanks to all of you anyway.Have a good day. :o


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It really is there, but you just can't see it. The first thing you have to do is make it visible. Go to "Folder Options" and the easiest way to get there is in control panel. Click the view tab, and scroll down to advanced settings and check to "Show Hidden Files and Folders". You will also need to un-check "Hide protected operating system files", and when you do that you will get the standard microsoft message "Do you really want to do this?" Click yes and then go and find your email. When you are all done, go back to folder options and the veiw tab and then just click to restore default settings.

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