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Roundup weed killer


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You jest. 


I am not, but my sister is hypersensitive to chemicals and she gets dizzy and ill when walking past somebody's lawn that has had a roundup spray, in Canada.


Bayer aka Monsanto are big players in the field of GM seeds and crops.  Yes, they do produce seeds that are resistant to mould and bugs but each seed has a copyright and is for sale on a one time use basis.  That means no putting aside some of your harvest for planting the following year.


Using their seeds without paying is against the law and in Canada farmers have be successfully sued even when airborne or bird poop born seeds are found by the Monsanto police who are out there checking.


It does not take much imagination to see where the seed copyright process is going.  Soon farmers will be tied to Monsanto and they will have to pay whatever the price is set.  Just like Bayer and their life saving drugs that only the well insured and/or wealthy can afford.


Roundup is a very nasty bit of kit and their legal team are of the same ilk as those who defend the tobacco industry and fossil fuel groups.  How long did it take to make changes in the laws relating to tobacco?

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If i recall right just recently a lawsuit against them,they had to pay millions to a farmcouple who got cancer.

A few of these succesful lawsuits and they will have to stop producing this poison.

Farmers in India already have sold their souls to the monsanto company.

Look it up if you need to.

I remember when i was a young farm worker in Canada the first time we used it,we all thought it was just fantastic!!!

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57 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

Is it available in Thiland, if so what's it called in thai?

It was and still is.

It's called Roundup :smile: in English script and Thai transcript.

Recently I read that farmers would get a basic briefing how to use that stuff and proof of that would be needed to buy. But since then no update.


It shocks me to see when they spray their fields with toxic stuff and use no or completely useless protection (like the surgical masks).

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16 hours ago, Jan Dietz said:

Didn't they sell out to Bayer? At least now it's in the good and honest hands of the pharmaceutical industry. 

Yes, a megalomaniac of the world manager and his wise legal team decided so. These idiots managed to cut the stock value in half.

A fellow who worked with them for 40+ years since age 16 now has his early retirement plan.

Lucky you are I tell him.

And the US plaintiffs just waited for the chance to open thousands of court cases that will cost Bayer billions.

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Hey ho, the usual stuff.. used properly, Roundup is a boon to agriculture. Without it vegetable prices will go up 25 = 30%. Tell that to someone that's not eating well as it is. I don't deny that Monsanto hid stuff that didn't suit their agenda, and more fool they. I would rather eat vegetables that at some point had been in contact with Roundup than no vegetables at all. Sugar and Carbohydrates probably do much more harm than Roundup but nobody talks about that, do they?

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Yes cooked, roundup does work killing weeds.  Unfortunately it kills everything else too, most notably people.  Weed killers also kill bees very effectively and so there will come a time soon when pollination does not take place in a way that it should do.


There are other ways to control pests and weeds and if as much energy was spent on research as is spent defending poisons then we would be moving ahead in a more positive way towards safer solutions.


There are legal cases where compensation is paid but the sums are often drastically reduced on appeal.  Also, consider the seriously ill person having to take on a chemical giant and their well paid legal teams.  Spending your last years on earth in court fighting for justice is not my idea of fun.


Also, the problem with chemical products is that their targets build up a resistance to them.  So a stronger version needs to be used and the war on weeds etc. escalates out of control.


It has been recently announced that cockroaches will soon be immune to any kind of known chemical agent.


We believed to tobacco companies for many years and look where it got us to. 


As you are an ex hippy (I am one too) I am surprised that you are not more suspicious of the honesty and motives of the big chemical and pharma industries. 


Happy spraying and all that.

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On 7/16/2019 at 3:55 PM, notrub said:

Yes cooked, roundup does work killing weeds.  Unfortunately it kills everything else too, most notably people.  Weed killers also kill bees very effectively and so there will come a time soon when pollination does not take place in a way that it should do.


There are other ways to control pests and weeds and if as much energy was spent on research as is spent defending poisons then we would be moving ahead in a more positive way towards safer solutions.


There are legal cases where compensation is paid but the sums are often drastically reduced on appeal.  Also, consider the seriously ill person having to take on a chemical giant and their well paid legal teams.  Spending your last years on earth in court fighting for justice is not my idea of fun.


Also, the problem with chemical products is that their targets build up a resistance to them.  So a stronger version needs to be used and the war on weeds etc. escalates out of control.


It has been recently announced that cockroaches will soon be immune to any kind of known chemical agent.


We believed to tobacco companies for many years and look where it got us to. 


As you are an ex hippy (I am one too) I am surprised that you are not more suspicious of the honesty and motives of the big chemical and pharma industries. 


Happy spraying and all that.

You're a k**bend. I use the stuff in very small quantities about twice a year, 

Don't patronise me telling me stuff you think I don't know about as though I was a naive ignoramus. I remember life before Roundup, I remember seeing entire wheat fields becoming unharvestable because of bindweed. I suggest you turn your attentions towards the Standard American Diet (SAD) as recommended by the American Dietary Concil and the American Heart Association that actually DO kill many millions every year, shorten lives and reduce pleasure in life, than a chemical that does more good than bad and helps to feed many millions. Roundup kills people, improperly used, but not nearly as many as the SAD.

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Well cooked, I don't know what a k**bend is but I assume it is derogatory.  I thought describing myself as an ex hippy was all the qualifications needed.  That and being able to read, of course.


Yes, we are tied to fossil fuels and chemicals and capitalism but accepting that as reality does not make it right.  You may recall that slavery was, at one time, considered an essential ingredient for farming and life in general.  That changed and although we are not called slaves any more, we are still slaves to the system.  Those who prepare mail orders for delivery have their toilet breaks limited and timed and they all work under the eye of cctv, for example.


I was not criticising you personally for using Roundup, simply pointing out that the manufacturers are not an honourable company.  Monsanto likes to dress itself up as a saviour to many of the world's ills and we should cut them some slack because of that.


I don't know what they put on the rice fields here for fertiliser or what they put in those fogging machines they use to kill bugs but I am sure it is not nice stuff.  I am sure that the farmers are not too concerned about how much they use as long as it works.  Then it goes into the water table.


Monsanto can produce seeds that can be identified genetically as well as being bug resistant.

What will stop them from producing seeds that grow into plants that can only be protected by one of their products? 


Monsanto...Think of the Marlborough Man and how his image glorified a cancer causing product. 


GM crops are banned from the EU.  Why is that?  

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Just now, notrub said:

Yes, we are tied to fossil fuels and chemicals and capitalism but accepting that as reality does not make it right.......


I don't know what they put on the rice fields here for fertiliser or what they put in those fogging machines they use to kill bugs but I am sure it is not nice stuff.  I am sure that the farmers are not too concerned about how much they use as long as it works......


What will stop them from producing seeds that grow into plants that can only be protected by one of their products? ......

A few thoughts on three issues you have brought up.

We are not obliged to use fossil fuels or chemicals, we either are unable to source alternatives, too apathetic to even look or unable to afford the alternatives. We make a conscious choice to use them.

Since you say you dont know what is used let me offer answers. Rice crops are usually fertilised twice, firstly with Urea (46-0-0) to provide the nitrogen for plant growth and secondly with an NPK fertilser like 18-18-8 or 16-16-16 for flowering and seed set.

The flogging machines are primarily used to kill mosquitoes (you know about dengue fever I suppose) the pesticide used is petrochemically based. 

Most farmers are concerned with two issues, yield and cost, which is the limiting factor. Hence they are very concerned with the quantity used. 

The last one is interesting. Many crop seeds Monsanto developed make them roundup ready, that is tolerant of the herbicide. Since these were introduced the use of roundup increased by a factor of 2. Now weeds can be treated during the crop growing cycle. The really nasty effects of roundup are caused by the toxic chemicals in combination with the surfactant used to increase the penetration into plant (and people).

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Thanks Isaan Aussie.  That is an interesting post and I did know a little (very little) about fertiliser as I buy it and take it home in my truck.  I try not to think about it too much, however.  Also, prefer a bit of oily fog to dying from dengue fever.


But you didn't answer the really important question.  What is a k**bend?  


Happy farming from your pal, burton

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6 hours ago, notrub said:

Thanks Isaan Aussie.  That is an interesting post and I did know a little (very little) about fertiliser as I buy it and take it home in my truck.  I try not to think about it too much, however.  Also, prefer a bit of oily fog to dying from dengue fever.


But you didn't answer the really important question.  What is a k**bend?  


Happy farming from your pal, burton

The misspelled end of a knob. I f you don't know what a knob is, send me  ฿10 000 in an unmarked envelope and I will explain.

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Well cooked, I do know what persons use knob for as a derogatory comment but I wouldn't have thought knobend  is sufficiently antisocial to get monitored out.  Let's see.  Why do you now say it is misspelled?  Except the various sites show it as 2 words.  Some with a hyphen and some without.  You could also choose to insult me by calling me a doorknob and even I would get the idea that you don't care for my comments about Roundup.    


One person, Orton Rd, wrote 'I bought it off lazada, kills everything!' and that is exactly my point.

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